New Year's Resolution


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"You mean you've never...?" Alyssa left her question unasked.

"Not even close. I've only been to second base if feeling up Katy Cromwell through her bra and evening gown on prom night counts."

"And you're worried about...?" The stream of unfinished questions continued.

"Technique. Stamina. Early arrival. Finding my way in. Making it good for you. You name it."

"Oh, Dan. Dan! That's..."

He dreaded her next word. Until he heard it. "WONDERFUL!"

"It is?"


"But – why?"

"Because, silly boy," she fairly squealed with delight, "I'M A VIRGIN, TOO!"

Dan could have shit a brick. "But... you were talking earlier about nymphs and fuck buddies and making guys beg and shaving your bush... I mean... your pubic area..."

"I didn't actually name the area," she laughed, "and, as to making guys beg, I was speaking hypothetically. And the fuck buddy talk was just dealing with the load of shit Tom was dumping on that creep Terrence. If you'll recall, I said we weren't doing it."

"Whoa... well I'll be fucked!"

"Soon enough, silly boy, soon enough."

Dan's groin began to make a hasty recovery from its earlier spermatozoid shower.

"Of course," she continued, "every girl – myself included – wants to think of it as 'making love' rather than 'being fucked'..." She waited for eye contact. "I was serious when I said I don't want to be your fuck buddy."

"So Cox was right when he mentioned the wedding invitations?"

Alyssa was once again too quick for a defenseless male victim. This time it was a slap to Dan's ass. But it was administered with a smile.

"Of course not, Dan," she asserted, "I just want to know that there's something real between us. That you're not just trying to get in my pants and be done with it."

"You're not wearing pants," he quipped, rubbing his finger against the semen stain on the bodice of her blue dress.

She slapped his other ass cheek. "You know what I mean. That you're not just using me as a cock socket and nothing more."

"Cock socket? I like that one. It's that kind of vocabulary that made me sure you were a woman of the world."

"I know all about hockey, too, but you don't see me playing for the Red Wings," she responded. "Dan, think about it – when was the last time you knew of me going out on a date?"

"Um... never?"

"Exactly. And why do you think that is?"

Dan knew he was now treading in a mine field. "Um... because nobody asked?" he ventured.

The kick to his shin was less gentle than the ass slaps. "No, dumbass. I've been asked quite a few times. But I didn't accept. Because I had feelings for someone. Someone close to me. I even chose to move down the hall from him a year and a half ago."

"You mean Tom?" Dan deadpanned.

This time, Alyssa didn't bite. "God, no," she said. "And as I hear myself explain, I sound like such a drooling idiot. A stalker, even."

"I know how that feels..." Dan admitted.

"Yes, you do, don't you? What did you ever see in Ashley Martin, anyway?" she asked, grasping his hand and placing it on her shoulder in a gesture of reassurance.

"I don't know really. I mean, sure, she's a hot piece of ass," he laughed, wincing with the expectation of a blow that never struck. "I guess I'm just a guy, and guys are attracted to blatant displays of sexuality. Sort of like crows to shiny objects."

"And if you were in a relationship?" she probed.


"Would you feather your nest with shiny objects?"

Would he? "That's a strange question to pose to a 25 year-old virgin," he replied.

"Objection sustained, counselor," she joked, then turned serious. "Enough talk. I want you to kiss me. Before I jump your bones."

Dan needed no further prompting. Grasping her hand in his, he drew her into the sitting area of his hotel room. They stood facing each other. Dan gazed into Alyssa's eyes. Alyssa gazed into Dan's eyes. This is going to happen, Dan thought – the blissful end of the Year of the Virgin. For both of us.


Alyssa tilted her head upward to Dan, eyes wide with anticipation. Dan's heart skipped a beat. His groin stirred with a pleasant ache. He leaned down to meet her halfway. Neither blinked as their lips met.

Unlike the abrupt kiss in the ballroom earlier, there was no hurry this time. Their lips pressed tenderly together until Dan felt Alyssa's tongue slip into his mouth. His tongue met hers as he pulled her body closer to his and held her in his arms. Their tongues were a shared mass of gentle licks and rubs and swirls. There was only one word to describe it: "magical." Both Dan and Alyssa might have settled for this first level of intimacy. But both wanted more.

Dan began to rub his right hand in gentle circles on Alyssa's left buttock. The satiny material of her blue dress felt sensuous to his touch. Alyssa responded by involuntarily squeezing her butt cheeks together and pressing her pelvic region against Dan's right leg. Dan could feel her heat through the fabric of his pants, her dress and (presumably) her panties. Is she wearing panties? Dan thought. She feels so warm, maybe she's not wearing panties.

Their tongues became more insistent, probing more frantically. Dan tightened the embrace. His hand slid off her buttock and reached upward for the button at the top of her backless dress. When she felt it, Alyssa spun slowly around from their embrace, allowing him direct access to the button. She raised her hair out of the way, though its short coiffure wasn't really in the way. It was just her way to show her acquiescence – nay, her welcoming agreement – to his advances.

Dan unbuttoned Alyssa's dress. Still standing with her back to him, she shook her shoulders and let the satiny material fall to the floor. Dan's eyes wandered immediately to her lower torso. She was indeed wearing panties – satiny blue panties that matched her fallen dress. Her bra was a satiny cobalt material as well.

Apparently the clasp to Alyssa's bra was at the front. Dan could tell that she was fiddling with it, and he heard a noticeable snapping sound. She turned her head – not her body – to smile at Dan. Then she pulled her bra straps off her arms and flung the lacy material to the bed.

Still not speaking a word, Alyssa crossed her arms across her chest and turned toward Dan. Let me see, let me see, Dan thought. As if reading his mind, she smiled and dropped her arms to her sides.

"Alyssa," Dan murmured. He looked hungrily at her half-naked body. Her breasts were small, as he had expected from her slim frame and typically boyish mode of dress. But they were beautiful. And each mound was capable of being a nice little handful – or mouthful, thought Dan.

He wondered why he wanted to suckle them so badly. Then he realized it was her incredibly erotic nipples. They were little nubs, standing at attention, in full display of her aroused state. They were the feminine version of an erection.

He moved toward her, kissing her again on the lips, entwining his tongue with hers. He cradled her with his left arm and began to massage her left breast with the fingers of his right hand. It was indeed a perfect little handful.

"My turn," breathed Alyssa huskily, moving toward him. She tugged his shirt tail out of from his pants, then pushed the lapels of his jacket back on his shoulders. He turned and let her help him out of his jacket.

Within seconds, Dan had unbuttoned and discarded his shirt and undershirt. Alyssa grazed a trail of kisses down his neck and chest, then unbuckled and unzipped his pants. They dropped to the floor. Dan stepped out of them.

Alyssa smiled as she fingered the wad of cum still oozing through Dan's boxer briefs. Her curiosity got the best of her. She sniffed her fingers. "Smells a bit like a chlorinated pool," she observed.

"There's certainly a lot of swimming going on in there," Dan quipped. His smile faded as the two of them stood facing each other. Both were naked other than their underpants.

"You first, or me?" asked Alyssa.

"Definitely you," Dan insisted.

Alyssa flashed him a coy smile. "Yes, sir, sergeant, sir!" she barked, then saluted him with two fingers to her forehead.

She remained facing him as she grasped both sides of her blue panties at the waistband. Dan held his breath, waiting for her to pull them down.

Alyssa delayed a few more seconds. It seemed like an eternity to Dan. Then Alyssa spoke. "C'mere – you do it," she commanded.

Dan moved immediately to her. He positioned himself just inches from her, then kissed her on her lips, her cheek, her forehead, and finally on the tip of her nose.

He reached lower. Not at first not for her panties, but for her breasts. He fondled her breasts, kneading her flesh until her nipples were saluting more obviously than the "Yes, sir, sergeant sir" sign she'd given to her forehead just moments ago. Her areola formed turgid peaks. Dan could no longer resist suckling them. He bent his head to one as he cupped the other with his palm.

"Oh, God – YES!" Alyssa yelped, energized by the ecstasy his tongue and lips were creating in her engorged tit. She pulled his head more firmly into her chest.

Encouraged and emboldened by her obvious delight, Dan moved slowly from one breast to the other, licking and sucking each mound, kissing a trail between them. He adored the dusty pink color of her nipples, set against the creamy white flesh of her small but pert breasts. He continued suckling her tits, alternating back and forth, for the better part of five minutes.

Dan moved lower, kneeling in front of her, trailing kisses down her stomach and into her navel. He hooked his fingers around the waistband of her panties. "Ready?" he asked, looking up into her eyes.

"Yes," she replied, "God, yes!"

He pulled on the material and slid it down to her knees. There, squarely in front of his face, was her pubic mound. The first real pussy I've ever seen, he thought to himself. It was as smooth as the day she was born. He was mesmerized by it. Finally, he spoke.

"How am I going to know?" he asked tentatively.

"Know what?" she asked, confused by his question.

"Whether you're a real blonde," he smiled.

"Guess you'll just have to keep coming back for more until it's had time to grow back in. So you can see for yourself," she taunted.

"I could handle that," he assured her. He reached out to stroke the smooth skin of her pubic mound. "You shaved this today?"

"Yes. I was hoping you were over Ashley. And that tonight might be the start of something – special." She blushed as her words hung in the air.

Dan's cock was now screaming for release. It thrashed inside the fabric of his boxer briefs. Alyssa spotted its movement as he stood up in front of her. She pulled her panties the rest of the way down and tossed them aside with her toe.

Dan cleared his throat nervously. "Would you, um, uh – do me the honor?" he asked.

"Certainly, kind sir," she laughed, seeing that he wanted her to free his raging hard-on from its cotton sling. She grasped his cum-stained underwear and pulled downward. His massive boner sprung forward and sideways, slapping her in the wrist. "Ouch! Careful with that loaded weapon!" she mocked.

In truth, she was impressed – perhaps even frightened. Dan sported something close to an eight inch erection with an immense girth. Alyssa was a skinny girl, with no prior sexual experience. She worried momentarily that he might split her open. But she convinced herself that if they took it slowly, everything would be fine.

And, in fact, they did just that. Dan's inexperience caused him to be tentative, making sure at every step along the way that she was okay. While his throbbing prick longed to find release, Dan took great pleasure in exploring Alyssa's slowly and completely.

Now that they were completely naked, they moved to the bed. Dan pulled the covers back and held Alyssa's hand to stabilize her as she lay back on the bed. She spread her legs in complete surrender. Dan knelt between her legs.

"Would it – would it be okay if... if I took a good, long look?" he asked.

Alyssa grinned. "Of course, silly boy. I'll show you mine if you'll show me yours," she joked.

"Deal," Dan replied, "but my turn first." He slid his knees back toward the foot of the bed so that he could lean in to gaze closely at Alyssa's feminine charms. He felt a sense of awe and wonder as his eyes searched the folds of her vaginal lips, the nub of her clitoris at the top, the soft bare flesh of her pubic mound, the pink flesh of her perineum leading down to her anus.

"It looks sort of like a pink rose about to blossom. I've seen vaginas in porn videos before, but yours is so much better," he complimented.

"I've watched porn, too, and I guess it'll help with the mechanics of what to do," she confessed, "but I've never really liked it."

"Why not?" he asked, "Too embarrassing?"

"Not at all. Like I said, I'm not a prude," she stated flatly. "It's just that I was always struck by its lack of emotional intimacy. It seems like the people in it really don't give a rat's ass about each other. It's physical intimacy completely disconnected from any emotional ties."

Dan thought about it for a moment, as he continued ogling her bare cleft from close range. "You've got a point. Maybe that's why this seems so much better."

"You mean you give a rat's ass about me?" she laughed.

He looked up from her genitals and caught her eye momentarily. "I do – I care about you, Alyssa. We've been friends for a long time. Are you sure you want to go through with this?" He couldn't resist looking back down at her snatch.

"You've got me naked and you're staring at my pussy, Dan. I think I would have stopped a long time ago if I was going to wimp out on you."

"I'm trained at law to remember that 'no means no' – no matter how far along things have progressed."

"Well, my knight in shining armor, I'll remember that too. Um – YOU'RE not saying 'no', are you? After all, I'm trained at law, too."

"Not a chance!" Dan asserted. He reached out with two fingers and touched her vaginal lips for the first time. The surface was slick and warm. Alyssa saw Dan's penis lurch with excitement.

"Um, Alyssa," he mumbled, "would it be okay if..." He stopped.

"If what?" she asked.

"If, um... if, I, uh – tasted you?"

"Oh, God – I thought you'd never ask." She pulled his face gently forward until his lips touched her heated slit. Instinctively, Dan knew just what to do.

His tongue darted forward, tracing a line of lubrication up one vaginal lip and down the other. Then it slipped between them. Then Dan began to suckle on her clitoral nub.

"Oh, my fucking God!" Alyssa moaned. "Oh, my fucking God!"

Dan slid his hand along her inner thigh. As he continued to slurp on her clit, he slid three fingers inside her slippery love tunnel.

For the next few minutes, he continued worshipping at the altar of her sopping cunt, tasting the delicious nectar of her pussy juices. Her vagina began to throb, pulsating around his fingers and tongue. "Holy mother of God, Dan! You're going to make me cum!"

He came up for air. "Should I stop?" he wheezed.

"God, NO! Make me cum!" she shouted.

Dan increased the rhythm of his oral assault on her clit. He thrust his fingers more rapidly in and out of her vagina. He felt the pulsating of her pussy walls grow stronger, until finally Alyssa let out a low wail. She pulled his face against her crotch. Words escaped her, but Dan instinctively knew from her thrashing and moaning that she was in the midst of an intense orgasm.

After the waves of ecstasy subsided, Alyssa pulled Dan on top of her. She kissed him, tasting her own juices that were smeared on his face and lips.

As she caught her breath, she said, "I want your penis in my vagina."

"Shouldn't you suck my cock first, like they do in the porn videos?" Dan asked coquettishly.

"We'll have plenty of time for that later. Right now I need to feel you inside me."

"Don't we need protection? I didn't bring any." He honestly had not contemplated this outcome to the evening as even a remote possibility.

"I bought some at the pharmacy, just in case," she admitted, "but I don't want to use them. I want to feel your dick pumping inside me. I'm afraid the latex may diminish the experience. And I shouldn't be anywhere close to the part of my cycle where I could get pregnant. I only bought them because I thought you would have had other – partners. But since you haven't, I'm fine to have unprotected sex. That is, if you are."

Dan weighed the choices for all of two seconds. "I'm in!" he exclaimed.

"Not yet, you're not," she chided, "but we'll get you in ASAP!"

With that, she lay back and spread her legs wide.

Dan tried to position himself to enter her. He moved to where his erection touched her inner thigh. The oozing fluid on the tip of his cock created a trail of semen along her thigh, allowing his penis to slide frictionless toward the juncture of her thighs. Within seconds, his love tool was poised at the entrance to her love tunnel.

This is really happening, he thought, though in the recesses of his mind he was waiting for an alarm clock to rouse him out of his reverie.

He felt his penis touch her vaginal lips. He pushed forward, but his tool wouldn't slide inside her toolbox.

"I'm not sure it's pointed the right direction. I might need a little help," he said.

She grasped his bulging tool and lined it up with her sopping slit. He eased forward, trying desperately not to cum before his heat-seeking missile found her docking station. He felt his cock head being basted by her juices. But the rest of his length wouldn't go all the way in.

"It's the hymen," she sighed. "I need you to push a little harder to get past it."

"How about we turn over, so you control the speed and pressure?" he asked.


"Looks like somebody knows her sexual positions," he quipped, "and yes, cowgirl – riding bareback!"

They separated their partial union momentarily. Dan rolled over and lay on his back on the bed, his prick pointed stiffly at the ceiling. He watched, enthralled, as Alyssa positioned her slim frame over him, her bare pubic mound straddling his bulging cock. Her dazzling smile from earlier in the evening flashed again. She grasped his prick and rubbed it against her slit. "Lubrication," she explained.

Dan was mesmerized as Alyssa lowered her body onto his fully extended rod. He was transfixed by the sight of his cock head disappearing inside her body. She stiffened and paused as it pressed against her hymen. Then, as if a gate had opened, her body continued its downward descent. Dan saw his penis disappear as her vagina swallowed it whole.

Alyssa leaned forward to kiss Dan. Their tongues darted into each other's mouths. Her body began to rock up and down on his. Dan felt her warmth and wetness sliding with a heavenly, gentle friction against his pulsating cock. He began to gently thrust upward until they were pelvis to pelvis.

Dan leaned back for a better look. The cowgirl angle gave him a full, beautiful view of the joining of their genitalia. It also gave him a perfect look at her perfect little tits with their fully extended nipples, bouncing up and down to their mutual rhythm. Dan had never known such sensual visual and tactile pleasure. Alyssa began to virtually purr with excitement, adding an audible element to Dan's inventory of first-time pleasures.

I can't believe this, he thought. We're really fucking!

As if reading his mind, Alyssa whispered, "I've been wanting to make love to you for SO long, Dan. This is a dream come true!"

Dan couldn't bring himself to lie. He had never thought of Alyssa in this way until tonight. So he told a reassuring truth: "This is better than I could have ever imagined."

She kissed him again, then began to bounce up and down on his rod, deeper and faster. Dan's earlier premature ejaculation had given him a fair bit of stamina, but Alyssa's movements were bringing him to the brink of orgasm. He reached out to rub her clit with his fingers.