One Slip Over The Line

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A slip, a slide, a close shave.
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"One Slip" by Patricia51

Patricia51 writes great stories. One "One Slip" was the tale of a faithful wife's one-time slip up. There really wasn't anything wrong with the story -- in fact, it's actually very good. So where did P51 go wrong? She didn't do anything wrong, unless you count that she left it wide open for hacks like me to write alternative endings -- except when I post the wrong version. Attempt #2


Donna moved efficiently through her house, cleaning and straightening -- straightening and cleaning. It was in these simple acts of daily life that she wrapped herself in a shadow of dull comfort. Get up, husband to work, kids to school, clean and/or shop, kids coming home, husband returning from work, meals, homework, TV, and then all off to bed. Each day pretty much the same as the one before.

There was no question of having enough to do; the holidays were fast approaching. The displays were already in the stores. A growing list of things to do: a house to be decorated, cards to be bought, signed and mailed, the coordination of party invitations and responses. The kids were getting excited -- Donna was getting exhausted.

She stood in her living room wondering if this year's Christmas tree should be near the front window or over by the bookcase. The only problem with the bookcase location was that the tree would block most of the family photos on display. She loved her pictures.

Her focus slowly centered on one photo in particular; one taken during her honeymoon in Hawaii many years ago. Her husband Steve was behind her, embracing her. Her vision tightened as she looked at her face, her smile, and her eyes; eyes alive with love, happiness, and fulfillment.

The photo mocked her.


Donna felt her body climb the familiar road to release. With her heels hooked over her husband Steve's shoulders, his rhythmic thrusting, and the slow circling of his thumb on his clitoris: her orgasm passed over from almost into surely inevitable.

Oh God! Donna struggled against the increase of stimulation. Steve had repositioned his finger along the shaft of his cock. A slight curl upwards had his fingertip rubbing back and forth across her G-spot. The increased stimulation was too much; too intense. She tried to push the finger out of her before she lost control completely -- too late.

Donna's hips bucked wildly. An intense heat flared from deep within her spreading outward as her attention centered in her pulsating pelvis. She heard her herself whimpering - a series of sharp inhalations, a long held breath - then crying out. Great waves of pleasure swept through her: on and on and on.

She floated is a disconnected ecstasy. It took forever to return to normal awareness. Donna lay quietly in the echoing reverberations of another multiple-orgasm fuck. She felt a familiar trickle as Steve's semen begin to leak out of her. Turning her head she gazed at her husband. Steve's soft snoring confirmed his "little death." How could she not have noticed Steve's orgasm?

She stared up into the dark ceiling of their bedroom as if trying to see her way out of this. Donna loved the man beside her with all her heart. And she knew he loved her too -- some might say more than she deserved.

She had every reason to be happy; family, friends, and financial security. Everything seemed so perfect. Donna sighed as she felt the darkness envelop her. If everything was so perfect, why was she so unhappy?


"Our sex life?" Donna stirred her coffee into a dull beige uniformity. She lifted the cup to her lips, sipped, and put the cup down with a sigh. Looking across the table at Becky, her friend and confidante, Donna shrugged and then smiled.

"We're having sex; lot's of sex - great sex. Becky, I know what you're thinking and you're wrong. Sex is not the problem. I mean I know it was the problem...with Gil. God I don't know. It's just..." Donna looked down and sighed. Becky waited patiently for her friend to continue.

"Here I am with this great guy, who loves me so much that he has forgiven me for cheating on him. And I'm - God I don't know what I am right now - other than so deeply unhappy. You want to know how screwed up I am Becs...the better the sex...the harder I cum, the emptier I feel afterwards. How messed up is that?" Donna's whole being slumped floorward.

"Tell me what's different about the sex before your affair versus the sex after."

"It wasn't an affair Rebecca. It was once! One time, one stupid mistake. Once!"

"I was trying to be..." Becky flashed a tight smile. "Okay how was your sex life before your one night stand?"

"Oh God, that sounds even worse then affair. It's not the before that's the problem, it's now. It's the way..."

"What? Say it, Donna." Becky looked earnestly at her friend encouraging her to speak.

"It's like...Steve treats me like a problem at work. Because I cheated, because I had sex with another man, well then the problem must be sex. It's something to be solved. Steve is doing all of these different sex techniques and practices to make me cum. It's like if I don't have more then one orgasm...God, I can't believe I'm going to say this but sometimes one orgasm is enough."

Becky sipped her coffee as she watched her friends reaction, or lack thereof. "When was the last time you said "no"?

Donna simply blinked.

"So you submit to him every time he wants sex -- is that it? You don't refuse him, no matter what? Was that the way it was before?" Becky waited her friend out until Donna finally shook her head. "No, so you're telling me that right now, your husband has complete control of your sex life?"

"I...well...I really haven't...I wouldn't quite put it that way Becky." Donna felt herself becoming even smaller.

"Look Donna, this may seem overly simplistic but men are wired to spray their seed around. So since they're always thinking about sex and they think they need to have lots of sex. When what they really need is love, they are desperate for fulfillment. It's our job to fulfill their needs so that they don't want something, or someone, else. So, is Steve getting what he needs from you or is he just getting what he wants?"

Donna sat silent her face a mask of mild confusion.

Becky slapped her open palm on the counter. "Donna, you've lost Cunt Confidence!"

"Excuse me?" Donna looked at the older woman; a blush of astonishment spreading across her face.

"Cunt Confidence -- somehow in this whole mess you've lost yours. I don't know why I didn't see this earlier. What we need to do is find out how to get yours back." Becky stood up and began to pace back and forth.

"I really don't think..."

Becky pulled her friend up from her chair and led her to a hallway mirror. "Look at yourself. You're beautiful, you have a great body Donna, what's not to like? I recall you telling me that you were one of those "stick-figure" girls growing up; all elbows and knees right? Do you remember how it felt when you finally got your boobs! One day you're walking around and guys are ignoring you. Then "bam" they think you have "pretty eyes, nice hair, blah, blah, blah." You discover that you have something guys really want. They want your body.

"You start dating and you begin to fool around with guys. You realize that you have a power over them. You have the power to fulfill them. You have the power to frustrate them. You have the power to control them. Basically, a woman with Cunt Confidence can make a guy do whatever they want? Carry my books, take me here, I want to do this. A woman with Cunt Confidence is calling the shots. She's in control and more importantly, more importantly Donna; the guy knows that the woman is in control. Guys act the way you want in order to have access to you. That knowledge, that power - that's Cunt Confidence."

"Really Becky, you think everything comes down to sex and how to manipulate men with it. You should write a book, Cunt Confidence for Dummies, or Discovering Your Inner Slut."

"Interesting choice of words, look in the mirror Donna. Is that the term you would use to describe yourself -- slut? Isn't that what this is all about? Isn't that how you see yourself? Is that how you'd describe how you acted with Gil? Were you a slut when he stripped you naked and shoved his cock in your mouth? Were you a slut when you were begging for it Donna? Were you a slut when Gil fucked you in his office? Were you?"

Donna nodded her head. "Yes."

"Donna, Donna, Donna." Rebecca paused. "No Donna...a slut doesn't have Cunt Confidence. A slut is powerless, just like any other kind of addict. Look at the difference between a casual drinker and an alcoholic. Say you're at a party, you have a couple of drinks, you're relaxed, having fun -- you're confident of who you are and what you are -- no problems. You're in control.

"But what if you get shit-faced drunk? Waking up, not knowing what you did, or who you did it with? There's no fun there, there's no confidence, nothing.

"For whatever reason, the timing, the coincidence of it all, something happened that got out of control. You know what this is like? It's like a car crash. After the crash, you can't help but think about all of the decisions made and actions taken that led right up to the point of impact. Any one of them might have changed the timing, and that could have changed the outcome. Do you see where I'm going with this Donna?"

Donna's nod was non-committal.

"You can argue as much as you want. You can say you never fantasized about being with another man. You can say that being with another man never occurred to you. But there's no disputing reality. Everything came together in a way that was unavoidable and for that one evening -- in your own words - you were a slut. And there's no denying it because it happened Donna. It happened."

"If you have a car accident, even a bad one, you might for a moment say that you're a bad driver. But do you stop driving and become a passenger for the rest of your life? No, of course not, you get back behind the wheel and you drive, more carefully perhaps, more consciously, but you drive -- you get your confidence back.

"Donna, you had the equivalent of a sexual car crash. You were a slut for that one night -- it happened. But instead of learning from your mistake and getting back behind the wheel you're letting someone else drive you around."

"I appreciate what you're trying to do Becky, I really do..."

Rebecca waved Donna quiet. "Answer me this Donna. Are you doing things sexually that the two of you didn't do before? Anal is all the rage these days, does Steve fuck you in your butt?"

"Becky! What Steve and I do in the privacy of..."

"I'll take that as a "yes." Has he tied you up? Spanking, toys...has he suggested bringing someone..."

"Stop it. Stop it right there." Donna squared up and glared at Rebecca. "I am not ever going to cheat on my husband it! I am not some kind of stupid little slut who is unable to..."

"That's Cunt Confidence!" Becky held up her hands. "You draw the line. You define the boundaries. You call the shots."

Becky walked back to the kitchen and rinsed out her coffee cup. "Thanks for the coffee Donna. Think about it. I've got to go, but be sure to call me if you need a booster shot."


"The kids are in bed." Donna leaned against the door of Steve's home office. "And we need to talk."

Steve finished typing and slowly looked over his shoulder. "Okay Donna what do that is some dress? You look fantastic. I don't think you've ever seen it before. Did you just buy it?"

Donna shifted to the other side of the doorway causing the slinky black dress she was wearing to move revealing across her body. "No, actually I've had it for awhile. I did buy it with you in mind. I bought it so that you might notice me. Me, the woman you fell in love with. Me, the woman you wanted to spend the rest of your life with."

"I'm sure I would have noticed you in that dress." Steve closed his laptop.

"I bought it because...well at the time I bought it we were both so involved; you with the business me with the kids. We, you and me, weren't really seeing one another very much -- even when we were sleeping side by side." Donna felt her heart begin to pound.

"I did wear it once before, though you never saw it. It had been a long week and I was really looking forward to spending some time with you -- you and me time. I wanted to look special; I wanted you to want me. I wanted you to need me. I was dressed to impress." Donna smiled sexily.

"There I was primed and ready. I was horny. And then you called, and said you had an emergency and couldn't make it. I was wearing this dress that I had gotten for you, because I wanted my man to want his woman. I didn't want to go without you. But you insisted that I go. So I went - with Gil. I didn't realize until it was too late that I was having an emergency of my own."

Steve nodded. "Donna, I love you, and I forgave you. How many times do I have to say that I..."

"This isn't about you forgiving me Steve! It's about me forgiving myself. Please be quiet and just listen to me. When Gil saw me he looked at me like -- I'm trying to tell you how Gil saw me - as a woman; not as a wife, not as a mother. He saw a woman in need of a man." Donna wavered and she felt her resolve begin to ebb away. "I didn't fight him Steve. I didn't even resist. You've seen the photos. I wasn't seduced. I gave myself to him with hardly a second thought."

Steve stood and turned towards his wife fire in his eyes -- a primal fire. There was rage there, but surprisingly Donna also saw arousal. Donna suddenly understood something about what had happened that night. Something that in its raw, naked power - frightened her.

"Nothing else mattered when I was fucking Gil." Newfound strength filled her voice. "Yes Steve, I fucked Gil just as hard as he fucked me. I was willing to let him do whatever he wanted. I was his slut that night.

"It was only after it was over that the guilt hit me -- terrible guilt. I was devastated by what I had done, by what I had become that night. I wanted to die. I knew I had to tell you. But how do you break someone's heart? I was about to tell you when Gil threatened to blackmail me if I didn't become his whore. Suddenly, I had no choices anymore. I had to stop Gil. So I confessed to you what I'd done."

"Donna ..." Steve took a step towards her but she held her hand up to stop him.

"After I told you I was petrified that you would leave me. I was ashamed, humiliated, and I vowed to myself that I would willing do anything to make you keep me."

"Donna, I would never have..."

"Let me finish Steve. That was when I became your slut. Letting you do to me, whatever you wanted -- never saying no. I let you treat me like a slut. I've allowed things to happen that I would have never..." Donna shook her head.

"So, here I stand in this dress. It was supposed to bring a wife and her husband closer together. Instead it nearly tore us apart. This is my slut dress Steve. This dress symbolizes what I became that night and what I am to this day. First I was Gil's slut. Then I was yours. Is this what you want Steve? If this is how you want me -- a slut -- then I'll keep this dress." Donna's voice began to rise. "But if you want me to be your wife, if you want me..."

Steve grabbed a pair of scissors from his desk and leapt across the room. He knelt and grasped the hem of Donna's dress. He cut it and pulled mightily as he stood up. The dress ripped in half and fell to the floor.

Donna gasped in absolute shock. Steve pulled her bra forward and snipped between the cups pushing it off her arms. Kneeling again Steve he hooked his finger through the front panel of her panties and cut her panties off. He wasn't done just yet.

"What are you doing?" Donna gasped as the snip, snip, snip of the scissors continued.

Steve led his naked wife to his desk. "This started with you fucking Gil in his office. It ends with you fucking me here in mine. I want you to do everything to me that you did with Gil."

Donna knelt before her husband and took his cock in her mouth.


Steve awoke to the incredible feeling of his erect cock in Donna's mouth. "You don't have to do that babe."

Donna looked up at her husband and smiled as well as she could with her mouth full. "I want to...I like doing this for my husband." She resumed her slow sucking of his cock. Every few sucks Donna would stop and lick the head of Steve's cock.

"Steve, thank you for doing what you did last night. I didn't understand why you cut off my pubic hair until you told me the story of women who fraternized with the Germans during World War II. I guess when you punished me it finally allowed me to accept you're forgiving me -- if that makes any sense." She resumed her sucking.

"Yes, it makes sense - oh God -- to me. It just came to me -- oh fuck -- speaking of cumming."

Donna stopped sucking again. "And when their hair grew back, everything was back to normal more or less."

"Yeah, I suppose so, why do...?" Steve saw a wild twinkle in Donna's eyes. She rose up and straddled his hips. He looked down at her hand around his cock; the sight of his cock entering her was a guaranteed turn-on. He gasped in amazement, "You shaved it all off!"

Donna settled slowly onto her husband's erection until he was fully engulfed within her. She slowly leaned back until the joining of their bodies was completely exposed. "Do you like it? Do you like the way I look?"

Steve reached out and trailed his fingers across the smooth skin of her mons. The naked looked of her swollen labia and erect clitoris was incredibly arousing. A fingertip circled her clit until Donna moaned. "I like it Donna. I like it a lot."

Donna leaned forward pinning Steve's arms above his head. "Last night you accepted me back as your wife." She leaned down and kissed him.

"After we fucked on your desk, you carried me to this bed, our bed, and we made love. You fell asleep pretty quickly, I couldn't sleep I was so happy. I finally fell asleep happy and when I woke up this morning -- I was still happy. I went to pee and felt my stubbly hair. Then I remembered the rest of that story about those women during the war. So I shaved it all off."

Steve looked at his wife and realized that any chance of truly understanding her was futile. His confusion was evident and Donna kissed him again.

"I shaved it off for a reason and I need you to let me say all of this before you say anything, okay? I am happy to be your partner again, happier than you can imagine. But, at the same time, some of the things we did during the last couple of months, I kind of liked. And I want to go back to being your wife and if that means everything goes back to the way it was before that night -- I'm fine with that. But I shaved because there is a part of me that liked being that way for you. Part of me liked being a slut -- your slut."

"Okay, just tell me what you liked and what you..."


"Donna, you just said you liked some of the things we did."


"But you won't tell me..." Steve felt a surge of blood into his cock and he felt it swell even more. "Oh. Oh I get it. I guess we'll just have to figure this out as we go then?"

Donna bit her lower lip and nodded. "Yes."

Steve shifted his hips and rolled over on top of Donna. Her eyes were wild with desire. He pulled out of her as she whimpered in frustration. He sat on the corner of the bad and called her to him.

"Turn around, straddle my legs and look at us in the mirror." Donna turned and saw their reflection in the sliding mirrored doors of their closet. She saw her legs straddling her husbands, his cock pointed at her waiting cunt. She lowered her body onto his.