Michelle's Revenge

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A young woman entraps an older man.
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A letter from overseas was in my mail box, a long lost relative wants to holiday here in a few months time, can she please stop with me for a week or so. The name and address are totally un-familiar, but Michelle had indicated that she did know about my father and mother and that she had traced me through the funeral notice in the papers.

She had been to see my brother and would like to see me. I was between girl friends, there had been an awful lot recently and so replied that I would be delighted to put her up, when and how was she arriving and I would collect her and generally show her the sights by arranging to take some leave. I had not had a holiday for some time.

Two more letters flew each way, the last contained a small photograph of a very pretty young woman in a smart cocktail dress. Six weeks later I was waiting at the international airport dressed in my best casual gear and with my graying hair dyed brown. I had carefully shaved and had splashed half a bottle of expensive after shave and body lotion over me, before the long drive to the airport.

The plane was early and passengers were already coming out the exit from the customs area. I stood amid the throng hoping I had not missed her. She had said she would be in a yellow pants suit. Another gaggle of passengers came out the door and I quickly scanned the remaining passengers queuing to declare their imports as the doors slid shut. There was no yellow pants suit in sight. I felt a tug on my sleeve. 'Michael?' I turned and there she stood. 'Michelle!' The photograph did not do her justice. She was beautiful her brown wavy hair framed her perfect face and she came to hug me. I had a vague feeling of de ja vu. There were many men who looked on with interest as she gave me a hug reserved for reunited lovers rather than perfect strangers, perhaps distantly related. I did not know quite what to do so suffered the display as coolly as I could, but she sure knew how to kiss.

She sensed my coolness and partially released me tucking her arm under mine. She led me to her airport trolley which had seven pieces of expensive luggage piled on it and a porter was guarding it. She went to give him a tip but had no local currency. I shelled out a five dollar note and he went off happy. I steered the heavy trolley out the doors and along the half mile of automatic foot ways to the exit of the row I had parked in.

She was chattering extensively about the flight and the size of the airport and that they had only walk ways like this inside the airport back home. 'Well the car-park holds about fifty thousand cars and if you are unlucky and have to park this far out then it would be a long walk to the gates. Too many people were missing planes, so they put the travel way in. Anybody can do a four minute mile here, even an old granddad like me!'

I bit my lip and regretted my loose tongue.

'Michael don't be bashful, I know exactly how old you are! You look very good for your age and I won't tell anyone you dye your hair either. Who did it?' I confessed to having done it myself. 'I will do it for you again before I go back. I am a hairdresser you see.' She laughed and hugged me as we reached my four wheel drive. There was just enough room for the six largest cases in the back, she would have to have the smallest on her lap for the next two hours or so. I got in paid the exorbitant fee for the thirty minutes I had been there. A minimum charge for two hours was a rip off!

I joined the traffic heading for the freeway and pointed out the sights. Michelle was becoming drowsy with jet lag and the heat which she would find unseasonable and hotter than any summer day in England. I had the small air-conditioner going full blast but it took it half an hour before the temperature inside came down to a reasonable room temperature. Michelle was yawning continually so I told her. 'Relax have a sleep, its at least another two hours to my home with the traffic like this.' So she slept.

I drove out into the hills and over them into the next valley and down towards the ocean. I woke Michelle before taking the steep track to my home.

'Michelle, we are here, you had better hang on tight. The front drive is a little rough.' She shook herself awake and looked wildly around, obviously having difficulty orientating in the rain forest surroundings. My turn-off came into view and the she remarked on the strange address.

'Road side box 42.' She asked a little nervously. 'Just how far off the road do you live then?'

I laughed. 'Not far about a quarter mile that way and the same down.' I stopped at the turn and emptied the mail only two bills. I engaged four wheel drive and we started again I went a lot slower than normal as Michelle was gripping the arm rest and when we reached the first hairpin her other hand flew to grab my arm.

I chuckled and said. 'Wait until the next one, you will be on the outside and the view is breathtaking.'

She had only a few seconds to wait and I swung the wheel and pulled up half way round the curve. We were perched on a rocky ledge with a two hundred foot drop in front of us and the majestic cliff line and white breakers of the ocean marching in and pounding the continents ramparts.

I turned off the air-conditioner and wound down my window. The roar of the ocean and the sweet salt air represented home to me.

Gingerly Michelle wound her window down and looked out the side. She was sat in a car with its wheels inches from the drop, she pulled back in alarm and said. 'Please can we go on, that will take a bit of getting used to!'

I laughed, my front drive had sent many a relationship into a spin. I'd had a few girl friends who could drive up my track but none who would drive down, even after careful tuition.

The last pitch was very steep, but relatively straight and the final sweep revealed my wooden house sheltered in the tiny cove. A level platform thirty feet above sea level and protected from all except rare easterly storms.

I parked the four wheel drive. I heard Dog woof a greeting as he recognized the car. The lazy devil had not come out to greet me. He had probably caught a rabbit and had an extra meal while I was away.

I took the case and helped her down. She obviously liked the place, and began asking questions, barley pausing to hear my replies. I opened the front door and led her inside. 'Dog' was strangely quiet and walked to her for a pat. He normally had to be formally introduced to women and needed restraining with male visitors. He was an excellent guard dog, a cross breed with an English sheep dog and a variety of others. He was getting on in years.

She fussed him and he snuffed her crotch, she patted him more and suffered his invasion of her privacy. I growled at him. 'Enough of that! Behave, go lie down.' He gave a little woof of approval at Michelle's smell and wagging his bushy tail returned to his favorite spot before the picture window and flopped down.

I showed Michelle to the spare room, a tiny after thought when I had built the cabin years ago. Really only a child's room, but she would be Ok for a week or so.

I went and retrieved the rest of her luggage and tried to work out where to put them, she obviously could not put the contents in the small chest and there was no wardrobe in the tiny room. 'I will clear out one of my wardrobes and you will have to hang them in there.' So while she unpacked her underwear and her make-up I cleared the larger of my two wardrobes. I hastily hid the two dresses and sexy peignoir that previous visitors had left behind.

I went to see if she needed help to find her partially undressed with a flimsy nightgown held to her breast. 'Oh sorry I should have sung out. If you need more sleep, leave the unpacking. I will show you the bathroom, unfortunately it was designed as an en-suite, so you have to go through my bedroom, this way.' She snatched up a wrap and I heard her struggle in to it and follow me. 'Would you like anything to eat or drink?' She shook her head.

'Ok I will go and make myself a meal, would you like to eat later this evening? Say about eight, that will give you six hours sleep now and if you get back to bed by about ten, you will wake up when it gets light around seven and should be over your jet lag.'

'That sounds just great, what's for dinner?'

'Steak and vegetables sound right.'

'Yum, but not too much though, I have to watch my weight!'

I left her to use my bathroom and retired to get a late lunch. It had been a long day already.

After eating I did a few chores, split a few more logs for the wood pile, I had enough for the worst winter now, and went round making a list of things I should do while I was taking a break from work.

The house was silent and when I called 'Dog' he came with me for a walk over the rocks and down to the tiny beach, hardly enough room to lie down on. A thin strip of coarse white sand and shell fragments. There was a nice shell still whole, that would pay for tonight's dinner and I carefully carried it back. Dog had had a paddle and was wet so I washed the salt water off him while watering the small patch of grass and we had a great time, with him chasing in and out of the spray.

He barked excitedly and I had to calm him down so as not to wake my guest. We went for a walk along the cliff to dry off. He was suddenly alert and dashed off to the side and I set up two rabbits. He soon he trotted back pleased to have caught one. He dropped it at my feet. 'Good Dog another free meal!'

He liked rabbits better skinned and gutted and he loved to use me to set them up for him to catch them. There seemed to be a never ending supply on the fringe of the forest that clung to the gullies along the cliffs and the heath land on the flat exposed plateau above.

It was getting dark when we returned and I prepared the vegetables and turned the meat over in the marinate. It looked good enough to eat raw. There was probably too much, I cut one piece in half. I tried the TV, but the picture was bad, so put on a long play tape and turned it up quite loud. I skinned and gutted Dogs rabbit and put it aside to cook the next day. I fed Dog dry biscuits and a few scraps. 'Two rabbits in one day would be too much old friend.' He woofed agreement and scoffed the food in a few seconds.

There were no sounds coming from the bedroom area so I decided to wake Michelle up. I knocked on the door and it swung open, the bed was empty and had not been slept in. I went to my bedroom door and pushed the partially open door back. Michelle was asleep on my bed, naked with the sheet covering one leg and her waist. Her breasts and lower body exposed. She was beautiful. I stood and looked for an age then stood back and shouted. 'Dinner in ten minutes!' I waited for a response and there was a muffled reply and scurrying movements, as she made for the toilet.

'How do you like your steak?'

'Well done please and no salt in anything please.'

I returned to my kitchen and began to cook.

The microwave quickly cooked the vegetables and with her steak in the pan I opened a bottle of wine, poured myself a drink then added my steak and the off cut to the pan.

The smell of cooked marinated steak soon filled the air. I lit the log fire, as it could get quite cold at nights exposed to the cool ocean breezes and a blow was getting up.

Michelle came to find me, she was dressed in a soft blouse and jeans, the plunging neck line showed the swell of her beautiful body.

'My that smells good. I am afraid I crashed out in your bed. I hope you don't mind.'

I made light of her transgression and offered her a glass of wine, turned the steaks and served up the vegetables, making a sauce from the water drained from them and the remains of the marinade. I thickened it with a little corn flour and served the steaks pouring the sauce over the meat in a small pool of dark spicy juice. I put the meals on the breakfast bar and Michelle sat looking at the meal.

'Just where did you learn to cook like that? You could not get a better looking meal in London or Paris.'

'If something is worth doing, it's worth doing right.' I replied. We ate in silence. I topped up her glass and I had a third glass. Michelle ate all the steak and I offered her the off cut.

'I shouldn't, but that is so delicious, so yes please and is there any more of that wonderful gravy?'

Dog would have to make do with his biscuits dry. I served the second helping and offered more vegetables. Michelle declined, so I emptied them and the remaining sauce on my own plate.

Michelle had soon eaten the meat and excused herself. 'I am a little cold. Still tired I guess.' She sat beside the fire, while I finished my second helping. I offered her more wine or a brandy and she refused, so with the remains of the wine, I joined her and Dog in front of the fire. She sat in silence listening to the tape, the roar of the increasing ocean swells just becoming noticeable.

I tried to converse, but she was not really with it and she was soon nodding, barely able to keep her eyes open. It was just nine o'clock.

I placed a hand on her shoulder and gently woke her. 'You had better get back to bed, you will feel much brighter in the morning.' She apologized for dropping off and left the room. I heard the toilet flush and the spare room door close.

I washed up and tidied the room. I went to bed at my usual hour and found the smell of Michelle disturbing. The fragrance of an unknown woman in my bed gave me some lurid dreams.

I woke early, it was just light and the sun would be obscured all day from the look of the dull overcast, which filled the small patch of sky visible from my bed. I was laying back contemplating my dreams and waiting for my blood to cool when there was a knock on the door.

'I need to use the loo are you decent?'

'Yes come in.' Michelle in a lace nightdress, that did not conceal a thing, drifted across the room and into my en-suite.

She returned a few minutes later and offered me coffee in bed. I accepted and the vision departed, her round bottom jiggling daintily out the door.

My blood was hotter than when I had awoke. I rummaged in the mess of my remaining wardrobe and found my one and only robe and pulled it on. I was about to go to the toilet when Michelle re-appeared at the door.

'I cannot find the sugar and where are the spoons?' I followed her and showed her where things were and returned to my ablutions.

I heard the kettle whistle and returned to my bed.

Michelle came in with the coffee. She sat on the side of my bed and held out the coffee and the sugar dish. When I had mine she put the tray down and tucked her legs up beside her. She sipped her coffee, looking deep into the cup.

I got her to talk about her relatives and how we were related, but all she told me was about my family, nothing about her mother or father. It turned out she did not know much about them, being orphaned when she was two, a car accident. She had been adopted and her adoptive parents had recently died, both in the space of two months and when the will revealed her adopted state she had sought out her relations.

'But I cannot remember any one being in a car accident then, certainly not in the immediate family and not in the quite large extended family.' She gave me the date and place of the accident and when I pressed for more information she bounced off the bed making her bust heave alarmingly.

She declared. That's enough for now, lets have breakfast and you can show me around.'

The next few days were delightful, she was good company and very nice to look at. Her morning chore to bring me coffee in bed just after it got light did nothing to relieve the pressure her presence was creating. The storm blew over and on the fourth day it promised to be hot and sunny. The tide was just right and I took her to my tiny beach to see if any more good shells had been washed up by the storm.

She dashed back to the house and returned in a wrap with a large beach towel and suntan oil.

I helped her down the rocks and could not detect any swim suit beneath the tightly tied wrap. When we reached the beach she lay the towel out in the sheltered gully, she accompanied me to the waters edge and we paddled in the swells. I spotted a large shell and slipped off my shorts and shirt and passed them to her and in brief bathers I braved the swells to retrieve the valuable item. When I waded ashore she was almost back at her towel. So placing the shell above the water line I returned to search for more as the gully frequently held many varieties of shells after a storm.

I found another six shells, one totally undamaged the others with a few chips and one very faded, it's inhabitant had been dead a long time. A good haul probably three hundred dollars worth.

I could only carry four so made my way back up the beach. As it was low tide this was quite a way, fifty yards at least and Michelle was a pink stripe on the colorful beach towel. As I got closer it became obvious she was nude, she was face down her body soaking up the sunshine.

I coughed and she said. 'Hi did you find any more.' She turned and lifted slightly to look up at me revealing the swell of her full breasts.

I put the shells down and said. 'These and another three as well.'

'Nice,' she said and turned back to her sun baking. I returned for the other shells. I had another look and found two small cowries and one big one all on the low water mark. I returned to Michelle.

She had turned over and had applied some sun oil, her body glistening in the bright sun light. She sat up and asked me to put some on her back offering me the bottle. I applied the lotion, she thanked me and lay back down. I decided I needed a swim and returned to the water. I played in the swells. It was still too rough to really swim, but it cooled my blood and turned my mind from the thoughts of what I would like to do with my relative. I determined to get to the bottom of the mystery.

When I came back from playing in the water Michelle was covered in her wrap. She had had enough sun for the first days exposure, so we began to climb back up to the house.

I left four of the larger shells well above the tide line to be collected later.

It was very nice to boost her up the rock and her body felt trim and taught. She went inside and I went for a quick shower. I came out into my bedroom to find Michelle dressed only in panties looking through the wardrobe that I had cleared for her. She apologized. 'I seem to have misplaced a wrap around dress. Oh here it is.' She slipped the garment on and left me to dress. We had a light lunch and my gaze kept returning to the deep 'V' of the flimsy garment. She was very beautiful.

'How about a walk up the cliffs, Dog has run out of rabbit and we should be able to catch at least one.' At the mention of rabbit, Dog was instantly in agreement and so with some walking shoes on, we went up the track to the cliffs. I helped her up the steep bit and over the rocks to the walking path and we set off to find Dog's dinner.

When we reached the tree line, Dog woofed and I motioned for Michelle to keep quiet and Dog slunk off into the undergrowth. We came upon a family of rabbits and they bolted the largest went straight down Dog's mouth I don't think it even saw him. Dog quickly killed it and trotted over and dropped it at Michelle's feet. He barked and playfully dashed around her. She patted him and fussed him and he became quite excited and suddenly he had the end of her dress in his mouth, he pulled, she spun and he was dashing back down the path leaving Michelle in the tiny lace briefs.

I shouted and called, but he would not come back, he stood at the tree line and woofed. Michelle was laughing fit to burst, I began laughing as well and picked up the rabbit. We turned back down the path. Dog seeing us begin to move disappeared into the forest.