Relativity Part A

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Denae Meets Bill's Mom.
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Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 12/19/2023
Created 12/17/2023
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These events take place late in the Fall after Denae and Bill had known each other for a few months.

Relativity - Part A


Denae and Bill had fallen into the habit of having dinner together on Thursday evenings. Sometimes they went out, but most Thursdays they would eat at Bill's apartment where Bill would grill something or Denae would cook one of her mom's Italian specialties.

Denae was taking a shower in Bill's apartment this particular Thursday afternoon. She had finished work at the boutique and wanted to freshen up and change into comfortable clothes before Bill got home. He was refereeing a couple of high school junior varsity basketball games and would be back around 6:00. They planned to go out to dinner once he had showered.

When Denae finished her shower, she dried off with a towel and brushed her hair out. According to the clock in Bill's bedroom, it seemed he might soon be home, so she decided she should check her phone, which for some reason she had left on the kitchen counter. Still nude, she tip-toed out toward the kitchen, which was several steps from the bedroom door. As she reached for her phone, she was startled by a voice coming from the couch.

"Well, hello there."

Denae screamed from the shock and an instant later realized she was naked; so she tried her best to cover herself with her hands, but not before the stranger had had an opportunity to see her in all her glory.

A woman stood up from the couch and took a couple of steps toward Denae. "I really hope you're Denae. If not, Billy's got some explaining to do."

Denae quickly shifted her hands, still attempting, but failing, to adequately cover herself. She remained otherwise motionless. "How do you know my name? And how did you get in here?"

As she asked these questions, Denae noticed the woman appeared middle aged, had light brown hair, and a decent figure for someone her age. All in all, she was very attractive.

"So, you are Denae." the woman returned, smiling. "Well, that's a relief. I'm not sure how I'd feel if my son were letting just any woman walk around his apartment naked." Stepping a little closer and extending her hand, she added, "How do you do? I'm Cheryl Collins, Billy's mom."

Bill's mom could not help but take in the sight of Denae. She was impressed by the beauty of her make-up free face, her smooth skin, her small, yet nicely shaped breasts, her flat stomach and her lean legs.

Certain she was blushing, Denae blurted out, "Oh no. Nooo. I'm sorry. This must look bad. I'm terribly sorry. Yes. I'm Denae. Excuse me. I'll just go put my clothes on."

"That's a good idea. I'll just wait on the couch," Cheryl said, motioning toward the spot where she had been sitting.

Denae turned and headed back to the bedroom on her tip toes, still trying her best to cover her breasts and pubic area, affording Cheryl a long look at her shapely bottom. She returned a few minutes later, wearing a black turtleneck sweater and jeans. She had not taken the time to put on any shoes or even socks.

"I'm soo sorry about that." Denae said as she approached Bill's mom and extended her hand. "I was coming out to check my phone after a shower and thought I was alone."

In what Denae noticed was a soft, southern accent, Cheryl said, "Yes. You may want to check it. I'm willing to bet all the alarms I was hearing are all from Billy, trying to warn you I might pop in."

Denae retrieved her phone. There were two missed calls, three text messages, and one voicemail: all from Bill. She grimaced, realizing she missed several warnings that would have saved her the embarrassment she suffered a couple of minutes ago.

Looking over at Cheryl, Denae grinned, held her phone up and said, "Sure enough. Bill tried as best he could. If I just had the phone in the bedroom... Well, that's a first impression I'll never get another chance to make."

Cheryl smiled at Denae's reaction. "Don't worry about it. And by the way, you're really beautiful."

"Thank you," she replied sheepishly.

"I've asked Billy all about you, but getting information from him is like pulling teeth. I asked him if you were pretty. And he said yes. But, you are absolutely gorgeous."

"Thank you," she said again. After a brief pause, she added, "Bill and I planned to go out for dinner after he was finished with work. He should be here any time now. Suppose I could find out by listening to his voicemail. But it doesn't really matter at this point. Why don't we chat while we wait? I've asked Bill about you too, but I'm not good at pulling teeth, so ..."

As she was speaking, Denae had joined Bill's mom on the couch, sitting at the other end, facing her, and pulling her knees up, letting her feet dangle off the edge.

"Oh yeah. I've been wanting to know all about the girl Billy's been seeing."

"Billy?" Denae asked.

"I've always called him that. Force of habit. Somewhere during high school, he thought he grew out of it and wanted to go by Bill. But he'll always be my Billy."

Denae cocked her head as if she remembered something and stood up.

"Ms. Collins, would you like something to drink?"

"Call me Cheryl, please. And if I know Billy, all he has in that fridge is beer and sports drinks."

"What would you say to a glass of wine?" Denae asked as she was moving toward the refrigerator.

"I'd say yes. And I'd be very surprised."

"He keeps some here nowadays. I don't drink beer, so he started keeping white zinfandel here for me when I come over for dinner," Denae explained, as she pulled a nearly full bottle out and held it up.

"Well, Denae. I like you already. You're classing him right up," Cheryl quipped.

"Don't get too excited. He might keep wine here now, but I'm sure we'll have to drink it out of plastic cups. No wine glasses to be found."

Denae poured them each a cup of wine and returned to the couch. She offered Cheryl her choice of cups. She chose the large Charlotte Knights commemorative cup, leaving Denae the cup that read 'Steamers' in very faded lettering.

"Here's to finally making your acquaintance," Cheryl said, raising her cup.

"Yours too," Denae replied.

Bill's mother started asking about Denae; not as if she were interrogating her, but as if she was genuinely interested in learning about the girl in Bill's life. Cheryl indicated she had heard Denae was from Florida and that her parents were from Italy. Denae filled her in on being raised in coastal Southwest Florida by immigrant parents.

"I suppose you and Billy met at school?" Cheryl inquired.

"He hasn't told you about that?" Denae asked, a little surprised. "I think it's a really cute story."

Cheryl shook her head but indicated she was very interested in hearing about it. Denae told her the story about that day in the campus art gallery and how they met while looking at a painting and how she had inadvertently insulted the artist to his face.

Chuckling, Denae added, "So, ya see? I make it a habit to embarrass myself every time I meet a Collins."

Cheryl assured Dena she should not be ashamed since she had arrived unannounced and since Denae was very pretty no matter how she was dressed, or not.

Denae began asking Cheryl about her, commenting that it must have been hard to raise a son alone, but assuring Cheryl she had done a great job. Cheryl admitted to her that Bill had been a good kid who never caused her much in the way of parental stress.

"Denae," Cheryl interjected, "I love Billy. Don't get me wrong. I'm his mother, but I'm also objective enough to wonder what you see in him. You could have any guy on campus, or even North Carolina."

"Cheryl!," Denae exclaimed, surprised at the comment.

"Oh, please. Don't get me wrong. I don't mean that I think you may think you're too good for him. It's not that at all. I just wonder how your attention when I bet there's no shortage of guys vying for it."

Relieved that Cheryl did not think she was conceited, Denae relaxed, looked at her cup, and began, "There is just something about Bill. He is more mature than most guys and yet he's still a lot of fun. We do really fun things together; hiking, kayaking, movies. All that. He makes me laugh constantly." She paused and then added, "And the thing is when I'm around him I feel safe...and loved. Which is strange since we haven't used that word to each other."

"Hhmm. Safe? That's interesting," Cheryl noted. "I think I know what you mean. He's always had a little something in him that feels the need to protect people."

Cheryl then related a story about Bill from middle school. In sixth grade, she had been called to the school because Bill had gotten into a fight. She assumed that Bill had gotten into a typical boyish squabble about something stupid. But it turned out Bill had gotten into a physical altercation with two eighth grade boys, and they had thoroughly beaten him up. What Cheryl learned from the principal was that the same two boys were apparently picking on a special needs students when Bill had intervened. Being overmatched in size and numbers, Bill got the worst of it. The principal had confided to Cheryl that he was actually very proud Bill had stuck up for the special needs student and that Cheryl should be as well. The principal was required by the School District to punish Bill, but under the circumstances, he gave him just two days of detention while the other boys were suspended for a week.

"That night, I asked Billy why he would take on two boys that were older and bigger," Cheryl explained. "He just said there wasn't time to find a teacher and he couldn't just stand by and let them pick on that defenseless kid."

They were both misty-eyed by the time Cheryl reached the end of the story.

Denae leaned forward, closer to Bill's mother. "Cheryl, he protects me that same way."

She told Cheryl that just before she met Bill, she had been in a very bad, even abusive relationship. She had ended things but was scared the boy would make attempts to contact her or see her. And eventually, the boy did approach her at the library, but Bill was there with her. Denae was proud to report that Bill had convinced a boy to leave her alone for good, though she did not fully explain how Bill had gone about persuading him.

"Was it a fight?" Cheryl inquired.

"I wouldn't really call it a fight," Denae said cautiously. "Once it started, the guy was never able to lay a hand on Bill."

"Uh huh," Cheryl nodded. "After those two boys beat Billy up, he started learning self-defense stuff from the guy who lived across the highway. He was some sort of ex-special forces guy."

"That would probably explain what I saw him do," Denae nodded.

As the pair sipped wine and talked, Cheryl shared a lot about Bill. Denae learned that Bill had not really had a girlfriend before her. He did go out with a girl in high school a few times, but it never developed into what Cheryl could call a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship. Cheryl explained the girl was sick with leukemia at the time and she had supposed Bill took her out so that she could have some semblance of a normal teenage life. They went to the prom together junior year. Denae's eyes welled up again when Cheryl told her the girl died early in their senior year.

Cheryl also shared insight into Bill's relationship with his father and how hard it was on him when he died. They had been very close and watching him waste away was difficult on both Cheryl and Bill. She was of the belief Bill had never gotten over his father's death.

Cheryl, tired of the heavy mood of the conversation, turned it around to Denae, asking her about her and her family. Denae told her about growing up in Florida; enjoying the outdoors and hitting the beach constantly. And she told Cheryl about her parents, with whom she was very close. Cheryl wondered what it was like for them as immigrants to this country and if they keep much of their Italian heritage. To Cheryl's relief, Denae told her that though her parents have tried their best to fully integrate into American society, they speak Italian at home a lot and her mother still cooked genuine Italian meals almost every day.

About the time they were finishing their second cup of wine, they heard the door and looked over to see Bill enter. They both jumped up from the couch and took a step toward him, which caused a slightly awkward moment when they realized neither of them was knew the protocol as to who should greet Bill first; his mother or his girlfriend. Cheryl smiled at Denae and stepped back slightly.

"Ah, you're both here. Mom I had no idea you were coming 'till I got your voicemail," Bill said as he stepped through the door.

Denae reached him first and gave him a big hug. Touched by everything she had just learned about him, she held on to him for a little longer than she otherwise would have. Though Denae could not see it, Cheryl was smiling approvingly behind her. When Denae let go, Cheryl moved in for a hug and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"I was hoping to introduce you to each other properly. But I guess I've ruined that."

Cheryl said, "Oh don't worry. We've just been chatting away." Turning toward Denae, with a wink, she added, "And it's safe to say I got very acquainted with Denae in a hurry."

Denae chuckled at Cheryl's veiled reference to having seen her naked. They all retreated into the family room where Denae and Cheryl reclaimed their seats on the couch and Bill sat on the only chair in the room. Cheryl apologized to Bill and Denae for arriving at the last minute, remarking she should have phoned ahead with more notice than the message she left for Bill. But she explained she did not realize she would have a couple of spare hours to reach Charlotte until she had left her house. She had intended to surprise Bill with an offer to buy him dinner.

"That's a good idea. You two should go have dinner," Denae offered.

"Nonsense, dear," Cheryl said. "I don't want to ruin any plans you had."

"Why don't we all go?" Denae wondered. "I'd love to spend more time with you."

It was agreed the three would go out for dinner together. Bill had to shower first, which left the two ladies alone again. By now they were so comfortable with one another, resuming their conversation was effortless.

As they left the apartment, Bill suggested a restaurant he knew but had not yet taken Denae or Cheryl to. Once there, they were seated in a booth, Denae next to Bill and Cheryl on the other side. While Bill and his mother did some catching up, he nursed a beer and the ladies sipped wine. It turned out the reason that Cheryl was headed to Charlotte was for a state-wide school trade show where she would represent her company and their cookie dough fundraisers.

As they were visiting, they were interrupted by a loud, yet friendly voice. "Bill is that you?" exclaimed an older man with a noticeable Brooklyn accent as he approached the table.

"Hi Johnny. How are you?" Bill returned.

"Bill! Bill! My friend. Why didn't ask for me when you got here? How are you?"

Johnny was smiling broadly as he shook Bill's hand. He appeared to be in his mid-40s with olive skin, not very unlike Denae, and he had a head of thinning hair that was graying at the sides.

"Bill, who are these beautiful ladies you've brought with you?" he asked as he glanced at both Denae and Cheryl.

Bill introduced his mother and his girlfriend to Johnny. Johnny welcomed them warmly to his restaurant and proceeded to tell Cheryl and Denae how much he liked Bill and how he had known him for over two years because Bill had refereed several of his son's basketball games.

Johnny bragged on Bill to both the ladies, pointing out how Bill was not only a great referee, but he had once stopped several boys on another team from beating up his son, apparently in retribution for single-handedly winning the game against them. Bill observed that as a referee, it was his job to maintain order, but Johnny quickly reminded Bill this had occurred in a hallway after the game. Cheryl and Denae looked at each other, raising their eyebrows, both silently acknowledging that this was another time Bill had played the part of the protector.

Johnny, who proudly announced to the ladies that he was Italian, guessed by looking at her, that Denae was also Italian and she confirmed this. He was very excited to learn she was first-generation American and that her mother and father had come here from the old country. At hearing this, Johnny joked that he and Denae must surely be 'paesano' and told them that he would have the chef prepare a special dinner for each of them; one that was not on the menu but was a personal recipe of his.

They all enjoyed dinner. When Johnny checked on them, he made it a point to get Denae's feedback, as he deemed her an authority on Italian cooking. She assured him it was the best Italian food she had had outside her mother's kitchen, which Johnny took as the highest praise his restaurant could hope to receive.

After dinner, the three lingered in the booth and visited a while longer. Cheryl noticed Denae had woven her arm around Bill's and pulled close to him. She was secretly happy that her Billy had found someone and was particularly pleased with whom he had found.

When they all returned to Bill's apartment, Cheryl stayed a few minutes more before leaving to continue her drive to Charlotte. As she left, she pulled Denae in for a hug and kissed her on the cheek. It was a genuine, warm embrace on both their parts for Denae had already grown to like Cheryl as much as Cheryl liked Denae.

Cheryl took both of Denae's hands in hers. "Denae, I really hope you'll come with Billy any time he comes home. And I know your mom is a long way away, but I'm only an hour and half away, so if you ever need a fill-in mom for any reason, please promise you'll call me."

Denae was touched by the offer and the two exchanged phone numbers.

Cheryl then turned to Bill. "OK, Billy. I have to go. Thank you for dinner. I've really enjoyed spending the evening with you both." Changing her tone to one of mock seriousness, she added, "And don't mess things up with Denae. I like her a lot. If you blow this, I'll disown you."

Bill walked his mother to her car, telling Denae he would be right back. When he returned, he walked through the door apologizing.

"Denae, I'm soo sorry she showed up out of the blue."

Before he could say more, Denae put her arms around his neck and kissed him passionately for a long time. He put his arms around her and pulled her close. When their kiss ended, they still had their arms around each other.

"Bill Collins," Denae said quietly. "I want you to take me into your bedroom and make love to me right now."

They moved into the bedroom and kissed as they undressed one another. Denae reached down and stroked Bill's manhood, which got hard almost instantly. She then took one of his hands, isolating his middle finger and guided it to her vagina, which he found was already wet.

Holding Bill close, Denae backed up to the bed and fell back onto it, pulling Bill down on top of her. She opened her legs around Bill and reached a hand down and guided him into her.

The two laid quietly in bed for a while after making love. She would occasionally caress his chest and he would glide his fingertips around her back. Neither spoke for several minutes. Eventually, Denae began laughing quietly.

"What are you laughing about? I thought I rocked your world."

"Meeting your mom tonight," she replied.

"Yeah, I'm real sorry abou-"

She interrupted him by placing her finger over his lips.

"No. That's not it. I loved meeting your mom and getting to know her. She's terrific."

"What's funny about that?" he asked with her finger still pressed against his lips.

"Well, I was totally naked the first time we saw each other," she confessed with a giggle.