Mason Ch. 15


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"Toni, are you accepting me as your mate?" Mason asked.

It seemed like a long time before Toni responded, "I guess I am."

That wasn't good enough; he needed to hear a resounding yes.

"Toni, it's either yes or no. I guess sounds as though you're ambivalent and I need and want for you to be sure because once this is done, it's irrevocable. There is no such thing as divorce or separation; we will be together for eternity."

"I guess I did sound kind of ambivalent." Toni agreed, "But yes, the answer is yes."

Mason sat his cup of tea down, took Toni's from her hands and knelt on his knees in front of her taking her hands in hers.

"Toni Jacobson, will you marry me and allow me to be a father to Jamie?" Mason asked.

"Marry? As in wedding dress marry?" Toni asked shocked although she didn't know why.

"We can do it however you want, wedding, Justice of the peace, a private ceremony; I don't care just so you marry me."

"Why have a wedding if we're already married?" Toni asked.

"We're not married in either world yet." Mason replied. "We haven't mated yet and a human wedding will make things legal so that I can adopt Jamie and put your name on my assets ..."

"Why do that if you're not going to die?" Toni asked.

"It's a precaution and nothing more." Mason said assuring her.

Toni realized that Mason was still on his knees and told him to get up.

"Not until you answer my question, will you marry me?"

Toni didn't reply for several minutes, what was she waiting for? A final sign from James? Toni closed her eyes and then opened them. "Yes."

Mason jumped onto the couch next to her, pulled her into his lap and kissed her. He felt his cock harden as her soft bottom pressed against it. Mason slid his hands under her tee shirt and fondled her breast, rolling and pinching the nipple until it was hard.

Toni moaned softly and wiggled in Mason's lap, she was going to say something about protection but his hand moving from her breast to between her legs stopped her. Toni bit her lip to contain her moan.

"Don't be quiet, there's no one here but us." Mason said as he slid a finger between her vaginal lips and then inside of her and stilled. He started to slide his fingers in and out, his thumb massaging her clit, "I want you to scream for me." Mason murmured his lips pressed lightly against hers.

Toni felt as if her entire body was on fire all thoughts about a possible pregnancy were gone. All she could think about was the immediate want and need. Mason pressed his thumb against Toni's swollen and throbbing clit and then moved it back and forth. The orgasm came so suddenly that Toni was caught off guard; she buried her face in Mason's neck and screamed.

Mason cradled a shaking Toni against him until she calmed and was relaxed against him. He was going to say something to her when he realized that she had fallen asleep. He stood still holding her in his arms, carried her to the bedroom and put her to bed. He stripped off his clothes and climbed in behind her pulling her tight against him. Toni mumbled something in her sleep and snuggled back into him before falling silent. Soon Mason thought, as he kissed her shoulder.

Toni woke up to the smell of brewing coffee, for just a second she forgot where she was and then she remembered that she needed to go get Jamie. She jumped out of bed and looked around the room wondering where her clothes had gotten to. They would be covered with flour but she could wear them until she got home to change, but first she needed to call her parents, they had to be worried.

Mason came up with a breakfast tray just as Toni was coming out of the bathroom.

"I've got to get home and change clothes." Toni said. "I have to go get Jamie."

"Jamie is fine, I've already spoken to him and your parent's this morning." Mason said setting the tray on the dresser.

"Y... you did?" Toni asked suddenly nervous. "What did you say exactly?"

"Relax, I only told your parents that you were with me and I didn't say anything about us getting married although I think that they already know. They're fine with Jamie spending the day with them, apparently there's a football game or something that Jamie wants to watch with your dad and Jamie is looking forward to seeing us this evening." Mason said as he walked toward her. "That gives us all day to ..."

"Talk." Toni said backing up.

"That too." Mason said as he advanced on her taking off his tee shirt.

"Wait! About the pregnancy issue." Toni said backing up.

"There is no issue as far as I'm concerned." Mason replied still advancing on her, his jeans unbuttoned and the zipper down. "If it happens, it happens, I would love to have a baby with you."

"Maybe I don't want a baby." Toni said stopping Mason in his tracks.

"Are you saying that you don't want more children?" he asked.

"No but what I am saying is that it's something that we need to talk about." Toni replied.

Mason swore under his breath, he could understand why it took James three years to get the woman to marry him.

"Alright." He said, "Let's talk. I love you and would love to have children with you. Having said that, it's not going to happen before it's supposed to. In other words, it could be twenty years or you could be pregnant now which you are not." he assured her when he saw her eyes widen.

"The question is do you want children with me? I know that things are moving fast but what's the real issue here?" Mason asked.

"The real issue as you call it is..... I don't know, nerves maybe?" Toni admitted.

This time when Mason walked toward her, she didn't back away.

"Tell me what it is that you need." Mason said hugging her.

"Nothing really, I just needed something to panic about and I never thought that I would get married again." Toni replied. "And this is rather fast."

"We can wait on telling your parents and Jamie if that will help." Mason said.

Toni gave it some thought; the very reason that she and James didn't have those three years together was because of what she was doing now, even as she accepted what was happening she was still fighting it. She loved Mason and if she got pregnant, what would be the problem? None. What good would waiting to tell her parents and Jamie do? And like Mason, she was sure that her parents already knew especially since he called them to make arrangements for Jamie.

"No, we'll tell them tonight." Toni replied as she reached for the waist of Mason's jeans and pulled him close. "I'm alright now. Really."

Mason pulled the tee shirt over Toni's head leaving her naked. He ran his thumbs over the tips of her nipples smiling down at her when she closed her eyes and moaned.

"Do we still need to talk?" Mason teased.

"We do but it can wait." Toni replied as she rubbed against him enjoying the feel of her breast rubbing against Mason's bare skin.

Wasting no time, Mason picked Toni up and carried her to the bed. Toni scooted back on the bed so that she could watch Mason undress, her eyes widened when his clothes just disappeared.

"How did you do that?" she asked.

"I can do many things but we'll have plenty of time for me to show and teach you things that you'll be able to do even though you won't be vampire, I thought we were done talking." Mason said as he climbed into the bed from the foot of it and crawled toward Toni.

As Toni watched Mason crawl toward her three words came to mind, mine, sexy and graceful. Mason didn't stop moving until he was stretched out on top of her, his hips between her legs and his cock pressed between them. He took a moment to savor the fact that Toni was finally where she had been meant to be, it had been a long time in coming but so worth the wait.

"Mason wh..."

Mason didn't give her Toni a chance to finish whatever it was she was going to say. He slid into her in one slow, smooth stroke and stopped. The lovemaking in the kitchen had been hurried and frantic, this morning he had wanted to take his time but he couldn't wait to be deep inside of her again.

Toni moved against him trying to hurry him along but Mason refused to be rushed. He thrusts in and out a few times and then stopped, sometimes the thrust were hard and fast sometime painfully slow. Toni writhed beneath him crying out for him to stop torturing her.

"Not yet, I...."

Toni tightened her vaginal muscles stopping Mason mid sentence. His concentration gone, Mason began pump into her wildly murmuring Toni's name, his orgasm starting just after hers.

Mason rolled off of Toni still pulling her into his arms as he moved.

"You are incredible do you know that?" he asked.

"You're not so bad yourself." Toni said still trying to catch her breath and resting her head on his shoulder.

They were quiet for a few moments, each lost in their own thoughts.

Toni was thinking about how she thought that she would never be able to love someone as deeply as she did James and Mason was thinking that maybe things happened the way that they were supposed to. Toni hadn't been anymore ready for him than he had been for her. He regretted that she had to go through the pain of losing James and he owed James a debt that he could never repay but it got them to this point.

Mason remade breakfast and decided to make it his mission to teach Toni how to cook.

"You have got to be kidding." Toni said, "You really think that you can succeed where both James and my mother have failed?"

"I think that I can teach you how to do more than pop something into the microwave." Mason replied.

"Uh huh, and you'll freak as soon as I spill on your counter, no thanks." Toni said laughing.

"Just for the record, I didn't freak as you put it, I got a little.... Anxious."

"Like I said, you freaked." Toni said.

"I just have to learn to adapt that's all." Mason replied.

The first cooking lesson took place at lunch. Mason decided to start with omelets because they were simple and easy to make. Toni watched as he lined the ingredients up on the counter, "not OCD my ass" she thought as Mason continued get things ready for the omelet.

"Alright sweetheart, it's ready come over here." Mason said.

Toni hesitated and then asked, "Are you sure about this?"

"I'm sure now come on and stand in front of the counter."

Toni stood in front of the neatly lined up bowls of onions, cheese, ham and peppers. The eggs were already cracked and in a bowl waiting to be beaten. Mason stood behind her and reached for the bowl of eggs as he pressed against her.

"The secret to a good omelet is..."

"To go to 'Denny's'" Toni interjected. "That's what I do."

Mason groaned, "But 'Denny's' doesn't serve a beautiful woman breakfast in bed do they? Nor do they allow a man to stand this close to a beautiful woman while a meal is being prepared."

"No but at least at 'Denny's' there's no stress for said man regarding the mess." Toni.

"As I said, I will adjust." Mason said as he put the whisk in Toni's hand and then placed his hand over hers. "Now let's whip the eggs until they are fluffy, it's important not to over whip them."

"Yes Julia Childs." Toni said giggling.

In the end, Mason gave up, the egg splattered all over the counter had proven too much.

"Tell you what, I'll do the cooking and you... go read or something. We'll try another approach as soon as I can think of one." Mason said kissing Toni and patting her on the ass.

Toni laughed, "Told you."

Mason put the omelet on one plate and got out two forks, this was something that he had always dreamed of doing with his mate and it was happening. Toni ate less than half of the omelet leaving the rest of it for Mason. While he finished eating Toni wiped the counter off, the dishes were already done with the exception of the plate that they used and the silverware.

"We need to decide on how we tell Jamie." Toni said as she dried her hands.

"We just simply tell him." Mason replied. "Jamie is a bright boy, he probably already knows. Do you think that your parents would mind keeping Jamie a couple of times a week?"

"I don't think so, and how do we explain that to him?" Toni asked.

"We don't unless he specifically asks if you're staying at my house and then we don't lie, we just say yes and leave it at that. You're nervous." he said. "Why?"

Toni had to think about it before answering.

"I'm not sure really. James and I just got married, we didn't tell anyone until after we did it and let's just say that neither set of parents were very happy with us."

"We could do that you know, we could go to Mexico or Hawaii and just get married." Mason said.

"Oh no, mom forgave me once but I don't think she will a second time so eloping is out of the question, there has to be a wedding of some kind; the fewer people the better."

Toni looked at the clock, "we'd better get moving, and where are my clothes?"

"In the laundry room, I laundered them while you were sleeping." Mason replied. Toni went to the laundry room and found her clothes folded perfectly. "Not OCD my ass." she muttered as she picked up the clothes and went back into the kitchen.

She stopped dead in her tracks when Mason met her in the kitchen completely naked and erect.

"We have time before we have to go to get Jamie and it's going to be a few days before we can make love again." Mason said. "And we have some lost time to make up for." he added.

Toni had forgotten that they both had to be at work the following evening, she didn't know what Mason was thinking but she wasn't about to announce that they were getting married. The only people that she wanted to tell were her parents and Jamie. She wondered if she needed to tell Robert and Gina and decided that she probably should but it could wait, she didn't want to hear Gina's hysterics about how she never loved James.

While Toni was thinking, Mason moved so that he was standing directly in front of her. He took the folded clothes from her hands and sat them on the nearest chair. Toni offered no resistance as Mason took her hand and led her to the living room. He sat down first, had Toni turn so that she faced him and pulled her forward placing her legs on either side of his hips. He took a heavy breast in each hand and massaged them before putting them together so that the nipples touched and took both nipples into his mouth at once and sucked hard. Toni felt a spurt of fluid between her legs as Mason simultaneously nipped and sucked both nipples.

Toni moaned and then sighed as she raised herself to her knees, reached down between them and took Mason's cock in her hand and ran her hand up and down the shaft several times making Mason moan against her breasts. He had released her nipples and was leaning back against the sofa his eyes open and looking into Toni's face thinking of how beautiful she was.

Toni slid backwards, bent down and kissed Mason's chest before licking and then sucking one of his nipples while she pinched and pulled on the other while she stroked his cock. Mason struggled not to move as Toni stroked his cock repeatedly hitting the sensitive spot just under the head.

"That feels good." he murmured as he ran his hands up and down Toni's back.

Toni moved from Mason's lap to the floor positioning herself between his legs and took the head of his cock into her mouth and sucked it gently and then with more force as she followed Mason's non verbal cues. Mason cupped Toni's face in his hands caressing it with his thumbs. It wouldn't be long before he came and he wanted to come buried deep inside of her.

"Sweetheart, stop." Mason said, his voice ragged. "I want to come inside of you."

Toni gave him a few more sucks and climbed back into his lap straddling his hips slowly sliding onto his cock.

"Oh my god." Toni moaned as Mason raised his hips to meet her downward slide her orgasm already beginning. Mason pumped hard, he felt his balls tighten and tingle, he was going to come soon but he wanted Toni to come first. Mason held Toni close to him as he pounded into her, he could feel her warm breath on his neck as she clung to him. Toni's orgasm started with a low moan and ended with a scream with her mouth pressed against Mason's neck, Mason's own orgasm began just as Toni's began to wane.

Mason held Toni close to him long after the orgasms were over relishing the emotional and physical closeness between them. Mason reluctantly let Toni go so that they could go to her parent's house to give them the news and to take Jamie home.

They showered together, quickly dressed and were out of the door thirty minutes later.


"Mom!" Jamie exclaimed when Toni and Mason walked in.

"Hi baby." Toni greeted hugging Jamie. "I missed you."

"I missed you too." Jamie said and then greeted Mason. "Hi Dr. Mason!"

"Hi kiddo, how are you?" Mason asked.

"Fine are we going somewhere tonight?"

"In a little while." Mason replied. "We have some things to talk about with your grandparents."

"Is this more big people talk?" Jamie asked feeling a little put out.

Mason laughed, "No Jamie, this time you can stay."

Barbara and Ben looked at each other with their fingers crossed.

"Well come on in and have a seat." Ben said. "Do you want anything to eat or drink?"

"No, I'm good." Toni replied with Mason agreeing with her.

Now that they were here, Toni wasn't sure of how to proceed and was grateful when Mason took the lead.

"Ben, Barbara, I'm sure that you are well aware of how I feel about Toni; you probably knew even before she did or before she admitted it anyway. I love your daughter and I am asking for permission to marry her, Toni has already consented and all we want is your blessing."

"Thank god!" Barbara exclaimed. Ben seconded with a resounding "Amen!"

"I am taking that as a yes?" Mason asked.

"It's not just a yes." Ben said, "It's a hell yes!"

Mason turned his attention to Jamie who understood most of what was happening, his mother and Dr. Mason were going to get married Dr. Mason would be his dad.

"Jamie, is it alright if I marry your mom?" Mason asked.

"That means that you'll be my dad doesn't it?" Jamie asked.

"It means exactly that." Mason confirmed. "And we'll live in the same house and see each other every day so what do you think?"

"I think that I would like that." Jamie replied.

Toni listened to the excited chatter around her and swallowed a lump in her throat, the abundance of happiness was almost too much for her but she'd get used to it.

Barbara was already planning what needed to be done for the wedding although no date had been set. Toni had to put on the brakes.

"Slow down! We haven't set a date yet and you'll be the first to know when we do."

Mason noticed that Jamie had gotten quiet; he excused himself, held out a hand to Jamie and took him outside.

"What's bothering you?" Mason asked after they were sitting on the two lawn chairs on the patio.

"Nothing." Jamie said quietly.

"Jamie, never be afraid to tell me anything and it doesn't matter what it is. I promise that I won't get angry."

Jamie hesitated and then spoke.

"What do I call you?"

"What would you like to call me?" Mason asked.

"Could I call you dad?" Jamie asked shyly.

Mason blinked back tears, he had a son.

"I would like that and you don't have to wait until your mom and I are married." Mason said anticipating Jamie's next question.

Jamie flew out of the chair, hugged Mason and kissed him on the cheek.

"I love you dad." Jamie said hugging Mason tight.

"I love you too." Mason replied as he hugged Jamie back.

By the time they got back inside, Barbara had a notepad out and was making notes.

"You alright baby?" Toni asked Jamie.

"Dr. Mason said that I could call him dad." Jamie replied happily.

"He did?" Toni asked looking up at Mason. "That's what he'll be isn't it?'

Mason gave her an almost imperceptible nod.