Mending Wounds Ch. 21

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Buffy and Angel argue.
1.4k words

Part 20 of the 24 part series

Updated 10/09/2022
Created 03/29/2002
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"Are you out of your mind! Don't you think you're rushing into things a bit quickly? You hardly know the girl that well."

"I know her well enough to know that I want to spend the rest of my life with her."

"But Angel, you've only known her for a couple of months. What makes you think she's the one?"

"I know that Spike, but when I'm around her nothing else matters. She's the one for me, because I feel it in my heart. When she's not around me I have this empty feeling that she can only fill. Don't you feel that way about Dru?"

"I do, but I'm not going to rush off and propose to her."

"You say that now. Though later on you'll want more.”

"Yeah, right."


Darla was shopping at VICTORIA'S SECRET when she spotted Buffy rummaging through some lingerie. 'Oh, look at that the little bitch has a romantic event coming up for her and Angel. Oh, I'm definitely going to stop that.'

"Why Buffy, what a surprise to see you here?"

"Darla. You know this is a free country. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to get going."

"Not just yet. I have something quite interesting to tell you," she holding a firm grip on Buffy's arm.

"Fine. Tell me and be done with it."

"You know that Angel was in New York not to long ago."

"Yeah, Darla that's old news. What is it that you really want to tell me?" Buffy was getting annoyed with Darla and just wanted to leave.

"Angel was with me all those nights while he was in New York City." Buffy was furious, but kept her cool. She knew Angel wouldn't do that to her. He loved her very much and told her that countless of times.

"Angel would never be with you. You hurt his feelings countless of times. Besides you're lying."

"If you think I'm lying then ask him about that dream of his." Buffy couldn't believe how low she'd stoop to get Angel back.

"I don't believe you and I know Angel would never lie to me." She then slapped Darla across the face.

"You'll see who's lying."


That same night Buffy invited Angel over for dinner at her house with her folks. He was finally going to meet up with Hank and Joyce Summers. Angel wasn't worried Joyce, he was more worried about Hank. He knew how protective fathers could be. He had the feeling that when he'd have a daughter, he was sure to react the same way. As he knocked on the door he heard voice.

"I'll get it." It was Buffy. Buffy was thrilled that he was coming over. She was also going to find out if Darla was right about the night in New York and that dream. She opened the door and he stood before her holding a dozen red roses and a box of chocolates.

"Hi," she said shyly.

"Hey beautiful." He then leaned in and kissed her. As they part, he handed her the roses, but Buffy looked unexpectedly at the box of chocolates.

"Thank you. Aren't those for me too," she said pointing to the box.

"Nope. They're for your mother." She pouted at him knowing all too well that he'd fall for it. He looked at her and knew all too well what she was attempting, but it wasn't going to work.

"I'm not going to fall for your act." She pouted even more letting her lower lip jut out. He kissed her once more and Buffy maneuvered her hands towards the box and swatted it.

"No, Buffy."

"Fine. You win." Buffy parents entered the room.

"Mom, Dad this is Angel McCallister." Angel shook hands with her father, but picked up Joyce's hand and kissed it. He then handed her the box.

"Thank you Angel." As they all went into the dining room Joyce pulled back her daughter.

"Buffy, you definitely have to keep him. I already like him. If I was much younger, I'd go after him myself." Buffy's eyes widen with shock.

"Mom! How could you? That's my boyfriend you're talking about."


"Well your dad sure had a lot of questions to ask me. It seemed like as if I asked your hand in marriage."

"I know, but he's just looking out for me. It seemed like after what happened with Riley, he's been more protective. He just doesn't want another guy to hurt my feelings." Her back was flushed against his chest while they sat down on the couch. His hands rubbed the side of her bare arms.

"I would never do anything to hurt your feelings. I love you too much to do such a thing." He kissed her shoulder. He moved his hands over to her shoulders and noticed how tense she was. As he started rubbing her shoulders to calm her nerves down and spoke to her.

"Buffy, what's been bothering you so much that you stiff as a board."

"Did you see Darla while you were in New York?" Angel was surprised the question. He had no idea why she'd say such a thing. Though in his mind he had to be honest with her.

"Yes. But it's not…."

"I can't believe she was right all along. I thought for sure that she was lying," she said angered. She turned around and faced him.

"It's not what you think."

"So she wasn't in your bedroom and you weren't dreaming about her?" she asked.

"Yes and no." Angel couldn't believe that Darla told Buffy what happened in New York. The only think was no thing happened except for her throwing her body on him.

"Why can't you give me a straight answer?" she said her voice rising.

"I did Buffy. She was in my room, but it wasn't like that," he said touching her arm.

"Don't touch me. I think you should leave now." He stood up and looked at her one last time. She looked up at him with her green eyes tearing up.

"Before I leave, I just wanted to tell you that even though you won't listen to me, I still love you and I'll be there for you when your divorce is finalized." He bent his head down and kissed her once more. It wasn't a kiss that they shared full of passion. It was sweet and innocent like their first kiss. He then stood up, walled out of the door and out of her life.

Buffy stayed still on the couch and started crying. The tears pouring down her face and she couldn't stop. A part of her wondered if she let him explain everything she would be alone and crying.


Angel spent the next day at work moping like a teenage boy being dumped by the prettiest girl in high school. He knew that if he spotted Darla that she wouldn't want to be near his presence. Darla was going to hear a couple of things from him and might totally regret her actions. Darla spotted Angel by his desk and noticed that he looked sad. 'Oh, poor thing, I guess Buffy told him everything. It's too bad nothing happened. I so wish it did. He loves that Buffy so much that it's consuming his mind.' She walked in and called out his name.

"Angel? Why the sad face? Did Buffy say something to hurt your feelings?" she said coyly.

"You bitch. You know perfectly well what happened between us in New York." He then grabbed her by the shoulders and pushed her to the wall.

"You're hurting me. I like it," she said smugly.

"You think I'm hurting you now Darla. Don't test me," he said angered.

"You know I like it rough. Remember? What don't you play rough with your dear sweet Buffy? Or is too innocent to play?"

"I can't believe you. You're just surprised that Buffy broke up with me and that I'm not crawling back to you. Oh, and I don't have to play rough to get Buffy's attention."

"Oh, please spare me. I know you and you enjoyed it when we had sex."

"You got that right. It was sex. You used me up and tossed me aside like a dog," he said with his brown eyes flaring with anger.

"You don't mean that. I still love you. I want to spend my life with you." Angel only wished that those words came from another woman's mouth.

"I don't. I don’t need you actually. You made me see the error of my ways. Now leave," he said through clenched teeth." He pushed her out. Angel needed to be with Buffy. He didn't care what he had to do. He loved her too much to let her go now.

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