Love As The Darker Binding Ch. 10


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"Hold me up by my hips!" she cried, hoping that this might work. Carrie had just come a little bit before that, and she held her arms out as rigidly as she could, lifting her feet up off the rock and spreading her legs wide while Darett'h held her by the hips and filled her again.

Quite often in it, Temma and B'Naht had bent over and gotten underneath Carrie to squeeze and suck at her breasts or just to caress her skin in wonder. As the long moment went on now however, they stared and laughed in amazement.


"I have never seen such a thing," B'Naht said, still a little in awe. "You - you were made to fuck with Darett'h.

"You are too easily impressed," Temma said in a feigned tone of worldly boredom. "I have never felt it, but I remember when I was little that I watched as my mother fucked that way. I did not know what they were doing then. The male was not my father, I learned later, for he had already been killed protecting her as she spawned me.

But I did see it when that one with my mother was hard enough in it to push my mother forward as she tried to push back." She smiled, "He even caused her to stand on her hands as he pushed so that her legs were in the air."

She laughed then, abandoning her phony pretense, "But it wasn't like what we just saw with you both. I am so happy now."

Darett'h was on his back, lying on the floor and holding Carrie in his arms.

She tried to explain what a horse was to them, saying that it was larger than humans, and often carried a large value to his or her owners. "Sometimes the owner of a prize mare - that's the female - wants to breed her with a prize stallion. A lot of money might be exchanged in the arrangements. The reason that I was laughing so much was because the way that you both played and acted in getting Darett'h and I together made me think of those people, wanting everything to work out and feeling concern over the animals.

We're not animals, "she chuckled, "but you're both so sweet like that and I had to smile and even though I've just met you all, I've learned that with you two, a smile only lasts for so long. Then it turns into a laugh."

She stretched in Darett'h arms for a second. "I've met a lot of people in my life, I guess. But even as different as we are, I think that girls with a sense of humor are the same in a way. I think you're both amazing, and if it's possible ... I'd love it if you'd consider me your friend."

There was silence then, though Darett'h hugged Carrie a little, trying to tell her that she'd opened a box here.

"I do not know," B'Naht began in a slightly airy tone.

Darett'h groaned softly, "It begins now, just wait."

B'Naht looked annoyed, "Oh shut up, Darett'h. You are a male. I can say that you are a fine one and that your girls love you. That is not in question here. But you are a male all the same and know nothing of the way that females talk between themselves.

I have seen you in the little market inside the abbey walls. You pick a thing up and look at it and then you lay down what is asked. Have you ever seen Temma or I do anything like that?"

He shook his head a little wearily, "No. I have seen you both waste half an hour going from stall to stall to compare prices. Then I have watched you waste an hour more in haggling and succeed in saving a little small money while everyone behind you - especially the males - silently yearns for your death. Why do you think I stand so close at those times?"

"And what did we do with our small money then? "Temma asked pointedly, "We bought you ale and one of those large pretzel things that you love so. So hold your tongue, Demon. Or those gifts might become no more than a memory when you sigh sadly and say that once you had the love of a pair who would do these little things for you."

Carrie looked into Darett'h's face with her eyebrows as high as his.

He shrugged, "I suppose that I have just been told."

"I have conditions," B'Naht said solemnly.

Carrie told her that among humans, there were no conditions placed on friendships, because then they weren't true friendships.

Temma snorted quietly as she reached around B'Naht to hold her breast, "And look at what it has done for your world."

"What does that have to do with anything?" Carrie asked, confused now.

"Nothing, "Temma grinned, "It was all that I could think of to say. I have no idea over the state of your world."

I will be your friend," B'Naht smiled, "if Darett'h allows you to share your kisses with Temma and me sometimes. For that, I will love you as my friend and more. But Darett'h must also allow us to play with him as we have always done. I am one who loves another girl, but I have grown used to his tongue so that I crave it sometimes."

"And I will be your friend also," Temma smiled, "but I think that I already was. If we are agreed then we must think of something that you are very good at, Carrie. It must be something which you do better than most.

When we have learned what we came here to know, we must call to the lord who pays us so well. He will come and then we must leave. What we saw here this night is that you should be with us. I am not sure, but I think I have heard it said that the juices of some demons can make a human stronger, though they then can live on other planes such as where we come from.

You belong with us - with Darett'h too, so we must think of this."

"The bargain," Darett'h sighed, "you have not even decided that between you."

"Yes we have Darett'h," Temma snapped softly, "You still do not understand your own females. Did Carrie jump up and run away? No. Look, she holds you even tighter. She has already accepted."

B'Naht nodded with a little smile, "We already have our human friend. She only needs to know more and then think of what she might do to interest our ruler."

Darett'h snorted, "No one asks me."

Carrie looked at him, "I'm gonna need to hear a lot more of all this. But if what I hear matches the way that I feel ... well, would you allow it?"

The large male looked at her curiously, "For you to come along - if the ruler allows it - I want this only as your friend. You need only ask me about the rest if I am a stupid one who must control his female.

I am not stupid and you are not - "

He stopped, feeling her fingers over his lips and his eyebrows rose a little.

"Yes I am," Carrie smiled, "I am if you're my boy. I know what kind of life I've got. From here until I die, it will just be more of what I already had. I'm ready to try something new. But I don't want to do it alone. So I accept, but here are MY conditions.

I want you three as my friends, and for a friend, I'd do a lot. I agree to whatever your girls here want of me - because they're so much fun and they're my friends all of a sudden. I wouldn't make that statement if you all were human. We take time to make most friendships and relationships because humans don't trust each other right off the bat for anything.

If you wanted to harm me, why would you have waited this long to do it? I have a feeling that most demons are things that I wouldn't want to know very much, but I like this."

She kissed Darett'h quickly "And I'm ready to try something with you if we can keep going on being careful. I don't want to fuck this up even one little bit.

So yeah, I'm your female. You say yes, and I will too."

There was more silence as Darett'h stared.

"If I must get up from here where I am with Temma feeling my tit so nicely to knock our head for you," B'Naht growled.

"Yes!, Oh yes," Darett'h rumbled frantically, "I was only surprised. Be my female and I am your male and come with us pleeease!

If we do not agree in a hurry, B'Naht will insist that I go to the market with her again and I fear to lose what life that I have left as I stand and wait in that place while she decides over a new cloth to wrap her pretty tits with."

B'Naht scowled at him, but Temma hugged her, laughing her ass off since it was true.

Carrie looked down at Darett'h, "You know, the way you made it sound as though you had so little experience in love just sucked me in. It might really be that way for all that I know and I accept it. What we did was great, but I also know that you were trying to win me with that fucking sunlamp that you've got for a heart. I've never felt anything like what I'm feeling right now.

But I also know that you've just paved over a very sticky spot of roadway here with your little pleading joke."

She kissed him and moved to lie with her head on his chest. "You're wiser than you let on, Darett'h. It's just one of the little things that I'm really beginning to love about you."


They were talking as Carrie drove her pickup truck to the range.

After a little more fun that night, she and 'the girls' as she sometimes thought of them brought the game down to her house and after a little work, they had a few fine meals to cook up. The others were astounded when Carrie had served them the very first roasts.

"I do not think that I will want to just sit and eat what I catch ever again," Temma said.

Carrie had looked over, "You mean you just, ... ewww!"

As they drove, Abi was a little surprised at this human. "You have the sight," he said, "at least somewhat. Why are you so calm?" He held up his fist, "How many fingers am I holding up?"

Carrie didn't even look over. "Three, counting your thumb, your index finger, and your pinky. What's the big shock here? I might not know WHO you are, but I know you're some big boss to them. I've had to listen to them all for the last three weeks about today.

My eyes work too. I know you're a big guy, but I've been with my boyfriend and he's even taller than you, so I've gotten used to being a little close to a big guy. Bringing you here was my idea wasn't it?"

For once, Abi found that he couldn't argue. Carrie made perfect sense and so he just tried to find a way to sit in comfort as she drove up and parked, getting out to pay her range fees.


She used her FN switched to semi-automatic and produced very good scores at several ranges out to four hundred yards and Abi was impressed - especially since it wasn't a target rifle and she was shooting over iron sights without a scope.

"You give me something made for this and about a week, and I'll really amaze you. This is an assault rifle. It wasn't exactly made for this."

She produced her pistol and nailed the bull's-eye on target after target at two hundred yards. The repeatability of her scores surprised Abi.

"Very good," he admitted, "I may have use for this skill soon. But that scope will be useless after dark, and that's the best time of day for what I have in mind. And this is just shooting paper. Can you shoot when I tell you and the one is another human?"

"Am I going to be allowed to stay with my friends?" she asked, "Am I going to do what you want as someone who won't live here very much anymore?"

Carrie lowered the long pistol, reaching over again to lift the bolt on the action and pull it back so that the spent casing sailed out in a bright brassy arc.

"You ever heard of a night scope, Abi?

I can't get a really good one since they're for military use. Get me one like that and the things I'll need, and I think we can agree."

He thought about it. "Can you ride a horse?"

She looked over and nodded, "Well enough, I'd guess. Can you stop adding more things to this interview?"

Abi laughed then and he put his arm around Carrie's shoulder, "Yes. Even I know it when I'm in danger of bargaining too much."


As they drove away, she looked over, "I get the feeling that you don't have hunting people in mind here. Wanna clue me in at least a little?"

"It might happen," he said, watching the countryside pass by, "But I know that something is coming. I can't say what it is, either. That's' why your three friends are in that cave in the first place, to find out for me."

He stretched a little, feeling cramped as he sat, "Alright. I'll get you something else for long range work. You keep that pistol ready and you're in."

"What caliber are we talking here for the long gun?" she asked, "I'd want something with a long, flat trajectory."

He nodded as he admired her biceps, seeing at once that she was no stranger to bladed weapons, The signs were there to be read all over her.

"Well you're a big girl," he smiled, "I like that about you on top of your ability. For what I want, you'll be carrying around about thirty pounds of bang-stick, plus whatever else you think you'll need. As far as caliber for what you'll be hunting for me, I think that fifty caliber would work out.

Carrie stared, "You mean like half-inch thick bullets?"

He nodded, "Yes. And about five inches long overall with the case. Something with an accurate range out to two miles."

He smiled as he looked at her, "You DO think you can handle that, right? You just might be protecting your three lovers, you never know."

Carrie lowered her head a little as she glared over the top of the steering wheel.

"Fuck yeah," she growled, "I can handle it. But it all adds up to some weight. You know that ammunition weighs a lot more. How am I supposed to carry all that AND a whack of ammunition around. I won't even get to where I'm supposed to go until the week after with all of that."

"Darett'h," Abi smiled, "Let your boyfriend carry some of it."

"Oh yeah." Carrie smiled.

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sailandoarsailandoarabout 10 years ago
So darn . .

. . . SMOOTH, thanks yet again for what you do so well.

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