Reese Ch. 05


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"It was him wasn't it?" Vangie asked unable to help herself. "That's who she was going to marry."

"Yes," Donatello confirmed. "It was a marriage of political and financial importance to both sides but she didn't want to marry him. His reputation preceded him. Even I knew of him and that's saying something given how busy I was. The marriage once announced took place quickly. I wasn't able to come up with a plan to save her. I wasn't even able to speak with her when I saw her on the street. The servants that had helped us in the past no longer did so.

The day of the wedding was one of the hardest of my life. In order to cope with it, I stayed in my room and got drunk. By the time the bells rang announcing that the wedding was over; I was passed out on my cot. I slept through the night and part of the next day."

"Did you ever see her again?"

"Trice," Donatello replied, "and she looked miserable. Emilio had a reputation for using his lovers hard and apparently that carried over to his wife. The second time I saw her, she was with child. She didn't look healthy. I found out later that she was unable to hold down food and water. By the time I saw her that second time, she was just beginning to be able to eat. The third time I saw her she was dead. She had died giving birth. The child died shortly after she did."

"Donatello-I'm sorry, but what does that have to do with your hatred of Emilio?"

"After she died, I was inconsolable. You have to understand that I loved her or I thought I did. I daydreamed about our life together and the children that we would have together. Even after the wedding I had harbored the irrational hope that she would find a way to leave him. One day I was out making rounds. The patient that I was going to see was one of the servants that had taken care of her. After my examination was over, she began to tell me things that sickened me. The marriage bed was nothing but a place for legalized rape and brutality. He had never wanted to marry her, but was forced to. He could have refused but he would have lost everything including his title.

Part of the marriage agreement was that he had to mend his ways. That meant no more whores. In response, he turned his perversions onto her. He used her even though she was with child and was ill. He had just finished using her when she went into labor. She was bleeding and he just left her lying there! When she died, there was no sorrow on his part. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

"You think that he killed her?" Vangie asked. "Donatello..."

"He murdered her and that child and nothing will ever convince me otherwise! He knew what he was doing when he used her like that. He knew that she would die! After she died, he didn't even mourn the passing of his wife and child. As soon as the funeral was over, he had a woman in his bed. So don't tell me that he didn't kill her!"

Vangie left her seat, sat in his lap and kissed him. "I'm sorry," she whispered and then hugged him.

Donatello hugged her back and then realized how his outburst must have seemed to her.

"Cara-sweetheart-Mi dispiace-I am sorry. Per favore, perdonami- please forgive me. I had no cause to speak to you as I just did. It's just that the thought of having to ally ourselves with that murdering bastard..."

"I understand," Vangie said stoking his back, "But I didn't doubt your word or that he as you said killed her. It was more that I was shocked that someone would and could be that cruel. I know that you hate him and I understand why. I don't like him and I haven't met him, but Don; we need him. Do you think that you can set aside your anger and hatred until this is over?"

"I can and will do that simply because you ask it of me," Donatello replied. "Vangie- I want you to understand something. I loved her but it was something that was never going to be. The anger that I feel is not because I love her still. It's because he got away with murdering her and their child. He sacrificed them so that he could continue to do as he wished. She was another lifetime and even if she still lived, I would have chosen you. You are the woman that I would risk everything for. You are the woman that I would kill for. "Ti amo- I love you."

"I love you too," Vangie said as she repositioned herself in his lap. "Just so you know- I wasn't concerned about it. Even if you still loved her, I know where your heart is and to whom it belongs. We have a lot of work to do, but..."

Before she could finish the sentence, Donatello had her naked and on the floor in the bedroom. Immediately they fell into their bedroom roles. She was no longer his equal, she was his slave. The reality if it was she didn't see it that way. To her they were taking care of each other in a way that they both needed.

"On your knees," he demanded. His tone was firm daring her to hesitate.

In a flash, Vangie was on her knees with her hands behind her back awaiting the next command. She was already trembling in anticipation of the day ahead of them. Donatello walked around her touching her as he went. He stopped behind her, ran the head of his cock between her shoulder blades and sighed in pleasure. Vangie shivered and bit back a moan as her nipples hardened and then tingled. She wanted him to touch them. She wanted him to take a nipple into his warm, wet mouth and suck on it as hard as he could. She wanted him to bite on it so that her blood flowed and he could feed from her. She gasped as a heat started at her head and made its way to the balls of her feet. Then she became aware that Donatello was no longer touching her. He was standing in front of her looking down at her. His eyes glittered with desire, lust and love.

"Take just the tip of my head between your lips," he whispered.

Vangie did as she was told and waited. Another moan left her as Donatello's pre-come touched her tongue. For ten long minutes she waited for the next command. During those minutes, Donatello moved the tip of his cock between her lips growing harder each moment. This was something new and she wondered what was going to happen next. She could feel her juices running down her inner thighs and hoped that he would want to clean her.

"Reach down and touch yourself," Donatello commanded his breathing ragged. "Make yourself come while I come between your lips."

She didn't need to be told twice. Vangie reached between her legs and went directly for her throbbing clit. She pressed on it like she was pushing on the button to an elevator and then pinched it. Donatello was moving the tip of his cock between and around her lips at an increasing speed.

"Open your mouth!" he yelled.

She no sooner than opened her mouth than his cock was inside of it thrusting hard and fast. Donatello grabbed her head and held it still as he pumped hard. Vangie moaned around him as her orgasm approached.

"Take all of me!" Donatello screamed.

Vangie stopped tormenting her clit, relaxed and let Donatello's cock slide down her throat. She swallowed three times before he bellowed his release. There was no danger of suffocation; she no longer needed to breathe. The only thing that she didn't like about deep throating him was that she didn't get the full effect of the taste of him. She enjoyed the feeling of his come shooting into her mouth but on the other hand, she liked feeling him swell in her throat too.

"On the bed," Donatello commanded still out of breath but still very erect. When she was on the bed, he looked down at her. "So you would like me to feed from you?"

"Yes please, but only if it's what you desire," she replied.

"Hands above your head and do not move them under any circumstances. Do you understand?"

"Yes Donatello."

Vangie raised her arms above her head and grabbed on to the bars on the headboard. She watched as Donatello stretched out beside her and fingered an erect nipple. "So beautiful," he said as he rolled and then pinched the nipple between his fingers. Vangie arched her back offering the nipple to him. Instead of taking it, Donatello moved his hand away.

"So eager," he mused as he kissed her cheek. "I wonder.... Spread your legs as wide as you can get them."

Vangie frowned. She could come as he sucked her nipples and she squeezed her legs together. If she couldn't do that..."

"Do I sense hesitation on your part?" Donatello asked his tone cool. "Are you forgetting that you swore to obey me in all things in this room?"

"No-I- I'm sorry for my hesitation. Do with me as you will."

"You will be punished," Donatello said.

"Thank you for reminding me of my place."

Donatello stood up and left the room. He would let her stew for hours if he chose too. He had already had his release so he could wait. Of all the things that he could have done to her, Vangie hated this the most. He would walk in, lick a nipple and then leave for an indeterminate amount of time. Then he would return, bring her to the point of orgasm and walk out again. Once he did this to her for almost twenty-four hours. If she was asleep, he woke her up, pleasured himself in front of her and left. His semen lay wasted on the floor but out of her reach. He hadn't spoken to her the entire time. That had been as bad as not being able to come.

To distract herself, Vangie tried to make plans; but the ache in her nipples and between her legs wouldn't allow it. She closed her eyes to rest, but her imagination ran wild. She wanted- no she needed to feel his mouth on her. Three hours passed before Donatello came back. He straddled her hips, took his cock in his hand and began to stroke it.

"Look at what I'm doing," he said. "Your hesitation has cost you your treat. See how my cock drips? That was to be yours."

Vangie didn't say anything. To do so would only prolong the punishment. She was grateful that Donatello wasn't like some of the others who actually brought another female into the picture. She had done her research. Part of it was curiosity but part of it was to see what else they could bring into the bedroom. Sharing Donatello with another female definitely wasn't going to be included.

"Your hands are to remain where they are," he said as he stroked his cock even harder. "I will know if you've moved or if anything that I leave on you is missing."

Moments later, Vangie felt Donatello's hot, sticky come land on her lower belly. She salivated with wanting it and almost resorted to begging for forgiveness. She would have- except that Donatello was already gone.

She licked her lips as she peered down at the thick, white sperm that was quickly cooling on her belly. In moments it would be cold and drying. This time he was only gone for an hour.

"You may move your hands to clean yourself. You may not taste me."

"Thank you Donatello. I humbly ask that you forgive my impertinence."

He waited until she was clean and made her place her hands around the bars on the headboard of the bed.

"Now-open your legs as wide as you can."

This time there was no hesitation. Vangie spread her legs and waited.

"I don't trust that you will be able to maintain this position," Donatello said as he tied one leg and then the other to the posts at the foot of the bed. "I was reading something a while back and decided that since you want me to feed from your nipples; this would be a good time to find out if you could do this."

Vangie wasn't sure of what to think. The times that she had been tied up were few and far between. In fact, she couldn't remember the last time that she had been bound and it hadn't been all of her extremities. Donatello sat back and surveyed his work. "Perfect," he said as he ran a finger up and down her slit but avoiding her clit.

He moved to the head of the bed, kissed her cheek, her lips and finally her neck taking care to gently suck on it. She loved that. She loved being sucked on and the body part didn't matter. Donatello's head was now between her breasts. He licked, nipped and sucked on the skin over her heart. Slowly he made his way to her left breast- the more sensitive one. He started underneath the breast and took his time getting to her nipple that he swore was throbbing. Her breath was coming out in rapid pants and she was more aroused than when she had been turned. Her body was covered with a fine sheen of sweat that he relished the salty taste of. He was very close to finding out if Vangie could do the thing that he had read about.

Finally he was at the nipple. Vangie was making mewling noises combined with sounds of impatience. Donatello looked at the fully erect nipple, licked his lips and took it into his mouth. Vangie stiffened as if she had been shot and moaned as Donatello sucked hard on the turgid peak.

"Oh god! Touch me! Touch my clit!" she screamed forgetting the rules.

Donatello ignored her as he continued to suckle. With his free hand, he took the right nipple and pinched it hard. Vangie moaned again and begged to be touched. Donatello continued to ignore her and moved his mouth to the right nipple. The left nipple was swollen to twice its normal size and was wet with his saliva. He sucked hard on the right nipple and toyed with the now hypersensitive left nipple as he did so.

Vangie couldn't decide whether she was being tortured or pleasured. Finally she decided that it was a combination of the two. She didn't know what it was that Donatello was trying to find out, but she hoped that he found out soon. Her entire body was on fire and her clit wasn't just throbbing; it was pounding like one of the huge drums that were used in marching bands. She was soaked as was the bed beneath her. If only she could squeeze her legs together...

Donatello smiled around the nipple that he had in his mouth. Even if what he read wasn't true, he loved what they were doing. He like Vangie was always looking for something new to bring to the bedroom. Finally he decided that it was time. He released the left nipple and moved back to the right. He kissed it earning a loud moan from Vangie and took it back into his mouth. He gave it a few sucks.... And then he bit. He moaned as Vangie's warm blood filled his mouth and as Vangie screamed not in pain but intense pleasure. She was coming and her clit hadn't even been touched. He licked the punctures on the nipple closed and moved to the opposite one. He suckled and then bit sending her into a second orgasm that was as intense as the first. He could hear her calling for him in a hoarse voice.

He licked the wound closed and moved to between her legs. He had to see what her clit looked like after two intense orgasms. What he saw amazed him. Her clit while always on the large size was huge. He had to touch it- he had... He gently took it between his lips, pressed down and rolled it between his lips while flicking it with the tip of his tongue. Vangie came for a third time, but at the end of it; she passed out unable to take any more.

When she woke, she was unrestrained and held tightly against Donatello's body.

"That was-amazing," she said nuzzling his chest. "Let's do that again."

"I agree that it was amazing," Donatello said, "but I also think that it's something that we should do only every once in a while like for birthdays and things like that. Did you really enjoy it? And be honest."

"I came three times didn't I? I asked to do it again didn't I" Vangie asked. "Don- I loved it and I love you. Are we ready to get back to work?"


Emilio scratched at his scruffy beard and moved further into the shadows of his room. The centuries hadn't been kind to him and showed no indication that it was going to change any time soon. At one time he had loved his life and all that came with it. The immortality was icing on the cake. Somewhere along the line, it had become a curse.

He sat in an old moth eaten chair and closed his eyes to remember the good times and where things had gone to hell. The reality of it was, things had started going to hell when he caved in and married that woman. It didn't bother him that he couldn't remember her name- she was just another bitch to be used and use her he did. He could still hear her protestations that she was his wife and not some whore. He even remembered his reply.

"My dear- all women are paid whores. Did you not marry me for financial gain for your family? Do you not see that you were sold like a cow?"

He found it odd that he could remember his conversations with her but not her name. She had gotten pregnant within a month which should have come as no surprise to him, but yet it did. He hadn't wanted to be a father any more than he wanted to be a husband. He knew that she didn't want a child with him- she hated him and would have murdered him if she could have gotten away with it. The thing was, he wanted to be rid of both of them and he knew just how he was going to do it. He used her even harder once he found out that she was with child. He ignored her pleas to be left alone and even told him that he could go back to his whores.

It was a tempting offer, but he realized that once she had the baby, she could find a way to use what she knew about him against him. They both had to die. It didn't bother him that he could think about the events of that night without emotion. The only time he truly experienced emotion was when he was having rough sex.

For a while he was using prostitutes but when word about him and his proclivities spread; he was avoided like the plague. He joined a few of the sex clubs where supposedly everything went. It wasn't long before he was kicked out of those too- apparently everything did not go. These clubs were nothing like the parties Paolo Rossi used to throw and would never throw again. The night he found out about Rossi's death, he found a woman and brutalized her while he wept. Afterwards, he paid her more money than he had paid any whore, took her home and erased her memory of him.

What he needed was a party like Paolo threw. He would be able to leave with a slave or three and if he was careful they would last a while. If they were human, he would try to turn them so they would live forever. He had actually tried it once and had failed miserably. He ended up killing the woman when she became an uncontrollable monster. But he had learned a lot since then. Now all he needed was a woman to try again on.

The last woman's name was-he couldn't remember. She was a peasant girl, quite beautiful and she had been untouched. He found her alone in the forest one evening about two years after the plague was over. It had been days since he fed and had a woman riding him. When he saw her; he had to have her to slake both thirsts. He could still see her with her long dark hair that fell to her waist in one long braid. She knew exactly what he was and didn't run- not that it would have done her any good.

He watched as she reached into a pocket and brought out a small, thin reed. Curious, he watched her put it to her lips and then blow on it. Suddenly he understood what was happening- she had summoned help. Seconds later, the sound of howling wolves filled the night. He had to take her with him. Later it would occur to him that all he had to do was leave, but he was used to getting what he wanted and he wanted this girl. He sped over to her, grabbed her and was gone just seconds before the first wolf appeared. He could hear its howl of outrage as he left the forest. The girl was no longer calm. She called out the names of several people but the only one he could remember was Giovanni.

Emilio stood up, shook his head to clear it and went to the small refrigerator. Three units of blood lay on the shelf thawing out. He grimaced as he took one out, opened it and poured it into a glass. Not for the first time did it occur to him that he was merely existing. That's all he had been doing since he found that girl.

He took her back to his home and compelled her to silence. All she kept blabbering about was this Giovanni and how he was going to find him and kill him.