Love As The Darker Binding Ch. 11


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Teach me what I must know about this gift that I hold, and I will try to live with someone who cares for me as I try to learn the way to care for her."

Oyan couldn't reply. She could only nod through her own tears. A moment later, the two women sat holding on to each other as they wept quietly.

Oyan's brother came out to them many minutes later, carrying half a dozen full magazines for the weapons. He set them down and smiled, "I do not know where your path will take you, sister. I only hope to see you alive again someday.

Take these. I bought them for you and I hope that they keep Oyan and her friend safe."

The two women slept near to each other that night in the hut where Oyan had lived with her husband when they'd been just starting out and didn't have enough to really live together on their own. That was where Oyan and Mokonyi bedded down for the night.

But they didn't intend to sleep together.

At least, it hadn't been their intent. Mokonyi wasn't quite certain if it was what she wanted beyond friendship, though she kept up a bit of slightly hopeful chatter and Oyan wouldn't have pushed it for anything, because she knew that no matter which way that this went, there was a fairly good chance that she'd at least have a friend to live with and they could hopefully care for each other in some regard.

The thought of trying to begin something wasn't really what either of them wanted in that place, though they spoke in quiet whispers to each other and held hands in the darkness for a while waiting to fall asleep.

After trying twice to get comfortable and not really meeting with much success, Oyan opened her eyes. Mokonyi was lying on her side facing her with a soft smile on her face, but she said nothing.

When Oyan saw it, she raised her eyebrows quizzically and Mokonyi moved herself forward to place her arm over Oyan's shoulder. Oyan only looked, afraid to say anything as Mokonyi inched slowly closer until their breasts found their own gentle fit between them.

"I am one who has always had the luck to be able to make a friend easily, so I have never put much on it."

She smiled and sighed as she continued, "But I have never known one such as you, Oyan.

Such things you say to me – wild and fanciful things to my ears – and then you take my hand and lead me away so that you can begin to make those things happen!"

She pulled them even closer together then and she kissed Oyan's lips very softly for a moment. "I still do not really know if I am ready to lie with you in the night as a lover, but Oyan, I do know that I now wish to try to sleep against my friend who has made my life feel better in a single day only to walk beside her.

Come," she smiled, "Hold me to at least begin. I want to kiss you."

Oyan said nothing. She only placed her arms around Mokonyi's neck and kissed her for a few moments.

But it changed between them in under a minute. Oyan groaned and sighed as Mokonyi's soft and gentle kisses just took her away. It was better than she'd ever hoped that it even might be. Mokonyi seemed to grow hungry somehow, and her kisses went everywhere, each one worth gold to someone such as Oyan.

"Beauty," she gasped, trying for a little breath, "Oh, you sweet girl, where did you learn to kiss this way?"

Mokonyi rose up to sit on her hip, looking down at Oyan and feeling herself being taken as well. Oyan had her own brand of beauty and here in this dark place, her ebony skin seemed to shine and almost glow for only her.

"Is it important to you that you know this?" Mokonyi smiled, looking every bit as mischievous at the pack of young boys in her village earlier.

Oyan nodded, "I have never felt kisses like yours in my life."

"Have you ever done this with another girl?" Mokonyi asked, tilting her head a little coquettishly.

Oyan only shook her head and felt a little ashamed for it for some reason. But Mokonyi wasn't having any of that and she made it clear as she leaned in to kiss Oyan again until she gasped once more, "They grow better each moment!"

Mokonyi almost beamed with pride to have been able to please Oyan so well with only her kisses.

"My sister and I are not from the village where you saw me," the lighter-skinned girl whispered, "we come from the next Surma village to the north along the same river. At the time, there were almost no men to be seen in the daytime. They all spent their nights guarding the cattle.

My sister and I grew a little desperate for almost anyone's touch that summer and the heat at night only made our longing worse. It began as a light-hearted joke from me that with no men around, a girl's life was awful, and with no prospect of any good fucking in the near future, soon the women would be reduced to fucking each other.

I didn't mean to say it in quite that way, but it was so hot that you would sweat only lying on a mat outside in the darkness since there was not even a hint of a night breeze, and I guess that the words just came out of me like that. We looked at each other for a long minute, I would say, and then my sister jumped up and pulled me to my feet with her.

Before I could even ask, she held her fingers to my lips and told me to be still. We stood there together for long enough to be sure that no one had heard us and then she pulled me by my hand into her hut.

Neither of us knew what we were doing or even what we could do, but it had gotten to a point where anything was better than aching for something which would never come to us that night, so we taught each other what felt good and we learned as well. She and I left a few weeks later to seek for men at the village where you first saw me.

I learned from her, Oyan; how to kiss in the way that you seem to like. I learned that from her and much more.

Kisses like the ones I give to you are not for any man. Men always like it their own way. I do not mind it if I am in the mood, but there is not any way to say the quiet things that are passed by quiet girl-kisses quite easily."

She nodded, "This night, I am tired from all of the walking. I want to be here where I am with you. I want to taste your sweet kisses in the darkness. I hope that the next night, I will be a little more brave for you.

I do not know everything, Oyan, but I want to be with you. I want to try with you," she smiled as she reached to place her hand over Oyan's breast. "I can already say that you kiss better than my sister. I love your kisses because you make them as much like my own as you can. Something like that means much to me. "

Oyan smiled and nodded, also meaning her agreement that they just rest, but it didn't work out that way and it had little to do with intent on either one's part.

Mokonyi was very passive as Oyan's soft kisses began in return, but she found to her slight amazement that those kisses roused her and she didn't really know how to handle the way that she began to feel. She kept asking herself if it was wrong and though she thought that she had an answer to it, she soon felt herself thinking about how good it was to only trade kisses with Oyan. What could be wrong in doing this?

"What are you doing to me?" she asked, and it brought her Oyan's soft and quiet laughter.

"I do not know, Mokonyi. I really do not know. But I know that I do not wish to stop now, do you?"

Mokonyi chuckled in the darkness and Oyan felt her shake her head a little bit, "If you truly care for me, then please do not stop now."

The kisses went on and before long; both women were a little amazed to find themselves even more out of breath, though they were happy. Mokonyi felt it as her friend moved to lie on her with her thigh up against her mound.

"And now?" she asked, "What will you do to me now?"

Oyan shrugged, "I still do not know, but I am hopeful to try something which might give you happiness if it works."

She began to slowly rub herself against Mokonyi, who told her that it was good and to please not stop.

Oyan said nothing in reply, hoping that her heart wouldn't burst with the feelings that she felt there in her chest.

She lowered her head and began to kiss and suck at Mokonyi's breast and in minutes, Mokonyi held Oyan tightly and whimpered as she came.

"Do not , ..." she gasped and groaned softly as she pulled Oyan's hips again and again very slowly, "do not stop even now, Oyan. I hold the finest ass in my hands now. I have been looking at it as much as I could all day and to feel it in my hands, ... ah, I love this with you."

"Fine," the darker girl sighed in feigned exhaustion, "I will go on until you tell me that it is enough for the moment."

She lifted her head a little higher and kissed Mokonyi very slowly, trying to be as wet about it as she could, and the result was their soft moans into each other's mouths for a long time until Oyan found her voice once more.

"Then it will be your turn, sweet Mokonyi. I almost cannot wait to feel what you will do to me."

"But, ..." Mokonyi whispered, "I do not know what to do, not really any more than I have done! Well, ... perhaps a little."

"Oh, I don't care," Oyan chuckled, "I had no plan for what I did. I only thought of how good it feels to rub against something with that part of me. Why not try to roll me over and do the same thing, but try to rub against my leg at the same time?"

She reached to hold Mokonyi's face, "This is so good for me, I do not think that there is anything that we could do wrong for each other."

"Ohh, I must think of something for my Oyan," Mokonyi grumbled to herself before she pushed for a moment and rolled Oyan over.

"We probably cannot do very much wrong," she giggled very quietly, "but give me a moment to find the right place and then try to move your hips against mine. I will rub my leg against you and also try to rub myself against your thigh. It sounds complicated, but ... my heart sings right now, Oyan. It feels so good not to feel dead anymore. Do you like my idea?"

"A wonderful idea, and you can take as long as you need, now that you have named me as yours," Oyan smiled up as she reached for Mokonyi's bottom, "I love this with you too, Mokonyi. I hope that we never stop."

"It is already my hope that we never even sleep apart," Mokonyi moaned into Oyan's ear. "It is not the same as with a man, but I do not care. It is even better in many ways."

"And I will keep my promise to you," Oyan's whisper came to Mokonyi's ear as she dragged her lips there.

"I am ashamed then," the lighter one sighed, "I have forgotten your promise to me, whatever it was. I only know that I feel so much for you even now, so I make my apology for forgetting."

"Shh, sweet girl," Oyan sighed and Mokonyi swore that she heard the smile in Oyan's voice, "It was nothing so important. I promised not to snore in your ear, that was all."

"You can snore if it is not too loud,"Mokonyi sighed back, "I cannot promise that it will not happen, but I have heard it said that I snore myself."

Oyan lifted her head up to stare at Mokonyi, "Really?"

Mokonyi didn't know how to respond, but she nodded a little guiltily, "Yes."

She felt a little of Oyan's strength then as she felt the most pleasant and reassuring hug, "Then you must snore as softly as you can for me, Mokonyi. My husband was never loud, but he often snored softly in my ear. I loved to hear it if it was not loud. I always slept best when he did that.

Try to do that for me if you can, and you will already have me building my love for you higher."

There was a comforting almost-silence between them after that. By some unspoken agreement, they held each other while one's fingers toyed slowly and gently with the other's labia in a wonderful little exchange which went back and forth between them. Sighs and kisses were the measure and commodity traded between them in the darkness for a long while.

"I must apologize to you this time," Oyan said very quietly, "I do not know everything about Abi, but I do know some things. I have wanted this with you for so long and, ...

Well, Abi is one who can be bargained with, Mokonyi. He is very powerful and he can make things happen."

Mokonyi placed her wet fingers against Oyan's lips and she licked them and Oyan's lips for a moment, "Shh, Oyan. I know what you would say.

Only, ... only tell me if it happened."

Oyan shook her head, "No, it did not happen. But I asked for it. I asked for his help to pull your heart to mine.

But Abi is wise as well as strong and powerful. He told me that if it was really needed, then he could help, but he steered me away from the notion. He said that I should have faith in myself with you. He did not think that his help was needed. I am sorry."

The last sentence sounded a little rough to Mokonyi's ears and so she rolled onto her side and she hugged Oyan tightly, shushing her before she could begin to cry out of her guilt. She pulled them closer together and she wrapped her leg over Oyan's hip to pull her as well.

"My beautiful Oyan," she whispered, "the Surma have always been a very poor group of people. I have been as poor as the rest of my tribe for all of my life, yet I have always known that I have some beauty. Even as a little girl I knew this and I used it to charm anyone that I could. I learned from my ability.

One thing that I learned from it was when it was the wrong thing to do and another thing was the knowledge that it was not working when it wasn't."

Mokonyi ran her hand over Oyan's very short hair and she looked into that worried face in front of her in the darkness.

After a moment, she kissed those sweet lips and smiled softly.

"I knew that you had no help as you spoke to me by the river. I knew that your heart was singing it's own true song to me inside of your words. They might have sounded poorly in your own ears, but I knew it for what it was, my sweet friend, and it did not sound poorly to me at all.

I have heard the song many times in my life when someone tries to tell me of their love for me in so many other words to hide the meaning. I also know the difference between wanting me for no real reason, wanting me for all of the wrong reasons, and wanting me because one wants to really love me. Mostly, I am unaffected by all of it – more so since my husband died. I was also someone who felt as though she was dead but walking.

But I have never heard the truth in anyone's soft words to me as I heard it in the quiet talk of another woman as she wanted to show me a way out of my trap.

I heard the words Oyan, just as I felt your nipple laid against mine so very carefully in your hidden way. That is a large part of why I am here. I heard your heart's song in the words, and that is why I finally chose to walk with my hand in the hand of another girl for once in my life. I knew at once that you do not lie."

She kissed Oyan again for a moment as softly as she could and then she drew her head back a bit to smile. "Abi must be wise. He knew that you could hold my heart by only being yourself. He must also know that I would know it as soon as you opened your mouth if what I heard was not from the heart underneath these lovely tits."

She stretched for a moment, groaning in pleasure as she tightened her own powerful grip on her new lover. "So I wish to hear no sad apology from you over what did not happen anyway. It is now my hope that you and I make a love between us which lasts. That is what I really want with you. I just did not have the way to say it to you until now."

She smiled in a way which reminded Oyan of the impish little smiles on the faces of the young boys back at Mokonyi's village and Oyan's heart threatened to tear loose in her chest.

"Hold me, Oyan. Hold me so that our breastbones touch together and we can feel our hearts beating. You have won your girl."

She kissed Oyan as she felt the pull of her embrace and saw the hope in those eyes.

"And I have won mine."

Their embrace was slow to start, but it became almost desperate after a minute as two hearts found each other and gave themselves away in it. Oyan and Mokonyi held onto each other as though their lives depended on it and though neither of them noticed it right away and it was not desired, they each squeezed a few silent tears from their closed eyes.

Just to know, ... just to hold on and feel this.

It was worth everything.

After a time, Mokonyi pulled back and looked down with a soft smile as she whispered, "I think that it is time to show you something else that I learned at my sister's hands. Well, ... not her hands, exactly."

She sat up and leaned over Oyan. "See my eyes, Oyan. Watch them and I will show as much as I can."

Oyan didn't understand what was meant, but she looked into Mokonyi's soft eyes as she eased herself back a little more and lowered her head to kiss and suckle the darkest nipples that she'd ever seen. Mokonyi had seen many, but few if any were this lovely shade to her eyes.

Oyan seemed to need to stretch back and Mokonyi allowed it though she never stopped or even really changed her pace at all. Her wet kisses left saliva which ran down in the darkness and tickled Oyan in the sweetest way.

Oyan watched everything and Mokonyi's eyes never left hers as she trailed her kisses all the long way down, over the hard, ridged abdomen and across the flat of her girl's belly until at last she paused and she still kept her eyes locked on Oyan's.

Mokonyi laid more of her soft kisses on the sodden lips there between the long and shapely legs of her lover while Oyan writhed and moaned softly.

She stopped then; still looking, still maintaining her lock. Oyan wondered what would happen next.

She'd never had much hope to have anyone do what Mokonyi looked to be readying them both for and her heart was in her throat, wishing, wanting, and most of all needing.

"So good to learn the taste of my woman," Mokonyi smiled very wetly as she gently took hold of Oyan's flanks and held them so that there was little movement possible, "At last, I come to what I have had in my mind for all of this day. I did not think that it would happen, Oyan."

She nodded once and grinned, "But I really have wanted this so much."

She lowered her head and licked softly, preparing to increase the pressure on Oyan's clitoris very soon, still watching, and then there was something of a moment to it for them both.

When she felt the moment end, Mokonyi lowered her head further and ran her tongue in as deeply as she could. She almost lost sight of Oyan's face due to the angle, but by then it didn't matter much anyway.

Oyan's eyes were closed and her hips were already off the mat as she reached for Mokonyi's head and groaned so very softly.


In the morning, Oyan felt a wonderful warmth near her lower belly. It took her a moment to know that it was Mokonyi's breathing. She listened and began to smile.

Her beautiful Mokonyi, the finest woman that she'd ever seen was snoring softly.

Her smile grew wider in spite of herself and her attempts to keep it from growing into a grin. But it did anyway and she reached very carefully to softly caress Mokonyi's ear. As the snoring stopped, Oyan chuckled softly and Mokonyi asked.

"Nothing, Mokonyi. I only laugh because you were supposed to snore in my ear, and you have missed by a little."

Mokonyi shifted just a little very carefully and settled again after leaving a kiss on the inside of Oyan's thigh, "I will try to get closer tonight if I can. Tell me when you need to get up and make water."

It happened a few minutes later and Mokonyi moved to let Oyan up. But once she was standing, Oyan didn't feel all that much urgency to it and she watched as Mokonyi stood up as well. There was no stopping the way that Oyan's heart swelled in her at that moment. She stepped in front of Mokonyi and kissed her good morning, but she didn't move after that.