Rag Doll Ch. 05


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Of course, with all this stimulation, the inevitable happened; I grew hard again, Shari wrapping her hand around me and pumping gently while she kissed me hotly, then moving down my neck to my chest, then kissing further down my stomach until her lips brushed the head of my cock. I stared in disbelief; was she really going to...?

Shari kissed up and down my by now pounding erection, then looked directly at me, and, with a slinky, cat-like smile, slid her lips over the end of my throbbing cock. I groaned as the sensation of her hot wet mouth and her probing tongue once again nearly overwhelmed me, my eyes squeezed tight shut in ecstasy as she licked and sucked me, everything she was doing rushing me to orgasm again; I gritted my teeth and held back as best I could; I wanted to enjoy this! Shari obviously sensed, or felt, some of the struggle in me, and began to suck in earnest, her cheeks hollowing as she suctioned me, but when she squeezed my balls and jammed her tongue into the furrow in the tip of my cock, I lost it completely, once again a torrent of spunk bursting out of me and into her avidly sucking mouth. Shari swallowed every drop, sucking as I filled her mouth with pulse after pulse of spunk, draining me, until I had no more left. She sucked the last drops out of me, then polished the tip with her tongue, cleaning off every last trace of the deluge of sperm I'd pumped into her mouth, before finally licking her lips and smiling at me.

"That was lovely, Bobby, you taste delicious; I'm definitely doing that again soon!" she smiled, sliding back up to hug me, her lithe, warm body once more plastered against mine. I was starting to blur-out; two intense orgasms had wiped me out, but there was something I had to know.

"Shari, that was...incredible, I never thought I'd...thank you, that was just amazing!"

She grinned at me.

"Anything for my Bobby, anything at all, and I mean that!"

With that, she draped her leg over me, holding herself closely against me as she rubbed my chest lightly, a soothing, calming feeling.

"Shari, do you love me? Like Yaz loves Rick?" I asked her, and Shari looked up at me again, a mischievous little smile on her lips.

"Now how could I, Bobby, you're my brother, the very idea!" she smiled, and my heart sank a little, but rose again when she leaned up and nipped me gently on the lip.

"My Bobby!" she whispered with a little smile, licked my lips, then cuddled back down against me, her arm curled possessively around me. I pulled the bedclothes back up over us, and the last thing I remember before I fell asleep again was her voice whispering in my ear.

"You're mine, Bobby, only mine, and I'm yours!"


When I awoke, a couple of hours had gone by. Shari was still cuddled up tightly against me, and I was holding one of her lovely springy little buttocks in each hand. Shari stirred and her eyes flicked open, her tongue immediately flicking out to lick my lips again before she smiled at me.

"Hello baby, had a nice snooze? It's mid-morning, and I'm hungry, would you like some breakfast?"

I nodded, too wrapped-up in her eyes, and the feel of her bottom to even think about conversing with her; all I wanted to do was drink her in and fondle her!

"You really like them, don't you!" she grinned, "we shall have to do something about that!" she grinned, once again whatever she was saying going completely over my head.

"You go and have a shower, baby, I'll start breakfast; bacon and eggs OK? When you get out, give Ricky and Yaz a call as well, they must be famished too after last night!"

When I came out from my shower, the house smelled absolutely delicious, and my stomach rumbled painfully. I threw my clothes on and knocked on Yaz' door.

"Yaz, Rick, breakfast!" and grinned at the flurry of sounds coming from inside; apparently my younger brother and sister had seized the opportunity for a little lie-in as well...

I'd just sat at the kitchen table when Yaz and Ricky clattered in and sat down, looking bright-eyed and tousled, and Shari started dishing-up breakfast; she'd made grilled bacon, poached eggs, mushrooms, grilled tomatoes, hash-browns and fried bread, and made a pot of coffee. When she passed me, she trailed her fingers across my cheek, and I couldn't help myself; I caught her hand and kissed her palm. She giggled and smoothed my hair back out of my eyes, and I looked up to see Yaz and Rick staring at us. Shari burst out laughing, kissed the top of my head and went to get some milk from the fridge, while Yaz smiled knowingly at me and Rick winked and gave me a thumbs-up.

Once we'd finished, we all cleared up, and then Shari asked us all to sit back down, as we had some decisions to make. Rick and Yaz seemed to know exactly what she meant, but I was completely in the dark, so I just took a seat. Shari started the ball rolling.

"Bobby, as you know, when mummy died, she left her business, all her assets, and her house, to Yaz, Ricky and me. We sold everything, you know we had to leave London, so we got rid of everything. What we ended up with is a lot of money, a very large amount of money, and now we had the problem of what to do with it. On the way up here, Ricky, Yaz and I discussed what we'd eventually do, and we've been talking about it since we got here, and we've come to a decision; Yaz and I know the property world well; we worked with mummy, we know what to look for, and Yaz is really good at assessing markets, while I'm more experienced in assessing properties, whether as living accommodation or commercial premises. Ricky's a talented handyman, a very talented one, he understands all about renovations and upgrading, and spent an awful long time arguing with Borough Surveyors and Planning people at the council offices, he did all that for mummy, and he did it really well, so we decided to go back into that world again, only up here this time, a long way away from London and Robert's old cronies."

She paused to take my hand between hers.

"Bobby, this is going to be a family business, and all the family should be a part of it, so we want you to quit your job with the Council and come work with us, doing whatever part of it appeals to you most. You can work with Yaz, I know she'd love to show you all she knows, or Ricky, he could always use the help, or with me, I'd love to show you the ropes..."

Rick snickered at that, then jumped as Yaz kicked him on the ankle. Shari just looked at him until he grinned apologetically, then continued speaking.

"Bobby, we want you to be part of this; you're our brother, and seeing you slowly wearing yourself away at that job is heartbreaking; please say you'll join us, I know you'll be happier working with us!"

Rick grinned and piped up.

"What say, Bobby, you wanna work with me? There's always room for someone with a strong back and a weak mind!"

Yaz stood up and walked around the table to me, punching Rick on the arm as she passed him. When she came to me, she put her arms around mine and kissed the top of my head.

"Ignore him, baby! I'd love you to work with me, or Shari, or even Ricky, just so long as you come in with us; I really want my big brother to share something with me, with all of us, how about it Bobby, are you in?"

I looked at Shari, who smiled and nodded almost imperceptibly, so I grinned and reached behind me to pull Yaz into my side.

"When you ask so nicely, baby-sister, how can I refuse? Yes, I'm in!"

Shari stood up and also came over to hug me, nibbling my neck as she whispered "later!" into my ear. In response I slipped my hand down to cup her delectable little bottom and give it a squeeze to let her know I was up for it.

Shari sat down and waited for the conversation to slow a little before bringing up something else.

"Bobby, Ricky, I know how much you've been hurt by our father, how betrayed you feel, but there's someone else who needs you, and perhaps you need to speak to her too. Ricky told me your mother, Barbara, is buried not far from here; I think you need to go and clear the air with her, and maybe tell her a few things, am I right?"

I caught Rick's eye, and he stared at me for a long moment, then slowly nodded, Yaz's hand sliding over his where it lay on the table. I looked at Shari, seeing only sympathy in her eyes, and nodded too. I had to think for a moment before I spoke.

"We've never been back there since...since the burial; the local church wouldn't even let her have a funeral because she was a...a suicide, we had to get a Baptist minister to say the words at the graveside..."

This was hard for me to go back to, even harder to say; during the short graveside service, Rick and I had spent most of the time grinning at each other, making faces, and just generally being grossly disrespectful, and of course our father had done nothing to stop it; as far as he was concerned he'd followed form, she was being properly buried, end of story; that it was Barbara made no real difference to us, it wasn't like she was anything to do with us...

The cemetery was only a short way away from the house, Stanwix, a communal cemetery rather than a denominational one, and I tried to remember where the grave was; all I could remember was that it had a large, black granite headstone carved with ornate scrolls and cherubs, with an inscription carved in Serif and filled in gold, a long flowery inscription that I could remember grinning at while thinking "Yeah, right!", all about how much he loved her etc. etc.

We hunted high and low for the headstone, but nothing, and had just about given up when Shari called me over, pointing at a small, new-looking, white marble headstone. Cut into it was "Barbara Davies, beloved mother, taken too soon. I love you, Mum". I was astonished; I didn't recognise this at all, neither did Rick, then suddenly it hit me. Nicky! Nicky had been here, sometime in the last four years, quite recently, judging by the headstone, he'd replaced that lying black monstrosity with one that meant something to him; he was alive!

It took me a few moments to remember why I was there, the sudden jolt of guilt at the realisation my big brother was still out there somewhere tempered by the remorse and sorrow that welled up as I finally spoke to my mother. Shari stood with me, her hand in mine as she stood close to me to shelter from the frigid wind. Rick stood with his head bowed as his lips moved, Yaz periodically thumbing his eyes and wiping off his cheeks as he too talked to our mother. I don't know what he said, but I asked her to consider forgiving me one day, I told her that I hadn't earned her forgiveness yet, but that I would try, and I apologised for being what I'd always been. When I finished Shari hugged me, wiping her own eyes against the front of my jacket.

"I'll bring some flowers up here tomorrow, Bobby, there's a holder there, someone must have..." she trailed off as she bent down and picked up one of the flowers from the little vase, a pretty blue flower with petals already turning brown and curled.

"Look Bobby, someone put flowers here..." she murmured

She bent the stem, but instead of snapping, it was pliable, still fresh inside. Her eyes darted to mine as she saw that.

"Bobby, these were only put here a few days ago, maybe a week; Nicky was here, he was here just a few days ago; he was here, he's still alive!"

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Gadf77Gadf775 months ago

I wasn't sure if I was gonna like the 180 degree turn in this story as it were. But damn it, you got me again lol. Once again I can't keep my eyes dry. This is still so engaging and I'm liking how these 2 brothers realized how bad their behaviors were and that they felt remorse.

Fenris420Fenris420about 1 year ago

I really like that you've taken us back to the 'lost' brothers to see what became of them. I can't speak to the 'realism' of their situation but I'm enjoying the shit out of it and looking forward to what comes next. Adding this to my Fav list. 5/5* Fav

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Dear god, Robert Davies Sr. was trully a scum of a lifetime. Trying to r*pe his own daughter? I nearly vomited when I read this.

Great development. I am anxious to see what happens next.

ScottishTexanScottishTexanalmost 3 years ago

Okay, I realize that this is YOUR world and that you have poetic license to manipulate it as you see fit. That being said, it's highly improbable if not totally impossible for "a leopard to change its spots." You did, however, include the key element that would be the catalyst for this change which is hitting rock bottom. But again, I believe that Bobby and Ricky were not just brainwashed, but completely and totally indoctrinated by their father from what you previously wrote. They would have needed to be completely broken down to the level of totally homeless and eating from dumpsters before being open to rehabilitation.

I speak from a position of experience. In my own case, I was beaten regularly by my own father. And like Nicky, I was smart enough to realize at an EARLY age that his behavior was not the normal for the rest of the world. I recognized that my friends and playmates were happy and they had parents who were strict, but didn't beat them like my father beat me. Unless an epiphany happens like it did within me, then the abused grow up to be abusers themselves. In your case, Bobby and Ricky were well beyond the age where such an epiphany can occur. They had been specifically groomed to follow in daddy's footsteps.

Don't get me wrong, I'm very glad that you decided to turn their lives around. I also recognize that you're working inside of a certain time frame for tying plot lines and stories together. But I still have to give this one a smaller score. It may have been better to just let sleeping dogs lie. 3/5

TakeatumblewithmeTakeatumblewithmealmost 4 years ago

I have enjoyed this story from day dot!

This is my favourite chapter with the emotional rollercoaster it takes you along with all the feelings especially with those amazing sex scenes which come out more romantic than others on this site which is great!

I enjoy rereading this story as it isn’t just about taboo or sex but it’s about different journeys of family, self-discovery, love, death and laughter..

I especially enjoy this chapter because it explains the whole story but you gain more knowledge into the characters.

It also helps that the author explains and adds details for their feelings before, during and after their sex scenes.

Brilliant story ! Brilliant author!

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