Modern Day Cavegirls - Happy Friday


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"It's ok, Patterson," she smiled, "I'm sorry that I didn't warn you about all the old shit in here."

She reached for the bulge and smiled, "You've gotta be more careful in here, ok?"

He nodded and Max gave in to letting her little grin out as she squeezed it just a bit.

Max was well aware of why Patterson had tripped. You can't navigate a junkyard while you're holding a toolbox over your junk.

She wanted to give her head a shake. She was stuck wanting him to feel a little better because she didn't know him and he was obviously not the kind of jerk that she'd grown to hate with a passion.

He was just an awkward and very shy man, trapped in a situation. She remembered what Jane had said about him and if he was that lonely, well it wasn't her problem, though she could understand. And he was cute.

And he had a boner and it was only making all of this worse for him, though she didn't mind it. In spite of himself and his troubles, he was a little interesting to her.

"Here it is," Jane said, indicating the old aircraft as they reached her, "Where is the manufacturer's plate that you need to see?"

Patterson felt a little better, since his over-interested dick felt like it was calming down. He'd really liked Max - back when she was a man - as far as he'd been aware. He had this little wondering back-thought going on in his head, asking himself why he'd had the reaction and why it had continued after he'd learned of Max' gender. He didn't normally spring a cast-iron hard on just because he was near somebody - even if he had an interest, and for sure, it hadn't ever happened over a female.

But he answered Jane's question, "There ought to be one in the cabin that I'll need some of the info from, but the main one will be under the cowling, so I'll need to get that off, or at least some of it.

There ought to be the operator manuals in the cabin too."

He looked around at the plane, "Bobbi told me that this one was originally a military one. The manuals for those ones usually weren't as good. We'll have to see."

"Can I leave you with Max?" Jane asked, "I've got to check on the guys back in the shop. I'm filling in for Bobbi today and I don't have that knack that she's got. One of them runs into a problem and she seems to know it before it happens and she's right there or on her way and she tells him what she wants and that's it.

Most of them don't need me at all, they can figure it out for themselves, but there are one or two ..."

"We're good, Jane," Patterson said and so Jane nodded and walked away.

As soon as the door to the outside closed, Max was in front of Patterson.

"Listen Patterson," she said, "I'm very sorry if I caused you to feel uncomfortable or anything. The thing at the traffic lights in town was just me feeling good and suddenly finding out that the source came from your car and ..."

She shrugged, "I just felt good and I think that we got to share a laugh between us."

Patterson nodded, wondering why he didn't feel like distancing himself from this female - since it was always the way that he felt. He didn't usually feel the way that he had in school before anymore. Now he just felt... nothing.

It had never occurred to him that it was alright to feel nothing, depending, of course, but talking to Max was sure a lot easier than having his teeth drilled.

"I don't know what that was about back there outside, but I did figure out why a man might want to carry his toolbox the way that you were. It's alright."

He looked down, "It just happened. It's a guy thing, but there's no off switch for it. Once it happens, I'm stuck until it gives up."

"Holding your toolbox," Max said with a little smile.

Patterson nodded, "Yeah. And sometimes wishing that I had a toolbox to be holding there. Having to wear summerweight slacks makes it worse, but I'm not supposed to wear jeans."

"Jeans would help?" Max asked.

Patteron nodded, "Not completely, but some, yes."

Max laughed a little, "You've gotta try to see it from a girl's side. We don't get that ... I dunno, runaway anything, so it's a little ... kind of disconcerting to hear a guy say that there's no control for it that you can just shut down."

He nodded, "I'm not sure that it would do me any good anyway. I wasn't exactly able to get my stereo to shut up as quick as I wanted."

Max stood with her head down, her hand over her mouth chuckling.

"What did I say?" He asked.

Max began to laugh, while trying not to and she turned to grin at him, "I've always had trouble with visuals. I just had one where a man stands there and - "

She stood with her back bent backwards a little with her arms in a position of some sort of alarm. "Oh no!"

She walked stiffly like a man with no knees, "Gangway! Rampant dick syndrome! Ah!

NOOOO! A revolving door! What'll I do? Help!"

Patterson laughed and nodded and Max was almost doubled over, laughing. She straightened up and grinned at Patterson a little bit. She looked at him just as he was nodding, "Something like ... that.

Christ, I've never even thought of a revolving door."

"Well it's a hazard then I guess," Max smiled, "you wander into one of those at a time like that and BAM!

You're one of us - but without the opposite replacement parts."

She looked at him and saw the way that he was looking back and she just knew something about him without knowing how she knew it. It came as a surprise to her to find that she liked him more for it. She had a sudden thought come to her that he was somehow the kind of man that she didn't feel like stepping away from out of feeling uncomfortable and nervous. It was a shock for her to notice that for once, that feeling was absent completely and she felt relaxed and even pleased to be near him.

That was a huge first to her. She wanted to explore it.

Noticing that she had his gaze locked, she turned her eyes on and smiled.

"Put the toolbox down."

He looked at her like she was speaking Polish or something.

"Put it down."

He began to bend his knees, looking at her like she had a gun on him. He set it down and let go of the handle to stand straight again.

"Step back, away from the toolbox," Max said quietly, "I need a little room."

He took two steps back, looking over his shoulder as he did. When he looked ahead again, Max was right there.

She put her arms around his neck and leaned in. Their kiss was shocking and really exhilarating to Patterson - an almost palpable and independent thing, like it existed in spite of him. He'd been totally unprepared and it took him a second to respond, wondering why he did.

But he did, and Max was thrilled. She kissed him hard and needfully, needing to hear his quiet moan as her kiss took him away.

She pulled back for a moment and waited for his eyes to open. When they did, she drew her right hand back and watched as he gasped because his flagging dick had all but finally gotten the message that there was nothing coming to it.

But it surged in Max' hand, happy beyond belief for the attention now, not sharing it's owner's concern over what was happening to him.

Max was just thankful that his pants left her the space for this.

She lunged for him again and laid another kiss on him that took away the breath which was just returning to him. He wondered if he was going to pass out. But there was enough air still in his lungs for him to groan loudly and Max drew back with a smile that made him feel like he was superman or something - a completely new feeling.

"I hope that it goes without saying that I like you a lot," she smiled as her hand caressed him.

Patterson nodded, "But ... why?"

Max leaned in and began to groan softly into his neck as she kissed him there, "Because I've never met anyone like you before. I've never liked most of the men I've ever had any dealings with. I just lose every time, no matter what. But you're different."

She pulled back, "I like that. I'd bet that this isn't even anything that you ever knew that you wanted - but it wants you, believe me.

Look," she said, "We're obviously not supposed to be doing this. It probably contravenes codes of conduct to our employers big time.

But we're alone here Patterson. Nobody can see us here. So we can do what you came here to do in a little while. I've just gotta make a bit of a statement to you here, that's all - and we can talk about it later."

Max tried to sink to her knees, but ended up sitting on the toolbox - which was handy as hell - and it took her seconds to get Patterson's dick out and into her willing hands as he stared in disbelief. She liked this a lot and she checked, but her memory told her that she had permission for this. Out of likely anyone in the room, she knew what Su-jin was telling her when she'd said it.

Max kissed Patterson's rock hard dick and licked the end. There was seminal fluid there and when she tasted it, she moaned softly and began.

Patterson groaned, but it came out like much more of a tortured, whimpering thing and Max was absolutely thrilled, knowing now beyond any doubt that she was a truly strange animal to him and that he'd never gotten much from anyone before in his sweet life.

She didn't know how exactly, but she intended to fix that for him.

She went at this like a pro - since she had more than the background for it.

This wasn't sucking a little half-heartedly on a man who didn't know any better because you needed to keep him locked up until you had his ring on your finger before it became only an annual birthday gift to him - if that.

This also wasn't some hooker doing what she was being paid to do. Max didn't know shit about those things.

She'd learned this from needing food or gas money or just a quiet place to sleep out of the cold wind, from being desperate to stay alive.

From managing to keep her wits about her and doing this well and not letting her fear rise up very much so that it was obvious.

She'd learned this - getting her technique down really well - because more than once ...

She'd had to do this in an alleyway on her knees with a pistol pointed at her head.

She pushed those thoughts back and sucked him in deeply and getting up on her knees a little higher, she overrode her gag reflex and sucked him in deeply enough so that her lips and nose were buried in Patterson's soft pubic hair and she moaned to let him know that she loved it. She smelled the scent of his soap from his morning shower

When she drew back, she looked up and saw that his eyes were wide in shock and she had to fight down her want to laugh. So she did it again, going in all the way so that his cock was in as far as it would go - where the act of her swallowing nothing around the head almost drove him to his knees. Then she pulled back and let him watch her worship him a little.

To her surprise, it really wasn't a show for him. She really was enjoying him. She reached for his hand with hers and after holding his fingers in hers as she brushed the tops of his knuckles with her thumb for a minute, she took his hand and placed it on the back of her head, just before she licked the underside of the tip slowly with a groan - which he thrilled her with by joining in.

She'd been careful, guessing about him and she didn't want him to blow off in thirty-two seconds. She'd made him last for over five minutes, but she knew that he couldn't take much more - not in a first go.

So Max pulled back and gave him another little show of the way that she made love to him so that he could see it, savoring him and running her lips and tongue over him as she looked into his eyes.

She pulled back, licked her lips and smiled , "Hang on to your socks, cutie. I'm gonna take all that you can give me right now - and before you ask me why, it's because I really, really want it from you."

Patterson didn't know what sort of response that she wanted from him in this - or if any was required from him. He thought that he must look like an idiot - but he nodded to her.

Max couldn't keep the smile from her face, "God, you're fantastic just to watch right now."

She opened her mouth and held onto his ass as she dove deep. Her swallowing around his dick took him to Paradise within a minute and he cried out several times as he spurted. Max thought that she just might cry over it. He was amazing to her.

Since he was already blasting, she drew back so that she could get some and she savored it, knowing that he was watching her.

When she'd gotten it all, he watched as she got back up, smiled that soft little smile to him one time and then took him into her arms and kissed the life right out of him - or tried to, anyway.

She jammed her tongue into his mouth, going after his in a big way and once she had him still and groaning, she pushed as much of his come back into his mouth as she could, adding most of the spit that was in her mouth to it, and she held him that way, one of her hands drifting down to hold onto his ass tightly until it was done.

Even before she left him go - even before he'd finished swallowing his own seed, Max knew beyond any doubt that he was hers, just from the way that he melted into her once he knew what she was giving him.

She allowed him the dazed way that he looked at her. She guessed that he wouldn't know what to say once he had any control back. Max leaned in and rubbed her wet cheek over his and sighed, "I really loved doing that for you, Patterson. I think that I can guess that you've swallowed your own come before and to me, that's a really nice thought.

We're gonna be spending a bit of time in here, you and me over the next while, I'd guess. But I want you to know that I'd do that for you almost any time. That wasn't just a one-off thing."

She pulled back and he looked dazed, but he nodded, "Thank you, Max."

Max smiled, "No, thank you, Patterson. I mean that.

C'mon, before we lose too much more time. Let's get what you came for. If there's anything that you need from me, just let me know."

She giggled a little, "And if there isn't, I'm just gonna stand here and admire you all afternoon."

He stared at her and finally, he laughed a little and nodded as he picked up the toolbox and pulled out a notepad and a pen.


As they got close to the door, Max stopped Patterson. "Please, can I have your phone number?"

He nodded and wrote it down on a page of his notepad, tearing it off to give to her. "I ... I don't know what to say, Max. I've never... had anything happen to me like that before."

Max nodded, "It's ok. I'm sure that most people haven't either. I just saw somebody again that I really liked the first time that I saw him and I knew that I had a chance to make you mine."

He looked at her a little curiously and she grinned with her hand on her hip in an exaggerated way, "Are you gonna tell me that you're not mine now?"

Max looked like she knew that it was a foregone conclusion and she was a little certain that it was. She'd heard what Jane had said of Patterson and she thought that she had a pretty good clue as to why he always looked unhappy. There was just this little bit of uncertainty right here, so that's why she'd laid it out in front of him this way.

It was unusual for her in the extreme, but then so was giving a man that she'd only just met a blowjob like she meant it.

Which, surprisingly enough, she really had.

He stood there and she counted silently. She didn't even get to six before he nodded.

"Well that's the way that I saw it, "she smiled. "Now I just want to see if we can get it someplace into being a real thing, because we don't know each other. I hope that you're not ... attached to anyone. I can guess that you aren't but I don't know it so I'm hoping.

I am attached - to another girl - but that doesn't mean much for this. She gave me her permission for this. So I'm gonna do what I can to keep both of you happy and, once I get you calm enough to even think about it, it's my hope that you can meet her and she can meet you.

But this - what we did today - Patterson, it's my real hope that you can accept it. I won't ever mistreat you and all I want is the same thing back, ok?"

She gave him a count of three and then she grinned with a slightly shy and very hopeful expression, "Please?"

He chuckled and she knew that she had him then, so she grabbed him and laid a good one on him, really meaning it. He still looked dazed when she pulled away and she smiled at him a little proudly.

"That's to let you know how I feel about you."

Patterson smiled and Max felt happy.

They opened the door and walked down the path together.

"Does this make you my girl, Max?" he asked quietly, "I'm just asking, but I've never had one before."

Max nodded, "Yes. As much as I can be, I guess." She sighed, "I've never had a boyfriend either, not a real one, anyway."

"Well..." he began as he thought about it, "what kind have you had before?"

She groaned and looked down, "The truth is ugly Patterson. The only ones that I've had - and I mean the ones who've meant anything to me at all - they were the quiet kind that just hum when I shove them into me. Those relationships are the easiest ones to manage, since there IS a switch on those ones.

You must know the kind that I'm talking about, right? I think it's the same kind that you've probably had: quiet ones who hum while you shove them -"

He nodded, "Yeah. But I prefer to sit on them then, most times."

Max groaned, "Oh God, I hope that you'll let me see that one day. I'd love to watch that."

He looked over and she nodded, "I really mean that."

Patterson found himself smiling, "I know. I'm just wondering at myself that I admitted that to you."

She leaned against him, but carefully so that it looked accidental, "I like that about you, Patterson. When I go to sleep tonight, I'm gonna remember it as a very nice thought to me.

Max took a deep breath for courage and then she asked quietly as they neared the place where they'd parked their vehicles, "Can I please call you tonight?"

He nodded as he put his toolbox on the floor of his car on the passenger side and Max almost danced over to her Harley. She had a ton of questions for Su-jin now, as well as a few that she needed to ask herself, but overall. This sure was getting to be a red letter day in her book.

As they drove back to the airport, Patterson wondered over the way that he felt.

Holy crap.

A girl.

A beautiful girl who obviously liked him.

He could barely process it all. He only knew that it was a fantastic feeling.


As soon as Max got back to the hangar, she checked in with Jimmy to see if there was anything that needed doing.

Jimmy grinned the way that he always did and said 'Not a thing' - which he liked about it personally since it was Friday and all.

"Bobbi would probably throw a fit if she was here, though. Almost everybody has gone up to the office one at a time to see Su-jin's little kid. The little guy's amazing.

Kind of reminds me of me when I was that age."

Max looked over with her lip curling up into a doubting smile, "You can remember back when you were a year and a half old?"

"Nah," Jimmy sighed, "I just remember my mom saying that to anybody who'd listen whenever the photo album made the rounds."

Max chuckled, but she thought that she saw something there in Jimmy's face. "Is something going on, or is there anything wrong at all? You look a little different to me today."

He shook his head, "Nope. Well, I got a haircut yesterday, thanks for noticing."

Max shook her head, "Ok man, but just so you know, I was the only child of a man who used to cover all of his misfortunes with a good thick layer. All of my family's troubles - all of his misfortunes in business, personal life - everything.

I only got to hear how it really was twice - when my mother was dying and later when he'd been told that his cancer was terminal.