Love Beyond All Bounds Ch. 09


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"No," I grinned wickedly. "You've been talking behind my back." I pulled myself up with just my stomach muscles until we were virtually face to face. I then pushed each arm behind her body until they crossed. I pinned them there with one hand and brought my other hand around.

"Slowly go up and down," I told her. "It will help your muscles to not cramp." She immediately obeyed. Even though our lips drew close, she didn't try to kiss me. I kept torturing myself like that for thirty seconds before I cracked and drew her into me. Our tongues surged and wrestled. She would not be tamed and I wouldn't stop trying. I did have on advantage that I then put to good use. I teased up her side and plucked at one terribly stiff nipple. I then lowered myself to it and began sucking on it.

April's breaths became rapid and gasping. I struck at two places simultaneously. I pinched her clit with my fingers as I bit into her nipple with my teeth. April lost it. She arched off my crotch so hard that I was afraid I'd scared the nipple when it was torn from my grasp. April wasn't a screamer. She was one of those women that channeled everything inside. Her body spasms and tensed in one giant rollercoaster of pleasure. When she tumbled down from that high, she fell on me hard. I crashed back onto the bed, her body sweaty and panting above me. I let go of her arms so she could better support herself.

"Oh ... that's what an orgasm is," she gasped. "Had I known what I've been missing I'd have seduced you years ago."

She wobbled herself so that she was on all fours hanging above me.

"What's next, Big Brother?" she wheezed.

"Have you ever heard of the sixty-nine position? I'd really like to get a taste of you," I asked. April nodded vigorously.

"I'll certainly get a taste of myself off of you."

"Have you done this before?" I inquire.

"Given a blowjob -- yes; sixty-nine -- no."

"We'll start on our sides and work from there," I explained.

"Damien ... was I any good?"

"For a first timer, you were stellar. Did you enjoy yourself?" I asked.

"Yes. It hurt, but I knew it would hurt a bit. Feeling something inside me filling me up was ... indescribable."

"Would you like to feel that way again?" I inquired.

"NOW?" she pleaded loudly, then we both had a giggling fit.

We didn't change positions, we flowed into them. I told her to reach out and touch whatever part of me interested her and I would do the same for her. I ran my hands along her muscle lines, stroking with hairs of my backhand, or touching with a single finger so to not overwhelm any one spot with too much sensation. April, being much smarter than me, picked up on this quickly. My great regret became that this would be our only time together. I could never come back to this extraordinary moment.

We finally got into the position where she was still on top facing the right side of bed while I was on my back facing the left. She lowered her head to my cock and popped the head in audibly.

"Whoa April, it is not a race. I'm with you all night long so take your time," April looked under herself between her breasts clearly wanting more information.

"Has anyone ever gone down on you?" I asked

"No. I had a guy who tried but he said it was gross. That sucks considering how many guys have asked me for blowjobs."

"That's good actually. Let me play with your vagina and clitoris. Enjoy it. Once you figure out what feels right to you, practice the technique out on me. We have all night and Dad's supply of Viagra if I get tired."

I pulled her hips down slightly and began kissing her inner thighs. I ran my tongue up to the rise where the body leads you to the pussy, touching that line and making broad strokes around it. April began doing the same, with the addition of little bites now and again. I then brought my fingers into play. Again, it was much more a tactile experience

April responded by slowly wrapping her hand around my shaft and not pumping it; more like racking her fingernails along it. I'd never had that sensation before. To show just how smart my sister was, when I finally ran a finger along her slit, one finger to on each side; April spread one hand down and gently massaged my balls.

I pointed my tongue into a sharp point and circled the top of her clit. April shuddered and groaned out, "Oh Damien keep doing that ..." I figured that her clit and vagina were still sore from her first round of intercourse so a tender hand was needed. I was glad to not be hurting her. April being so receptive was a major blessing. After speaking April began licking and kissing the head of my penis while continually stroke my balls.

I took a moment to say, "I like that a whole lot. Please keep it up." April responded with a steady increase in tempo. I put my lips back to work on her clit and vaginal opening. I moved the first finger in carefully. I could feel the tension in her, but April mastered it and relaxed her strained muscles. My first finger made small circles inside. This was an exploratory mission to find her sensitive spots on the inside. A good way in I found one. She nearly bit my penis.

"Sorry," she gasped. "It was ... I didn't expect ... that was fantastic."

"It is called a G-spot Sis. I just found yours," I responded trying not to let the pain seep through to my voice. She gently kissed my abused member anyway.

"Were you looking for it?"

"Every man should, April. Sex is about pleasure, joy and happiness. You seek joy, find pleasure and are filled with happiness when you are done."

"Is it always like this for you?" April said between gulps of cock.

"I had lost my way. Sex became about anger, pain and depression. Danielle helped me find my way back. She took the anger and the pain away. I could deal with the depression after that."

I want back to exploring her pleasure centers and she discovered that saliva is good for deducing the frictions of hand jobs. There was no problem with moisture on April's end. Wet enough to work well with and not too much to be in the way. As easily as I could manage it while sucking full time on her clit, I wiggled a second finger inside. It was slow going as her vaginal walls had to adjust to another intruder in the night.

Partly by accident and partially out of perverse desire, I let one finger migrate up to her anus. I didn't go in. I just had it tap on the sphincter. That earned me an extra 'galumph' from April and a deeper penetration of my shaft. I took that to be a positive sigh. I would have said something, but my tongue had gotten into a great flicking rhythm on her clit and I didn't want to give that up. I also felt like my own climax was coming fast. My problem was that I wanted her to come first and that required me to cheat.

I had both fingers make circles on her G-spot while my digit pressed on her ass and I bit down on her clit. I can be a real bastard at times. April shot up. Her knees slammed into my shoulders, her hands dug into my thighs right below my hips and her head popped painfully off my penis as her back arched and some wordless growling filled the room. It may have been one of the sexiest and scariest orgasms I have ever seen.

We both sat there in silence for half a minute. April looked back at me like this person I had never seen before. She grabbed my penis in a strong grasp and plunged her mouth down on it, taking in half of it in the first gulp. The feeling was incredible. Since her hand didn't have the room to pump anymore, it was expanding and contracting, controlling the blood flow up my shaft. I could feel the back of April's throat as she gamely tried to take more of me in. I also felt the gag reflex kicking in.

"April, I'm coming," I rasped out. She bobs her head harder and faster.

"April, I'm coming right now," and she wouldn't relent. I couldn't hold it any longer.

"I ..." and I started shoot blasts of semen down her throat. April started chocking. I was in no position to help her. I heard her slurping like a madwoman but I felt wetness go down my shat and into my pubic hair. She rolled off of me and onto her side. From the look on her face, she was clearly upset.

Her face was also a mess. I'd splashed some on her nose and cheeks.

"I'm sorry Damien. I tried to be as good as Danielle, but I couldn't take it all in. You come a lot and I started chocking and ..."

I leaned in and kissed her. I licked some of my semen off her nose.

"You don't think that's gross?" April asked.

"I had you swallow a whole lot more of it a few seconds ago. I'm not in love with the stuff, but I'd like to clean off your face without either of us leaving the bed at this moment. So, I'm licking you," and I proceeded to do just that. April returned the favor by cleaning my penis and pubic region. I had a few hairs spit at me for her trouble.

We crawl up to the top of the bed together and settle into each other's arms. In some ways it is the same comfortable relationship we have always had. I've seen my Sister naked before and it has never particularly weirded me out because, well, she was my Sister. She's still my Sister now -- that hasn't changed. Things are better. She's a woman I might have never seen if it wasn't for tonight. I can't go back to where I was two hours ago. That knowledge hurt far less than I thought it would. I tell April my thoughts. She hugs me tightly

"I've always seen you as a sexual being," April confesses. "From the time I knew that boys and girls were different, you were always there for me. Do you remember how when the phone rang I would run to you no matter where you were so you would hug me?


"I would have friend call me at night when you were in the shower, so I could come running in and have you hold me. I liked the feel of naked you against me."

"Why didn't you ever say anything? I would have understood," I state.

"You are the only man I have ever wanted to sleep with Damien? How does a thirteen year old girl tell that to the senior captain of the swim team? You would have thought I was nuts. Worse, you would have set aside college to take care of me."

"April, I didn't know. I'm sorry."

"I tried other guys, but they were either pigs who wanted my tits, or stoners, or bums who had no idea what they were doing. None of them treated me with the respect you treated me with. No one asked me how my day was without following that up with going out on Friday night. So I got the reputation as a cock-tease."

"Damien, are you angry with Danielle?" April asked.

"No," I smiled at April, "she loves me and I love her and she did something that she felt would make me happy, though I didn't think it would at that moment. Love is trusting the unknown April."

"How did I stack up against Danielle," April inquired hesitantly. I studied April to the point that I'm clearly not happy about something and she slowly tried to shrink away but I don't let her.

"Don't ever go down that path April. Don't judge yourself by the actions or body of another. To see you do so makes me both sad and angry. You are smarter than that. The best way I can put it is to say you are not the same people."

"Danielle is short and gets into certain positions easily. She has small slender fingers that feel like letter openers when she scratches. She is tight top and bottom. She has a round face that accents her eyebrows and eyes. Danielle is experienced, but by no means the most experience person have I dealt with. Danielle is the Angel from Hell doing her 1,001 penances before she can go to heaven."

"You April are a fire burning in a mountainside cabin that keeps out the winter chill. You have more of the nurturing Nordic goddess about you. You have a strong body and long limbs, with strong fingers made to massage and explore a body with fingertips not nails. You are more aggressive, more energetic, and ... joyful.

"So which one of us does you like better?" teases April.

"I can't live without either of you, so please don't ask me to make that choice."

"She's afraid that I will take you from her," April says with a ting of sadness.

"It won't happen, but it will be something she looks for over a long time. That pain is one of the reasons I am going to destroy her ex-husbands. I am destroying him utterly."

April cuddled up my body until she could kiss my ear and temple.

"You would do the same thing if someone hurt me, wouldn't you?" April states.

"They would never find the body. No one hurts you."

"When I found out about all of this I went after Danielle. I read you filed -- you need better encryption -- and the stuff I found wasn't about a bad woman. She'd been hurt. You stepped up and made her happy. I really wanted to hate her. I knew she was going to tell me to take a leap off a deep bridge. Instead she asked to meet with me.'

"We get there and I know that when I see her I'm going start screaming at her for being a forty year old skank dating a twenty-two year old man. She beats me to the punch. She tells me that she hates me because he loves me (April) more than her (Danielle)."

"Basically we feel the same way about one another for the exact same reason. Five minutes later we are all laughing. Either you were a total lying bastard or you really did love us equally. I don't think you've ever gotten away with lying from me."

"So, how did it end?" I asked curiously.

"We agreed to a time share agreement. She gets Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday. I get Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday."

"I get Monday? Bloody Monday? Don't the two of you think I might want a say?" I groaned.

"Go ahead. You vote for your plan, Danielle and I will vote for our plan; ours wins," April grinned triumphantly.

"Let's not talk about this anymore," April said softly.

"What do you want to talk about," I responded in a serious tone. April turned and sat back on her haunches and raised her hand up in a bunny fashion. She tilted in and started sniffing and pawing at my arm.

"What's up with this?" I wondered.

"More orgasm ... I want more orgasm ... do you have orgasm here," she poked under my arm, "or here, "she looked into my ear, "of .... Here!" and pounced onto my crotch. She immediately was licking and cupping my balls in her hands. This feisty display had gotten me aroused and I was responding.

This time I used my superior weight to bear her down. Our limbs were only momentarily locked. By unspoken mutual consent we were free to explore each other's bodies. We were constantly moving up and down each other as I was suckling on a nipple one instant and then she had me up in a blindly sensuous kiss. April gave. She held nothing back and expected everything in return.

She was smart enough to know she had to learn things and be patient enough to know she had to encourage our lovemaking in directions she found interesting. For my part, I tried to be as receptive as possible. We didn't try out a variety of positions. Instead we moved around letting one exploration stress us toward a different way that otherwise we wouldn't have chosen to pursue; it was by mutual understanding.

April liked being on her back. She liked it when I played with her legs in various positions. She liked it when I stole a feather and tickled her feet as I cruelly pushed her toward her third orgasm. April liked tickling and touching and feeling the breath and the heartbeat of her lover after the act. To her that was the second best part of the whole affair.

For my part, and I talked to her about this, April was a Talker. She liked to talk in the lead up to sex, during sex and in the afterglow of sex. I did explain to her that some partners wouldn't appreciate this as much as I did. She worried about it, but told her is a gift, not a condition. She could control it and if she sensed the partner wanted quiet, she could be quiet.

"Do you want me to be quiet?" April questioned me.

"I would never want you to do anything that you felt wrong about. No, I don't want to be quiet. It wouldn't be you and I am here with April Cullen and that is who I want to hear.

April scooted to the edge of the bed. She was still moving tenderly, undoubtedly sore in places she'd never been sore in before. She slid off the bed and stood up giving me a great view of her thighs, ass, and athletic back. Her hair was plastered too much of her upper back from the heat of our love-making.

"For a onetime thing," I asked, "was it as good as you had hoped?" April looked over her shoulder and smirked.

"Who says this is a onetime thing, Brother Damien?"

"But we agreed ..." I stammered.

"You assumed," she giggled as she made her way to the bathroom. "I don't recall making any promises."

"Come on and join me in the shower," she offered seductively.

I got out of bed and groaned. "Do I have a choice?"

"Brother, you have a whole day with me. Reward me for being good, punish me for being bad, or do both at the same time if you like. Just don't hate me for wanting you.

I walked and held her tightly to my arms. "I could never do that. You are my blood, my body, my soul. Now more than ever I know I cannot live without you. I think the question really is this: what lives will you let me live?"

"What if I ask you to leave Danni?" April said with real fear in her voice. I lowered my head.

"I'd die. I can't live knowing I've caused her harm. I can't." I softly made my declaration.

"Can she make me go away?" April said close to tears.

"Never; it has to be both of you. Danielle saved me. April, you have always been at my side even in the worst times. You are both intertwined with my life now. Try as I might to deny it, I love you in a new and stronger way right now. It is something I can never give up."

"Can we stand in the shower for a while embracing and feeling the warmth of our bodies pressed together like when I made you think that I was afraid of the phone"

"Of course April; I'm always going to be here for you."

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Foxterot7aFoxterot7a12 months ago

The conversation between April and Damien is probably one of the most sensenual, sexual and emotionaly charged conversations I have ever read. Their complete honesty, adoration and passion for each other was beyond tender and refreshing. This was beautiful. As a romantic, I could realistic envision such a conversation. If I could rate this chapter 6 stars I would.

FinalStandFinalStandover 6 years agoAuthor
Anonymous ...

... normally I'm good with people pointing out my screw ups, I'm not sure I made one in this case. April has done cunnilingus, but not a full '69' ~ as far as I can recall from this story to date. If I am mistaken, I apologize.

James aka FinalStand

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
You fucked up.

You say she's never done a 69 bu5 in a previous chapter she goes down on her should keep better track of your plot lines.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
love it

Please please keep this series going. This is a really good series.

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