My New Life Ch. 1

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Aimless girl finds a disciplined way.
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Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 10/27/2022
Created 03/24/2002
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As my 25th birthday loomed ahead I was rather depressed. Here I am living with my college roommates, drink too much, stuck in a crappy job, my boyfriend pattern makes Animal House look dignified. As I thought about my past my mind wandered back to Don. I met Don when I was working at his computer store when I was 19 years old. Don was 30 at the time. I had a huge crush on him. We dated for a few weeks but my parents just hated the fact that he was 11 years older than me. I had sex with Don once. He tied me gently to his bedposts and just ravaged me. The best sex time I have had. When I broke it off he was totally cool about it and off I went to State University. I just wish I had cared about what other people thought.

The more I thought about life and my unhappiness I decided to look Don up. I knew he sold his business but I remembered where he lived so I worked up the courage and drove to his home. I sat nervously in the car while I debated going up to the door. I figured what the hell. He probably doesn't even live here any more. I walk up to the front door of the house and ring the bell. To my surprise Don opens the door and says hello. He remembers me right off and invites me in. He is looking as good as ever. Don has a rugged but not scruffy look to him. He offers me a seat and tells me that he is glad I stopped by. We make small talk for awhile. I apologize for breaking up with him 5 years ago and explain that I wasn't mature enough to handle what other people say. He nods his approval and says that he understands. He asks me what I am looking for in a very direct manner. I tell him that I don't really know. I explain that I have been taking inventory of myself and don't like what I see. Don tells me that he understands that and has a suggestion.

Don explains that he is a "dom". I have just a passing knowledge of the BDSM scene so I ask Don to explain. He tells me that after he sold his computer company he got into BDSM full time. He makes equipment and trains subs full time. He tells me that he is looking for a sub for himself and I would be the ideal woman. Well I may be a loser but I don't know if I want to sell myself into bondage! He explains exactly what he is looking for and even gives me a contract and thorough explanation for me to look at. I tell Don I must leave and think about all this. I am shocked but yet intrigued. Don tells me he will train me to have complete body and mind discipline. Great. I do need to be disciplined though. I am too impulsive and careless. I get in my car and take off on a long drive to ponder what Don told me.

I can't believe that Don wants to train me to be his slave. Get real. I guess I am not sure what was going to come of seeing him again but a slave? As I think about Don's proposal I notice my pussy is wet. I run my fingers around my moist pussy and I am very aroused. I just don't know what to think. I can't believe that I am actually starting to consider this.

I am home contemplating what to do when one of my roommates comes home drunk and starts cranking the stereo. Angie decides that 1:00am in an apartment complex on a Tuesday night is a good time for a party. I decide to move in with Don. Life can only get better for me. My mind is made up. I am so excited I call Don. He is equally excited and we agree to meet Friday afternoon and go over everything and get me moved in. As I lay awake I masturbate with my favorite dildo and cum hard thinking about my future.

Well Friday finally comes and I have made up a story that I am moving in with my best friend who plans to carefully cover for me. I get my things moved into a storage shed and the rest to my friends place to add to realism to my story. I arrive at Don's house with one box of personal possessions and papers. Don welcomes me into the house and asks that we sit down and go over the details of my training. There is a short list of things Don may not ask me to do. He also lists the types of punishment that will not be used in my training. I am allowed almost no rights. I do get to call my parents twice a week and will be allowed to visit them twice a month, which is my normal pattern. I have quit my crappy job at the shoe store. I sign the papers and tell Don that I am at his service.

Don has made me feel quite at home. His home is very nice and I feel fortunate to be living here. Don has asked me to come into the master bedroom, which is very impressive. He tells me to take off my clothes. I do as he asks. He informs me that we will go and buy new clothes from my head to toes. All my attire will be picked and approved by Don. We go on line and order a ton of nylons and underwear from Whispers in Lace. We visit several bondage clothing websites and order a massive amount of leather everything. Don has me put on a tight little black dress and black heels. I have no underwear or bra on and this clingy little dress is small and tight. He tells me to get in the car as we are going to drive to the mall in the next town. I obey as I can tell this is a test as well as a shopping trip. Don looks great. He has perfected that rugged messed up look. Messed up like a $800 suit he is. We walk the mall and I get a ton of looks. My dress barely covers my ass. We do some serious damage to Don's credit cards but he is the master. I have many things for Don to choose for me. All the things orders on line were fed ex next day morning delivery so by tomorrow night I will have a new $10000 wardrobe. Don love leather and high heels I tell ya that. We have dinner at a little bar and grill next to the mall. Don orders what we eat and drink. He has me sit so everyone that enters the bar sees my little leg show I have going on here. I must confess that my long legs are one of my best attributes. We head home after I tease every man in that bar.

We arrive home at 10:00pm. Don orders me to hang up all my new clothes and then clean the kitchen and mop the floor. I finish my chores by midnight and ask Don what I should do next. To my surprise he has a small bed that is low to the floor set up in the master bedroom. He tells me its time to go to bed. He points to the small bed and hands me a silky nightshirt and a pair of large handcuffs. Don tells me to lock one cuff on my ankle and the other cuff to the steel bar underneath the bed. I put on my nightshirt over my naked body and lay down on the bed. I click one of the cuffs on the steel frame and slowly put the other cuff on my ankle and click its locked. Don tells me that I will have to earn the right not to be shackled to the bed. He tells me that I have been a good girl my first day and I can sleep till 7:30am. It's exciting and frightening to be shackled to my bed at Don's mercy. I lay quietly and drift off to sleep. My first day as a slave is over.

Prompt as could be Don us unlocking my shackles at 7:30. He instructs me that I have 30 minutes of private bathroom/shower time. I ask Don if I should wear make up or how he would like my medium length blonde hair. He leaves it up to me for the day. He also gives me a list of chores for the day. It looks very do able and I am quite happy as I decide to look nice for Don. I am finished up in the bathroom at 8:00am sharp. Don has laid out my clothes. A very small white bikini top and short shorts. I eagerly put the clothes on. My ample 36d tities fit sexily into this top. The shorts are a perfect fit as well. The shorts feel great with no panties. My shoes are a low heel strappy summer sandal. I prepare a big breakfast for Don and he is pleased with it. I do the rest of the house chores that he has on my list. It's been a busy day as afternoon is edging into evening. Don informs me that he is going out tonight. I ask if I am going with and Don tells me no. He tells me that he will allow me to remain free in the house. I am instructed to put on a nightgown he has laid out and shackle my ankle to the bed frame at 11:00 sharp. I am also instructed not to enter the basement workshop area.

Don leaves at 7:00pm and looks sharp. I think he is taking his Harley out for an evening ride. I am instructed to never ask about his comings or goings. I feel very fortunate as I have the run of this nice house. I settle in and watch some TV and call my parents who are convinced I am living with Angie. Its approaching 11:00 and I am not really ready to go to bed. I decide that its best I do what Don has told me to do. I put on the really sexy nightie he put out for me. I lay myself down on the bed and with the metallic click I am bound to my bed at 11:00 sharp. I have only a pillow, as the house is warm as August is slipping away. I feel rather sexy being locked to the bed with only this sheer nylon nightie on.

I drift off to sleep to awakened at about 2:00am to voices in the living room. I hear Don talking and a female voice talking and laughing. I can't hear it well but I can hear the female voice moaning. I think Don is having sex with the lady. I am so horny I can't stand it. I strain my body to move my head closer so I can hear. My shackles clank and clink and then there is silence. Shit. The door opens and Don walks in. There is not much light but enough that I can see he is naked. He asks me if I am ok. I tell him I am fine. Don asks his friend if she would like to meet me. Her name is Linda and she comes into the bedroom. She opens the door fully to reveal a lot of light. Linda is drunk. She is the classic biker babe. Big tits, tattoos all over. She tells Don I am cute. I feel odd with Linda leering at me. I don't think Don has been drinking. Linda can hardly stand up. She still has Don's cum on her tits. They finally leave me alone. I fall back asleep.

I hear Don and Linda come to bed about 4:00am and feel very uncomfortable with her in the bedroom. I ask Don if he would unlock me and I get a quick firm no. I don't sleep much anymore. The suns up and it must be close to 8:00am. Linda is up and walks over to me and gives me a very long look. She unlocks my ankle. Don tells me that I have 30 minutes of bathroom time and come see him in the kitchen when I am finished. I feel good. Don has laid out a micro orange bikini for me to wear. I slither into this thing and nothing is left to the imagination. I go to the kitchen and Linda is getting ready to leave. She is quite the site in leather pants and vest. I just don't like her. I think I may be jealous. Don tells me I will spend a day with Linda in the near future. I snap back NO! In a mean firm voice Don tells me to sit in the living room and wait for him. Linda laughs and walks out the door. Don walks over to me and grabs my wrist firmly. He walks me to the basement room. My eyes are wide open as I get my first view of his dungeon. It is amazing. It looks like a movie set. He tells me this is where I will be punished for any act of disobedience. There are several bondage/torture devices here. It's almost all too much to take in. I try to make things better by offering to suck his cock. He only gets madder and tells me I will do that whenever he pleases. Don informs me that I will be locked up until 6:00pm tonight. He tells me he is going to lock me to the St. Andrews Cross and I can view the more extreme forms of restraint and torture all day. I am crying a little but I say nothing. I know there is no hope of changing Don's mind. He buckles on leather wrist restraints and then ankle restraints. Don then padlocks each restraint to a D ring on the cross. Click Click Click Click. 4 clicks 4 padlocks. I am locked securely to the cross. Don tells me to think about what has happened and he will be back at 6:00pm.

Well needless to say this day is passing very slowly. I can't move much at all. I can move my feet just an inch or so. Its exhausting standing all day. I think it must be getting close to 6:00, as the sun is almost down. I have almost lost all of my strength to stand. My only consolation is that Don didn't use some of the other devices here. Don walks down the stairs and over to me. He asks if I have thought about my disobedience. I answer yes. He unlocks the padlocks but leaves the leather restraints on my wrists and ankles. I can tell he is still very upset with me. I am sure I embarrassed him in front of Linda. I am instructed that I have two hours to do as I wish in the house and then I am going to bed. Don will not even look at me. I feel like I want to do something to win his approval but I am afraid it will only make things worse. My first weekend as a slave and it looks like I have fucked that up as well.

My first week as a slave is nearing an end. We have settled into somewhat of a routine. Don has warmed up a bit as the week has gone on. I have been as obedient as can be. I have taken great pride in making things right around here. I have great freedom during the day while Don is out. Today is Friday and Don is planning a party for the evening with about 10 people. I will be the server/hostess. I have run all the errands and have all the beverages and hor dourves for this evening. I am waiting on Don to arrive.

Don is getting ready for the party. He has laid out my attire for the evening. He has laid out a pair of sheer black pantyhose and 4" black spike heels. A leather skirt and leather halter. I have done my best make up job and my hair was restyled per Don's instructions. I have to say I feel very sexy. My leather halter is quite revealing. I tell Don that I want to make him proud tonight. He kisses me on the forehead and tells me he is pleased. I feel like a schoolgirl. Don tells me that he has something for me. He brings over a wrapped package. It looks like a small shoebox. I open it and it's a fine leather and chain collar. Don tells me that he wanted to wait a week to see if I was going to be ok with all this before he locked his collar on me. I am just purring as he padlocks this elegant but secure collar on me. Don gives me some instructions for tonight. I am to obey him first and foremost but must defer to the guests wishes. The guests are experienced BDSM folks so they know what is ok and what isn't. I am nervous but I am totally into pleasing Don. I just wish he would make love to me.

The first guests arrive and my luck its Linda and her boyfriend Mack. She tells me to get her a cold beer. I obey and serve her and Mack. She asks how I liked my 10 hours in the dungeon and I reply that I learned a valuable lesson. She tells Mack that he will have to fuck my ass with his 10" cock when we have her. He just smiles and nods. Yikes. Well it looks like all the guests are here and Don is staying pretty close to me. He has introduced me as slave Jenny to everyone. All seem quite nice. I serve and defer to everyone's wishes here. I hope I don't have anymore problems with that bitch Linda. She seems to have it in for me. About every 10 minutes she needs ice or her drink isn't right or whatever. I need to stay cool. Don is asking everyone to come to the dungeon, as he wants to show off some of his newest gear. Don asks me to be his model and I gladly run to him. He is showing his steel hanging cages. I squeeze into one and Don locks the door. It's very confining. Once I am in Don uses the pulley and lifts the cage 2 feet off the ground. It's a very odd sensation as the cage swings with any movement I make. It's clearly the hit of his items. Don sells 3 of these on the spot! Wow. Everyone looks around a bit and they start walking back to living room and I am still locked in the hanging cage. I know better than to say anything. Linda and Mack are the only ones left in here and they are just circling my cage. Linda tells me that my day will come. I give her the finger. She laughs and spins my cage. Don comes back into the room and Linda asks if I will ever be trained. She proceeds to tell Don I gave her the finger. Don asks me if I did that. I respond yes. He just looks away from me and tells Linda and Mack that they can take me home tonight and do what is needed and have me back in 48 hours. Don looks at me and tells me that he is very disappointed and hoped he would not have had to "borrow" me to them. He will see me Sunday night.

I am left alone in the cage. I can't really move except for my arms outside the bars. It's dark. I try not to cry. I am afraid of Linda. Don is coming over to me. He is lowering the cage. I am whimpering a little. He tells me this will be a good learning lesson. He has handcuffs with him. He tells me to stand still and cuffs my wrists behind my back. I am crying steadily now. Don bends down and cuffs my ankles. I see Mack coming towards me with a big canvas tarp or sack. He smiles at the horror in me eyes as he slides this bag over my head. I am set down and the bottom of the bag is tied. There are air hole which let in a little light. I am carried by Mack to the car and placed in the back seat.

Finally the car stops. Mack and Linda get out of the car. It takes a few minutes and I am being carried again. I am whimpering and crying and Mack tells me I will really have something to cry about. I am sat down on a bed or sofa. The sack is untied. I feel hands sliding up and down my legs. I am still fully dressed with my pantyhose and heels still on. Finally I am released from the sack I sit patiently on the sofa hoping they will be merciful. Mack and Linda seem to be arguing in the next room. They are both semi drunk. Mack comes into the room and walks toward me. He is standing in front of me and undoes his leather biker pants. He is wearing no underwear and his massive fat cock plops out as he takes his pants off. He says nothing. He grabs my bound ankles and lifts my legs high and tilts me back. I try not to let them see my tears. He firmly pulls my pantyhose down. He tells Linda he is leaving the shackles on. He spreads my legs the 24" or so allowed by the chain length. Linda is giggling and puts a dab of Vaseline on his huge cock. In a single thrust Mack stuffs his 10" in me all the way. I grunt like an animal as he starts to thrust his meat in me. I know not to resist, as it would be useless.

Linda is watching and cheering Mack on. I have to confess that I have been so horny his huge tool is feeling fine. I wish it were Don fucking me. I am trying not to look at Mack or Linda. I feel him deep inside me. He is so big it's noisy as he thrusting in me. I feel good. I am gripping his cock with my pussy as he shoves it in me. I feel him getting bigger and he must be close to cumming. Mack is moaning and is a quick motion takes his cock out and erupts all over my pussy, skirt, halter-top. It takes a minute for Mack to empty that thing. My. Linda is helping jerk his cum out onto me. I just try to be submissive. After his cock is empty he shoves it back in for a few more thrusts but he is done. Linda tells Mack that she will tie me up and they will go to bed. Linda tells me to get up and follow her. I follow her the best I can. My pantyhose are binding me knees and my ankle cuffs just let me take baby steps. I ask Linda if she could at least pull up my pantyhose. She must be taking pity on me as she gets me redressed. I feel Mack's sperm still warm in my crotch. Linda has some pretty serious looking rope in her hands. She ties a big knot onto my D ring on my collar. She orders me to sit on the floor. She then takes the other end of the rope and ties it to an eyebolt embedded in the floor. To my shock she shortens up my rope so I am a foot from the eyebolt lying on my belly. She meanly tells me I should never have fucked with her. All I can do is wiggle on my belly here on the floor. My hands hurt from being cuffed behind my back for a long time now. I actually get some sleep.

I awake to the sun shining thru the front room curtains. I hear Mack walking around. He comes to me and unties me. He unlocks my cuffs. I am allowed to use the bathroom. As I leave the bathroom I am instructed what to make for breakfast. I do as I am told and then serve Mack and Linda in bed. I am told to kneel at the side of the bed and wait for the dirty dishes. After they finish their breakfast I take all the dishes to the kitchen and clean all their dirty dishes. I also clean and mop the entire kitchen. I ask Linda if I may change clothes. She sternly says no and to keep my heels on at all times. Linda leaves the room for a few minutes. When she returns she tells me to take off my clothes. I strip down to my birthday suit, which feels great. Mack comes up behinds me and grabs my arms and walks me outside to their back yard. Its quite a lovely home and area for these two dirt bags. Mack sits me down and cuffs one wrist to the steel chair. It's very secluded here. I am curious as to whets up as Linda and Mack seem very pleased with themselves. Mack has a large bucket of water and has laid a blanket out on the clay.