Love As The Darker Binding Ch. 08


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"Thanks," she said, pushing the thin wad down, "Good thing I wore panties today. At least they're taking some of this."

After getting herself done up again, she looked up at Imogen, "Thanks. I mean that, thank you. And my name's Bonny.

Well, it's not really Bonny, but, ... My mother was a Romana -- a gypsy. My father was a biker."

She rolled her eyes, "He insisted on naming me after a motorcycle. I've even met a girl named Harley, but nooo, I get named after something British."

"You were named after a motorcycle?" Imogen smiled, "What? That was what he named the bike and then when you came along, ..."

Bonny shook her head, "I'm named after the Triumph Bonneville."

"And they're named after a place in the desert where there are salt flats and people go there to break speed records" Imogen said.

The girl tried to use a leftover napkin to try to wipe her face for a moment. She looked up then, one eye squinted closed against the low angle of the sun, "You're just trying to make me feel better.

And it's working a little."

The blonde held out her hand, "I'm Imogen. I think we ought to go for a sausage over at the cart before the guy buggers off for the day.

Come on, Bonny, named after a bike named after a place. I'm buying us all one."

She looked over at Dusty, "Though we might get one and a half if I don't get some kind of approval out of Dusty here."

Bonny got to her feet and after a quick check to make sure that her pad wasn't going anywhere, they set off, a now less heavy blonde and a thin Gypsy girl walking on either side of an Irish Wolfhound.

"How old are you, Bonny? I thought you looked older when you were with that guy, but now, ..."

"Eighteen, all fucked up and lost," Bonny said quietly, "I left home to get away from the constant howling world war there a year ago. I guess I've been sliding downhill ever since. A whole new rock bottom for me every fucking day." They were silent for a time after that.

"Your friend," Bonny said carefully, "You know that he's not a dog, right?"

"He's not a dog," Imogen said, "and he told me that you can see him as he really is and hear him in your head too. He's -- he's my boyfriend."

"Oh yeah?" The shorter one asked in shock and surprise. She took a look at Dusty, who looked back with what seemed to be a smile -- and she wasn't seeing a dog.

"Well you've got great taste in men then. A lot better than me, anyway. I watched you sunbathing a while back for a minute. I thought that you were so lucky to have a dog like him. Then I saw that he's no dog and I almost pissed myself. But then he told me that he wouldn't hurt me."

Bonny chuckled in that smoky way that her voice had, "I thought you were even luckier then. Ok, NOW I'm just fucking jealous, alright?"

"Dusty told me that you can just see things like that," Imogen said, "Have you always been like that?"

Bonny nodded, "Since I was little. I got it from my mom, I guess. Sometimes what I see scares the crap out of me. But sometimes it's saved my skinny ass to have been able to see it before I walked into a trap." They fell silent on the topic as they approached the vendor.

"I was about to close up and head home," he said with a smile, "But you got here just in time. I've got three sausages still a little hot. I'll give 'em to you for half, since I won't end up tossing them now, if you don't mind them a little crunchy at the ends."

Sitting together on the curb later, they talked until the street lights came on, but in that time, Bonny gained at least a temporary place to sleep and a pair of friends. After hearing a little about what they were doing to get Imogen ready to fly and why, Bonny had asked.

"So you work for somebody," she said, "And he's a demon. Wow, Sounds like a pretty good gig if you're careful. I always wanted to learn to fly, but by myself, I can't even keep me fed.

Who is it if I can ask? I learned a lot from my mom and I have a few old book reprints of my own. Well I used to. That asshole's probably tossed them or hocked them by now. Who is it?"

"I don't know his name," Imogen said, "He said that it was against the rules to tell me. He said to just call him Abi."

Bonny stared with a gasp. "I know of him." She held up her hand, "Say nothing more. I know his name. What did you have to give?"

Imogen shook her head. "I met him when he came into my place to get the soul of a guy who was wanted in hell or something. He didn't do anything to me that I didn't want. He fucked me, but it was what we both wanted, and he fixed my eyes and he's paying for my lessons and licenses.

He gave me and Dusty to each other. Dusty is his pilot and I'm being trained to be his other pilot. We fell in love, and we're really happy, that's all."

"I hope you know what you're getting into," Bonny said almost in a whisper, "He's got a lot of names. He's a great duke of hell in one of my books. Another one mentions him as the Demon of the Abyss, and he's supposed to be some bad-ass kind of destroyer."

When they got to Imogen's apartment, Bonny washed her face to get the last of the mascara mess off and cleaned up the mess of the slightly disintegrating napkin between her legs. Dusty asked them to put his saddle bags on him. "How much have you got for belongings?" he asked Bonny.

"Almost nothing," she said, "A couple pairs of jeans, some tops and T shirts, and some makeup. That's about it, oh, and my laptop and maybe seven books. Why?"

"Take your knapsack, Imogen," he said, "From what I feel, Bonny lived seven blocks from here. We'll get her things for her."


They were on their way back later and Bonny was still a little wide-eyed about it.

"We found all of my stuff but my laptop, and he handed that over as nice as pie. Why did you do what you did? Why did you change like that? I almost crapped MY pants then."

"You didn't see it. He had it in his mind to throw it on the ground," Dusty told her in the guise of the Wolfhound again. "I just let him see who'd come back later to get the money for it out of him."

He sighed then, "But he decided to be an idiot and waved that gun at me, so ... "

"Good thing Imogen always carries a ton of napkins everywhere," Bonny said, "You were a bloody mess around your mouth and your one hand for a couple of minutes there before you changed back."

"You've got a little pile of money from his pocket," Imogen smiled, "and the world is missing one asshole tonight."

As they walked on, they passed a few bunches of young men. Most of them had something to say as they watched. Some of it was mindless shit.

Some of it was a little surprising.

Once or twice, it was actually admiration.

"They think we're together," Bonny frowned without looking over. "At least about a quarter of them think we do things with your dog. I want to scream at them to grow up."

"Don't," Imogen whispered in warning, "It would probably just get even more stupid. I don't want Dusty to risk having to change out here on the street. Let's just get home."

A block later, there was no one near them. Bonny had been brushing up against Dusty's side once in a while. When that happened, she felt Imogen's fingers against her thigh because she had her hand resting against his shoulder.

Bonny looked down for a moment and then she reached to take Imogen's hand in hers and rested them on Dusty's back.

Imogen looked down.

"Please let me," Bonny said without looking, "This is something that never happens to me. I haven't felt like I've got friends since about junior high. I know we just met today, but, ..."

Imogen looked then and she saw Bonny hold up her other hand to her face for a moment, "I'm afraid that you'll disappear."

Imogen heard the way that Bonny's voice cracked at the end, and she felt her eyes sting a little as well.

She tightened her grip on Bonny's hand so that it wasn't just Bonny who held hers.

"It's ok," she whispered, "Now I feel like I've got two friends too."


More than a block away, Imogen warned Bonny.

"When we're at home, we like to be natural," Imogen said, "I hope you don't mind, but you're gonna see Dusty the way that I know him -- like he was back there, but nice and he can cook like some awesome chef."

"That's fine," Bonny nodded, "It was a shock before, since I had no warning, I could get used to him like that, though. He's got a fantastic shape, all muscles and teeth. Fuck, that's pure sex to a girl like me. I'd love to see that."

"I think that I'd like to see you when you think like that," Dusty said in their minds.

Imogen looked down at him.

"Well I would," he said and it made her chuckle.

"Well that's the good part, I guess," Imogen said, feeling a little funny, but determined to live the way that she wanted in her own home. "You'll get to see me in all of my questionable splendor too. I like to live naked at home. I always have, ever since I've been on my own."

"No fucking way!" Bonny grinned, "That's awesome.

Way to go Imogen," she said quietly.

She looked at the sidewalk for a minute, "I'd um, ... I'd really like to see that too. That's why I was looking at you in the dunes. I didn't know you when you had the glasses you were talking about and everything. But I sure like you now."

Imogen had no reply, really. She didn't know what Bonny was trying to say to her. She'd never done anything with another girl and she didn't intend to. She just didn't really know a good way to say it.

"I have to pee," Dusty said out of nowhere.

They were near the apartment and almost in the very same place where they were the first night. Imogen laughed and Bonny didn't get it.

"Quick," Imogen hugged Bonny as she began to whisper urgently in her ear. "Answer my questions honestly with no thought, ok?"

"Ok," Bonny said in a curious tone.

"You're not shy about your body right? Like you wouldn't mind it if Dusty and me saw you naked?"

"No," Bonny hissed back, sensing some urgency, "Not if you were too. I think you both look awesome -- and it wasn't at the same time or anything, but we have seen each other naked, Imogen."

Imogen nodded against Bonny's head, "And I don't know if you understood me correctly before, but I've come to know that you know things, like the kind of things that regular people don't know about, right?"

Bonny nodded, "Sure, though everybody I knew back in Key West thought I was just a whackjob."

"Ok, here's a secret, but I gotta hurry. "I meant it when I said that Dusty is my boyfriend."

There was a short pause as Bonny waited to hear more, "Yeah, so? By 'boyfriend' I got that you fuck together. I'm still jealous. What's your point?"

Imogen chuckled in Bonny's ear softly, "You wanna be in our club?"

Bonny laughed a little, "Sure. What do I have to do to join?"


Imogen guided, Bonny into the little space between the buildings after telling her that it was safe with Dusty standing guard for them.

"This isn't really a kink or a fetish, Bonny. It's more like a kind of game that we play for each other."

She untied her bikini bottom, "Pull down your cut-offs and make sure that Dusty can see when you squat beside me."

Bonny smiled, "Are we gonna flash him or something?"

"Sort of," Imogen smiled, "We're gonna let him watch us as we pee for him, like we got to watch him a minute ago."

"Ok," Bonny chuckled as she pulled her cut-offs right off over her sneakers.

"I wanna be in this club," she giggled, "Can I hang on to you so I don't fall on my ass?"

"Sure," Imogen smiled, "Hug me if you want. We just gotta hurry it a little now before somebody comes by."

When they began, Dusty was all smiles. The girls were too, right up until the second when Bonny turned Imogen's face and kissed her right in the middle of it.

Imogen felt shock, then surprise. Right after that, she decided that it wasn't bad and she'd liked it as something to add to the little show for Dusty. As they went on, she began to return Bonny's kisses just for fun.

They broke apart as they finished and then Imogen held out another of the thousands of napkins that she always carried. Bonny took it but then she reached over and took Imogen's as well.

"I know you're not into girls," she smiled, "But you guys have been great to me so try to allow me a little ok?"

Bonny wiped Imogen carefully and then she wiped herself with the other napkin. They stood up then to put the things that they'd been holding in their other hands back on as quickly as they could.

"Wait! Wait!" Bonny whispered, "I like this. Let's do it right for him. Let's pull up out T shirts for him so he can see our tits. Then just let me kiss you for a second. He'll love it!"

Imogen nodded and they had another little thing for their little show.

Bonny had a moment of trouble getting one of her sneakers through her cut-offs for a moment, but they walked back out to Dusty holding hands then.

"How did I do?" Bonny asked, "Am I in?"

"We need to check with Dusty," Imogen smiled.

"Hey, as far as I'm concerned, you were in as soon as you kissed me. That was perfect. I just like to give him little shows like that. He's a little jealous, 'cause he can't do much other than pee like this, so the shows are for him, like blowing him kisses."

Bonny looked at Dusty and neither of them had ever seen an Irish Wolfhound with his bushy eyebrows quiet that high. His ears were still almost standing straight up.

Imogen had to hold on to Bonny for a moment, she was laughing so hard.

"I'd say you're in!"

"You guys are amazing," Bonny chuckled as she stepped over to the other side of Imogen and put her arm around her waist.

Imogen looked for a second and smiled, "Oh what the heck. Why the fuck not?"

She did the same to Bonny and they began to walk again. "Dusty has a bit of trouble going pee in the bathroom, so I get to hold his willy for him."

She wasn't sure where that came from, but she liked the way that she felt at the moment very much.

"Thanks," Dusty said, "Let's just alert the media while we're at it."

"Don't be like that," Imogen said, "I'm proud of you."

"No way," Bonny whispered, "That's actually kind of cool to me. What if he has to go in the middle of the night?"

"Can we please find something else to talk about?" Dusty asked with a bit of a whine to it.

"I never mind," Imogen smiled, "I'm getting to the point where I just get up and follow him in. I can point him in the right place all while leaning my head on his back. If I get any better at it, I think I'll be able to do it in my sleep."

"Hey, could I maybe try it sometime?" Bonny asked. She looked down at him, "You wouldn't mind, would you Dusty?"

"I dunno," he said pretending to think about it, "Maybe I'd prefer to have the sausage guy hold it for me."

"I wouldn't recommend it," Imogen said dryly, "Maybe you didn't notice, but he puts cuts into his sausages all day long. He might forget. It's probably an automatic reflex to reach for his knife."

Dusty looked up with huge eyes.

"Seriously, could I try it sometime? I'd be careful." Bonny said.

"You'd better be," Imogen said with a deadpan expression, "You've seen how much, right? You miss the middle of the bowl, you're cleaning up, ok?"

"That's fair," Bonny said. She looked at Dusty who appeared to be getting annoyed.

"You can wake me up if you need to, Dusty. That way, Mama can get a little more sleep, ok?"

"I think that I'm going to make you regret those words," he grumbled.


Imogen was sitting on the bed kissing Dusty, who sat on the floor when Bonny got out of the shower. She toweled off and then thought about putting some clothes on.

But after a look at the two of them, she shrugged and decided against it and came out to sit with them. She watched for a few minutes with a big smile.

"You guys are so sweet like that."

They pulled apart and Imogen looked at her as she wiped her lips, "You're just saying that because you want some."

"No I'm not," Bonny protested. She looked down then a little wishfully, "Yes I am."

"What do you think, Baby?" Imogen smiled, "Should we let Bonny into the smooching club?"

"I'd like to say yes," Dusty said, "But I feel like I'm standing at the edge of a minefield here."

"Ohmygosh. Can I?" Bonny asked.

"Who's boyfriend is he?" Imogen asked.

"Yours, but, ... Oh, I'd love to try."

"It's up to you now," Imogen said as she kissed Dusty quickly and moved to sit farther back on the bed, "I'm ok with a little sharing because Bonny just gets to me somehow. But it's your choice, Honey. I won't mind."

Dusty nodded and smiled at Bonny.

She moved in a flash to sit where Imogen had been sitting, but she turned to look over her shoulder when she felt Imogen move to kneel behind her.

"What are you doing, Imogen? I love the way you're kneeling with my bum between your thighs like this, but you don't like -"

"Just a precaution," Imogen smiled over Bonny's shoulder. "You probably won't believe me, but he can get to you the first time. I just want to be ready to catch you, that's all."

"Sure," Bonny smiled in a skeptical tone.

But when it happened, Bonny did feel herself sag. She reached out and held Dusty's neck and whimpered. In her life, she'd never felt a kiss like she felt then. Imogen put her arms around Bonny at the first sign of it.

After a few moments as Bonny got into it, she let go of Dusty long enough to move Imogen's hand so that it was on one of her breasts before she moved it back onto Dusty again.


"What happens when you get all of the things that you're taking lessons to get?" Bonny asked.

Imogen said, "That will be the slightly hard moment for me. Abi will come for us then and I'll leave with him and Dusty. I'll have to get used to flying something huge and then prove to Abi that I can do that safely. But I don't know if I'll ever come back. That's the hard part, I guess."

"I didn't think of it before," Dusty said, "But you'll get at least a little of what you want with me. On that craft and anywhere we go, unless it's cold or something like that, we all stay naked. On that ship at the very least, Imogen, we will be able to walk together, just as you want."

Imogen looked at him curiously, "So nobody's gonna say anything?"

He shook his head, "Why would they? They won't be wearing anything either. Most of the time, it'll just be him, us, and he said that he's gathering others for a crew. When I left to come here, there were a pair of techs for the sensors, and another pair for maintenance. I guess by the time we come back, he might have a few more. He said something to me about security and others to help him when he comes to take souls."

"Ok" Imogen grinned, "Maybe it won't be a slightly hard moment for me."

Bonny looked a little sad. "When is that supposed to happen? I just met you guys."

"A year and a half maybe," Dusty said.

Bonny looked at Imogen and slowly pulled her down onto the bed so they were looking at each other. "I meant what I said. You've both been great to me, somebody that you didn't know from anybody."

She reached over and moved Imogen's hair from her face. "I know you're pretty straight, but, ... did you like my kisses, Imogen? I loved yours and if it's ok, I'd be really happy if I could have a few more like that."

Imogen had to smile. She hadn't changed in herself, but she had liked Bonny's soft kisses. "Sure," she said, and she reached to pull Bonny closer.

As the kisses went on, just the really soft and pleasant girl kind, Bonny began to whimper and moan a little. Imogen grew puzzled -- especially when Bonny began to move a little. From Imogen's point of view, Bonny moved just a bit up and down, not enough to spoil their kisses to each other.