My Only Talent Ch. 18


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A few minutes later a really hot looking girl in her late twenties named Donna came out, and said Bigun had asked her to come by and give Alley a few tips. She told Alley she had a great face and a great ass, and Alley giggled. She said Alley should play up those features during her routine. She told her to take off her skirt early in her first dance, and show the audience her ass a lot, and then to wait to take her top off right at the end of the number, so the audience would anticipate and enjoy the 'breast reveal' but not have time to compare her 34C's to some the other dancers. They went over Alley's music choices and agreed on the points in the first song at which she would take off her skirt and then her top.

But then things got much more interesting, when Alley said "And I guess I'll just do the same thing for the second song, then."

Donna smiled patiently. "Well, in a word, no, dear. The second song will be very different, and usually decides the winner. You will start out topless, and then by the end of the song take off your panties."

Alley froze. Clearly she had not done her homework. "But I thought you couldn't have fully nude dancers in a club where you serve alcohol!" Nora sputtered, but said nothing.

Donna smiled. "That's why the contest runs so late, honey! We make a last call for drinks about 1 AM, and then stop serving alcohol right before the final round of the contest begins. It works out great!"

Alley was clearly not ready for this. Topless she had prepared herself for, but fully nude was not what she was expecting. Then I saw her face change, and heard her Suzie wax incredibly. It was a veritable beacon in the night! She could not only do this final dance, she was ready and willing, and she wanted Bigun to watch. In fact, I'm not sure anyone could have stopped her.

Nora said "Are you sure you want to go through with this?" Alley gulped and said yes, and then Nora winked at her. Donna gave her some tips on the final song, urging her to finish up by standing with her back to the audience, looking over her shoulder coquettishly, before dropping her panties, again emphasizing her ass, and then, after she stripped off the panties, putting her legs wide apart, bending over to look at the audience upside down through her spread legs, highlighting both her ass and face.

Alley's Suzie signal went crazy, apparently as she visualized what she would do. She liked it, and she hoped 'Bigun' did too! Nora whispered in Donna's ear then Donna whispered back in hers, and rose to leave the table. "I'll see you back in the dressing room. I'll try to put you on late in the group for the first dance. So think hot and sexy, girl!"

The DJ at the club was just as big an asshole as every one of them that I had ever heard of, but his act seemed to be what the audience was expecting, and they were drinking and cheering at a rapid pace for the regular dancers, and obviously anticipating some fresh meat coming up on stage soon. The DJ announced the start of the contest and the first 'little lady' who was described as a housewife from Irving. There were loud cheers as she took the stage: this was obviously not her first time there, and she was pretty good, at least, I enjoyed her work immensely. The second dancer was even better, and soon Alley was moving around to the music in her seat. The third dancer was even better still, her 'topless reveal' displaying some spectacularly erect nipples, and frankly, it was getting hot in here. I ordered another diet coke.

Donna appeared at the dressing room door and motioned to Alley. She gulped, and then rose and went through the door. It really was getting hot in here. The next dancer was named Charlotte, and she claimed to be from Charlotte, North Carolina, and she was spectacular. I drained my Diet Coke and waved for another.

Nora put her hand on my thigh under the table and said "My, my, Mr. Roberts! I am surprised to find that you seem to be the kind of bounder that responds to such shameless displays. Should I be jealous?"

Bigun appeared at the table and whispered to Nora. "Alley wants you to come back to the dressing room." He smiled at me as if to say "I'll take care of them' and then went back to guard the dressing room door.

I was really looking forward to catching Alley's act; especially since I had a verbal preview of it would be like and had been trying to visualize it, just to help out, of course. The stage lights went down, and then came back on and a song called 'Closer' by Nine Inch Nails began to play. I had only heard it a few times, but it did seem to lend itself to stripping. Alley stepped out into the spotlight, and I stopped breathing. She stood out like a model shooting a Niemen-Marcus ad at the state fair. She was so much better looking than the other dancers it was stunning, plus it was just different because I knew her. She seemed to be looking right at me, but I'm sure it just looked that way because I was at a table right up front. She did take her skirt off right away, and her legs looked better than all the other contestants I had seen, especially when she kept her back to audience and kept bending over slightly. She was smiling widely and moving very nicely in time with the music, but I was not familiar enough with the song to realize that it was about to end. She moved right over to the front of the stage, shook her ass and legs to the hoots and catcalls from the audience, and then whipped off her top, throwing it right onto our table as she raised her arms up toward the ceiling, as the song ended and the lights went down. The audience hooted and stomped their feet. I almost passed out, as I had forgotten to breathe for most of the song.

A few deep breaths later, Alley sat down next to me wearing a terrycloth robe, and a wicked grin. She gave me a hug, and I told her, quite honestly 'You were spectacular! You were by far the hottest dancer up there!" I had trouble reconciling her with the girl I had tried to avoid in high school. Her general Suzie signal was reaching new levels of intensity, probably in anticipation of her next dance, but her 'specific Suzie' for Bigun was even stronger. I struggled to ask her 'Where's Nora?"

She smiled in a funny way. "I think she is using the bathroom."

I couldn't help looking at Alley in that robe. She seemed to be enjoying my discomfort. I made myself talk again. "How long will it be until the second round of the contest begins?"

She looked at her nails casually, and smiled primly. "Oh, not too long, but I think there is one more contestant for the first round." She turned to watch the stage. Her Suzie signal for him spiked hotly when Bigun came over and sat down next to her.

"You were fantastic, Alley. You are easily the most beautiful girl that has ever danced here!" She stared at him adoringly, and he smiled at her in the same way.

The DJ then announced the final first round contestant, as a Nelly song called "Hot in Here" began to play. "Ladies and Gentlemen, our final dancer, from England, is Miss Elizabeth Eaton Square!"

I looked up onto the stage and saw a goddess, with a perfect figure, perfect skin, haunting grey eyes, and a white feather sticking straight up in her platinum hair, and two white fans made of similar feathers held up demurely in front of her chest. I tried to stand up, but the Bigun put a hand on my shoulder to keep me in my seat. I tried to breathe, but found I could not. Nora began moving and twisting to the song, which was a long hip hop number with a grinding beat and multiple references to stripping. She had on a super small bikini bottom and nothing else, and was showing just about everything to the audience but her breasts which she masterfully kept just under those fans. I realized I was just about to go into shock. She showed the underside of her breasts, or the top, or the side, but you never saw the whole thing, and you wanted to, very badly. She had a look on her face like she really wanted to show you, but she just couldn't decide whether to or not, and the audience was absolutely screaming for her to do so. She made eye contact with me and it took all the air out of my lungs, and I got light headed.

I barely noticed that Alley had put her hand on my thigh, and therefore I didn't wonder why. Nora had me riveted with her gaze, and the song was clearly just about end with a bumping finish. Just as the last beat sounded, Nora held my eyes to hers and held her hands above her head like a football referee signaling a touchdown. Her breasts were the most wonderful things I had ever seen. I could look at them forever. But on the count of three, the lights went down, and my heart broke, because I could not see them anymore. Then Alley reached down and casually groped my crotch!

"Why Robbie Roberts! I am surprised that you still have any blood anywhere else in your body." The audience was stomping and screaming for an encore. I was of two minds about that, both quite insane.

The DJ came back on mic and made the last call for drinks before the final round of the contest began. I wondered if they served oxygen, because I desperately needed more than I had. The audience slowly quieted down, and began to concentrate on tossing down a few more drinks before the dancers began again. I was still using all my powers of concentration to breathe. Nora strutted over wearing the same kind of terrycloth robe that Alley had on. There were catcalls and growls from virtually every male nearby as she sat at the table. Alley made a signal to her had held up with her thumb and forefinger touching together to make a circle and I didn't know if she was saying 'your dance was perfect' or 'this is how big his cock got'. Nora smiled wickedly.

I sputtered at her."What, ...what were you thinking? Why did you go up there?"

She smiled again. "Well, Robbie, I do have your telephone call on hold, so to speak, but I haven't hung up on you yet! So I want to make sure that I hold your interest for a while, don't I?"

I could only gawk at her.

"And instead of just experiencing vicariously the thrill Alley was obviously getting, I decided to get a little skin in the game, so to speak, and feel the real thing myself! I seem to recall a discussion with Suzanne about how she was afraid she had 'missed her wild college days' until you helped to wake her up. Perhaps you are doing the same for me."

Donna came back over to talk to both girls, and there were some very pointed comments from the tables around us as to why three hot girls were sitting with me instead of with other paying customers and voting audience members. Nora and Alley both smiled and waved, but stayed put, and so did Bigun, which discouraged any further action. Donna began circulating through the crowd and pumping them up further for the final round, if that was possible.

The first contestants started the second round, and the 'fully nude' reveals were spectacular. My new talent at receiving male signals proved disconcerting: there were so many of them in here I just wanted to run and hide. I tried to concentrate on the signals from the dancers only, and they were quite varied. I decided to try to focus on Alley and Nora's signals and try to shut out everything else. After a few more of the other dancers finished, Alley and Nora went backstage with Bigun as an escort, and I sat alone at the table in anticipation, along with everyone else in the audience. I got a few snide comments about not being to handle girls like that, and almost wished I had brought Eldee along with us, but as soon as Alley took the stage for her final dance, no one there was even thinking about me anymore, including me.

An old Prince song called "Cream' began to play, and it sounded like 70's disco merged with the themes from old porn films, but it was definitely a hot and charged up beat. Seeing Alley start out being topless and knowing how she was going to end up was even more shocking than I thought. I focused in on her Suzie signals and tried to understand what this dance meant to her. Maybe it was the after effects of Grandma's candy, or being more connected to her over the last few days, but I really felt plugged in to her. Alley was enjoying herself, yet she was still scared and excited by being afraid. My next few impressions might more correctly be described as hunches or interpretations rather that specifically deciphered signals, but I was convinced that Alley would never do this again. Her exhibitionist drive did not outweigh her 'normal' modesty. There was also another signal I recognized but could not decode its meaning: I had heard it before from Nora, and I knew I had heard it from other woman, but I couldn't tease out the common factor and what it may mean. Alley then surprised us all. Very early in the song, when the lyrics said something like 'you are filthy cute and you know it', she took off her panties and did the full bend over routine that we thought would not happen until the very end. Donna was certainly right about Alley's ass being a wonderful feature, but I was devastated by her amazing asshole. It was pretty, and pink, and puckered, and I wanted it. I wanted to touch it, play with it, learn about it, tease it, kiss it, and do all the wonderful things to it that I had learned from Mrs. Douglas and had practiced so happily on Lara, Suzanne, Millie, and Peggy. I am not sure if the rest of the audience had the same exact reaction that I did, but they certainly liked her act, and suddenly hundreds of hands were clapping to the beat of the song. When she reached the end and repeated that same very revealing and virtually gynecological pose, she got an instant standing ovation from everyone in the room, and they all stood up and applauded, too.

The DJ had to wait quite a while until the audience calmed down a bit, but my heart was still pounding by the time the next song started. Nora appeared, standing still on the stage with the spot light on, and her wonderful breasts were already heaving as her breath rose and fell in her chest. Those white feathered fans were now held in her hands down over her pubic area like a fig leaf on an old statue, and everyone knew that she had already removed her panties. The anticipation was palpable. She began to move slowly, almost like a Tai Chi routine, turning her body and moving the fans in front of it, giving the audience momentary glimpses of what they desperately wanted to see. Alley sat down next to me, with Bigun right next to her. She leaned over to me and said "She found this dance on the internet, from the 1920's. She said it was a classic. And she wants you to know that the most important person in the audience is you."

I heard that same signal from Nora that Ally had sent, and I was suddenly sure Nora that was not going to do this again either. Thank God. I was also sure she was as sexually excited as she had ever been. So was I. The music began, an old Madonna song called 'Justify My Love', a very telling title, another video I had seen on those MTV hottest video specials, and it certainly qualified. Loud and literal, the jungle drums set the tone, and Nora's motions became swifter and stronger. The lyrics became a sing song back and forth interplay of the words 'wanting' and 'waiting', which perfectly described the audience's mood. Nora stayed coyly covered by the fans, but then, in time to the beat, she would toss one fan up and reveal a major part of her, then catch it and put it back down, then toss the other fan. In that moment, my little monkey brain and the rest of audience realized that she had a perfect platinum colored bush between her legs, neatly trimmed, a perfect match to her hair, and it was the most wonderful thing I had ever seen. I heard a crazed voice say "Mother of God!" and realized it was mine.

Somehow I forced my gaze up and looked her in the eyes. She smiled at me, right at me, and I got that Suzie signal again. Was it like the one that I heard from the married woman at the mall? Was Cactus Jake Warner right about Nora being a one man marrying kind of girl? Or was it simply one man at a time? She locked her eyes onto mine and I felt she had dared me to maintain eye contact while she finished her routine. Could I do it? She began to do alternating left and right kicks, countering the kick out with a covering motion of the fans. It was maddening, because you thought that when the leg went out she was really going to be completely revealed, but the fans moved in tantalizingly to block your view. Again I had trouble breathing. I was not sure if I could stay conscious all the way through to the end of the song.

Nora kept up the kicks, and then began to toss one fan at a time up and over her head and catching it, completely exposing half of her figure while that fan was in the air. The effect was mesmerizing, for a moment, and then the audience went crazy. She smiled, still holding my gaze, and then walked right to the edge of the stage, ten feet away from me. There must be only 30 seconds or so left in the song. She stopped kicking and stopped tossing the fans, just holding them in front of her again. The audience fell almost silent, as if suddenly disappointed. Not for long. She moved her feet out to just wider than the width of her shoulders, and leaned back, showcasing her amazing legs and breasts, but holding the fans back in their fig leaf position. She stared at me and I thought she was saying 'this is a test' and I knew I had to keep eye contact with her, whatever came next. Then it happened, she began to juggle the two fans, leaving them both up in the air at all times, offering the audience an unobstructed view of her incredible platinum tinged pussy while her arms moved and her shoulders tensed, perfectly highlighting her amazing breasts. I so wanted to stare, but I knew I mustn't. And then the audience realized that the motion of the juggling fans was distracting their eyes from the real prize. Just then Nora caught the fans, held them out in her arms far away from her body, an even more brazen display of everything she had.

I watched her chest heave with my peripheral vision, and noticed goose bumps all over her body, but still kept my eyes glued to hers. And then I heard a driving, lighting strike pulsing kind of Suzie that went right through my head and into my brainstem. I was caught like a fish, and she could reel me in to her boat any time she wanted. Apparently she had that same effect on most of the audience, even absent a Suzie receiver, and complete and stunned silence reigned. Then she bowed fully at the waist, fans still out at her sides, but her stance effectively hiding most of her charms. And then the lights went down. There was a moment of silence, and then a thunderous ovation.

It was all anticlimactic after that. Nora won by acclimation, and Alley was second. All the clapping for an encore was in vain, and the DJ announced that the club had to close due to local regulations. Bigun escorted the girls back stage to change back into their street clothes, and I just sat and bathed in the warmth of their performance. I thought I was used to a lot of attention when I showed up at frat parties with Lara and Suzanne, but this was a different kettle of fish entirely. Donna sat down next to me.

"Those girls could both be headliners anywhere, but I think this was a onetime thing for them."

"I hope so, but it was pretty damn hot, wasn't it?"

She smiled a sort wan smile. "Bigun says to wait for him here, because he wants to walk y'all out."

She went into the back room just as the girls emerged through the dressing room door with Bigun. They spent a second hugging Donna, and he spoke to me.

"Good idea, Robbie! We are still doing the totals, but I am sure that was our best amateur night tab ever, and the word of mouth will increase our audience for months. How did you ever hook up with two chicks that hot, buddy?"