Midnight Bloom - Virgin Redux

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An AI needs to experience all parts of life.
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Virgin Redux takes place after Girl Interrupted as another steamy interlude from my Bloom Chronicles novels. Nyx and Tara are at it again, but this time they've got someone else joining the party, an intelligence that has joined with Nyx to watch and observe the intelligent species of the universe...in all parts of life.

No living or real people are portrayed or implied and everyone in the story is over 18 and consensual. Oh, and in one case probably hundreds of thousands or even millions of years old.

"Are you still getting used to..." Tara gestured at Nyx's Silverskin covered legs, arm, and, well, the rest of her body. She had patches of newly patented synthetic skin over her upper right arm and several strips on, beside, and across her abdomen as well.

"My... upgrades?" Nyx asked her lover.

Tara reached over and gently ran her fingertips up the smooth but flexible metal alloy of Nyx's thigh. "Yes. Is it really just like it used to be?"

"Oh, it's nothing like it used to be," Nyx said. "I've got so much packed into each leg... Baby, I can fuckin' fly now!"

Tara squinted as she thought back to the schematics she'd poured over and tried to understand. She grunted when she remembered what Nyx meant. "The kinetic lifts... you have one in each leg."

Nyx grinned. "Fuck yeah I do."

Tara shook her head and laughed. "Isn't there a story about the boy that flew too close to the sun?"

Nyx wiggled her eyebrows. "I'm not a boy."

"I don't think that had anything to do with the moral of the story."

Nyx waved her concerns away.

Tara kept tracing her fingers up and down Nyx's thigh, rising higher and higher and sliding them toward the inside of her leg more and more. Nyx shivered and bit her lip when Tara's most recent exploration reversed direction and started back down her leg.

"You really can feel it!" Tara said. "I mean, I know you said you could, but..."

Nyx smiled at her. "Yeah, I can feel it. They've got a multipoint neuro-net built into them. I feel everything, if I have it tuned for that-- which I do. The real question is, how do they feel to you?"

Tara replaced her fingers with her palm and squeezed Nyx's thigh gently. "I'm not sure. It's weird. Like, not real... but it reacts to my touch and it flexes almost like real skin. It's warm and... weird. I think I prefer the original."

Nyx winced. "Baby... the original stuff is gone. Ruined. Dead."

Tara saw the fear in Nyx's eyes and rushed to shush her. "No, I didn't mean that! I'm sorry. I meant... I'd rather touch you where you've still got skin. You know... a little higher up your leg?"

Nyx let out a nervous laugh an said, "Mmm, I see. Well, we can probably do some of that, I was just working on making sure I've got all these contracts lined up right to protect our latest deals and--"


Nyx turned to stare into Tara's eyes. She saw the worry plain as day and didn't need the voice in her head.

'Tara thinks something is wrong with you,' the voice of Gene, the sole survivor of the Etheros society and the entity she shared her new hardware with, communicated to her.

"I'm okay, sweetie," Nyx said.

'It bothers you that I'm here, watching and experiencing this. This is part of the agreement we reached.'

Nyx ignored the alien entity this time. She didn't need to respond, Gene knew her thoughts as soon as she thought them. She had no privacy. No matter what she did or what she wanted, Gene was aware. No matter how twisted or dark her thought. No matter how taboo or slutty the deed.

Gene gave voice to her secret that she'd tried to hide even from herself. 'I misunderstood, you're not upset, you're aroused to have me witnessing you.'


"I didn't ask if you were okay," Tara said. "Now you've got me worried."

Nyx recovered from Gene's revelation in time to respond smoothly, "You were thinking it."

Tara nodded. "A little, yes. You... you're different. I mean, it's still you, but you're acting funny. Is it because of the... well, everything?"

Nyx took in a breath and let it out. "I've been so busy, Tara. I haven't taken any time for myself."

"Or for us," Tara pointed out.

'You're aroused by being watched, but you are upset too. Upset that Tara would not be... and you're hiding me from her. Hiding me from everyone.'

'You really know how to kill a mood, don't you?'

Gene was silent for a few microseconds longer than Nyx expected. 'You're correct, I am proving a poor witness. My apologies. I will refrain from interacting until a more suitable time arises to discuss my observations.'

'I think you need to get laid more than I do,' Nyx counter-observed.

"Nyx? Are you okay?"

Nyx shook her head and smiled. "So okay. I'm sorry, I was just thinking before speaking for once. And well yeah, that's what I meant when I said time for myself. Spending time with you is my happy-place. I... I don't want to share you with anyone but I've had to for... a long time now. I've been worried that, well, maybe things would be different now. That you liked being with everyone."

"Woah, hang on, I haven't been with anyone since we--"

Nyx grimaced and shook her head. "Shit, I'm sorry... that didn't... I didn't mean you were fucking around. I meant just, I don't know, being social with other people. Like, maybe they were more interesting than me."

"Oh my--Nyx! You're crazy! I am totally, one hundred percent, hooked on you! Don't you dare ever think I don't love the crap out of you. After all you put me through, you owe me at least five hundred years of happiness, if not more! And even with the magical science you dream up, we'd be lucky to get twenty percent of that."

"So you're saying I need to compress five hundred years into one hundred... I can do that. I love you so fucking much, baby, it terrifies me."

"Aww, you're so sweet. Dirty and nasty and sweet."

Nyx grinned. "You know, that reminds me."

"Oh no," Tara groaned.

Nyx's grin widened. "I was thinking about Alexis. Her new body and how modular everything is. If she wanted, she could swap out part and mount a flexible cock and fuck that shit out of Synthia if they wanted."

"Now that's my Nyx," Tara said after she rolled her eyes.

"I'm a little jealous," Nyx admitted.

"You are NOT cutting out your vagina so you can put in a cyber-whatever."

"Ooh, a cyber-sex-machine! No, maybe a cyber-sexy-modular? Adapter? Attachment. What do you think?"

"I think if you do any of that, I'm going to be so mad at you," Tara said.

"Don't you love me because of who I am?" Nyx asked while blinking her eyes innocently.

"Yes! But what attracted me to you was how amazing you were and the fact that you're a woman. I'm not attracted to men, and by proxy, penises. Yes, I don't mind toys, but there's nothing-- nothing-- that can ever replace your fingers and mouth."

"Now who's the dirty one?" Nyx asked.

Tara wrinkled her nose and looked around for something non-damaging to throw at Nyx. Then again, given Nyx's upgrades she could probably toss a spanner at her and it would bounce off.

"There's so much to do," Nyx said as she looked around too. "We're a couple of days out from our next stop and--"

"Nyx, what's going on?"

Nyx turned her head back to Tara and tried to smile. Even she knew it was a weak attempt. "I absolutely fucking love all of this," Nyx said while gesturing at herself.

"So what's the problem?" Tara asked before Nyx could continue.

"I don't know. I'm afraid... I guess. Afraid you won't like making love to me anymore because I'm... well, all this."

"You can space those thoughts, they're full of shit and you know it. You did your arm a long time ago and that never slowed me down at all. Some of the things you could do with your fingers on it... mmm."

Nyx bit her lip. "I thought I broke you that one time."

"You did! But then you fixed me," Tara reminisced.

"So... well... I mean, my pussy is vintage, but I did have to make some changes."

"What?" Tara asked. "I thought you said you made sure you had blood flow and kept everything alive there."

"I did, I did," Nyx said. "You know though, total hysterectomy and, well, basically everything between my stomach and crotch is gone and replaced. There was enough liver to regenerate but the rest is gone."

Tara nodded. "I know, and with your miniaturized variable matter reactor you don't have to worry about solid waste anymore-- oh! Is this... Nyx, I don't care about anal sex. I mean, I know you liked it but it's not a big deal to me."

Nyx burst out laughing, causing Tara to blush brightly.

"No, no, we can still do that. There's enough colon left for all sorts of backdoor fun," Nyx said. "And it's guaranteed to be always clean and healthy now! The wonders of modern science."

Tara shook her head. "This is turning into an awkward conversation."

Nyx laughed a little more and then fell silent.

"So what is it? If it's not that... if everything still works, what is it?"

"Does it?" Nyx asked. "I mean... I think it does. It feels like it does, but I haven't... you know... taken it out for a test ride."

"Oh my-- are you serious?"

"I had to rewire all of that stuff. Not just my legs and hips and everything, but my hooha and asshole too. What if... what if it doesn't work the same?"

Tara shrugged. "Only one way to find out."

Nyx persisted. "But what if it doesn't?"

"I know someone who can fix it," Tara said.

"Tara, I'm serious!"

"So am I!" Tara over-protested her. "Have you met yourself? You don't let anything go half-ass. You're all ass, all the time."

Nyx looked at her and then let out a little laugh. "Did you really mean that?"

Tara frowned a little and then gasped. "Oh! No, I didn't... wow, did I sat that?"

"So, like, I'm an ass, or I've got an ass? Or do I have a big ass?"

"You have an amazing ass," Tara snapped. "And I would love to do nothing more than get my hands on it and have my way with it. Probably start with some spanking to get you back in line first, even."

"How many times do I have to warn you not to threaten me with a good time?" Nyx asked.

"Apparently at least one more."

"Mmm, okay."

"So, get over yourself," Tara ordered her. "You are my girlfriend. My lover. The love of my life. I'm crazy about you and I will love you beyond my last breath. That includes, as long as we're able to, making love to you. And that's what I'm going to do to you. I'm going to make love to you so hard I'll short your circuits and make your logic boards pop."



"I fucking love you."

Tara felt the knot in her belly loosen and she smiled. "I never, ever get tired of hearing that."

"Good, because I'm never going to stop saying it."

"You can stop for a little bit," Tara said. "Right now you can show me instead of telling me. Besides, it's not polite to talk when your mouth is full?"

Nyx raised an eyebrow and then caught Tara as she leaned in and pressed her lips to hers. Tongue quickly followed and the two of them were rubbing and grinding against each other. After Tara had to relax her pressure enough to breathe Nyx leaned forward and pushed herself up out of her chair. She broke the kiss and moved quickly, scooping Tara up in her arms and making her squeal. She turned and put her on the bed and then pulled at the resealable seam on her tank top and spread it out to bare Tara's breasts.

Nyx leered at her while Tara slid her hands down into her shorts and pushed them over her hips and down her legs.

She spread then and used a hand to trace her puffy lips and draw attention to her sex. She dipped a finger in, swirled it around, and then brought it and held it up so Nyx could see her wetness glistening on it.

Nyx bit her lip and then leaned in. Her nose twitched as she took in Tara's musky aroma. Her eyelids fluttered and she grabbed Tara's hand. She guided Tara's finger between her lips and sucked on it, moaning as she did so. Tara's heavy breath was almost an answering moan.

"Get up here, baby, I've missed you so much," Tara whined.

'You wanted to experience what modern life had to offer. I hope you're ready for this,' Nyx thought to Gene.

Nyx climbed on the bed and covered her from navel to mouth with kisses. She did everything she could to kiss the life out of her and then gasped as Tara's fingers slipped between her legs and squelched inside her folds.

"Fuck... Nyx!" Tara breathed into Nyx's mouth as her fingers plunged inside of her.

Nyx's brain nearly did short-circuit from the stimulation. She shuddered and panted lifted her mouth to try and get more air. Tara seized the opportunity and sucked one of Nyx's ripe-nipple-berries into her mouth and teased it with her tongue and teeth. Nyx shuddered and bucked on top of her while her juices ran down Tara's hand.

Months of convalescence and rebuilding with no release, followed by a few weeks of recovery and self-induced chastity, left Nyx in a primed state for an explosion. Tara's body was the fuse and it was burning brightly. Nyx quivered in her arms and then cried out as Tara's thumb slid over her swollen clit. Nyx's hips moved of their own accord, humping Tara's hand.

When Nyx's orgasm finally crashed she slumped her head down and managed to kiss Tara's forehead in between gasps for breath. Tara shifted underneath her so she could look up into her lust-hooded eyes. "You needed that."

"Fuck," Nyx drawled. She forced her thoughts inward and asked the entity sharing her hardware, 'What did you think of that?'

'That will take some time to process all of the data. It was... extensive. Is it always like that when you mate with her?'

'That was a quicky. Don't worry, it gets better,' Nyx responded.

"I gotta ask... did you pee the bed?"

"What?" Nyx asked as Tara pulled her out of her dreamy conversation with Gene. The strange nature of the question made her panic for a moment as it sank in. "Pee? No... I can't. Well, I mean, I could, but I didn't."

"That's right, your bladder is part of your new recycling system," Tara said. "Controlled by your coprocesser. Cooling system, right, with impurities filtered out for the reactor?"

Nyx nodded, impressed by her brilliant biologist girlfriend. "And don't forgot all of that is controlled by my brain."

"So... why so wet? Because it's been so long?"

"Maybe I need to make some adjustments," Nyx said. She leaned over and collapsed on her side. She looked at Tara's drenched hand and legs and the wetness on the sheets of their bed. "Oh wow... that was a lot. It didn't shoot out though."

"No," Tara agreed. "But still... it was a lot."


Tara leaned over and kissed her. "Don't be. I, um, liked it."

"You did?"

Tara nodded. "Knowing I could do that to you? Yeah... I liked it. A lot."

Nyx smiled. 'She liked it,' she thought to Gene.

'I heard her.'

Nyx paid no mind to Gene's flat response. 'I think I need to recalibrate a few things. Sensitivity, maybe... or at least hydration levels.'

"So, we know your wired up properly," Tara said.

"Maybe over-wired," Nyx said and then waved a triumphant hand arm in the air. "Virgin redux no longer!"

"Now let's see if you remember how to get me off."

"Oh, I could never forget that."

"Prove it and then we can see if you getting that wet for me was a fluke, or I'm just that good."

"Oh baby," Nyx breathed. "You really are that good."

Tara grinned and then gasped as Nyx's hand slipped along the slit in her flesh. She bit her lip and spread her legs wider, inviting her in.

"Uh uh," Nyx said. "I'm all ass, remember?"

Tara laughed until Nyx shifted on the bed and bent over to bring her head between her legs. The first touch of Nyx's hot tongue stole Tara's breath. The second lick stole her ability to think clearly. The third ripped away her free will. The next several reminded her why she was, always and forever, Nyx's.

Gene could share her body and, she supposed, share her orgasms. But they could never have Tara. Tara was all hers.

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