Remembrance of Things Past


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He smiled when he saw her bared body. She was just as lovely as he'd imagined. He slid his hands across her shoulders to her breasts, so soft and full. He couldn't help himself; he bent down to lap at her nipples, nipping at the hard little pebbles. Her moans of pleasure were driving his wolf forward, but his human half held him back, just for a little longer. His hands skimmed down her belly to her thighs, slipping in between them, feeling her legs open for him. His fingers found their way to her opening, wet and ready for him. He put his fingers to his mouth and licked the slipperiness from them one at a time while she watched. His lips then met hers in a deep kiss, letting her taste herself on his tongue. He felt her hands clawing at his back, pulling his tunic over his head. He managed to kick his breeches off, feeling his hard cock spring free.

Claire opened her eyes long enough to look at her mate, his brown head between her thighs, drinking her freely flowing fluids. She tilted her head back and moaned loudly when his tongue reached her hard button. She had never been touched by another, and now she understood the meaning of the sounds she heard from the females when they mated. This was what it felt like when your body was feasted upon by your love. Warmth flowed through her veins, and her body shivered in a delicious new way.

"Are ye ready for me, Claire?" Ewan whispered to her and knew the answer before she nodded her head. She was more than ready; his face was covered in the evidence of her arousal. He watched as she turned to her hands and knees, looking over her shoulder with a sly smile and a glint in her eyes that had been missing until now. Her wolf was close.

He brought his hands to her hips, letting them roam over the round globes of her haunches. He had to taste her just one more time and leaned forward, his tongue sliding into her hole. But his wolf would be denied no longer and quickly took control and shifted.

She gasped when she felt his tongue delve deeper and glanced behind to see her brown wolf lapping at her folds. Claire lowered her face to the cool grass, her body, still in its human form, braced to take her mate's weight when he reared up behind her. His claws raked her sides, blood trickling from the wounds over her ribs. His soft fur warmed her back and his hard cock probed her wetness, finding its mark, smoothly sliding into her depths. She felt a moment of pain and then moaned as she was filled like she'd never imagined. His motion in and out drove her to incredible heights and she moaned his name, softly at first, then calling out loud enough to drive the birds from their nests far above them. "Ewan!"

Ewan thrust deeply into her tight tunnel, his knot stretching her entrance. He felt himself approaching his climax and thrust madly into his lovely mate. He pulled himself higher over her back, watching the wounds from his claws healing before his eyes. His tongue found her neck, pushing aside her silky flaxen hair as he bared his teeth. Her body was poised on the brink and as he bit down, he felt her climax underneath him, her body clamping hold of his throbbing cock. His head swam as he tasted her blood and flooded her womb with his seed.

They lay together in the grass, his arms tightly holding her to his chest while he licked her mating bite until it was fully healed.Yer mine forever now, Claire Baxter.


"Did they run away to America right after they mated?" Tyra and Kyla spoke in unison, as usual.

"No, they still had some things to do before they left; namely, talk to Grandpa Collier!" Cole watched with amusement at the shocked little faces looking up at him. Even Tyra and Kyla had stopped their fidgeting and were enthralled in the story of their grandparents.

Carr was absent-mindedly stroking Lee's hair as he leaned against the wall in the back of the room. He smiled as he thought about his parents. Hearing their story again had opened up the floodgates of his memories. He had nothing but good ones, until their deaths, that is.

"But didn't he want to kill Grandpa Baxter?" Corey couldn't believe he would want to talk to someone who wanted him dead.

"He couldn't just steal his mate away in the night. Her pack needed to know what had happened to her so they wouldn't grieve."


Ewan walked arm in arm with Claire as they approached her pack's camp. He felt her body stiffening as the came closer.It'll be alright, Claire. I promise ye.

She glanced at his handsome face and forced a smile. Either it would be alright, or they would die together. She took a deep breath, took one more look at her new mate, and called out to her family.

She trembled as her brothers careened around a corner in wolf form, fangs bared, ready to kill her mate.Please, please, stop! Don't hurt him!

Ewan didn't move a muscle, other than to wrap an arm around his precious mate's waist and pull her behind him. He spoke in a firm, loud voice, with no trace of fear. "I'll nae run from ye. I come to speak with the Alpha!"

Claire's brothers stood just feet from the male who dared to touch their sister. The four tawny wolves stood shoulder to shoulder, muscles tense, hackles up. Their snarling could be heard throughout the camp and those who hadn't been present when Claire and the stranger arrived ran out to see what had caused such a stir. When they saw the male touching the Alpha's daughter, the distinctive reddish-brown colored hair, they knew there would be blood shed this day. He was a Baxter!

Claire clutched Ewan's arm as she pleaded with her brothers.Ye dinnae understand. Please, wait for Father.

Ewan knew, when he saw the crowd parting, that the Alpha was approaching. He straightened himself, threw his shoulders back, and waited for a possible attack. He heard the growls from the big male with hair the color of straw. His teeth were bared, and Ewan could tell he was on the verge of shifting. He saw the Alpha's look of rage as he stared past Ewan's shoulder. Ewan turned his head and saw what the Alpha was fixated on, the bite scar on his daughter's neck. Ewan turned back with a grin on his face.

The Alpha roared out in anger. "How dare ye come here, Baxter, after defiling my daughter! Why did ye nae just kill her when ye were done? She's ruined now for a true mate!"

"But father, he is my true mate!" Claire moved to Ewan's side and took his hand in hers.

The pair watched as the Alpha's face went from rage, to surprise, to anger, and finally, abject resignation. He sighed and turned to his sons. "It's done then. Ye have nae sister anymore. She's a Baxter now."

"So ye'll disown her now, Alpha? Ye would have rather mated her to someone who could never have given her cubs?" Ewan yelled it out as the Alpha turned his back on them.

The Alpha turned slowly, his eyes red. "I would have killed ye if I'd known before she. Then she would've had a chance to find another. Now I have no choice. If I kill ye, I kill her. And I could ne'er do that."

Claire's eyes blurred with tears.

"Take her back to yer pack, Baxter. She's nae welcome here." Alpha Collier began to walk towards his own mate who cried and begged him to reconsider through their bond. He refused.

"You'll nae see her again, Alpha. We are going across the brine, to what the humans call the 'new world.' But if ye ever change yer mind, and want to meet yer grandchildren, ye'll always be welcome." Ewan watched the Alpha's back tense.

Collier turned once again and his eyes lingered on his lost daughter. The ice cold blue eyes then turned to Ewan. "If I e'er hear that harm has come to her, I'll kill ye myself, new world or no." Alpha Collier walked slowly to his mate and took her by the arm, forcing her to turn away and walk with him. He held her by the shoulders as she sobbed into her hands.

I know ye'll be a good mother to yer bairns. We'll always love ye, Claire.

I love ye too, Mother. Maybe, someday, he'll understand?

He understands now, lass. But there are some things even an Alpha can't change.


Cole heard sniffling and looked at the teary-eyed faces surrounding him. Even the adult females looked like they'd been crying.

A little red-headed female cub wiped her eyes and snuggled in her mother's lap. "Did she ever see her parents again?"

Cole smiled. "Yes, Bronwyn, she did. We even went to visit them a few times."

She looked up at her mother's face, tears in her eyes. "Mommy, I won't ever leave you and Daddy, not ever!" She buried her head in her mother's arm.

Katy smiled and stroked her daughter's hair, the same bright red as her own. "You might someday, Bronwyn, but it'll be okay. We'll understand."

Cole was then inundated with questions from everyone.

"Uncle Cole, what happened next?"

"When did they move here?"

"Did they ever visit Scotland again?"

Cole put up a hand. "Whoa. I can't answer everyone's questions at once." He could see the sun through the window, high in the sky. "It's afternoon already. Why don't we pick this up after lunch?"


"As soon as you eat lunch, I'll tell you the rest. I could never talk loud enough to be heard over the grumbling of all your stomachs." Cole grinned. "So, what's for lunch?"


Atlantic Ocean – 1622

Ewan Baxter gazed across the vast horizon ahead of him; water, nothing but water. He let out a heavy sigh. This had seemed such a wonderful idea when he had told his father. But now he was not so sure. Most of his pack was below deck, sicker than he had ever seen. They could barely hold down any food, much less water. Wolves were not meant to be at sea. Even he was feeling rather nauseated, but did his best to force himself to be strong for his pack. He'd come up here to clear his mind in the salty air. He heard footsteps approaching from behind; one of the crew perhaps. He fought the urge to whirl around and bare his teeth. He had to remind his wolf that they knew all on board. And it was imperative they not be found to be werewolves, or they would surely be killed.

"Yer people are not sea-faring I see. All of 'em sick as dogs, heh?" The Captain liked this Scotsman. He was different than the average laborers and farmers he ferried to and from The New World. There was something almost feral about him. He would have made a good seaman, if he could hold his stomach, that is.

Ewan cringed at the reference to dogs. "Aye, none of us has ever set foot off dry land. We will be grateful tae finally reach Nova Scotia."

"Ye won't be having an easy time of it there. It's a hard life, a hard life, I tell ye. Are ye sure yer womenfolk will be up for it? I can't imagine bringing such lovelies to such a cold, cruel land."

Ewan knew the Captain meant no disrespect to his mate and the other females. He and his pack had had to learn quickly how to interact with these humans in such a small area. Their ongoing sickness had been a good excuse to remain separated as much as possible. "Despite their sickness, I assure ye, my entire... family is ready for this journey, ready to start a new life."

"Well ye best be sure to get more food into 'em then. There's not much been taken from the ship's stores. They need to eat enough to stay alive through the voyage. But ye have been lucky in one way. This is the first voyage I've made that the rats don't outnumber the passengers; nary a one to be seen. If I was the superstitious sort, I'd be sure the ship was to sink or somethin' of that like. But I'm not!" The Captain clapped a hand on the man's shoulder. Aye, he would have made a good sailor; nothing but hard muscle under that thin tunic. "Take good care of yer woman, lad." The Captain began shouting orders at his men as he walked away.

Ewan grinned at the mention of the rats. There had been quite a few at the beginning of the voyage. His pack had used what little time they were feeling well to do a little sly hunting when most of the humans were asleep. Even now, whenever one of his fellow werewolves was feeling a little better, they would go in search of one of the rats. Fresh meat was the best thing to settle a wolf's stomach. Of course the crew kept asking why the wooden planks on the deck had these strange scratches on them. Ewan had to bite his tongue to keep from telling them it was from their claws.

As he stood looking out across the sea, a huge wave washed overboard, soaking him in seawater.

"Ha! Now that is a sight to see. I would bet that yer brother, Owen, would get a good laugh from how ye look right now, Alpha Baxter." Kenneth was getting a good laugh of his own right now.

"Are ye nae supposed to be looking after the sick, healer Kilean?" Ewan smiled at his friend. Kenneth had been the first he'd asked to join him on this adventure.

"Aye, but the worst seems to be behind them. A little queasiness is all that's left now. I think the rat meat did them all good, truth be told. But I will be glad when we are off this floating jumble of wood. Wolves should nae be asea, Ewan. It just isnae natural." The rolling underneath him was making him a little sick now. It didn't seem as noticeable in the lower decks. "I think I'll return to my mate. I just came up to tell ye they are all doing better." He turned and began to walk away but slowed, turning back to his Alpha with a grin. "Ye might want tae dry off, ye'll catch yer death." He laughed as he ambled away.

It was another week before they heard the glorious words, "Land Ho!" Everyone ran to the top deck, even those that had been sick throughout the trip. The welcome sight of a few rocks in the distance brightened their otherwise dreary day. It would still be days to reach the shore, but the passengers happily readied themselves so they could leave this ship as soon as they were given leave.

Claire leaned over the railing, trying her hardest to make out the land so far away. She felt Ewan near and turned to look at his handsome face, wind-burned, but beautiful. His green eyes sparkled as he watched his beloved's face; still pale but with a little pink in her cheeks. Once they were ashore they could let their wolves loose to run. Then they would all feel better.

It's wonderful, Ewan. Ye were right tae bring us here. This will be a far better life for our cubs than the Highlands.

Ewan wrapped his arm around Claire's shoulders and held her tight. He hoped for all their sakes she was right. He looked at the members of his pack lining the railing next to them. The expectant looks on their faces filled his heart with joy. What wonders would this new world bring to them?

"Cannot wait to go ashore, eh?" The Captain had been watching his passengers assemble on the deck and smiled at their excitement. "Yer lives will change for all time as soon as ye board the Jolly-boats."

While the other passengers continued to gawk at their distant new home, the werewolves' hearts sank. Ewan spoke for them all. "More boats?" He knew his people couldn't wait to get off the ship and their disappointment was obvious to the Captain.

"It won't be that bad, lad. It will be just a few short hours and ye'll all be safe on dry land." He chuckled to himself as he set about the lowering of the boats.Landlubbers.


Nova Scotia (New Scotland) – Fall, 1622 – Spring, 1623

The land that greeted the newcomers was a dense forest. Ewan thought it perfect, but the humans insisted on clearing the land and using the wood to form their new homes before winter. The Baxter Pack helped while trying to formulate their plans for the future. From the beginning, the werewolves took on the bulk of the hard labor for the settlers. They worked from dawn until dusk without a complaint. At night the wolves felt the need to run, but their human halves were exhausted and begged forgiveness for keeping them in check.

Finally, after weeks of hard work, with the full moon approaching, Ewan made a promise to his wolves. They would run with the moon. He would find a way. The last full moon spent on the sailing ship had been torture for them: ill, cramped in the damp, dark hold, and unable to run with their mates. What worse fate could there be for a wolf short of death?

The day before the full moon had been, as usual, full of work; from first light to sunset. They toiled throughout the day with a newfound energy, joyful in the knowledge that soon they could let loose their wolves.

The other settlers didn't understand this Baxter family. They watched them with suspicion. What did they have to be so happy about? Were they hoarding food? It was sparse and carefully meted out. But they seemed to have boundless energy, while the other immigrants barely had enough to survive.

Finally the night had arrived, the moon rising as the wolves excitement grew. They chattered amongst themselves as they ate dinner, the other colonists sullen and quiet. At the end of the evening, the men lit the fires in the compound to keep the wild animals at bay and retired to bed. Several hours later, when all was still, the wolves arose and crept from their homes, slipping into the woods. Ewan led them far from the settlement, where their wolves could finally be free, if only for a short time.

It is time. Do what you will, but return to this meadow well before dawn!

The assembled pack nodded and quickly disrobed, shifting, and stretching, their tails high in the air, their tongues hanging as they panted with excitement. The couples went their separate ways to spend time alone with their mates for the first time in months.

The moonlight shone down on the wolves, running through the forest.

Run as fast as ye can, Claire. Ye'll ne'er escape me.

I ne'er wish to escape ye, Ewan.The tawny wolf loped along the deer paths, letting her legs stretch and enjoying the fresh air in her lungs. She felt her mate near her, his shoulder rubbing against hers as they moved effortlessly in the dark. She could hear her pack-mates in the distance, a triumphant howl as a male caught his mate, playful yips and barks, and an occasional whimper as one or the other begged for more attention.

Ewan had been enjoying the sight of his lovely mate as she ran, but he could wait no longer. He sped ahead of her and turned to face her, forcing her to a stop. His sides heaved as he took in large breaths of the cool night air. They didn't move at first, but then, the wolf took complete control, his human giving up all control to the beast that had lain dormant for these last few months. His green eyes gleamed in the light that streamed through the treetops. His rich brown coat looked almost red in the moonlight. He almost stalked his mate; like she was prey, circling her cautiously, waiting for her to bolt.

Claire stood her ground, the she-wolf wanting nothing more than to be with her mate. She was more than ready and wanted no part of his playfulness. She dropped her head and elbows to the ground, her tail flagged behind her, waving, as if trying to draw his attention to her wet folds, waiting for his tongue. She looked behind her, seeing his nose twitching, and whined. Even a human would be able to tell she was begging for him.

The much larger wolf stretched his neck, his nose probing his petite mate's wet hole, his tongue reaching out to taste her. The first tentative licks grew into great laps of his tongue across her whole surface, soaking up what fluids he found there, then diving in deep for more. He felt her body tremble with lust as he teased her, but he could not wait to feel his cock sheathed inside her tightness. He lifted his front legs, effortlessly holding her still with his front legs, pulling her back to impale her on his stiff cock. He howled as he felt her take him in one thrust and then, after holding himself steady for a moment, he pulled away and plunged back inside her. The wolf plundered his mate, viciously pounding away at her tender pussy with no regard for her needs. It was animal lust and nothing more.