Nora and Ben, A Story of Love

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Lonely, older woman falls for young guy.
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She leaned against the cold brick wall, trying to defend herself from the three hoodlums. 'Leave me alone!' she yelled, covering her breasts with her left arm, while slapping away the many hands that were trying to go under her short shirt.

'All we want is some of that sexy ass, baby,' one of the punks said, trying his best to get a feel between her legs. 'Come on honey; give up some of this hot, little thing,' he laughed, reaching under her skirt and felt her smooth panties. 'Oh please give us some!' he added, shoving his hand to her throat and knew it was time to get serious.

'No!' she tried screaming but the boys hand was beginning to choke her and now she was really getting scared. There was no was she wanted to be raped and it was about to happen. 'Please let me go,' she begged, but these young boys were after one thing and nothing would change their minds.

The leader of the three held her throat as tight as he could, while the other two tried ripping off her skirt. 'Come on, you dumb ass mother fuckers! I'd like some of this sweet pussy before I'm too old to enjoy it!' he said squeezing her throat as harder, not caring if she could breath or not. She looked so hot in the white blouse, short skirt and the matching black nylons on her long, slender legs.

'We trying our best,' a short boy said, trying to jerk down the skirt, but she was kicking him. 'This fuckin' bitch don't even want to give it up!' he laughed pulling at her skirt, but her long legs and high heels kept them away.

'Knock the fuckin' bitch out or something!' the last boy said trying his best to grab the short skirt and pull it down. 'I need some damn pussy!' he said as his cock grew out of control, thinking of how good this long legged woman was going to be.

'You fuckin' do it,' the leader said trying to hold the squirming woman against the wall, but she was putting up a good fight and his arms were getting tired. 'We need to do something and fast!' he added as she continued to fight like nothing he'd ever been up against.

'Let me go!' she screamed and noticed the boy had turned towards her. She drew back her left leg, thrust it up and hit him right between his legs. He quickly let go of her throat as he doubled over in pain, grabbing himself.

'You fuckin' cunt!' he groaned, holding his balls, hoping that she hadn't hurt his most prized object. 'I'm goin' kill you!' he drew back his fist and started to swing, but didn't see the baseball bat swinging towards his back.

'THUMP!' The hard wooden bat sent him to the ground screaming out in pain.

'You mother fucker!' one of the other boys yelled rushing towards the young guy that had sent their ring leader to the ground. 'You're goin' to die, bitch!' he yelled as they tackled him and began beating him with no mercy.

The woman grabbed the bat and started swinging it down to the boys as hard as she could, until they ran away. 'Are ok?' she asked dropping to her knees, seeing that the kid was bleeding from his mouth and above his right eye.

He just looked up in a daze and couldn't believe who she was. It was Nora, the beautiful woman that lived across the courtyard from him. 'I'm fine, did they hurt you?' he moaned trying to sit up.

'I'm ok, but you're bleeding pretty bad,' she said rooting through her purse for something to wipe the blood from his eye, noticing a pair of smashed, black glasses lying next to him and that's when she recognized him. He was the sweet guy, Ben, that was always trying to flirt with her, but she'd constantly ignored him. He was just a kid; she was nearing forty-five and thought that he has no business flirting with her like he did. 'We need to get you home, so I can clean this up,' she added, feeling so bad for him and now wished that she would have a little nicer to him.

'My glasses!' he yelled as tears ran down his face. How was he going to read, how was he going to use his computer and how was he going to see the beautiful woman he loved so much? 'No!' he sobbed as more tears rolled down his face, trying to think of a way to replace them, but they cost so much money.

'Come on, it'll be ok.' Nora said hugging him tightly, trying her best to comfort him. 'Let's get you up to my place. Maybe their not that bad and we can get them fixed,' she smiled, putting the smashed glasses in her purse, hoping to calm down her young admirer.

He looked up to her and knew the glasses he used to live were gone and now he'd be doomed to a life of boredom without them. 'They're smashed so bad, nobody came fix them,' he said, wishing he could see her long brown hair and her pretty blue eyes better, but she was so blurry without the glasses. So many times he'd just sit, watching Nora on her balcony watering her plants or she'd step out to catch a breath of cool morning air and now it was gone. No more enjoying her beautiful face, her long slender legs or her wonderful butt.

'You never know. They can do a lot these days,' she smiled, wiping the blood from his eye. 'We really need to go! Those punks may come back,' she said in a firm voice as she stood him up. 'Let's hurry!' Nora added as she rushed him down the street and to their apartment building.


Once in her apartment Nora sat him in a chair and rushed to the bathroom. After getting a warm cloth, gauze and a bottle of antiseptic, she went back to the living room. 'Here we go,' she sat down on the floor in front of him. 'We need to get that cut above your eye cleaned. It's really bad and you should go to the hospital and get it stitched up.' Nora added, noticing her small skirt was up her hips and her tiny, black panties could be seen, but poor Ben couldn't see a thing, so it didn't matter.

'Oh I can hear it now!' Ben laughed. 'My mom would have a shit-fit. She doesn't like paying for anything, unless it has alcohol in it!' he laughed again, thinking of seeing her face when she opened a massive bill like that. 'Oh shoot! We left my Cokes lying back in the ally,' he said, remembering how bad he wanted the drinks.

Nora worked on his eye and couldn't believe what her admirer was saying. She knew his mother drank a lot, but how could she deny her son going to the doctor? And, when she heard him talking about his Cokes, she couldn't help but laughing at him. 'You silly boy! You're worried about Coke when we both came close to being a just another statistic.' Nora said as a smile filled her face and she wished so much that she'd been a little friendlier to him. He was just a young guy that had a thing for an older woman, her.

A light scent of her perfume slowly drifted up his nose and Ben knew that he'd died and went to heaven. 'Heck yes I'm thinking of them. I needed a Coke bad and it took me almost two hours to dig up enough change to get some,' he quickly replied thinking of how good one would be right now. He saved the babe he loved so much, got his ass kicked and now, she was doctoring him. What more could a guy want, other than a nice, frosty Coke.

'You are a crazy little boy!' Nora chuckled as she finished cleaning his eye. 'Tonight is your lucky night,' she smiled, standing back up, wishing that Ben could see her, because he would have gotten a great view. 'I just happen to have your favorite drink in my fridge,' she smiled walking to the small kitchen, to the fridge and pulled out two, cold Cokes. 'I guess they would be good after our fun evening! I'd like a little rum in mine, how about you?' she asked, turning to see him trying to look at her and she saw nothing but sadness on his face. 'Poor baby,' she thought, knowing it had to be killing him being this close to her and not being able to see. He was always looking at her from his balcony, by the mailboxes or just passing in the hall, she knew his eyes were always on her.

Ben was still in shock that she was talking to him and here he was, in her apartment. 'I guess that would be nice,' he replied, wishing he could see Nora and her beautiful, long legs. She was close to five foot ten inches tall and the best body he'd ever seen in his life. 'How long have you been working at the Hilton?' Ben asked when she sat down next to him, wishing he would be able to see her just for a few seconds. He wanted to scream when her hand touched his, but what would be the use. She didn't want some little snot nose kid like him, when she could get any man she wanted.

'Oh lord, let me think.' Nora replied, digging in her purse for a cigarette and lit it, trying to think of how long she had been working at the Hilton. 'Shoot, I think it's been about fifteen years now,' she added seeing his very dark eyes trying to focus on her legs, but from the frown on his face, she knew he couldn't see anything. 'I think my days are numbered. There's not much want for a hostess my age, everyone wants a twenty year old, blonde bimbo these days,' she said taking a drink, hoping she'd be able to work until a little longer.

Ben couldn't help but laugh at what Nora said. 'You're kidding? Who would want something like that? You're fucking hot as he...' he said without thinking and knew his face had to be turning red with embarrassment. Nora was beautiful, why would any guy want someone other than her?

Nora smiled from ear to ear when she heard Ben's sweet words and wished that she'd talked to him before this. 'Thank you,' she whispered, gently caressing his back and noticed that his eye was bleeding again. 'If this keeps up, I'm taking you to the hospital and I'll pay for. Plus, I have very good friend that's a doctor at St. Mary's, she fix you for free.' Nora said dabbing his eye, knowing that it needed stitched up.

'Cool! Go to the doctors for free,' he laughed enjoying Nora's gentle hands touching him and that wonderful perfume of hers was driving him crazy. 'What do you do there?' he asked feeling her warm breath on his face, trying to imagine her on him, making passionate love.

'It depends. Some nights I'm the lead hostess and other nights I'm a personal waitress. If you come in to the restaurant and like me, for just five hundred bucks, I'll wait on you hand and foot. Some guys just like me to sit with them and they tell me their problems, things like that. Nothing else!' she quickly added, hoping that Ben didn't think she was a hooker or something.

He just smiled, wishing he had that kind of money. It would be cool having someone as beautiful as Nora to wait on him like that, but in a small way, she already was. 'Kinda like now, but I don't have any money to pay you,' he said with a smile.

'After what you did for me tonight,' she paused, wondering what her next words should be. Nora knew Ben liked her, but he was just a kid. 'I owe you big time!' she added running her fingers through his thick, black hair, having a good idea of how she should thank him.

He just smiled as her loving hand went through his hair and Ben felt his manhood filling with blood. 'This really sucks. I've been drooling over you since the day we moved in here and now I'm only an inch from you and,' he said taking a deep breath. 'I'm lucky I can even see you,' he added putting out his lip.

'Poor baby.' Nora said in a soft and very loving voice as she hugged him. 'We'll get your glasses fixed first thing in the morning and,' she said feeling her face begin to flush. 'You can look at me all you want,' she added, knowing poor Ben was going to love that.

'Cool!' was all he could say, hoping that Nora meant it and she'd let him come and hang out with her again. 'You're not just saying that are you?' Ben asked hoping she meant it. 'I know I'm just a kid, but I really like you and I hope we can talk like this more,' he added hoping she didn't think he was some kind of pervert.

Nora couldn't help smiling at Ben's words. 'Well, you can look, but just don't get too carried away or anything and I think you can stop by anytime you want and we can talk up a storm,' she smiled and saw that his eye was bleeding again. 'I'm going to go change and we're going to see my friend. This is not going to stop on its own,' she said dabbing his eye, knowing it needed more care than she could give.


Nora led Ben into the hospital up to the front desk. 'Hello there.' Nora smiled at the nurse. 'Is Doctor Shawnee Davis working tonight? We need to get his eye looked at,' she said looking at the full waiting room, knowing this was going to take a very long time.

'Oh yes,' the nurse replied with a heavy Cajon twang. 'She be in the operating room, but I let her know you hear to see her as soon as she come out.' Nurse Jenny replied with a wide smile, remembering this lady was a close friend of Shawnee's. 'It might be a very long while. Fill out these papers and bring them back when you done,' she added looking through some charts, writing a note and stuck it on her desk.

'Thank you.' Nora said pointing to a sofa across the waiting room. 'Let's go sit over there and I'll fill these papers out for you,' she yawned, hoping that her feet would stop hurting. She had a hard night and was ready for bed, but she had to make sure her knight in shining armor was taken care of first. 'Your name sir?' Nora teased in a silly, official sounding voice.

'Benjamin Roberts.'

'Your age please,' she asked trying not to laugh.

'Nineteen next month,' he said looking at Nora's legs, wondering if she was wearing the tight pair of jeans that fit her so well and he loved seeing her in.

'Oh really? I'll have to take you to the restaurant and get one of the pretty, young girls' to be your personal waitress,' she said with a big smile, knowing that Ben would go crazy if he saw some of the girls' that she worked with.

Ben heard Nora and knew he didn't want just any girl, he wanted her. 'Nah, if you did something like that for me,' he paused, hoping that she wouldn't get mad at him. 'I'd want you to do it,' he smiled and felt blood rushing between his legs, just thinking of Nora in her awesome waitress outfit and her spoiling him.

Nora felt a warm, exciting rush of love in her heart when she heard what Ben said. 'You're a silly, silly boy. You should see some of the girls' I work with. You'd shit your pants,' she replied, wondering why he liked her so much. She was close to forty-five years old and could be his mother, but he followed her around like a lost puppy trying to find its mother. 'Why do you like me so much? I could be your mother.' Nora asked in a soft voice as she reached to caress the side of his face.

'First off, you're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen in my life and you're so sweet, even though you've never talked to me until tonight,' he said remembering the one hundred dollar gift card from Wal-mart that he found slipped under his door at Christmas. 'I know that you're the one that gave me the gift card too.' Ben added, watching her and could swear he saw her smiling. 'I knew it was you,' he smiled, wishing that he could give her a hug or even a small kiss, but he wasn't going to screw things up now.

Nora felt her heart racing and it felt good. 'I heard you and your mom fighting about Christmas and how bad you wanted something for your computer. I couldn't remember what it was, so I figured the card would help you get it,' she smiled and knew it was going to be hard to hold back her emotions now.

'Thank you very much,' he said running his hand over her back, enjoying the feel of her silk blouse and he wasn't sure, but he thought she was trembling from his touch. 'Nah,' he thought. Why would she get excited over him? He wasn't the least bit handsome and in his opinion, he was ugly as hell. 'I got a video card for my computer and a few other things too,' he smiled and wanted to hug Nora so bad he hurt.

Nora felt like he wanted to hug her and it was weird, she wanted him to. She hadn't been hugged by a man in years. Well, a few guys hugged her at work to thank her for doing something or maybe on a special occasion, but never in a sexual way and suddenly Nora missed it very much. This young kid was bringing her from her shell and it was a good feeling. She just wasn't sure if she should be flirting with Ben or not. He was just a kid that thought he was in love with her and she didn't want him to get hurt.

'I'm glad you enjoyed it so much,' she softly whispered as his caring hand gently caressed her back and she wanted to scream. Nora knew how much Ben liked her and now his hand was sending feelings through her body that she'd kept hidden deep in the back of her mind for the last twenty-five years and were never to be released. 'Ok, so how tall are you and how much do you weigh?' she quickly asked, hoping to get her mind off his soft touch and the feelings he was giving her. She continued filling out the papers and after Nora gave them back to the nurse, she sat down beside Ben, closer than before.

He couldn't resist, he put his arm around her and hugged. 'You should be in bed. My eye will be fine,' he said in a soft voice, watching her pretty blue eyes slowly closing and about shit himself when Nora snuggled against him.

'I'm tired, but you need to get fixed up,' she yawned again, put her head on his shoulder and for the first time in ages, Nora felt so safe and secure and she loved it. 'I could...' Nora stopped to yawn. 'Get used to this,' she smiled enjoying Ben's arm around her back, wondering if he cared for her or if he was just trying to get a piece of ass. 'He'd never do that. He's too sweet,' she thought fighting to keep her eyes open, but it was a lost cause.

Nora turned to face him and was now completely in his arms. 'Oh my God!' he thought holding the beautiful woman he'd been in love with since he first set eyes on her and wished he could see her better. Her tender body felt so good against him and Ben fought the urge to get hard, but her warm breath blowing on his face, her sweet perfume filled his nose and a low moan coming from her was too much for the young man. He began to grow out of control. 'I love you so much,' he whispered in her ear, hoping she was sleeping.

Nora lay in his arms and it felt so good to be held after so many years on loneliness. 'I love you too,' she moaned snuggling against Ben as visions of the past and the most horrible time in Nora's life filled her mind.


Nora lay on the bed, her hands holding the headboard and her legs spread wide, enjoying the long, slender shaft moving in and out of her young body. 'Oh Berry! Yes!' she moaned as his aging penis brought her closer to a needed orgasm. The last time they made love, Berry wasn't able to stay hard long enough for her to cum, but Nora had become a master at faking orgasms.

The sixty-five year old man moved in and out of his young wife, praying that he could stay hard and please her. 'Come on baby. Cum for me,' he smiled moving faster, wishing she'd remember the movie they had just watched. He tried everything he could to please Nora and after watching the movie, Berry wanted her to call him Daddy. He knew it would keep him hard, but Nora must not have understood what he wanted.

She felt him start to go down and Nora wanted to scream. 'No!' she screamed to herself, hoping he'd just hold on a few more minutes, but she knew he couldn't. 'Fuck me!' she cried, trying to think of a way to keep her husband up and fucking her and that's when it came to her. 'Why didn't you just tell me what you wanted,' she thought and hoped she could do this. 'Fuck me...Daddy! Fuck your daughter!' Nora yelled out as she hugged his neck and to her amazement, it was working. Berry's manhood grew harder and he was screwing her like a young boy, not a sixty-five year old man.

'That's Daddy's girl,' he smiled enjoying his shaft being so hard again and he knew that Nora wouldn't have to fake anything tonight. 'Cum on Daddy's hard thing,' he whispered in her ear and she went wild under him. 'Are you Daddy's little girl?' he asked and a loud scream of 'yes' filled his ears.