Rocket Girl Ch. 03


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She watched his small smile change into a grin.

"Besides, there are benefits to riding behind you."

Aurora laughed a little, "You're still fascinated with my ass, aren't you? I don't mind at all since it's you, and you can make me feel prouder about myself with that one little smile when you see me coming than any ten thousand fools."

She kissed him softly, "That goes beyond flattery Will, because any woman can see that it's genuine in you. I've already gotten compliments about the way that the guy who really cares about me looks when he sees me. Way past flattery and deep into feeling worth something." She laughed a little, "I think I actually want you to be fascinated with my ass, but –"

She looked at his downcast eyes. "What's wrong?"

He began to mumble something that sounded as though he was in a confessional and it ended with him confessing that he'd been having impure thoughts about her and not only about her ass.

Aurora laughed and hugged him to whisper, "Then we're both going to hell, baby. I've had the very same thoughts about you." She shook her head with an amazed grin, "You always know how to make me feel better."

She shrugged, "Anyway, I don't think I want to ride all that fast, now that without even knowing you or even what you looked like, I seem to have caught up with the one I was chasing so hard."

She pushed him over onto his back, before pulling herself up to lie on him, "Well, I might want to do those things some day, but for now, I just want to be one thing, more important than anything else that I can imagine right now, or maybe ever could."

Will tried to think, but was a bit overcome with having her here and the feelings that she seemed to be injecting into his chest. He gave it up, "What do you want to be, Aurora? I'll help if I can."

She smiled again, "You already have. I think that I've been a little superficial, and I'm not sure when that happened, either, because it's not me. Now I want to be something that feels to me like it's a great achievement for somebody like me. It's a responsible position, since it involves thinking more outside of my own slightly selfish nature than I've ever gone, because it'll mean that I'm thinking about somebody who needs to be thought of more than once in a while."

She kissed him very gently, "I'm pretty sure that I was turning into a bitch because I was so unhappy. It was making me mean-spirited, I think. But being around you just rubs off on a person. I saw it for myself with the people around you from this strange family that you live in to the people you work with. You think about other people and you care about them. But there's nobody doing that for you, Will."

Aurora grinned, suddenly feeling much better. "I want that job. I want to be Will's girl. That's what I want to be now, more than anything. I just need you to lean on sometimes, and I didn't know how much until yesterday and today."

She pulled back a little to look at him, "What if I told you that I want that kind of love that can get through anything with a bit of your help? Would you want that too with my help? Because I think that's what we could have here."

He kissed her then. It took a long minute after they broke it before either of them could form a coherent thought. He pulled her head gently beside his own and kissed her ear softly.

"More than I want to breathe."

Aurora pulled her head back a little to look at him as the corners of her eyes stung her a bit again. "Nobody's ever said something as nice as that to me before. But I need for you to breathe, honey. I need that so much."

She smiled at him then, just a tiny little hopeful smile that spoke volumes to him of how she felt.

She nuzzled against his throat, "So, what do you say, Will? I guess that I'm asking for some reassurance from you. I really want that kind of love with you because, well, ... every girl wants that, but it doesn't happen much. I've never even wanted the fairytale romance thing. I only ever wanted someone to love and not get trampled over in the process because I was stupid enough to give my heart."

She looked at his eyes because she needed to, but fought off the need to let herself be taken away in them at the same time. If this worked out and they could maybe understand each other, there'd be plenty of time for her to drift happily while she looked into them.

"But, ... you have to give your heart to play, don't you? That's what makes me want to give up and stop trying. I was feeling pretty hopeless and I was thinking that I didn't want anything to do with loving somebody anymore since I just ended up miserable all of the time. Love to me was just a word covered in sharp broken glass."

She kissed his cheek for a moment, and then began again. "I'd want to play once more with you, Will." She nodded, "I'd want to risk it one more time then. But from what I can see, and from what I've learned about you, you don't play at all anymore. This isn't a high school dance where the hopeful girl is trying to pull the boy she likes out onto the floor, this is for real, Will."

Aurora sighed, "This is me standing on your front step asking if you want to come out and play for real, just you and me, for real and all grown up. No bullshit and no games. I already know that neither of us want to play that way. I don't want to do the dating thing again and probably end up the same way. I'm so in awe of you and we do have a thing between us. I'm just trying to get it said and we can just go from there. So, are you in? I need to hear it from you."

Will looked at her for a moment, "You're really serious here, aren't you?"

She nodded hopefully, "Yeah. I really think that's how we ought to look at it."

He smiled, "Ok."

Aurora looked confused. "Ok? What does that mean?"

"It means I give up, Aurora. I want to come out to play for real. I hear you and I get it." He looked at her a little sideways, "Were you expecting more of an argument from me or something? I'm not as dumb as I look."

"You mean it?" Aurora was amazed. She had expected all sorts of above-mentioneds and notwithstandings from him. She laid her head on his chest, feeling like a happy cat suddenly.

"Ok," she said, "here's the rules then."

Will lifted his head to look at her, "Wait a minute, rules?"

He sighed, thinking of his conversation with Leona, "Look, just so you know, I happen to have a lot of time and effort invested in this 'fat, dumb and happy' character that I'm sporting here. It goes with the 'I haven't gotten around to getting a haircut yet' and the 'I didn't feel like shaving today – just like yesterday' look and the 'I don't give a flying fuck' attitude."

"I'm pretty sure I took the 'I play by the rules' tag off of my jeans even before I took off the price tag when I got home from the store."

He sighed, "But I do want to see where this will go, so what are the rules? I'm listening."

Aurora stared at him and started to laugh. Cesar was fast becoming a dark cloud on the horizon and moving away.

She pulled herself up higher on him and took his head in both hands with a grin. "Holy cow, Will. That wasn't what I meant at all. Don't you dare change even one of those things. I love them. I want you to keep them. That's not what I meant by rules."

"You know what? One of my very favorite things about you is that you can stand there while a woman walks past you and I can see that she's about to start drooling. She's already thinking about trying to talk to you. But I know that you're having really deep thoughts like trying to decide if you're hungry." She chuckled, "It tells me that something in you has changed, even from when I first met you."

"Some fool looks at you like they hate you and you have this amazing ability to say 'fuck you' just by the way that you're standing. All of that's going on and then you see me coming to hand you a Coke. And that smile of yours begins. Do you know how that feels to me?"

She kissed him quickly because she just had to. "What an amazing man. That happened last week, Will. I saw it myself. I was there. The important thing to me was the way that you lit up just to see me, and I'd only been gone like four minutes, but I was watching you for most of that time."

She laughed, "I felt like a million bucks, just for that, right there. The rest isn't important to me, but the guy would have licked my shoe for a shot at me and that smile shot him down before he'd opened his idiot mouth to talk his hopeful noise to me."

She pointed to herself, "That's one of the ways that I'd found that I've changed as well because I wasn't interested in how a guy that I wasn't interested in thought. It always mattered to me before. I didn't care about most guys - as long as I knew they were staring at me. I only need to know that one guy wants me now and that's you."

"The woman grew a cloud over her head and that happened for the same reason that Jenny thinks I'm your wife." She kissed him hard then and took his breath for a second, but pulled back before he'd passed out in bliss.

"Why the hell would I want to change something wonderful like that?"

She rubbed the scruff on his cheek with her thumb thoughtfully, "We both know where we're going so there's no harm in saying it, is there? No, I was talking about the playground rules, baby. The here and now, where we are rules. There's only a few, honey, and they're for your personal safety."


Aurora almost collapsed in laughter. When she had it together she looked at him and waved her finger, "Oh no. I understand how you're playing this." Her dark eyes peered into his blue ones and she found that he was wide open, and really would do anything for her - just because, not for any hopeful intent. It was something that was brand new for her. Cesar hadn't been worth the effort. Will watched her shrug.

"I love how you always look like you could use a shave. Women like me melt over that sometimes. But as much as I love it, there's a danger here in the playground, so you'll need to shave before we start just sometimes, but not today, so that's one."

Will was listening intently and she could see that, but his hand slid slowly under the bottom edge of her top and he began to caress her there.

She smiled, "That's another rule," she said, "I'm a little proud of these, and they're pretty demanding all by themselves, so you can't let them feel like they're being left out."

He smirked, "Can we just play for now? I promise to sit with a notebook like the studious little guy that I once never was and write it all down for later."

Will smiled that smile and Aurora felt a groan coming to her, but she fought it back as she spoke almost to herself, "I can't believe how you make me feel." She looked at him and pushed his hair back over his ear, "For damn sure I can't believe what I'm about to tell you, but – "

She came to a decision, "Look baby, here's the quick and dirty version." Aurora pulled up on him to get her mouth to his ear. Will's hand was lost in the confusion of it.

"Put it back, Will. Keep doing that," she smiled.

He heard her whispers as she dragged her lips across his ear, "Hold still. I love you, Will, and if you want to play, you can do it two ways. Just so you know, I'd be happy with the first one, but really, it would mean a lot more to me if you play it my way."

She put her hand over his lips. "I already know that you're about to say 'ok', and right now, I don't want to laugh, so..."

She moved her head and brought her lips up against his. Just as before, she dragged her lips so lightly, and though she thrilled over how it felt, she noticed the nudging twitch that came to her through his jeans.

"We can play right now, Will. Any way that you want, but if you choose that, I'd prefer it if you put as much love into it as you can manage the first time because right now, that's what I'd want."

She sighed as he licked slowly along her lips before dragging his own lips over hers as he whispered, "I love you too, Aurora. I'll do anything that you want me to."

He groaned quietly because of the discomfort of his erection under her. She noticed and began to try to move, but he held her still and then she felt his lips dragging across hers again.

"Don't move, honey. It's not painful if that's what you think. It's just hopeful and it'll go on being that way no matter what we do until it gets happy or gives up and goes home. It's designed to do that so that I'll try to help it."

She felt his hand moving under the edge of her panties and she groaned then, "Even my ass loves you, I can't believe it," she whispered, "What were you going to say?"

She felt his smile under her lips. "I was just going to ask you to give me the rest of the rules. The ones that you'd really like for this."

Aurora buried the fingers of one hand in his hair and sighed, "This is really important to me, so you can't laugh, ok?"

"Sure," he sighed, "go."

"I want to take a shower with you."

He smiled, "I thought this was going to be complicated or something."

"Well," she said, feeling a little embarrassed, "there is a bit more. Things about me that nobody knows. Things I never told what's his name – the asshole who needs a blow-up doll now because he was too stupid to see that he had what he wanted the whole time if he'd have used his brain."

She drew a breath and made her decision. If she couldn't get what she wanted from Will, then she could spend years searching, so she had to try. She brought her lips back against his.

"Nobody ever let me be me, but I think that I can see that you can do that, so... I'm, ...I'm very oral, if you don't try to force me like the same asshole who always wondered why he only got to do that one time, and, well,... "she sighed, "I'm not even sure about this, but the way that I feel is that if you let me, I think that I can get pretty aggressive."

She couldn't believe what she was telling him, but reminded herself that he seemed to be worth the risk, so ...

"Please, Will, you can't ever tell anyone these things." She looked at him, "Doesn't that bother you? I thought guys always had to be in charge or something."

She saw his smirk. He just said, "Let's go back to how dumb do I look. If I really want a cheeseburger, but for some reason, all I can get is buttered bread, it'll do, but I won't be happy. So? It's the same thing, isn't it? You're telling me that you want the cheeseburger, so I'll hold still."

She lifted herself up and pulled his T-shirt up as far as she could get it with one hand. When her fingers hit his stomach, he tensed and she ran her fingers down him with a smile. "No baby. I don't want a cheeseburger. I want the triple 'A' grade. Nothing else will do."

He smiled, "Listen, these are things that you like or think that you might like. I think that you see telling me like this to be a huge risk or something, but it's not. All I'm hearing from you are bits and pieces – clues that I'll file away in my own twisted little head so that I can do the things that you want so that I can love you the best way that I can, that's all. They're nobody's business but yours and mine. So is that it?"

She nodded, but then said, "No, wait. There are a few more, but I've never tried them except for one and I always do that one alone. I want to do that one with you too."

She smiled a little shyly, "If I get really carried away, I get so wet, but – at both ends. I've grossed guys out before. I'm a really wet kisser. I can't help it."

He smiled, "So?"

"No, I mean I drool like crazy – because I, ... I like that, and I want to."

He sighed, "I can't wait."

She looked at him in a little shock, "Really?"

"Yeah," he said, "I think that's sexy as hell."

Aurora felt a lot better, so she pushed another one forward. "I've never tried, but I think that I'd really like to get pearl necklaces from you, and ..."

He just shrugged, "I can do that, honey. What's the tough one? This is the one that you tried yourself?" he asked.

"Yes," she whispered, "if we're going to be together, I don't want to go on with this one locked away from even you. I want this one for sure, but I don't even think that I can say it."

"Damn, this is hard to admit." She looked away for a moment, trying to will the words to her lips.

He stroked her back. "You can tell me anything. Just don't tell me that we need to get a dog and a goat, ok?"

She smiled, "It's nothing like that, Will. I just want, ... I want you to, ..."

"Look," she whispered as she thought for a second, "Your hand... No, the other one."

"Yeah, what?"

"Well, ..." she didn't think that she'd even be able to say it to him and she was getting annoyed with herself. She didn't think it was such a big deal. She knew there were other women who ... she knew for a fact that her sister liked it when ...

Aurora's thoughts stopped when she felt his hand sliding along between her flanks, pushing them aside so that he could slide one finger along. He felt her shiver and then he knew.

"This is it, isn't it, Aurora? Right here. This is what you want to tell me about, right?"

She nodded with her eyes closed tightly.

"I know you're having a tough time with it, and I don't understand why, but it's ok. I'd like to try it too." He ran his finger a bit deeper and she sighed.

"It's ok with you, Will?"

He smiled, "Two things, Aurora. One, have you noticed anything about the thing that you're lying on while you've struggled with this?"

She looked at him and he smiled, "Big tip-off there, huh? And that points right to something that you're always saying to me. Now I'm beginning to think that it's been you telling me the whole time that I've known you and we didn't even know."

She didn't get it and said so.

He sighed, "I've always been fascinated by your sweet ass. I thought there was something tough here."

He began to mutter in a hopefully comical way about having to wait all of this time, worried that there was something dark and awful about to be spelled out to him and how he hated goats.

He didn't get very far with it. He found that he had a much more difficult time just catching his breath.

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pseud277pseud277about 2 years ago

Well nice I suppose. But too much exposition from Leona, a previously little known character. At the mid point there, whatever she said replaced the unfolding story. I got used to Will's POV, then a switch to Aurora's POV was maybe natural. But not so much Leonas' self-appointed role as narrator/director. Anyway its a story about bikes!

DungeonBobDungeonBobalmost 13 years ago
Waiting for the next chapter.

I look every day to see if there is a new chapter. I'm a old biker that has had a lot of fun over my road of life. Now that agent orange has got me in it site. I can only set back and read and enjoy story's from other people mind and heart.

Your has gripped me. Keep up the good work.

So keep it up she might want a little B&D and S&M from you and you learn each other future life together. Smiling thinking about old days.

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