Meeting Like This

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Renewing vows, sharing fluids & having perverse fun.
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"Should we stop meeting like this?"

"I hope not. Do you think we should?" She smiled and advanced towards him hesitantly, aware that her gown seemed far more décolleté than she had ever intended.

"I did not have cessation in mind," he smiled back, as keenly aware of the frailties of that red garment as she was. "In another time and another place, someone might have said "Of all the arms in all the world, you have to walk into order."

"The order is yours sir and no one else's."

"And this tuxedo is not borrowed from Rick's bar, pet."

"And yet I believe that you are ready to play again sir?" She smiled and reached out to squeeze his hand affectionately. "Would you care to lead me to the bedroom?"

"I'm ready to lead you there," he nodded, "and I'm touched that you clutched..."

"And sucked and licked and nursed?" She ventured, pushing her white gloved hand into his arm and clutching slightly tighter, "until he bucked and kicked and ...a rhyme for nursed?"

"Well, it would not be the first...time she licked and nursed...and sucked so she'd dispel...the myth she didn't do it well," he suggested. "Though it may be the first time you have been permitted to walk to my chamber."

"I haven't heard that myth, but I'm glad it's dispelled."

"The myth of you crawling to pleasure me?"

"No the myth of my under-performance, sir."

"They are both low rumours..."


"...Circulated at knee level," he explained as he ushered her into a large and not unfamiliar bed chamber. The thick velour curtains were drawn and the only light came from candles flickering on two bedside tables on either side of a large bed and on a mantlepiece above the embers of an almost extinguished fire.


He leant down, knelt before her on a the thick pile rug and kissed her stockinged knee, looking up at her with a slightly wicked smile.

"And miraculously, the pain disappears," she grinned down at him.

"But not before the stocking goes," he retorted, unclipping it from her garter and slowly rolling it down. "You have permission to step out of the pumps, pet."

"Cinderella must pay after the ball?"

"Cinders will have another ball or two, if she acts appropriately inappropriately."

"And yet my lovely white heels match these gloves so perfectly."

"You also have permission to lose the gloves."

"Then I can only oblige you sir,"

"Your obligation is a given, pet."

"My obedience is a given, sir," she countered and stepped out of first one shoe and the other. His hands reached up to loosen her other garter and she was soon bare legged from the knee length skirt downwards.

"The contact of my palm on your upper leg is also a given, though the force of the contact may very with the degree of sass, you offer up to me."

"I will moderate my comments to my threshold then and will stop studying for my bachelors in cheekiness for the present time."

"Are you sure you should?"

"I think you may be about to tell me why I should not, sir," she said lifting one foot and then the other off the ground, so he could strip off her stockings.

"Lift the skirt of that dress, girl."

"Yes sir."

"Spread the legs."

" ouch! What was that for – ouch – and that?"

"It was to remind you that after a few slaps, I might need to enquire if your inner thigh hurting too?"

"Um...why a matter of fact it is beginning too; and the affected area is spreading to the parts above my inner thigh."

"Strange – And I haven't even patted your pussy yet."

"That's unusual. It's quite rare for you to neglect that part of my anatomy, sir."

"Would a light stroke help at all?"

"I believe a light stroke may be of a great benefit...though I hope you don't mind if a bit of moisture may rest there as well."

"Do you think 'kissing better' has any therapeutic value in these parts above the inner thigh?"

"I do believe it might, sir – particularly if you relieved me of my underwear."

"I do like stripping you," he chuckled and looked up at her.

"I know you do," she smiled, as she held her skirt up higher and felt his fingers slipping into the band of her knickers and drawing them down, watching as she kicked the white cotton away to join gloves, shoes and stockings. "It's as if you are stealing the tattered remnant of my innocence again."

"Tattered seems harsh."

"True and the clothes you allowed me to acquire were hardly tat."

"You have no innocence when it comes to purchasing clothing."

"You deprived me of all my innocence when you offered me free use of your credit cards, sir."

"I was just trying to support the economy."

"And the econmy does fluctuate, sir."

"Let's just say the economy is less prone to fluctuations than either your innocence or your morality."

"Is the white innocence moral when offsetting red silk?" She questioned as they both stared at the discarded pile of white lingerie and accesories for a moment. "It seems more innocent and moral on its own."

"And are you feeling less innocent now?"

"I am feeling distinctly moist, sir."

"So you are, pet. It's quite interesting how a finger slides more fluidly there as your fluids gathered."

"But surely it is not unexpected – oh!"

"Certainly not – did you enjoy un-expecting the first joint of my finger in your sex?"

"It was certainly worthy of a frisson, sir."

"I am told that the tongue extended is a grand way of clearing residual moisture."

"Is it?"

"There is a rumour to that effect and don't feign innocence in that regard."

"Would I do such a thing, sir?"

"You would. And yet this place seems to abound with rumours - perhaps we could seek to validate it too?" He ran a hand through his hair, looking up at her with a slightly insane grin on his face.

"You are quite in your element as the mad scientist, sir," she shivered as he began to test out the theory, suppressing a giggle, when he eventually lifted his head and remarked: "It may be ill-founded as it appears to be giving rise to further moisture. Perhaps hands placed beneath the seat of pleasure might make the drying process more effective? What say you pet?"

"I say that perhaps the further moisture is evidence that the healing properties are working as they are supposed to, even if drying was the original goal to be accomplished..."

"What other goal could there be?"

"I would have to rely on your judgment there, sir."

"Though now you come to mention it, the furled tongue does fit rather neatly in a certain aperture in the vicinity of the groin."

"Yes...yes... does."

"And it seems to engender certain warmth in more than one place, it appears, when slowly embedded and flicked back and forth, regaling in the mild, yet creamy taste of a certain person's arousal."

"Oh my!"

"So soft and so natural, darling..."

"I believe you have found an alternate use for your tongue, sir, and you appear to have mastered that use very well."

"Would you mind lying back on the bed and wrapping your legs around my shoulders, so that I may muster more magical ministrations?"

"Of course not, your command is my wish."

"Even if the alliteration was hardly erotic..."

"May this girl tell sir a secret?"

"Please do."

"If you don't point it out to her, she won't even notice," she smiled, falling back on the bed and blowing him a kiss.

"That's a secret?"

"There is no secret in the fact that you have succeeded in undoing me once more sir."

"No I sucked clitoris. The sucked seed is to be spent later."


"I'm not entirely sure of its final resting place yet."

"As always, that is your decision."

"But, if you unzipped your gown and discarded your brassiere, your tits might tempt me," her murmured crudely. She smiled up at him, turned to one side and began to comply ever so slowly.

"You have breasts to be displayed woman. Display them."

"How could you not notice that I already have, sir?" She responded teasingly, lifting her unclipped bra up in one hand and discarding it in the best impression of a stripper that a semi-prone woman could provide.

"You will be turned over and caned in a moment, girl."

"Yes sir," she smiled, "I wonder why that remark made me shiver, as well?"

"It could have been the warm breath released when I uttered it."

"It must have been, sir."

"Or was it the fingers dipped in the champagne bucket, before being applied to your nipples?"

"Or that, sir."

"Or it could be the way, I am about to tell you to stand, and let the dress pool around your feet to leave you naked for whipping."

"That must be it, sir."

"I may even join you by taking off this collar."

"You surely won't take my collar, please?" She blanched, eyes wide and pupils enlarged with a real anxiety.

"No, this shirt collar."

"You are so daring, sir. Will you undo your cuffs next?"

"I will undo your mischievous proclivities with the white cotton panties from that pile stuffed in your mouth in a moment."

"You know how to make a girl feel owned and demeaned. Shall I fetch them for you?"

"No - just think of it as showing you a good time, pet."

"I'll do my best sir."

"Now back on that bed. I have cunt to caress."

"Please don't be so rude," she squealed as he pushed her back. She attempted to bat her arm at him in a forlorn attempt to smack his cheek, but she lost her balance and ended up sprawled on the bed.

"Spread your legs, cunt."

"Yes sir."

"Pull the labia apart."

"Yes sir."

"Prepare it for me," he smiled and watched as she slathered her index finger up and down the soaking sex. "I intend to render you utterly helpless."

"Shouldn't that be followed by an eery laugh or a baritone chuckle, sir?"

"You have been reading too many bodice rippers, pet."

"I don't have a bodice on for you to rip now sir."

"True - but you have an arse to be caned."

"You won't hurt me, will you sir?"

"I might, but you will rejoice, knowing you have pleased me."

"Yes, I will rejoice, sir," she repeated in a rather morose tone. "Shall I fetch the implement sir?"

"Cheer up. It may never happen."

"Never sir? Never, ever, ever?"

"Well not until a good deal of devious licking of your clitoris has ensued."

"That's some compensation, I suppose."

"You will be compensated as and when I see fit, girl."

"I know sir."

"Your compensation rests in your servitude. Vermouth or Southern comfort?"

"Water will do, sir. I don't need any other stimulation."

"There is water in your bowl by the curtains. Have something stronger."

"If you please sir, may this girl have you?"

"With or without?"


"More ice pet?"

"Are you trying to confuse me with contradictory terms and sensations?"

"No, I simply like the way cubes of ice, begin to melt on contact with your warm flesh and drip rivulets of chill water down your belly. Now lie back like a good cunt."

"Yes sir."

She stared up at the ceiling watching the flickering shadows in the candle light, trying to hold still and trying to anticipate his next move. She couldn't manage it once he began touching her again and brought more ice into the equation. He watched her shoulders shake and her breasts tremble with a double shiver, rubbing her sex slowly with two extended fingers: "Two ice cubes, two rivulets, two shivers, two fingers."

"Well...I know how you like symmetry, sir," she said, letting a small gasp escape her lips as he allowed one cube slide down to the whorl of her belly; and another as he followed through by lowering his head and clamping his lips against her puffy labia; before releasing them and flicking his tongue expediently against the bud to possess her mons once more.

She felt the soft, almost feminine penetration take hold of her, as her fingers twined in his hair, whispering: "God"

"And yet," he continued, releasing his tongue and replacing them with those two already sticky fingers, "it is a possession all the same - an occupation of that which has been his all along, isn't it pet?"

"Yes sir."

"A possession that demands you are to be rolled over onto your belly, so you may bury your head in the pillow as you are pushed her up and exposed to a more forceful assault."

"I am unresisting, sir."

"Of course you are, pet," he concurred as he knelt up behind her, unzipped his pants, opened his boxers and pressed his dry hardness against and then into her sex in one fierce and decidedly masculine shove.

A loud gasp escaped her lips as she felt herself parted and made his once more, her hair tugged back, lifting her head up, so she could proclaim her agreement with the loud exhalation of her sibilant consent: "yessssssss!"

"This is a decidedly straight-forward match," he owned as he spanked her flanks firmly while she met his thrust with her own. "Isn't it girl?"

"Most...decidedly...sir... a another...her scabbard...and sir's...sword," she panted as she half turned for the kiss, wanting him to see the lust in her eyes and finding her breast molded in his still cool palm. "Know that...this coupled...with complete...adoration...master..."

"Coupled would be the operative word, though I trust adoration is the focus and that completeness is the objective."

"It feels...complete sir," she agreed, pressing back and seeking to draw him in deeper. "I hope this scabbard is sending tiny contractions up and down your weapon. I do so want to make you smile in delight."

"I shall resist the urge to spurt a smiley face on your backside when I come, pet."

She giggled and reached back, trying to smack him with her palm, almost toppling over in her efforts and only succeeding in smacking her own bottom.

"You know what, pet?"

"I don't, but I know that you are going to educate me, sir," she smiled and paused in her movement, holding still so that he could glide in and out of her effortlessly, enjoying the sounds of their connection in the shadowy bedroom.

"One smack is so lonely on its own."

"Oh no, no, no, really, it isn't - it is more than sufficient."

"You're lucky that it's nearly your supper time."

She smiled.

"And that I'm feeling lazy..."

"What is your pet going to have for dinner sir?"

"I thought a mouthful of cum would make a good hors d'oeuvres."

"And what will you prepare for afters, sir?"

"There is another fluid that will be available to you once I have softened a little."

"You can be so coy sir."

"You can be my bitch, pet."

"Thank you. Then why not take your pleasure in your bitch as she sups and sucks, as the case may be."

"Happen as I might, but right now I should withdraw."

"Yes sir."

"And you should find yourself once more crouching at my feet."

"Yes sir."

"Mouth ready to be filled...belly contented... mind-set fully alert to the fact that we will be meeting again and again and again like this."

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