Modern Day Cavegirls - Dirty Love


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When she gets home, I usually throw her into the shower, since it gives me a little time to make something in the microwave for her. Today was different. We left a little early and went to get her bike. So I guess that tomorrow will probably be another late day for her – if she has to catch up or anything. Bobbi told me today that she thinks that she'll get the financing so that we can begin to work on the old plane up the hill there very soon."

"I hear this on Monday," Su-jin said, "but I didn't know what it was all about. 'Old plane,' is all that I know."

Max pointed up the hill, "We can go see it if you want. I have a flashlight. I lived in there for over a year."

Su-jin's jaw dropped, "Why Max? I don't think that it is good place to live."

"Well, I didn't have anywhere else," Max said, "Nobody knew I was there. I was hiding."

Su-jin looked over and in a second, she knew. "Ah," she nodded, "You very poor."

Max nodded, "Yeah. But Bobbi gave me a job and I'd do anything for her and Jane."

Su-jin sighed , "So good people, Jane and Bobbi. They are good to me too. I had nothing when I came, but I am a little better now, get first two paychecks." She laughed a little and leaned against Max for a moment, "Really, I am still poor too. I just feel little better now.

And anyway, you poor, I poor, who cares?"

Max opened the door and shone the flashlight for Su-jin, "Be careful. There are a lot of things in here to fall over."

Su-jin nodded, "What all of this stuff? Looks old to me."

"That's because it IS old," Max laughed, "I think if I looked hard enough, I might be able to find the first old wagon that they ever had on this farm. I'd bet that they never threw anything away ever."

She pointed, "I fixed up those old tractors. I even found some oil of the right kind for them, I was going to try to start them, but I was always afraid that they might find me, so I didn't."

"They know about you now," Su-jin said, "How they find you?"

Max laughed, "Jane. She caught me last week. She knew exactly what I was going to do to get away and she did the only thing that she knew would stop me."

"What?" Su-jin asked.

Max looked at Su-jin and shrugged, "She took my trike key and I was afraid to go to her when she called me. I couldn't move."

She looked down, "I don't know if you can understand, but I've always been quiet and shy, small and weak, that's me. I was always alone, too. I never really had any friend before. I don't know if Jane knew it about me, but she wanted to know. She only wanted to talk to me, but I was afraid and I stayed in the shadows. I - I couldn't move or speak.

So, she held up my key and she forced me. We were up there in the loft," Max said pointing, "Jane said that if I didn't come into the light, she'd throw my key out here and I would never find it."

She shrugged, "That was how far she had to go to get me to come closer so that we could talk. After, I knew that she wouldn't have thrown it, but I didn't know her enough then."

Max shrugged, "I'm changing a little bit. Every day, I get a little ... closer to normal, I guess. Jane lets me. She never makes fun of me and she always pushes me a little to come out of the shadows a little more."

"Jane is so good person," Su-jin said, "She not show it much, but she care lots."

Max shone the light up and Su-jin gasped, "What ...?"

"The old plane," Max smiled, leading her to the door. "Open the door, we can go inside. Most of the things that I did to this one were inside."

Su-jin looked around the cabin, "Very nice. Like old movie in here."

Max grinned, "I think that these planes were in a lot of old movies, probably about flying in snow. You have a choice with these ones. You can put three things on the bottom to land them. You can have wheels, like this one has, or skis to operate from snow or you can have floats to land on water."

"I see movie like that," Su-jin smiled, "was nice old movie. Was nice old plane like this. You will fix properly when Bobbi have money for this?"

Max nodded, I'll do my best, but I have to learn more about how. I'm afraid that I might do something to wreck it."

Su-jin was shaking her head, "No, Max. You should ask Bobbi about it. Ask her how you are supposed to fix. Maybe she get you lessons. This is very nice old plane. Need good work. Tell her this."

Max nodded, "I will, Su-jin. I know that this plane is not really for Bobbi or Jane. This plane is for a man called Damian and I think that he's Bobbi's brother or ... maybe her cousin or something, I don't know."

"I hear little bit about this, but nothing to know by," Su-jin said. Then she smiled, "But now I will listen hard to learn. I will be spy for Max."

They laughed about it and then they looked at each other for a moment, "You're very beautiful," Max said in not much more than a whisper.

Su-jin smiled, "Thank you. But I see that you are so beautiful girl too. There is no one here, Max. No one is here tonight. I want to kiss you, I think. Can we?"

Max nodded slowly and they stood on the sloping floor in the cabin of an ancient aircraft and held each other as they kissed slowly for a few minutes.

"Thank you Su-jin," Max smiled shyly, "I really liked that."

"Me too, I feel better with you." Su-jin said with a little giggle, "We should go back now." Max nodded and they walked toward the door.

Outside, they looked at the stars and at each other. "If Jane busy tomorrow, maybe we can do this more," Su-jin said, "I have no one now and you need to see what Jane is doing with Suzi. Maybe that work for them."

She grinned with a little laugh, "I be your secret girl Max! You be mine too. Better than nothing and we like each other."

Max nodded and she took Su-jin's hand.

"What time do you leave for work in the morning?" Max asked, "I can give you a ride if you want. I have to be at work for seven."

Su-jin nodded,"Me too. Ok, I wait for you, 6:30?"

Max nodded and kissed Su-jin once more just because.


Jane held Suzi tightly in the bed and they hadn't finished whispering yet.

"This feels so good to me," Suzi sighed as she ran her fingers over Jane's short hair, "I'm so glad that I got the chance to do this."

Jane kissed her and smiled, "This is what I've wanted forever."

She smiled, "Of course, there are other things too. I've heard it said of me that I want something until I get it and then I want something else – but I don't think that it's strictly true."

"Well, what do you want now?" Suzi whispered, "I meant what I said, you know. I'll do anything that you want – but you might have to show me how."

Jane smiled, "You know, you make this sound like it's some feat that's performed by magicians of something. That's making it way too hard and it just stresses you to think like that."

She kissed Suzi and as she did, she reached for Suzi's hand and guided it to her cleft.

"You know what you like to feel, right?" she whispered, "Do the same things to me and it's an automatic good start. We were made for this, Suzi. All of us were made for this." She closed her eyes and sighed as she felt Suzi's fingers begin carefully.

"See?" she sighed, "Perfect."

Jane reached to do the same thing and they pulled as close as they could, leaving room for their busy hands as they did.

"Am I doing it right?" Suzi moaned and Jane answered in the same tone, "Mm-Hmm."


The door opened silently and Max watched as Su-jin crept out of the house that she'd moved into while things were being decided.

That made it sound like more than it really was. It was the house that Bobbi had told Su-jin that she could live in when she came and even so, it was temporary. When Jodi was gone, Bobbi told Su-jin that she should have it because of Tyler if it all worked out. Max pulled the door closed and Su-jin tried with only partial success to hold in her giggle.

"This is fun," Su-jin grinned, "Sneaking around in dark like a teenager, I never have chance to do anything like this in Korea."

She held out a pair of bottles and Max opened them before taking one. They stepped around the corner and leaned against the wall side by side.

"Other hand," Su-jin smiled and Max switched hands so that they could hold each other's free one.

"I think that you are project person, "Su-jin whispered, "To me, you feel like someone – if they can – they do one thing until it is finished, then begin next one."

Max nodded, "It doesn't always work that way, but yeah, that's how I like to do things. Why?"

"I was wondering what Max' next project will be," Su-jin said, "I am only curious. Need something to talk about."

Max shrugged, "I don't know. Jane gave me an old bike to fix up if I wanted to, but the person who built her bike wants to buy it, I'm pretty sure. She'll here in a couple of days, so I might have some money if she pays me enough for the bike.

I can just maybe do two things then," she said, "I can use the money from the bike to fix up my trike – but I can't see that it'll be enough money – since it's just an old bike and ... "she shrugged, "not anything special in any way. I've heard that those ones are in demand, though. Jane had another one and she went to that place to see about what she could do with the bike and they paid her crazy money for it, so I don't know now."

Max felt Su-jin leaning against her shoulder, "What's the other choice you said?"

"Well," Max said, looking lost as Su-jin looked over feeling a thrill to see it for some reason, "The woman mentioned to me that maybe I'd like to use the money – or the value of the old one to get one that she's already finished."

She turned her head to look as Su-jin, "But that doesn't make any sense to me either for the same reason. Custom bikes cost money, Su-jin. I sure don't have much of that. How could I do that?

I don't know. Jane said that I should hide my trike when she comes, because if she wants it, Jane said that she'd offer a lot of money for it.

But it means something to me. I built it with my father. He's dead now, Su-jin. It's not like he can help me anymore." She sighed, "I don't know. I'm only talking about it since you asked me to. I think that all that I'll do is sell the bike and take the money and put it into a bank."

She took a sip of her beer and when she looked up; she saw Su-jin standing in front of her close up. Su-jin reached and pulled Max to her slowly and she kissed her a little wetly for a moment.

"Think of happiness and not money," Su-jin whispered, "You can keep old bike and make something from it too? Yes, I know that you can.

You can send email to this place and ask to see what woman meant? What she has to sell and how much?

Yes. You can do this too.

You can think of what father would tell you. Do you think of him every time that you ride it? Probably not, yes?"

She leaned in and kissed Max, slipping her tongue in and teasing Max' tongue for a minute.

She pulled back and smiled, "Tell me this. Do you think that father did this – make trike with you so that trike would be something you wear around neck forever? Nothing last forever. You know this. Maybe father make trike with you so that you can sell one day and get money for something else. Maybe he see that it is all that he can do for his girl that he loved so much.

Think of these things and then decide."

Max thought for a moment and then she smiled, "Thank you."

Su-jin chuckled, "What secret girl for if not make you happy?"


"I love this!" Suzi whispered hoarsely as she humped on top of Jane, "This is SO good!"

Jane nodded, holding on to Suzi's back and trying to reach her ass to help a little more, "I love the way that your tits feel against mine."

"Mm-hm," Suzi groaned, "Mmf, Mmf, Ohhh. Please do me again with you on top later. I loved that too!"

"Man." Jane groaned, "I think I've created a monster."

"Mmf, fucking right," Suzi grinned, "I don't ever want to stop."


The bottles were empty and stood in the grass.

It began with a kiss. Not much different from all of the other ones, really.

But this time, that one kiss ignited something.

Su-jin and Max pulled themselves together tightly and hands went everywhere. Su-jin had Max up against the wall and pressed herself against her, needing her suddenly and she began to grind her pubic bone into Max as the kiss kept on and burned in them.

Max couldn't stand it and pushed Su-jin away.

Su-jin looked to see if anything was wrong and she saw Max wiping her lips with the back of her hand. It only lasted a moment, but in that time, Su-jin saw the feral look in Max' eyes.

Max lunged and grabbed for Su-jin and she pulled her close, but not right up against her. Su-jin felt the hands reaching ... grabbing at her shirt and once a little slack had been pulled out of her pants, she felt her shirt being almost yanked up to expose her breasts.

She looked down at herself and then her eyes made the journey across the short open space between them to the other girl's face. That look was still there, wild and hungry. But there was that other thing there – that... that lostness and Max' features softened a little.

Her voice was small, but it was still hungry and a little rough as she groaned, "Please? Su-jin ... please?"

Su-jin grabbed Max' T-shirt and yanked it up too and they pressed together as they kissed again and the hands flew once more.

Su-jin felt fingers in her hair pulling gently and so hungrily as Max moved her head for a better angle and before their lips met again, their tongues were already in contact. A little surprisingly, they didn't collide then. They both moaned and their lips made the rest of the trip slowly until their mouths were sealed together.

It lasted for a time until Su-jin backed away a little and Max stared, panting a bit.

As Max watched, Su-jin undid her pants and pulled them down along with her panties. She reached out and took one of Max' hands and brought it to her pubes with a soft smile, "For you, Max.

You so beautiful girl. I love this here with you. You do for me too? Please?"

Max had her pants open and down in a flash, though it took some effort at first to coordinate her trembling hands. She reached and took Su-jin's hand and brought it to herself.

They stood on trembling legs for a long time – two girls with their eyes closed gasping together and sighing softly as well. Without meaning to, they found themselves against each other again, having seemed to drift that way over the time. Their hands worked on, bumping into each other, but it stopped nothing and in a moment, Su-jin moved a few inches to one side and they didn't have the issue anymore and just leaned against each other petting and slipping their fingers in to pull out slowly over each other's clitoris for a long time.

Max pushed Su-jin very gently and they looked at each other.

Max brought her hand up in front of her face and as Su-jin watched, she licked her fingers and closed her eyes as she sucked each one. She smiled at Su-jin after that.

Su-jin saw it and she lifted her hand and brought it before Max, who opened her mouth again, but at that point Su-jin was there as well, licking everything before her; her fingers, Max' fingers, Max' face - anything as her breathing became more forced.

She dove for Max and held her by her sides as she pressed her wet face against Max' ear. "Hhhh, Hhhh, ohhhh, Oh Maaaaaxxxx, " she groaned.

Max spread her legs as much as her half-mast underwear would allow and she seized Su-jin's hips and pulled her as tightly against her as she could. When their mounds touched, their might have been a tiny spark passed.

And if not, it didn't matter. The effect was the same.

They both gasped and Max sounded like she was about to cry, but instead it became a growl as it ended, "Su-jin ... Su ... Ohhhh, Su-jiiiiiinnnnnnn."

Su-jin heard it and her reaction was instant. She had no choice in this.

She grabbed Max and began ... grinding, humping, pushing and above all needing. They looked at each other for a moment with expressions like they were seeing each other for the first time and then they got to it, putting their heads together – grunting softly into each other's ears, their mounds drawing apart sometimes in their haste and need before coming together not ...

Not unpleasantly, but just hard enough to be worth a startled twitch now and then but it didn't stop them at all. They kept grunting.

"You are so good fuck," Su-jin groaned, "Max, you special girl. So ... so good."

Max slid her hand a little lower on Su-jin's ass and she squeezed it gently so that Su-jin might know that she'd heard and understood.

"I love fucking ... with you Su-jin," Max whispered, "You're amazing and ... you know how so ... w-well."

She kissed Su-jin's ear and licked it for a moment, "For this ... ohhh, this... we belong."

Max lifted herself onto her toes and Su-jin got it and began to thrust in and upward slowly, but with a lot of force.

"Maaaaxx," she whispered, "You are mine ... uh.. uhhhh ... I am .... y-yours too.

Max had no reply handy. She just nodded and gave Su-jin whatever she wanted, just hanging on, loving the feelings that came to her.


Suzi was on her back, and Jane was lying next to her, cradling her head as they kissed passionately. She kept Suzi's hips rocking while she worked her fingers in and out. "I love you," Suzi moaned breathlessly, "I've always loved you Janey."

Jane smiled as she kissed her oldest friend, trying to put as much love into it as she possibly could.

She pulled her head back and dove for that neck, almost giving herself a crick in her own for the awkwardness of the angle and the distance.

She didn't care. She had Suzi now – all that she'd ever dreamed of and now she saw that it was attainable and lying in her arms. She told herself that she was NOT going to fuck this up for anything.

"I've always loved you so much," Suzi sobbed.

Jane crossed her fingers and gently bit into Suzi's neck and as Suzi came so hard, she held her tightly and rocked her as she wept afterward, "I know.

I know, Suzi. I've always loved you too.

Shhhh, baby," she crooned, "I want you to forget about what happened when we were kids. It's been over for a decade now. You shouldn't carry that the way that I see you are."

She lifted her head and looked down into those wet blue eyes, "I'm here. You're in my arms. We're happy. That's all that's important. I love you. I always have."


Max was on her knees with Su-jin's hands on her head. She wasn't being forced. She was looking at where she wanted to be in the darkness.

She licked her lips and began.

Su-jin had a hell of a time staying quiet, but it went so well.

Su-jin sank to her knees afterward, out of feeling a little weak and also because she was feeling really good about being here with Max. She threw her arms around Max and kissed her very softly for a while, just enjoying it and how Max tasted so good to her whenever they kissed. Now, with her face covered in her juices it felt a little sinful to her somehow and do it was even better. Neither one had ever done something like this before, kneeling half out of their clothes and not giving a damn because it just felt so good.

"I am so happy," she whispered to Max, "You best lover for me. Better than anyone I have before."

She grinned, "That not many, Max. I don't care. I feel free with you. Please get up. I want to lick you so much."

Max struggled to her feet, smiling weakly at Su-jin and the way that they were here, pants down and all.

Su-jin struggled in the confines of her pants being half off one of her legs to get into a better position. She looked down for a moment and then back up with a quiet chuckle, "We are like two children on inside – look like two dirty girls outside. I am having so fun with you."
