Reese Ch. 02


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He quickly shut down the laptops and packed them up before he woke Vangie.

"Vangie, wake up," he said as he gently shook her.

Vangie moaned and rolled toward him, but didn't open her eyes.

"Vangie! Wake up!" Donatello said with more insistence.

She opened her eyes and looked at the clock that was there for her benefit.

"Oh no! I'm sorry! I overslept-"

"No love you didn't, but we must go. I have packed everything that we will need. All you need to do is get dressed."

Vangie now fully awake jumped out of bed. She recognized the urgency in Donatello's voice and knew that if he was already packed, then they really had to leave. She threw on a pair of jeans, a tee shirt and a sweat shirt and met Donatello by the kitchen door that led to the garage. The small, non-descript car was already loaded and the engine running.

As they pulled out of the driveway, it occurred to Donatello that Vangie needed to be turned. It was a subject that he had never brought up because he didn't see the need for it. Now he did. She would be even faster and stronger than she already was thus better able to help protect them if the need arose.

"May I ask where we are going?" she asked.

"Alabama," Donatello replied. "I have already arranged for lodging there- I bought a home as soon as you told me where you wanted to go."

"May I ask what happened that we are leaving so quickly?"

"It is too much to explain now," Donatello replied. "Suffice it to say that some very bad people are headed in this direction. No more questions, I will tell you everything soon."

Vangie looked at him, but didn't speak. The ball of ice was back in the pit of her stomach.

"Our home is just outside of Birmingham. I know that you favor the city, but our safety comes first."

"Yes Donatello."

Vangie looked out into the darkness and was suddenly afraid. She reached over and took Donatello's hand in hers and held it in a death grip.

"There, there," Donatello said gently as he brought her hand to his lips and kissed it. "All will be well. I will let nothing harm you."

What Vangie didn't say was that the fear wasn't for her, it was for him.

An hour later, they were aboard the small plane.

"Strap in," Donatello said as he pushed buttons and turned on switches. Moments later, they were in the air. Donatello looked over at Vangie and took in her tense posture and wide eyes. "I am sorry darling, sleep until I wake you."

Vangie barely got out a relieved "thank you" before her eyes closed.

Donatello calculated the time between Germany and Alabama. It was three am which meant that they would arrive in Birmingham somewhere around ten am. He thought about stopping, but the plane though small, had a small bed in the back. He could close up the plane and they could stay inside until it was dark enough to get out. He cursed under his breath. He hated last minute planning, but he really thought that that they had more time. Instead of landing at the airport, he decided to land on their property.

That decision made, he relaxed. They were safe for the time being.


Paolo went over his guest list again and then the list of what he called the 'party favors'. There were several categories of 'favors' for the guest to choose from ranging from what he thought was mundane to the truly depraved. Those 'favors' on the mundane list were the ones that would most likely leave the party alive. The vampires who chose them were usually looking for a slave that they didn't want to pay for. These were also the guests who would be gone long before things got interesting and wild.

There was a time when he was among those who would have left the party early, but as the centuries passed, that changed. He allowed his true cruel nature to emerge. He looked over the list again and chose the females that he felt would be able to take whatever he meted out to them. He put a big red check mark next to their names. Just the thought of what he had planned for them made his cock hard.

He laid the list down and opened his robe exposing himself to the cool air of the air conditioned condo and looked at his dick. It was short, but fat and he loved ramming it into the pussy of a virgin. He looked at the list again to be sure that there was at least one virgin on his private list. Satisfied that there was at least one, he took his cock into his hand and began to roughly jerk it. He stopped a moment later, went to his room and shut the door behind him.

He turned on the ninety-two inch LCD television and looked through his extensive pornographic movie selection. As much as he had come to despise humans, he admired their creativity when it came to sex. He chose a movie that he knew would help to get him off more than once and then put on a cock ring. He thought about having one of his female servants join him, but changed his mind. He would need all the help he could get for the party.

There was already a drop of precome on the tip of his cock and the movie hadn't even started yet. He wanted his cock sucked slowly as he watched the movie, but all he had were the various toys that would bring him to orgasm much too fast. He reweighed his options and decided to call for a female servant. He would just have to be careful with her and not get too carried away.

He pushed the intercom button and said a name.


A few minutes later, a nervous servant was standing in his bedroom. They had all thought that they were safe for a few days at least. He rarely called for anyone before a party. They were expected to step in if the number of 'party favors' dwindled.

"Y... yes master?"

Paolo looked the woman up and down and decided that she would do. It had been a while since he had fed her his essence and since he had tasted hers. He had also been the last one to be inside of her as his servants weren't allowed to engage in any sexual activity with each other without his permission.

"Remove your clothing and come over here, I want to feed you."

When she hesitated, he took a step forward.

"Yes master!" she said as she quickly undressed.

"Suck me as you know I like it-and don't rush."

The woman blinked back tears as she approached him. Natalie had always been confused about her feelings for Paolo. She both hated and loved him. She hated being summoned to his room, but she was jealous whenever he chose someone else.

Paolo lounged on the bed slowly stroking his engorged member watching as Natalie approached him. He noticed with satisfaction that she was unconsciously licking her lips.

"You play so hard, but yet your mouth waters in anticipation of my cock filling it."

Natalie hesitated, her face burning with shame. It was true and there was no point in denying it to him or to herself.

Paolo started the movie and turned up the volume so that the sound filled the room. As an afterthought, he turned the intercom. He wanted the entire house to hear what was going on in his bedroom. He saw Natalie's eyes widen when he turned on the speaker system and grinned at her humiliation.

"Please master, could you turn that off?" she asked knowing that she was risking punishment by speaking.

"Why? Don't you want everyone to know how much you enjoy drinking my seed?" he asked as he lowered the volume of the television.

Too late, Natalie realized her mistake. Had she not spoken, he would have left the volume turned up and no one would have been able to tell her cries of passion from those on the television.

"That will teach you to open your big mouth without permission," Paolo said. "Now get over here and get to work."

She started toward him, but he stopped her.


She dropped to her hands and knees and crawled to the bed. When she reached it, she waited for further instructions.

"Get up here and tell me how you're going to suck my cock."


"I can see that I've been too lenient with you," Paolo said with a gleam in his eye that Natalie recognized. She immediately started talking hoping that he would forget her impertinence.

"I.. I'm going to lick the head around and around before I stick my tongue in the hole... then I'm going to lick the shaft and suck your balls until you tell me to stop."

As she described what she was going to do, Paolo stroke himself to the point of orgasm and stopped.

"Do it," he demanded.

Without hesitating, Natalie began to lick the head of Paolo's cock moaning when the moisture that ran from it touched her tongue. Paolo lay back and closed his eyes as Natalie took him closer and closer to his first orgasm of the day. He slapped her head when she bit harder than he liked, but he was soon moaning with pleasure as she rolled his hairless balls in his hands. Part of the pleasure was that he knew that everyone in the condo knew what was happening. He hardened even more at the thought that they couldn't do anything about it except masturbate.

He pushed the button so that he could hear what was going on in the house. At first he heard nothing, but then he heard the low moan of a woman that was soon joined by that of a man. As Natalie sucked him, he felt another inexplicable chill. This chill was more intense than the one he had previously experienced. It was strong enough that his desire disappeared. He roughly pushed Natalie away kicked her out. He shut off the television and the speaker system and lay on the bed not moving. For the first time since he had been turned, Paolo Rossi could say that he was afraid.


Reese stared at the laptop screen in disbelief. The man at whose image he was staring at had died. He was sure of it. He had seen his body as it was carried away. The neck had been swollen like everyone else who had the sickness. No one with that symptom lived- so how had Fredric Ponzi survived? For the first time since Marco mentioned Edgar, Reese was glad he had been disobeyed. He agreed with Marco in that Lewis Nichols could lead him to others. He was curious as to why Marco thought that Edgar and Lewis were nephew and uncle.

He went back to how Lewis could have survived and then came to the only conclusion possible: he hadn't been dead. He had made an assumption based on his experience with the illness. He logged back into his email and sent Marco a message.


Find out where Lewis Nichols is. He will be my way into that party. When you find him, call me no matter the time. By the way, your bed partner isn't Lewis's nephew-he is his son. I am curious as to why Edgar didn't claim Lewis as his father. I expect to hear from you soon."

Reese logged off from his email and logged onto the chess website to occupy his time as he waited for Marco to call him back. Much to his disappointment, his favorite opponent hadn't played. He would have been surprised if he had, but he had been hoping. He saw that two of his other opponents had played and he took his turn.

He wanted to go out, but decided to stay in just in case Marco called with information. One never knew who was listening and he wanted complete privacy. He lay down on the bed and realized that he hadn't asked himself the important question: do I want to live. Today the answer was easy. Yes, he wanted to live. He wondered what Angelica and the children would think of what he was doing and knew that they would disapprove. She had been a gentle woman who hadn't even raised a hand to their children no matter how badly they had misbehaved. She had taught their children the same gentleness and if she could talk to him, she would tell him to forgive.

But he couldn't. He had promises to keep and he was a man of his word. He closed his eyes and dreamt that he was back at the house in Sicily.

Sicily, 1347

As the weeks passed from fall into winter; Giovanni abided by the rules. He ate well and gained weight. As of yet, the old woman still hadn't told him exactly where he was, but he had a good idea- he was somewhere in the Italian countryside. He was now allowed to be out of his room during the day as long as he didn't try to go into any locked rooms and open any of the shutters other than the ones in his room. A word drifted in the back of his mind, but he refused to accept it. But there could be no other explanation for the strange rules, but as he had never been one to believe in creatures of the night, it wasn't difficult for him to discard the idea.

He hadn't seen the woman who had been in his room since that night, nor had he sensed anything that could be truly construed as evil. During the day, the old woman was his only companion and through talking to her, he gleaned bits of information that might be useful later.

"Grandmother, I have been here for weeks and I have yet your name."

"Is it that important to you?" she asked.


"My name is Isabella-there are you satisfied?"

"How long have you worked for these people?"

"Longer than I care to remember," she replied and then looked nervously around her.

"Why do you not leave?" Giovanni innocently asked. "Surely they cannot keep you here."

"Listen to me," the old woman said harshly. "You cannot talk like that! Do you understand? You don't know who is listening. We are stuck here; this is our home for better or worse. Now get back to your room, the sun is setting."

Just as she said it, Giovanni got a faint whiff of evil. He rushed from the kitchen to his room and shut the door. He sat in the chair in front of the window and soaked up the last rays of sunshine. The word that he had fought hard to keep at bay escaped his lips: vampiro-vampire. Even as he fought to deny it, he knew that it was true. The acceptance made his escape paramount. He had to get away even if he died in the attempt.

He cringed when he heard footsteps at his door. He sighed in relief when grandmother walked in with his dinner.

"Make sure that you eat the bread. I made it especially for you."

"Thank you grandmother," Giovanni said gratefully.

"Giovanni, I want you to know that I have not forgotten the past or what I was. If I don't see you again, I am sorry for all this."

"Wait- where are you going?" Giovanni asked anxiously.

"Just remember this," she said not answering his question. "Just as there are those of us who are evil, there are those of us who are good."


"Goodbye Giovanni and don't forget to eat your bread."

Giovanni looked at the supper tray for a long time before he began to eat. He was about to bypass the bread, but remembered that it seemed important to the old woman that he eat it. He looked at the door and broke the loaf of bread in half. Inside of it was the small pouch containing the keepsakes that had belonged to his children. He could now see where she had cut out the bottom of the loaf and inserted the treasures. Tears streamed down his face at her kindness and he wondered what price she had to pay for it. He never got the chance to thank her- he never saw her again.

He hid the pouch under the mattress of the bed and only took it out during the day when he was alone. The servant who replaced the old woman never spoke to him. He later found out that he had no tongue. When Giovanni tried to talk to him, he didn't respond- he was also deaf.

Two weeks after the old woman disappeared, Giovanni began to plan his escape. He began to take closer notice of his surroundings and began hoarding bits of bread after allowing it to dry out. As far as he could tell, the only way that he could escape was through the woods, but he had been warned away from them by the old woman. Still, he would take that chance if it meant that he could get away. He decided that he would make his getaway four nights after the full moon.

On the night before his escape, he was sleeping when a foul odor woke him. He knew that it was the woman although he couldn't see her.

"Who are you? What do you want?"

She didn't answer, but moved closer to the bed her smell growing stronger with every step she took. Giovanni tried to get up, but found that he couldn't move.

"Do not be afraid, I only want to taste you."

Giovanni prayed that whatever had stopped her before would stop her again. His hopes were dashed when a cold hand rested on his thigh and moved toward his crotch. In spite of himself, he felt himself respond.

"Go away! Help! Someone help me!"

The woman laughed a deep throaty laugh as she lightly ran her fingers through Giovanni's pubic hair.

"Shush now, no one can hear you and no one can help you. It will be so much better if you relax and let me taste you."

Giovanni struggled to move, but was frozen in place. He watched as his nightshirt seemed to move of its own volition until it was gathered at his chest.

"Please- stop!"

"You say no, but your cock is hard. I smell your seed... it had been a long time since I have felt a human male within me."

"Holy mother if you love me, help me!"

"The holy mother isn't here and neither is god so I guess that mean that they do not love you," the woman said, "but I can give you pleasure."

"I don't want... your pleasure! Leave me be!"

"Not yet, I must... taste you."

Giovanni screamed as the woman seemed to float above him and then lowered herself onto his cock. Her foul breath blew across his face as she leaned in for a kiss. He tried to turn away from her, but she wouldn't be denied. Even as he fought it, he began to respond to her as she began to ride him.

"Yessssss, human males so warm... release your seed into me."

"Noooo!" Giovanni yelled as his sperm left his body and entered hers.

He yelped in pain when she roughly yanked his head to the side, bit and drank from him as she continued to ride him. At some point, he blacked out. When he woke, he could hear the birds singing. For a brief moment, he thought that he had experienced a nightmare. But his nightshirt was still gathered at his waist. He felt pain when he looked down to see his cock limp, but sticky. He touched his neck and winced.

He pulled down his nightshirt and tried to make sense of what happened. He jumped out of bed horrified. What if he was one of them? He ran to the window and breathed a sigh of relief when the sun hit him in the face and he didn't recoil.

That night she returned again and the next night as well. On the morning after the third night, Giovanni could barely move. He could hear anxious voices coming from somewhere in the house, but he couldn't identify them. It was late morning before he realized that no one had brought him breakfast; not that he could eat.

He spent the day drifting in and out of sleep too weak to even make it to the pot. By evening, he was vomiting and shaking with chills and fever. By morning, he was in pain so excruciating that he was sobbing. By the evening of the second day, he had fallen into a deep sleep.


Reese remembered those days with perfect clarity. He knew that he would know her anywhere just by her scent. She could bathe in the world's most expensive perfume and he would know her. His cell phone rang interrupting any further thoughts.

Marco was calling with information.

"Lewis Nichols is on his way to Daytona Beach. He's a little harder to track since he stays behind the scenes."

"When will he arrive?" Reese asked.

"Tomorrow night," Marco replied. "He'll be staying at his home which is about five miles from Rossi's. The good news is that his security system while tight is nowhere as advanced as Rossi's. Apparently he's like you in that he doesn't put a whole lot of stock in technology. Because of that, he's very heavily guarded at all times.

"Where is Edgar?" Reese asked after a moment.


"Where is he?"

"He's already at the house in Daytona Beach-he's going to the party. Don't hurt him okay? He helped us even though he wasn't aware of it."

Reese didn't reply. He wasn't about to make a promise that he wasn't sure that he could keep.