My Introduction To CFNM Ch. 04


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"The coffee?" I inquired.

"Yes," she answered, "that too. But what I was talking about is that." She raised her finger and pointed between my legs.

"Did you have to use the cold washcloth?" She asked, staring at my limp member.

"Uh, yeah," I answered, "it definitely worked."

"I can see that." She agreed and then asked, "Is it still cold?"

"Unfortunately, yes. That washcloth was freezing." I answered.

"Here," she replied, motioning me closer, "let me see."

Without thinking, I edged up as close as I could to the bed and pushed my hips forward. She handed me her coffee mug and as I took it from her, she moved her hands down and hovered them around my organ. The next thing I felt was perhaps the most amazing feeling my poor, cold cock ever felt.

Sharron gently lifted my soft penis and cradled it in the palm of her hand. She smiled widely as she wrapped her fingers around it, feeling me. Her hands were hot from holding the coffee mug, and as her other hand joined and both hands held my flaccid member, I started to get hard. The heat from her hands permeated my softness and she obviously felt it start to stir, because she snapped her head up to look at me with a huge smile on her face saying "Oh, this is so amazing! I can feel you getting hard in my hands!"

It was true, I was slowly getting longer, thicker and harder. She was like a kid in a candy store – her eyes growing big and a smile beaming from her face. I watched Sharron's facial expressions as I became plump and started to get rigid. She was completely transfixed with the change, gently squeezing me so she could feel the change in thickness and sponginess. It didn't take long for me to swell to the point where she could no longer hold me in her hands, so she let go and when she did, I flexed my cock and it sprang up, bouncing into full length as it pointed to the ceiling.

Sharron tentatively reached out again, this time grasping me like a pole and started to move her hand up and down. "I love touching a guy's penis," she said, "especially when he's soft. I like to feel it get hard in my hands, knowing it was me that took him from soft to hard."

This was the side of Sharron I had never seen until the other night. This was my sweet angel being sexy and nasty. I knew she hadn't had that much experience with sex and cocks, but there was something about her words and the way she was taking charge that really put a jolt through me.

I noticed her grip on my cock wasn't gentle anymore. She was squeezing and jacking me now in a definite masturbatory manner. She would stop every now and then and milk my cock to see if there was any precum bubbling up yet. When there wasn't, she went back to squeezing and jacking until she was finally able to squeeze a drop of precum to the tip. At that point, she held me still and touched the drop with the forefinger of her other hand. Lifting slowly, she pulled her finger away causing the thick, tenuous fluid to stretch into a clear strand between my cockhead and her finger.

When the strand finally broke, she rubbed her fingers together with her thumb and looked up at me. "I read somewhere that even women who don't like the taste of cum in their mouth don't mind the precum." She said. "It's much sweeter, you know. There's no sperm in it."

"I know." I moaned softly as she continued to handle my package.

"What do you mean, you know?" She asked. "Which part?"

"That there's no sperm in precum." I answered.

"Uh-huh." She said smiling up at me, "Sure. How about the taste, then? Do you agree it's sweeter?" She asked.

I didn't answer her right away, and when she saw my hesitation she said, "It's okay if you tell me, Brad. I've tasted myself before; I think it's only natural to do that. I don't know why guys have such a hang up about admitting they have tasted themselves, but, we can talk about that later. Right now, I just want to enjoy this." I felt relieved she didn't pursue the point.

She resumed her stroking and by then I was at full mast. My cock was rock hard and I was aching. My balls were full and she must have noticed it because she slipped her free hand under my nuts and held them as she stroked my length. I flexed my cock and held it, making the head expand and turn red. "Oh my gawd!" She exclaimed. "Did you do that?"

I nodded my head up and down. "Do it again," she asked, "the same thing... can you do it again?"

I flexed my cock again and held it as long as I could. She watched as my cock head again expanded and grew red. Her eyes lit up and she tilted my cock down to see the head better. I could only hold the flex for a few seconds and when I relaxed, my cock head went back to normal size. I could see her smile. "Wow," she said, "that's so hot! What else can you do with it?"

I laughed and said "Let go for a second and I'll show you."

Sharron let go of my cock and pulled her hands back. Then, as she watched, I began to flex and release, causing it to bob up and down like it was waving at her. This made her smile and laugh. I laughed, too.

Reaching her hands back to my cock, she resumed her jacking. Except, this time, she was doing it with dedication, stroking me all the way up and all the way back down. I was leaking some precum now, and a few drops got on her fist as she masturbated me. On the upstroke of her hand, she stopped and smeared it around my cockhead and then stroked me more.

"You must be ready for some relief by now, right?" She asked.

"That's an understatement," I replied, "I'm way overdue."

"Well," she said, "do you want to put on a little show for me to take the edge off a little bit? I would seriously love to watch you do it all the way."

"You're probably going to be seeing me do it a lot this weekend, you know." I answered.

"Well, I sure as hell hope so!" She replied. "And don't act like you're not enjoying this, Brad. I know damn well you're enjoying this as much as I am."

"Oh, I'm not complaining, Sharron." I said. "It is kind of a turn on doing this since I know it turns you on, too."

"Okay, then," she said, "since we both want the same thing, quit stalling and do it! I want to see you cum."

"So, you want me to just stand right here and masturbate for you?" I asked.

"You betcha," she answered, "I've been waiting for this."

"Okay," I replied, "but, what do you want me to do when I cum? Where do you want me to.... you know...... cum is going to shoot out, Sharron."

"Just let it go," she said patting her lap and the sheet covering her, "all this can be washed, so just fire away and we'll wash the sheets later. How about that?"

That's all I needed to hear. I swear, my legs were right against her bed, and she was less than an arm's reach away. I knew I might spray my cum all over her, so I mentioned it saying "You're awful close, Sharron. You might get hit."

"Bradley, quit stalling!" She said with a stern voice.

I hunched my shoulders, said "Okay, but I warned you" and reached down to grab my throbbing tool. As I started to jack myself, she interrupted me. "Oh, hey wait....." She said.

Feeling for something under her pillow, she pulled her hand out holding a pair of white silky panties. "These are the ones I had on last night when we were talking on the phone." She said. Holding them out to me she added "I saved them for you. Aren't I nice?"

I reached out and took the flimsy panties from her hand and looked at her. "Go ahead," she said blushing, "I want to see what you do with them."

"So," I answered back, "did you put any on after you took those off?"

"Nope." She said smiling. "I've only got this little sleep shirt on and that's it." Of course, I could only see her from the waist up because the sheet was covering the rest of her, but looking closely, I could barely make out her nipples brushing against her shirt. Knowing that she was sitting under the sheet just a few feet away from me with no panties on gave me a huge thrill. I had a momentary vision of what she would look like if the sheet was pulled away or if she happened to let it slide off her lap.

"Come on," she urged, "get busy. You're not the only one that needs to get a little relief, you know."

Now it was my turn to say "Oh My Gawd"! Did I hear her right? Did that mean she was going to masturbate along with me? I could only hope that was the case and I started to silently pray that it was so. Just the thought that I might get to see her dainty fingers dancing around between her legs caused my cock to jump. I threw caution to the wind and held her panties up to my nose. At the same time, my hand found my cock and I began to put on the show I knew she desperately wanted to see.

Last night, I spent some time wondering how it was going to be the first time I did this in front of her. Was I an exhibitionist? Was she a voyeur? We're both adults.... is it too far fetched to imagine two adults might participate in a mutual activity that brought them both pleasure? She made it clear we weren't going to have sex, but, this was awful close, wasn't it? She obviously wanted this, and I did, too. And while I might have been embarrassed doing it in front of any one else, with Sharron I felt totally comfortable. I didn't think twice about holding her panties up to my nose and breathing her scent in deeply. I even emphasized my pleasure by doubling the speed of my hand as it massaged my erection.

Glancing at her, I could see that she was totally engrossed in watching me. There was no shock or surprise on her face at all. She was studying me intensely, watching my hand as it massaged my cock and then watching what I was doing with her panties.

Almost as if she didn't mind me seeing, her right hand slowly snuck under the sheet and came to rest between her legs. She took a deep breath, closed her eyes and let her head float back. I was able to see very slight movements in her lap, and I knew with complete certainty that she was, in fact, masturbating with me.

"What is it about the panties that turn you on so much?" She asked.

Without stopping my hand, I answered her immediately. I didn't have to think about it – maybe I should have tried to figure out what she wanted to hear – but I saw no need to try to be diplomatic. "They smell like you," I answered, "I guess it's the next best thing to having your pussy."

"Aren't you afraid there might be, you know, other smells in those panties you might not like that much?" She asked.

"These are fine." I said. "And please don't misunderstand me," I added, "It's not like I would be interested in just anyone's panties, Sharron." I looked at her and added, "Don't forget, I was in love with you for years. Having something as intimate as your panties with your pussy scent on them is just about the most awe-inspiring thing I could ask for."

She blushed and then smiled at me, so I continued, saying, "Don't tell me you've never heard stories about guys who hung their girlfriend's bra or panties over their rearview mirror, or heard about guys wanting to keep their girlfriend's panties after a date. It's like a prized trophy, Sharron. Hell, you need a lesson on men!"

"You still have my other ones I gave you?" She asked.

"Absolutely." I answered. Without any change of expression she said "Good. You can have those too, but," she added, "they go in the chest with your other things as soon as we're done here and you can have them all for yourself when the weekend is over."

I nodded and then I did something that I think surprised her. I wrapped her white silky panties loosely around my cock and began stroking myself. "First, you played with yourself in them," I said, "now I'm going to do it, too."

"Oh, gawd!" She moaned. The pace of her hand under the sheet quickened and I saw her move her knees to make more room for her invading fingers.

"You came while you were wearing these panties, didn't you?" I asked.

She didn't reply and she didn't look away from my hand as it flew up and down my cock. She only nodded her head up and down as her answer. "Then it's only fitting that I do the same," I said, "and I'm going to unload my balls right at you while I rub myself with your panties."

"I'd like to see that." she moaned. Her hands were moving in wider and wider excursions now, causing the sheet to slip down to the point where I could see just a hint of bare skin at her waist. Another few inches and I would be looking at the promise land....

I was getting close, there was no denying that. That familiar feeling of the impending eruption was already starting. The silkiness of her panties against my hard cock was creating ample enjoyment, and add to that the vision of her hand doing herself and the sheet slowly creeping down...... I knew I wasn't going to last much longer.

"I can't hold off much longer." I panted.

"Brad, don't hold it back!" She pleaded. "Just do it. Come on! I'm ready, too."

Hearing her instructions, the point of no return came right away and I felt the process start deep inside my cock. The first clinch told me I was only a few seconds away. I steadied my footing and bent my knees a little; ready for the initial contraction that I knew would send a rope of warm cum shooting out towards her. My hand was flying faster and faster now, aided by her silky panties sliding frictionless on my rod.

Her hand was moving faster, too, and the sheet was still slipping lower and lower. I could see the top of her hand now, with the bare skin of her belly and waist on either side as her fingers worked her pussy. Each movement of her hand seemed to cause the sheet to slip more and more. If I could only hold off a few more seconds......

At the instant that I knew my climax was starting, I reached out and steadied myself on the headboard of her bed. Sharron's eyes got wide and she said "Come on, Brad, just let it go. Let it go!"

And with that, my cock convulsed and shot out a small but thick stream of cum, landing on the sheet covering her lap. Then another spurt, this one much stronger and longer, hit her square in the chest just above her right breast.

"Oh my gawd! I'm cumming, too!" She yelled. "Closer, get closer..." She panted.

I leaned in as far as I could and then it was like a faucet opened inside of me and I gushed warm cum all over her shirt, arm, hands and lap. My orgasm was so strong that I almost lost my footing and fell straight over into her.

I was trying to catch my breath as the last few spurts were leaving my cock. Turning my head to judge her reaction, I could see that she was in the middle of her own climax, sitting there with her mouth open, faced flushed deep red and her body frozen almost solid. I couldn't tell if she was trying to scream out, or trying not to scream out.

I held my rod out as close as I could to her and milked the last few drips of cum into her lap. Then, without thinking, I vigorously shook it hoping the last drops of cum would fly off uncontrollably and scatter all around her. I couldn't have calculated any worse, because those drips fell squarely on the back of her hand as it sat frozen in her lap, covering her almost visable pussy.

We both looked at each other as we caught our breath. My eyes traveled down to her lap and I waited for her to remove her hand and give me a peek of her womanhood. Her eyes were firmly attached to my now softening cock as I unwrapped her panties from it and let it hang between my legs.

Without a word being said, she used her left hand to modestly pull the sheet up and then removed her right hand from between her legs. Looking at her hand, it was clear that several drops of my cum had made direct hits there, and as she tilted her hand this way and that, I could see numerous wet spots on her arm and her hand.

She smiled and held her hand out for me to see, saying, "Good shooting, Tex, but you got me all messy."

Thinking quickly, I reached out and gently held her wrist. Then slowly, I knelt down by the side of her bed and pulled her hand to my lips. She didn't pull back and never said a thing, so when her hand was close enough, I opened my mouth and sucked each finger clean of her pussy juice as I stared up into her disbelieving face. I spent extra time on each finger, ensuring I licked off every possible trace of her femininity, and when I was done, I simply smiled, said "Thank You" and lay her hand down on the sheet.

Savoring her taste, I stood up - proud to show off my spent, but soft cock - and put my hands on my hips as if to say "Mission Accomplished". She smiled as she reached out to give my winkie a gentle squeeze and then looked down at the numerous pools of cum all over her shirt and sheets.

"As part of your chores today," she said, "you'll be doing laundry, so don't worry about all this mess right now."

Before I could say anything, she pointed her finger at me and said, "Now, though.... I think I would like some breakfast. So while I take my shower, I want you to go and make me the best breakfast you've ever made. Then, you're going to start on the laundry, help me clean the kitchen and the bathroom and then we'll dust everywhere."

She must have seen my jaw drop. I didn't expect to spend the weekend being her maid.

"And the best part is, you're going to stay naked while we do it. All that bending and reaching..... I'm going to love seeing you like that!" She added. "And if you're really good, I'll let you do yourself for me each time we finish something."

"Now," she instructed, "you run along and close the door behind you so I can get up and get in the shower." As I started to leave, she said, "And Brad, remember to keep your hands off Mr. Winkie. Until the weekend is over, he's mine, not yours."

I smiled and thought to myself "This is one weekend that was going to be truly memorable."

Turning to leave, I walked out into the hall and started to pull Sharron's door closed behind me. As I did, I peeked inside for one last hope of seeing her charms as she climbed out from under the sheets, but, what I saw surprised me even more.

There sitting on the bed, Sharron was raising her hand to her mouth and was just about to taste the drops of cum that I deposited there. "Yes," I thought, "this was going to be a very memorable weekend."

The End

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nakedguyatxnakedguyatxalmost 2 years ago

A great series. A bit inconsistent in places, but very hot.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Just two for tea.

In the beginning of them getting together the rules they both made said on CFNM weekends that there would never be anyone else just the two of them now she has suddenly changed that to include girlfriends and parties. Of course he will allow that to happen because he is somewhat of a pushover.

maddictmaddictabout 7 years ago
I don't think I could resist.

The promise, mystery, hope, and wanting of what is to come makes this story so much better. Yes having someone is very nice, wanting someone is more powerful.

Well done. This story is almost 10 yrs old, I'm glad to see there is one more chapter.l'll text page you my responce to ch 5.

A shocking twist, Brad serving at a party of Sharron's men friends, I wood be soft all night !

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
great story

Great story. I love the way the story progresses and hope this won't be the end. Maybe she'll give in and marry him!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Love it

Loved it. Loved it. Loved it. But, in reality I bet she would end up falling for him. Any woman would love to find a man that was that devoted, and loved her that much plus you get the added bonus of CFNM or whatever else turns you on. Thanks.

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