Possessing Bella Ch. 06


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Bella looked up in surprise as if it had already been decided that she would return home for the weekend. "I hadn't really thought past the idea of wanting to go at some time. Probably Saturday in case something comes up at work on Friday afternoon."

"I'll make the calls tomorrow and organise it for you," Stephen responded, taking control. "It will be good to talk to him again." They approached Bella's door and he opened it for her before leaning down and kissing her forehead. "Sweet dreams, Little One." He ushered her inside and closed the door before returning to the elevator. Bella wasn't sure what to think. She was tired and a little confused by the changes in Stephen's moods, so she went to change for bed.


Stephen went back down to the club and went into Rob's office. He sprawled in one of the large chairs and looked up at Rob. "She's tired, and she looks it. I think she is pushing herself too hard," he said not for the first time.

"She's asked to go home to see Rosie next weekend, I think it's a good sign that she knows she needs some down time," Rob said thoughtfully. "She asked for this. All of it, we aren't forcing it on her." Rob understood Stephen's concerns but she appeared happy, she was looking after herself again. And he admitted looking more beautiful than ever. "Having her back as more than just Mel's girl is going to take adjustment for all of us." He looked up at the portraits on the wall. "None of us really knew her at all before Mel brought her into the club. How do we know what she was like beforehand? Maybe she was always an overachiever." He shrugged.

"We had to watch her go through the worst of times, it's made you protective. We all are," Rob sighed. "Kurt and Andrew are there at work; I am here or there," he pointed above his head "at home. And you and Jake are here, there and everywhere. If cracks begin to show, we will catch her."

"Fine," Stephen grumbled. "She is intelligent and thinks about what she does most of the time, but I am not sure she is as strong as you all think she is." He paused for a moment, "When's Kurt getting here?"

"Who knows, you know Kurt, he arrives when he does," Rob chuckled. He and Kurt had grown close over the last year and he fully endorsed Mel's decision to install him as the new managing director of the company and as part of the stakeholder council in the club. Mel's shares of course had been dispersed over a few people which had left Rob as the majority holder in both businesses.

Kurt, Bella and Vince each held a percentage of Mel's half of the company, but it was at the club where the stakes were more evenly spread across a dozen or so people. His decision to include a managed share for Bella amongst those people had appalled some of the current stakeholders but with Kurt's backing Rob had stood firm against the backlash.

"I'll go get Andrew," Stephen said into the lengthening silence, "He'll need to be in this conversation if we expect him to do his job properly." Kurt arrived shortly after and joined Rob in the office.

"I'm thinking Sunday meetings are painful," he flopped into a comfortable chair. "Can we do these on a Monday from now on?"

"Hard to drag yourself away from the lovely Dianne?" Rob smirked.

"Something like that," Kurt grinned. "All right, so, what do we know so far?" He looked up as Stephen and Andrew joined them.

"Lincoln reported a guy on a bike following them from the company back here early in the week, so we changed the drop off point to the garage just as a precaution," Rob began. "He thinks he saw him again today but couldn't be sure."

"Are we just being a little paranoid after Mel?" Kurt asked reasonably.

"Probably, but there's been the anonymous protests about her involvement in the club," Rob added, "and some of the guys here have very strong notions about the natural order of the world."

"That was to be expected," Stephen said in his deep bass. "Honestly, I wasn't so sure about her involvement here myself. Even with being a managed stake, what if some future Master decides to manage her affairs for her?"

"Look I am new to all this, so I don't have the same degree of investment as the rest of you," he looked at each of the men. "After a week of working with her side by side though, I will say that she knows all of you are watching her so closely that she is scared to sneeze in case you rush her to the hospital. If you place any further restrictions on her, she may just runaway again to escape. It's not like she hasn't in the past." Andrew had read the detailed file he had been given by Stephen detailing her life, so he knew what to expect.

"It's hardly that extreme," Stephen stared at him.

"I think she used the word fart rather than sneeze but I was being diplomatic. That is exactly how she feels," he sat back having said his piece. "I will defer to you all of course, but you schedule her life so much she has no time to think already. I have to ask, have there been any threats directly against her?"

"No, maybe I am being a little paranoid," Rob admitted. "I chased Lucifer for so many years that maybe I am just seeing ghosts of him now."

"I don't think so," Stephen added to the mix, "Isn't it better to err on the side of caution?"

"I think we are already doing that," Kurt said. "Let her have what little bit of freedom she has now, which isn't much. I tend to agree with Andrew; we were all pretty unsure about agreeing to what she wanted and I for one have been pleasantly surprised so far."

"That's fine while she is in town, what about these stays with other Master's," Stephen argued and once again Rob wondered about his growing attachment to Bella. There was nothing happening there he was sure, but the austere personality Stephen usually wore seemed to be developing cracks when it came to the young woman they all cared about.

"We will have to deal with each one as they appear, do we know who is next?" Kurt asked.

"Hunter." Stephen rumbled, a hint of distaste in his voice.

"Well that's perfect; no one who wasn't invited could get near his place," he laughed. "So we won't have to worry about that side of it for at least another month or so. So let's just leave things the way they are, she seems happy enough, no need to worry her over something that may just end up being nothing but our own paranoia." The other men murmured their agreement.

"I thought I might invite Joe and Rosie up sometime to see how she is doing," Kurt changed the topic slightly. "They worry about her too and they haven't seen her since she announced she was coming back to work."

"I am taking her home for the weekend," Stephen said it as if ending the conversation. But after a moment added, "She asked to go because she knows they worry and she didn't know when she would have another chance."

"Good," Kurt was taken aback by the tone in Stephen's voice and looked at Rob, who smirked. "Well if that's everything, then would you gentlemen excuse us. I have some things to discuss with Rob of a personal nature."

"What the hell was that about?" Kurt asked Rob once Stephen and Andrew had left the room.

"He seems to be taking on the role of her protector quite literally doesn't he," Rob chuckled. "I think she might have found a chink in his armour."

"Ice cold, unemotional, uncompromising? Yes. Protective of the girls here? Of course. But he has always been hands off and professional about it. The way he spoke just then, that was downright territorial. You better fill me in properly before I decide to assert my guardianship and take her down there myself." It wasn't often that the laid back Kurt forcefully asserted his dominance over others. But Rob quickly realised that he had taken the tone in Stephen's voice as a personal challenge.

"I don't know much," Rob admitted, "But I think our little Bella may have found a way to thaw a little of his ice cold demeanour." He proceeded to tell Kurt about the little things he too had noticed. He finished by adding that Stephen had not wanted to see her with Sire, sending Jake instead and that he had also not been happy that Hunter had been chosen to take her next.

"Both strong men who would not be intimidated by Stephen's towering reputation and status," Rob chuckled.

"So our knight in shining armour has a thing for the little princess. Does she know?" Kurt joined his chuckle.

"I doubt it. I doubt anyone, but those who know Stephen very well would even guess," he thought about it. "He's just like Mel in that respect. He has preferences here at the club but shows no real favouritism or affection for any of them."

"Similar tastes too, though that is hardly surprising," Kurt added.

"Bella's not really in that frame of mind. She is seeing this training as a learning experience that Mel had wanted for her. She's not looking for a new Master I don't think," Rob scratched at a non-existent beard. "It's like she is still trying to prove she was good enough for him, to herself as much to the rest of us."

"Yeah, that's Dianne's theory on the whole thing," Kurt agreed. "She could do a lot worse than Stephen," Kurt mused, "It should be interesting to watch how that plays out. Mel's a hard act to follow I would imagine and like you said, she's not ready for that sort of deep bonding again."

"Bah! We sound like two old women. I bet it never happens," Rob laughed.

"I'll take that bet, with no time limit though," Kurt added the proviso. "If I win I get first option on your company shares, should you ever decide to sell them. And if you win..."

"I'll take a 1925 Rolls Royce Phantom," Rob smirked at Kurt.


Bella went in to see Rob before leaving for work in the morning. He smiled when he saw her and putting down the article he was reading, patted his lap and yawned loudly. Bella frowned at him noting the bags under his eyes. She climbed into his lap and ran her hand down his cheek.

"I feel dreadful that you wait for me before going to sleep, especially when you're so tired," she said quietly.

"This is the best part of my day," he held her close and breathed in her freshness." It's just a few minutes to catch up and you seem to be leaving earlier and earlier. Soon I will be meeting you in the lift as I come up from the club." He teased her and released her from his arms.

"I really like having my own project to work on. It's amazing how much there is to do and I just want to get as much done as I can, before I leave for my umm, time with Master Hunter," Bella leaned up and kissed Rob's cheek, "So I better get moving."

"Slow down a moment," Rob chuckled circling his arms around her again, "Stephen mentioned that he thought you might be taking on too much with this schedule." He scratched at the five o'clock shadow on his chin absently. "Nothing is ever fully set in stone if you need extra time, or a few days away with your parents here and there. Schedules can and will be adjusted. Kurt will be in full agreement I assure you." Bella said nothing instead her teeth found her bottom lip and she began to gnaw on it.

"You have been through a great deal in the past year. I worried at times that we would lose you as well. Now that we have you back, I don't want you to overdo it. Take your time, there are no time limits on this you know," he looked down into her eyes.

"I'm busy that's for sure," she grinned, "But I like it that way. I have so much I want to do, and now I have the opportunity I just don't want to let anyone down. I promise if it starts getting too much I will come and talk to you."

"If I hear it from anyone else there will be consequences," he said it softly but in such a way she had no doubt that the softer side of their relationship which she currently enjoyed would disappear if that were to happen. She lifted her hand to stroke his cheek again feeling the stubble under her fingers and wondering briefly if that would be such a bad thing.

"Yes Master" she said quietly, looking up into his deep blue eyes and squirming a little in his lap intentionally.

"Good. Now go to work if you must," he lifted her from his lap and placed her on her feet with an uncomfortable growl.

"As you wish Master," she said happily and leaned in to kiss his cheek again. She turned and left then with a big smile. The traffic was bad due to a burst water main and Bella let her mind wander through her first encounters with Master Rob on the night of her collaring and in the few days after that when she had hidden under Dianne's desk to escape her confusion and panic. He was strong, caring and loyal she knew, but he also had the rough edges and bad boy charm that she had always found so attractive.

She wondered if he would ever get over the loss of Kitty and think about another relationship or if, like her, he knew the love of his life was gone forever. She wondered if he found not love but at least affection from the girls at the club. Affection just didn't seem right there, perhaps he at least got some satisfaction in the club. Yes, satisfaction was a much better word; she thought and smiled at the image she had playing in her mind of Rob on one of the small stages there with a girl, meting out punishment for some error in judgement on her behalf.

She was enjoying the small reverie until Lincoln broke through her thoughts to announce they had arrived at work. Blushing slightly as if caught doing something she shouldn't, she thanked him quickly and went to the elevators. She was looking forward to having the office to herself for a little while this morning so she could go over the plans she had made for this week. She was excited to get started on some of her own planning.

Walking into her office, she stopped and gaped. "Why are you here so early?"

"Good morning Bella," Andrew got up from his desk to open the door to her office while greeting her. "I am your assistant, where else would I be?"

"Asleep," she gave a half laugh.

"I'm an early riser," he shrugged. "I always have been."

"Well seeing as you're here would you like to have a look at this week's schedule with me? I have some ideas, and I really want to get started and bring you and Dorothea up to speed. I thought we could have a good look it after I went to the executive meeting this morning." She asked walking past him and placed the large carry-all she had brought from home beside her desk. Then she began checking the few pieces they had on display.

"I spoke to hospitality on Friday; they have stocked the small wet bar, would you like juice or something?" Andrew asked watching her carefully.

"No thank you. I promise I had breakfast," she replied automatically, coming back to her desk. She noted the surprise on his face and blushed. "Sorry, I am just so used to... well it doesn't matter. Let's see what has been added to my schedule and see if we can find the time we need to put together a plan for while I am away."

Bella had noted the two breakfast meetings Dianne had added to the schedule and was pleased about that, but there were so many other meetings with a variety of people, some she had never heard of; that there wouldn't be too much time to work on her own ideas. She knew the whole business plan had to perfected first, but she couldn't perfect it without some market research. Even her lunches were going to be supervised it seemed. She sighed loudly.

"I know I have to play their game, but this is ridiculous," she chewed her lip speaking mostly to herself, "When am I supposed to implement any changes they suggest if I am in meetings the whole time I am here. Lots of late nights, I guess." She sighed, "Maybe it was a mistake to try and do this here instead of on my own." She looked around her beautiful office and felt the walls close in on her as her excitement and new ideas drained from her. She knew how much creating this space had cost down to the last cent and knew she couldn't in good conscience, stop the wheels she had put in motion but there had to be some sort of compromise. She just had to come up with a better plan before going to Kurt like a spoilt brat and demanding changes.

Andrew said nothing, his own thoughts hidden behind a calm exterior. What was it Rob had said about holding the reigns too tight? Kurt was very laid back about the paranoia theory last night but did not seem to be exercising the same tactics here at work. She was taking on a lot and from what he understood even her weekend had been on a schedule. They both stared at Mondays schedule wondering when a good time to see Kurt might be. And Andrew realised he would need to get there first.

"Why don't I see if Kurt is in already and if he can spare you a few moments?" Andrew finally spoke. "You should have some say in your own schedule, you are an executive not an intern after all." He saw her posture straighten as if his words lifted her spirits slightly.

"That's a good idea," Bella said softly, "But I can't go in and demand changes without a good reason and a plan of my own to replace it with. I learned that lesson already when dealing with Kurt." She smiled, but it didn't reach her eyes as she thought the issue through. "I mean what does this even mean?" She pointed to an appointment on her schedule that said, "Hot or not".

"Don't ask me I have only worked here for a week. It just so happens though," Andrew smiled lightening the mood, "That the people who add things to your schedule happen to be friends of mine and if you like I will give them a call and inquire about everything on this schedule and what it means and see where we can trim a little time to be alone together," he waggled his eyebrows at her, "with Dorothea as our chaperone of course."

"Dianne and Patrick," Bella giggled. She liked Andrew and was glad he had been among the people short listed by Kurt. She still had her reservations, but they were not major issues that needed to be dealt with right now. He was smart and intuitive and seemed on the surface at least to have her best interests at heart. "I have a meeting with the executives this morning first thing, so do you think you could get together with them then and get them to interpret this for me? For us?" she amended.

"I'll send them an email and give them a call now to set it up," Andrew turned and walked back out to his desk.

Bella gave up looking at the schedule. She would try and excuse herself from the meeting early if she could or run late for the second one and see what Andrew had come up with. The walls still felt as if they were closing in on her and she realised that the last week or so all she had done was live between this building and her apartment. The closest she had come to fresh air and sunshine was visiting with her friends, but then it had only been from the car to the door.

She looked at her watch and realised she still had a full hour before her first meeting. Thinking that it might be a good time to see the sun, she picked up the carry-all with her few precious items in it and placed it in one of the locked cupboards below the display cases. Passing Andrew's desk as she walked out she said, "I'll be back in a little while."

"May I ask where you'll be in case something important comes up?" Andrew stood startled.

"I have my phone on me, just transfer it through," she smiled, feeling the need to just walk and not really sure where. "I will be back for the meeting."

"I left a message for Dianne and Patrick; they weren't at their desks yet," Andrew stalled for time, the meeting with Rob and Stephen last night running through his head.

"I'm sure you can work out something with them, no hurry. I have been so busy lately I think I just need a few moments to clear my head and think about it all clearly. Let's face it, I need all the help they are giving me, so it will be fine." There was a touch of resignation in her voice that worried Andrew but he let her go. He picked up the phone and called Kurt as soon as she was out of sight, he had no illusions as to who he really worked for within the company as much as he would have liked it to be otherwise.