My Only Talent Ch. 16


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I took Sarah's nipples gently into my mouth. The feedback loop was fast and accurate, and soon I knew exactly what her nipples liked: little bites and big strong sucks, and I gave it to her in spades. She threw her head back and sobbed. After a few minutes, I laid her on the bed, pulled her down until her butt was right on the edge, and kneeled between her legs. I gave her a look that said you are about to ne worshipped, and her eyes literally rolled back in her head. I glanced to the side at Wyrickie and she was completely focused on Sarah's now smoldering wet pussy, and did not even realize I was looking at her. I missed my chance to smirk.

I started on Sarah's outer lips, fluttering my tongue gently and rapidly, and plugged into her Suzie for direction. We would probably only do this once and I wanted her to consider it a memorable occasion. Gentle and teasing was upping the Suzie ante, so I spread that technique all over. She tossed her head from side to side and murmured softly. With just the lightest flick on her clit she came hard, sweet juice flowing, long before I was expecting it. I looked over at Wyrickie, and her tongue was protruding from her mouth, mimicking my actions. I spoke to her, and she reluctantly look at me instead of Sarah's pussy. "I just have to tell you, slut, this pussy is absolutely delicious! It's like nectar from the gods!"

Wyrickie blanched, and Sarah gasped out loud. I dove back in, becoming more aggressive, and with my Suzie receiver making my tongue a smart bomb, I went for the kill, and soon Sarah was shaking with another crushing orgasm. She squirted some fluid into my mouth. I turned and looked at Wyrickie, moving over closer to her so she could smell it on my lips. "She is a squirter, too, and a scrumptious little juice factory she is" I leaned forward as if to kiss Wyrickie with Sarah's wetness still glistening on my lips, and she leaned into me, and then I moved away, back to Sarah, saying "So good" and then brought my face back down to in her snatch again. Sarah came one more time, bucking her hips up against my face, her Suzie exploding.

I moved up to kiss Sarah on the lips, gently. I looked over a Wyrickie. "Now I am going to give her what she really needs and wants, something you can never give her, a good, hard fucking!" Sarah gasped again. I positioned myself above, kissed her again, and looked into her eyes. She tilted her pelvis up, and was clearly ready for me. I slipped my cock side to side against her nether lips, teasing her by moving it from side to side, and she tried to maneuver me into her. Then I touched the tip of my dick to her clit, and she gasped again. I was waiting until she asked for it.

"Fuck me, Robbie!"

"Fuck me what?"

"Fuck me hard! Fuck me now! Fuck me please!"

That was the magic word. I slowly entered her. She was boiling hot, wet, and very responsive. Her Suzie sounded like a jackhammer in my head, so a jackhammer I tried to become. She moved against me strongly, thrusting up to meet me and rotating her hips to maximize penetration. When she came she let out a little yip like a puppy, and Wyrickie groaned, watching from the side of the bed. I had reached the beyond my wood zone, into the obsidian zone, and kept stroking her at the same pace. She came again, sucking on my chin as she did do. I shifted my weight and pounded her, and even though she was not nearly as big as Peggy, she took it easily, grabbing my ass and urging me into her even harder. I gave it all I had, she took it in stride. Wyrickie reach out and touched my ass in between Sarah's fingers, and urged me deeper into her too. Sarah came one last time, and her Suzie reached into my spinal cord and made me come with her. I shook and pumped and vibrated, doing everything I could to get as deep into her as I could, and leave as much behind inside her as possible. She vibrated like a belt sander for several seconds, and then panted like a dog on a hot day. I rolled over onto the side furthest from Wyrickie, who was watching intently. Had she guessed what was next? Had Sarah?

Panting a bit myself, I held Sarah's legs up and apart in a wide 'V', and watched as Wyrickie's eyes locked onto Sarah's wet pussy. I looked down at it myself. It shone it the low light, hot, wet, and fragrant. You could almost see the steam rising from it, and for some reason the color and reflections reminded me of my grandmother's rhubarb pie, fresh out of the oven, but with a little cream on it. Wyrickie's tongue literally hung from her mouth.

"Tell me what you want, slut!"

She gulped and swallowed hard, but said nothing. I grabbed her hair and put her nose an inch away from it. She tried to dive in, but I held her back. It took all the strength in my arm.

"You want to eat another woman's pussy, don't you slut?"


"Tell me what you want!"

I want to kiss it and lick it and stick my tongue in it!"

Really? What a shameless slut you are! If I let you have it, what else will you do?

She looked at me as if to say 'don't make me say it', but I did. "Say it, slut!"

"I will suck your come out of it, and swallow it!'

Very well, slut, but you better do it right!"

I let go of her head, and she dove for it. I leaned down and kissed Sarah gently and played with her nipples, as Wyrickie devoted herself fully to Sarah's pussy. Soon loud slurping sounds came from between Sarah's legs, and she shook with another orgasm. I kissed her mouth deeply, and Wyrickie was certainly tending the fire down below, so I moved around behind Wyrickie, suddenly hard again, and pulled her butt up, her legs apart, and entered her doggie style, She groaned, but never missed a beat, continuing to worship Sarah's pussy, which by now had to be thoroughly cleaned out.

I began rocking into Wyrickie deeply and could feel her Suzie rising with each thrust. Sarah suddenly noticed the new motion, opened her eyes, and looked up, just realizing that I was now fucking Wyrickie from behind. Her eyes got wide, but then she reached down and grabbed Wyrickie's head and urged her motions on. I caught Sarah's eye and whispered to her, "Are you ready to clean her out after I come in her?" and she turned white as a sheet, then tilted her head back and came again, just as Wyrickie was starting to really get into being fucked. Then Sarah focused her eyes on me again. I said "Get ready for it slut!"

Wyrickie made funny squeaking noise and I realized she was about to pop. I let myself go and shot into her just as she came, giving her all I had. I flipped her over on her back and looked at Sarah. She was frozen in indecision, so I took her head in my hands and gently urged her forward to Wyrickie. I backed out of Wyrickie and gently urged Sarah's head down. When she touched Wyrickie, she relaxed and dove in, and Wyrickie's eyes snapped open. She saw Sarah, she saw me, and she got this huge smile on her face, and then grabbed Sarah by the ears. I just sat back a watched the two of them for a few minutes, and soon Sarah began to go after Wyrickie's pussy with reckless abandon, and Wyrickie directed her head enthusiastically, and came for the final time. Then they lay with Sarah's head on Wyrickie's abdomen and just panted with each other.

I laughed. "You girls put on quite a show!" They both look mortified, but then I saw two big grins.

A few kisses and hugs later, I told them I was going to miss class tomorrow, and showed Ms. Wyrickie the email from Lillehammer about the university's F1 meetings. She gave me a kiss and then said "some things really do taste a lot better if you quit smoking!" We all laughed. I headed for the dorm, cutting diagonally across campus to save time, and just coincidentally right by an old hippie style café near campus that served pancakes with syrup with bacon, even at midnight. It was a noisy place, so none of the patrons noticed my stomach growling before my food arrived.

When the door closed behind Robbie, Sarah looked around her and tried to fight through the absolute buzz of excitement that consumed her. She thought she had had some good sex before, but nothing like what had just happened to her had ever even crossed her mind. It was a state of consciousness she had never even contemplated before. Then Wyrickie rolled over on top of her, they put their heads between each other's legs, and passed the rest of the night in a way that would have shocked them both just a few weeks before.


Friday morning dawned at the dorm, and I realized it was not going to be a normal day. My stomach had not changed its requirements, though, so my first stop was the dining hall, and even earlier than normal. Because I was meeting Lara and Suzanne at Suzanne's parking space, and then we were going to the tennis tournament together. Stomach full, I brushed my teeth, changed into my tennis stuff, grabbed my racquet, and headed for campus.


Dwight had missed breakfast when Suzanne drove to campus an hour earlier than normal, in a really nice dress, and instead of parking, picked up Robbie and Lara. He supposed they were all going to the tennis tournament together. Dwight had spent most of the night gaming out what he thought Pavel might try, and he thought he was ready, if he did make a move for Brujo at the tennis club.


Sarah Susskind awoke this Friday morning with a new sense of purpose. She had always been known as the 'drifting' one of all her many siblings. Her oldest brother decided to go to the Air Force Academy when he was nine, and systematically did everything possible to advance his cause and eventually achieve his goal. Her oldest sister was training for the Olympics, and all her other siblings already had solid plans. Sarah remained an undetermined major, and was running out of courses that would apply to all possible degree plans, and had to choose soon. She hadn't found anything that ignited her passion like her siblings had, but she assumed she would find her calling, and hadn't really worried about it. When her parents nagged her, she just let it roll off her back. Maybe they would be aghast, and maybe they would be happy that she had suddenly found her true calling, and just last night: to be Robbie's mate and mother to his children! She would take him any way she could get him. A traditional marriage, an open marriage, or a marriage with a series of shared threesomes with anyone he wanted, as long as she was officially and publicly his and with him all the time. She knew she had some major competition at the Halloween party: the tall blonde Dallas rich bitch princess in white leather from the Halloween party, the hot little supermodel in red leather, and the hot but haughty chick in the metal sex suit. Ms. Wyrickie would certainly want him too after last night; but Wyrickie would be more than willing to share him with her, so she was not really competition. But her sense of purpose was now unshakeable, and she would do whatever was required, pay any price, best any competitor, just so she could end up with Robbie.


Suzanne drove west from campus and then slightly north, heading for the old private tennis club nestled up against the river in a tony bedroom community. Suddenly traffic stopped dead on a normally sleepy little street. At 7:45 in the morning, out here, how much traffic could there be? Then I heard a strange screeching noise. I tried to look past the five or six cars stopped in front of us to figure out what was stopping traffic. Just as another, even louder screech sounded, I saw a big peacock with his tail spread out darting between the cars. There were several of them in the street, screeching loudly and paying attention to each other, but ignoring the cars. They apparently lived on the grounds of a museum nestled into the neighborhood, and were getting their morning exercise in the street. Once they all cleared the way, traffic began moving, and we turned into the driveway of the tennis club.

We parked and saw we were scheduled for a 9 AM court. Lara and I went to the little practice area to warm up. The high rollers and pro-am teams got the later court times; we were the undercard in this fight. Suzanne went up to the little rooftop seating area so she could check out all the guests and still see the match. The caterers were setting up snacks in a little sun shade area near the courts, and another set of caterers were setting up for lunch in the café seats near the club building.


Dwight was up on the little rooftop seating area too, right next to the edge in a silly looking outfit with what looked like a photographer's bag, but actually contained much more. Several remotes had been placed last night, in trees and on light poles, and they scanned the grounds, prepped with little software routines that looked for facial recognition targets, reflections from optics like rifle scopes and binoculars, and cell phone emissions from phones identified as possibly linked to Pavel and his crew. He saw Erminia and Brujo arrive in limo, and take a seat in their box near the court. It was a pretty exposed position, and if they were really worried about a sniper, it would be a bad spot to put them in. But for observing all avenues of approach, it was not bad.


Lara and I waved at Erminia and Brujo as we saw them set in the little box seats close the parking lot. The caterers were finished setting up the snack tables and were rolling their big food carts toward their truck in the parking lot. One of those caterers looked familiar, maybe from Spear Overtop's place? Wait a minute.


Three things happened at once. Facial recognition popped two matches, both to members of Pavel's crew, and both in white catering outfits, walking toward Brujo. Robbie stood up and started walking towards the caterers, and Lara followed him. And two other agents, who got the same facial recognition alert, moved their vehicles in to block the catering truck from moving. The door on the side of the surprisingly large catering cart popped open, and Pavel jumped out, running toward Brujo. Then he saw the agents blocking the truck, and Robbie moving toward him. He cursed in Russian. Dwight figured a pro like Pavel would have an exfil plan for every possible problem, like a good pilot always tried to have an airfield in glide range. But then Pavel saw Lara, with Robbie, and something snapped. He ran toward Lara, his gun drawn, shouting "Pizda!" at the top of his lungs. They were close the edge of the building, and nobody else was close to them, and Dwight began to calculate the angles.


Robbie heard the shout, and saw Pavel running toward Lara, with a crazy look on his face, and a gun. Robby had a tennis racquet, not gun, but Pavel pissed him off. He interposed himself between Pavel's path and Lara, and prepared to return serve. Maybe if he could hit his gun hand hard enough, he could break a finger, or ruin his aim, or something.


Dwight reflected on his training, which his instructors had screamed in his ears ad infinitum, had cost a sum total of over $100 million. MIT followed by equivalents of BUDS, SWAT, EMT, and CIA schools. Trade school classes on elevator repair, cell phone sites, traffic control systems, alarm systems, a week of survival training, sniper training, hacker training, fireman's training, and most relevant now, a one week course called the 'Firearm Free Funhouse" with hand to hand and improvised weapons training on stairways, rooftops, and balconies. Robbie was crazy to take on a Spetsnaz trained Russian gangster with a tennis racquet, but the kid had balls, and it might delay or deflect the first shot. But Pavel would get back on target for the second shot, so Dwight had to get here before that. Combining what he had learned about dropping heavy planters on people from balconies along with a SWAT exercise called 'the drop', he calculated his best approach vector, and jumped off the roof.


Pavel got within range and I swung, using about the same move I had used to drive off one of Melanie's gentleman callers. I actually made contact, which surprised me and seemed to surprise Pavel even more. A quick follow up backhand caught the side of his face, not doing any real damage but really pissing him off. Lara made it around the corner of the building by then, so I felt I had accomplished my goals, but Pavel stopped, grinned, and raised the gun toward me slowly, it least it seemed slowly to me. At least he wouldn't hit Lara.


Suzanne looked up from people watching when someone yelled "Pizda", and then watched frozen as Robbie hit Pavel, twice, with his tennis racket, and then Pavel raised a gun toward Robbie. Oh, God, No!


I was looking the business end of a Pavel's gun pretty soon, even though it seemed to come up in slow motion. My first thought was that it was indeed pointed right at me. But then I thought, damn, that's just a fucking .22 long, you Russian piece of shit.

I shouted, "Remember the Alamo, Motherfucker!"

He smiled widely, and it was not a nice smile. He said "Goodbye"

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NursesNursesabout 1 year ago

It's good to see Robbie is eating carbs now. Protein builds muscle. Carbs are what the muscles run on. Too bad no nurses in your story. Nurses are lots of fun.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
i have not read the rest yet

but if he loses his powers im giving this entire series 5 stars no matter what

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Robbie deserves a medal

I hope he gets it

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
You stumbled.

Although I don't agree with how he said it, Marcus is correct. You did not elucidate how Robbie attained the knowledge of Pavel's plan. As the story becomes more detailed and complex, the greater the chance for mistakes such as this.

On a different tac, I am glad to see storm clouds on the horizon for our freshman. His maturity level is insufficient to make responsible choices given the power of his gift. I hope he is about to get a painful but necessary lesson in relationships 101.

hakdrakkenhakdrakkenalmost 10 years ago

Best ending I remember of any chapter on the whole site.

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