Modern Fairy Tales Ch. 11

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The Empress's New Clothes: a role reversal
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In this story I use some Italian phrases, so I apologize in advance if I have in any way slaughtered such a beautiful language. It was unintentional. I hope that you enjoy Empress and Nicola's story. All feedback is welcome.

Once upon a time.....there was an owner of a plus size woman's clothing store who was approached by the creator of a new style of clothing that is sure to be the rage. Empress Chikowski is the owner of this store and due to her statuesque physique she had always been in search of stylish clothes for her plus size figure. Enter Nicola Rambaudi, the creator of new style of clothing that is scandalous as it is beautiful. Can he convince Empress that they would look smashing even on her generous figure?

Empress Chikowski stormed into her back office. As usual her appearance had started out immaculate and professional but as her day had worn on - she ended up the same as she did everyday. She slipped into the washroom just off her office where she winced as she caught the reflection of herself in the mirror above her sink. Her once tidy French braid was now loose and several strands of hair had slipped free of their moorings. Not to mention the frizzy halo that all people with natural curls seem to possess. The light weight linen suit that looked so smart this morning was now wrinkled and even stained with a spot of antipasto sauce that she had somehow managed to spill on herself at lunch. One wouldn't think that a woman her age wouldn't need a bib to eat lunch. But at times she wondered.

"Em, there is a man out here who says he has an appointment to show you his new line?"

Empress looked up in the mirror to see Heidi, her head clerk and assistant in the doorway of the washroom.

"Yeah, I know. Give me ten minutes to refresh myself and I will see him," she replied.

* * * * *

Nicola stood in the midst of the woman's clothing store. His brother had first suggested the "Barely There" clothes idea. And as an active nudist, he had to admit the concept of clothing that mimicked a woman's natural skin tone and hinted at their beautiful curves was very appealing; but standing inside of this store he wasn't sure that the plus size woman would appreciate such clothing - that it might be a bit to much to ask that a large woman wear his designs. He was just thinking of leaving when the clerk that had left him standing returned from the back.

"She'll be out in a few minutes," the tall willowy woman said with a genuine smile. He stuffed his hands inside of his pockets and stared around the store again. It wasn't completely deserted but obviously his presence had hushed the warm atmosphere. The clerk joined one of the few customers and led her to what he assumed was a fitting room. He felt like an piece of meat in a room full of a vegetarians. The many racks of elegant clothing were a rainbow of many hues. Walking over to the closest rack, he pulled a silk dress off it. He was genuinely surprised to see the expert cut and design of the piece. Maybe this wasn't such a bad idea, he thought.

* * * * *

Empress watched the man on the security monitor as he examined the dress he held. She licked her lips as she studied him. He was taller than the average man that much was for certain. The rack that he was standing next to was almost six feet tall and he stood a good six to eight inches taller than the rack. She swallowed roughly, knowing her weakness for tall men. At six foot one, she was almost always looked her dates in the in eye, if she didn't tower over them. Her heart beat faster as she noticed the way that he handled the delicate silk of the dress he was holding. In her experience most men were rough on the delicate fabrics; but it was obvious that he was savoring the soft feel against his skin. It made her wonder if he would do the same with a woman's delicate flesh. Her thighs quivered as she continued to watch him examine every inch of the dress in his hands.

"Isn't he just dreamy?" Heidi asked as she came to stand next to Em.

"Yes," Em admitted before turning away from the monitor. "You can send him in, Heidi. And be a dear, and clear my schedule for the rest of the day."

"Damn girl, I know that's he yummy but you don't have to jump his bones on the first date," Heidi joked, knowing full well her boss's view on casual relationships. In fact one night over a pitcher full of margaritas, Em had confided that she didn't get what the 'big deal' was concerning sex. But one look at the way her boss was reacting to the

man on the sales floor -- she was going to soon figure out exactly what the big deal was.

"Just show him in, Heidi," Em repeated as she walked over and sat down behind her cluttered desk. It seemed

that to her that her desk mimicked her, it started out neat and orderly but by the end of the day it was just as

messy - even cluttered as she was.

* * * * *

Nicola sauntered into the office carrying his briefcase. He took a quick glance around the small room, taking in the various details. It was a cozy room, more fitting for afternoon tea than a working office. Behind a hardwood desk sat the woman he was there to see. He could safely say she wasn't what he had expected. He thought he would be greeted by a woman that reminded him of his sainted grandmother... a round and pleasantly plump older woman. Instead the dark haired temptress that greeted him was not at all what he had expected.

"Hello, my name is Nicola Rambaudi, I have a meeting set up with Ms. Chikowski."

"Of course. I am Empress Chikowski. Have a seat Mr Rambaudi," she said, her softly accented voice sending chills of awareness up his spine,

"Empress?" he asked as he took the seat in front of her desk.

"Yes, and please no wise cracks about it. If Empress is to much of a mouth full, please call me Em. Most everyone does. Now what can I do for you, Mr Rambaudi?"

"Nicola, please. And I have a new design line of clothing I would like to show you," Nicola said as he opened his briefcase and pulled out a sheaf of papers. He handed them across the desk to her. She took them from him and opened to the first sketch. Shock was quickly masked as she stared the sheet in front of her. He watched as she slowly turned the pages. Although the shock at the first page was now gone, he could see her eyes flare with interest as she viewed the following pages.

He could see the flush on her face when she looked back up at him.

"These are not exactly what I was expecting. I am not sure that they are exactly what I would sell in my shop,Nicola They might be better suited for the shop down the street. They specialize in sexy lingerie and clothing. Most of the women that frequent my shop are up and coming business women that need suitable but attractive clothes for work."

"I did notice that you carry quite a the line of business clothes, but I also noticed that you had a whole section devoted to evening wear. This clothing line is not meant for the office any more than the evening dresses that you have displayed," Nicola pointed out as he relaxed in the chair.

"I am well aware of the clothing lines that I offer, Mr Rambaudi. I just can't see this line working well with the rest of the clothing that I offer," she said as she shifted uncomfortably in her seat.

"Let me ask you something Empress, what is it about my clothing design that bothers you?" he asked as he leaned forward cupping his chin with his hand and staring directly into her eyes.

* * * * *

Em stiffened. She looked back down at the drawings in her hands.

"Frankly, Nicola, these clothes are better suited on a nudist beach than actual wear. I can't see any woman of my stature wearing them comfortably. Even the evening clothes that I choose to carry are picked with the larger woman's body in mind."

"I see, and you think that a "larger woman" would not be comfortable in this design? Or is it you, Em, that wouldn't be comfortable wearing it?" he asked his voice going husky,

"Whether or not I choose to wear a particular design of clothing has nothing to do with whether or not I would purchase it for my shop," Em replied as she twirled the pencil through her fingers.

"I can totally understand that. No smart business woman would ever base her final decisions on her personal feelings alone. That is why I think you should let me have some "large women" as you call them, try on my clothing and have a 'feedback' session."

"A feedback session?" she asked arching one dark eyebrow at him.

"Yes, a honest rant and rave about my designs and how each woman feels - and how their significant other would like or even dislike my designs.

"And what would be the catch?" Em asked warily.

"What makes you think that there's a catch?" he asked.

"There's always a catch, Mr Rambaudi. So what is it?"

"The only thing I want is for you to personally try my designs. I want you to feel the difference between being a beautiful woman and feeling like one," he said before standing up and walking towards the desk. Em drew a deep but quick breath before surging out of her chair.

"Whether or not I feel beautiful is none of your business," Em said stiffly as she moved around the desk. She handed him the sheaf of papers.

"My my, I do believe you have a bit of temper there, Empress. But who are you lying to? I saw the flash of desire and intrigue in your eyes. You hid it quickly but for a brief moment it was there. I can tell my ideas have stirred your senses. Why not try my designs?"

"As if I would subject myself to the indignity of wearing something that is better suited to a sex shop," Em said as she walked towards the open door of her office. "Thank you for showing me your designs but I am sorry but I will have to pass."

"I think you are being a bit closed minded, Em. Why not let me arrange the showing? You can even decide on the women to try them. Maybe some of your most loyal customers. Even if it is just to put me in my place. If they completely hate my designs, I'll take my entire line elsewhere," Nicola said as he stopped just inches from her. Em swallowed roughly as she had to lift her eyes to look up at him. It was a new experience for her.

She caught her breath as he tipped his head down towards her.

"And if they like it?" she asked softly -- breathlessly.

"If they love it, then you buy my designs AND I get to see you in one of them." he breathed across her soft parted lips.

"Nicola..." she moaned as his breath teased her parted lips.

"So do we have a deal, Em? Will you give me what I want," he asked, his voice gravelly with desire.

"I...I..." she mumbled as she lifted her head to bring their lips closer together.

"Yes, mi bella, " he prompted, his Italian accent deeper than it had been earlier.

"Okay," she sighed as she waited for him to bring his mouth against hers.

"Here's my card," He reached into the inner pocket of his coat and pulled out his business card. He slipped it down the open vee of her blouse. She inhaled sharply as the blunt edges of the card teased her swollen breasts. A small growl filled the room as he gazed down at her heaving cleavage.

"Call me when you know what sizes you need, Em. I'll have them made up and bring them over," he said as he stepped back -- away from her...away from temptation.

"What?" she asked weakly.

"Call me when you're ready," he said as he turned and walked back to her desk to retrieve his briefcase. He tossed his design sketches onto the desk top before turning back towards the dazed Em.

"I can't believe you did that," Em said with narrowed eyes as she watched him come back within kissing distance.

"What? Slip my card down your blouse, mi bella? Or not giving you the kiss that you wanted?" he asked coolly as he stopped in front of her.

"Used your sex appeal to make me change my mind about your designs! Do you have no shame?" she hissed before jerking the card out of her blouse.

"Once you get to know me, Empress, you will realize that there is little that embarrasses me, let alone causes me shame," he said with a wink as he walked by her.

"Fuck!" she muttered under her breath but Nicola paused before swinging back around. His briefcase dropped to the floor.

"Don't I wish," he answered before jerking her flush against his hard body. This time there was no build up or teasing - he tipped his head and covered her surprised lips with his. A mutual moan escaped both of them as he thrust his tongue between her parted lips. Within mere moments Em had forgotten why she was angry with him. Without thought or intent, she wrapped her arms around his neck as he continued to kiss the breath out of

her. He responded by backing her up against the closed office door.

She whimpered when he jerked his mouth from hers. A soft gasp escaped her when his mouth slid through

her hair to land against the shell of her ear. It turned into a moan as his tongue traced around the whorls of her ear before dipping inside. She shivered helplessly in his arms as sensations raced down her neck to settle in both her nipples and her womb.

He cursed raggedly before jerking away from her. She slumped against the closed door and watched as he pulled his handkerchief out of his pocket. Pressing it against his lips, he removed all traces of her lipstick off of his rugged mouth.

"Damn, mi bella you are more potent than 100 proof whiskey," he said.

* * * * *

Em sighed as she sank into the tub of bubbles. Every part of her body still tingled from her earlier encounter with Nicola. She couldn't believe that she allowed him to grope her less than ten minutes after meeting him. He was very tempting but she had a firm rule about men that she dated. She never dated anyone that she did business with. It just wasn't good business. Jilted lovers had a tendency to smear one's name and make the person look like a fool... and she was no body's fool.

"Damn it!" she groaned as she sank under the water. Because she knew even though Nicola was a man that she might end up doing business with, her traitorous body wanted him. While she had a feeling that he would be the one that made her climax for the very first time. It frustrated her that the only way that she was able to ever come was by herself, alone. Even in the presence of another she could not bring herself to climax. And

after the third man that had failed to bring her to orgasm, she had given up on ever finding a man that would be able to push her past the point of no return. But Nicola Rambaudi might be the one to give her first orgasm with a man.

* * * * *

Nicola stared at the opaque fabric in front of him. He was trying to work on his design but the sexy Em kept pushing to the forefront of his mind. It was unusual to find a woman that he didn't have to break his back to kiss. At six foot seven, he towered over most women. The novelty of being almost eye to eye with a woman was refreshing. Not to mention that every inch of Empress Chikowski had felt wonderful against him. The memory of her luscious body pressed against him, sent a surge of desire through him. The memory of their kiss caused his cock to stir. He shifted in his seat trying to push the heated memories to the back of his mind.

Nicola looked up from his sewing table as his brother walked into his work room.

"Hey little brother, how did the meeting with the owner of Empress's go?" Sergio asked as he stopped next to Nicola.

"You set me up!" Nicola said as he continued to pin the pattern on the material in front of him.

"What! Moi? I would never do that!" Sergio protested as he watched his brother picked up his sewing shears.

"Don't give me that Sergio. Ever since you married Rachel you have been trying to get me to settle down. When did you meet her?" Nicola asked as he made the first cut. The sharp rasp echoed through the room.


"Empress. When did you meet her?" Nicola looked up and meet his brother's sheepish grin head on.

"She's a friend of Rachel's. She met her when Amy needed a bridesmaid dress. They went to Empress's

to find the perfect dress."

"And you thought that she would be perfect for me?" he asked as he turned the material and made another cut.

"Well, you have to admit that she is definitely your type," Sergio said defensively.

"I don't have a type, Serigo."

"Admit it, you find her attractive."

"Whether I find her attractive or not, nothing is going to happen."

"And why is that?" his brother asked.

"I don't mix business and pleasure."

"And once the business is done?"

Nicola looked up at his brother with a huge grin.

"All bets are off."

* * * * *

Em had just finished her first cup of coffee when Heidi knocked on her office door. She motioned for Heidi to join her. In front of her she once again had Nicola's designs spread across her desk.

"Dressing casual today, Boss?" Heidi asked as she propped her hip on the edge of the desk.

"I didn't feel like dressing up. I plan on staying in the office. I have to set up a test group for this design,"

Em replied as she stood and stretched. She walked over to the coffee pot and poured herself another cup.

"Wow! These are pretty risque!" Heidi said from behind her.

"I know. Mr Rambaudi seems to think that our customers might actually go for it. I still think that they are better suited the sex shop down the street but I agreed to this test group. It will be worth it to put him in his place," Em said as she brought the cup to her mouth.

"Do I sense some friction between you and the sexy Mr Rambaudi?"

Em paused. She turned around to look at Heidi. Then a smile lit up her face.

"I plan on driving him crazy."

"What! What did you do with my boss?" Heidi asked -- shock evident in her voice.

Em just smiled mischievously before turning back to her coffee. She had come to the realization that what was good for the goose was good for the gander. If Nicola thought he could use his sex appeal to sway her into buying his design then she wasn't above using what little sex appeal she had to distract him from his goal.

* * * * *

Em sighed with satisfaction as she hung the phone. She had managed to fulfill the all the slots for her test group. She picked up the business card that Nicola had given her. She really needed to call him and give him the correct sizes for each woman. She tapped the end of the card to her lips. She wasn't sure if she could handle talking to him just yet. After the long night that she had spent dreaming about him, she didn't

know if her will power was up to even doing something as simple as talking to him on the phone.

She was startled when the phone rang. She waited for Heidi to answer it up front, but after it had rung for the fourth time and the answering machine picked up, she realized that Heidi must have been busy with a customer.

She nearly whimpered when Nicola's masculine voice filled the office. And unlike most people he had no problem talking to the machine.

" Ciao, mi bella, I was wondering if you were being a brav'ragazza and have the list of sizes for me. You know the sooner you get them for me - the sooner I can see you in my design. And mi bella I have been imagining you in it all day. So give me a call, so we can make my fantasy come true."

Em moaned as her head dropped onto the desk. The sneaky bastard! She lifted her head and stared at the machine as if it were the most vile of things. She would show him his fantasy, she resolved. She would give him a peak and then jerk it away. She was going to show Mr. Rambaudi who would come out on top, she vowed. She grabbed the paper with the appropriate sizes on it and stood up. Grabbing her car keys and her wallet along with his card, she headed out the door. She would show him a thing or two.