Royally Screwed

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Switch with servant leads to rough incestuous sex.
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The Duke's manservant gently rapped on the large chamber door and entered. Lord Cornholis, the Duke of Worstershire groggily sat up in his bed. He turned to his manservant and told him he was hungry and will eat in bed this morning…"have Marie bring it" he said with a sly grin. Today was the 15th of May and it was the 18th birthday of his chambermaid Marie. For her birthday the Duke decided to reward her service and allow her to be deflowered by royalty. She was a beautiful young girl, her long flowing blonde hair and fine figure filled him with longing. He would have taken her earlier but unlike most servant girls, she wore her virginity like a badge of honor as if she were of noble blood. To take her before her 18th birthday without consent would send a bad message through the town and could even start an uprising. However, as by royal decree, a town's lord and protector were granted any female over the age of 18 that was not married. Even then, before a marriage was consummated the town's lord would have first rights on the bride. It was a custom dating back hundreds of years but practiced fewer now in the 18th century, except here in Worstershire. The Duke was the Kings cousin and very few would dare to oppose his authority.

Marie went to the castle's kitchen to pick up the food to bring to the Duke. She purposely pinned her hair back into a large floppy hat and tied the apron around the waist loosely so as not to show off her figure. She suspected the Duke's intentions; he has pressed his desire on her for the last two years. The Duke though had in the past six months treated her like the rest of the staff and mostly ignored her. She assumed he had given up or found some other girl to quench his sexual thirst. Marie enjoyed working in the castle. Her mother had died three years ago and her father and two brothers worked their small farm on the outskirts of town. The farm was not very productive and hardly produced enough food to feed them all, so her father offered his daughter to serve the castle as a chambermaid for a break in his taxes. Here in the castle she was fed and clothed and kept warm in the winter.

Marie kept mostly to her self. She was the youngest servant in the Dukes employ and the only one near her age was the Duke's oldest daughter, Victoria. Since class separated them, they only occasionally found themselves together to talk. She liked Victoria because she didn't treat Marie like a common servant and they talked about the men in the castle and about whom they might marry some day. Here class was quite different, since Marie was able to fall in love and marry whomever she chose. Not so for Victoria, she was to remain a virgin and marry someone of royal blood. A someone that her father or the king will decide. A match made for the good of the Empire.

Victoria did confide to Marie that she masturbated often and her fantasy lover would be Montague the captain of the guards. Marie however, never told Victoria that her father had tried to bed her since it would have been inappropriate.

Marie carried the plates of food to the Dukes bedchamber. The Duke like a spider smiled warmly and coaxed her to the bedside. As she placed the food at the foot of the bed the Duke grabbed her arm and tossed away the hat on her head, freeing her long blonde locks. He turned her facing himself.

"Now my dear Marie, for your 18th birthday I give you the gift of this royal cock"

Marie gasped with horror. She thought about struggling at first but she quickly figured out that he was stronger and he had her wrists firmly clenched in his large hands. Instead she smiled and went to courtesy. The Duke was joyed that he had won her over so easily and released her hands for a proper bow. Suddenly she rose and slapped his face as hard as she could. Her nails scratching some of his cheek and she ran out the door. The Duke reached for the long red cord at the side of his bed. It rang a bell at Captain Montague's room and in an instant he was at the Duke's door.

"That damn chambermaid Marie struck me and ran off….get her"

"I shall capture her myself my lordship and drag her to the dungeon"

"No. Bring her back her to me. I have a fitting punishment for that virgin"

Captain Montague left in pursuit of Marie. He knew what the Duke wanted and thought the servant girl was stupid for attacking him. She would have been made love to and if he enjoyed himself, she would have been offered many comforts, instead she will now have her virginity taken in a brutal fashion.

Marie ran blindly down the halls. She had to leave the castle but there would be no way out now. Ahead she saw Lady Victoria's room and quickly went inside without knocking. Victoria was stunned by the sudden intrusion and was about to chastise Marie for in impudence when she saw fear on her face.

"Marie? How dare you…Marie…what's wrong, what happened?"

"My lady there is something I must speak to you about, I am fearful"

Marie in that instant thought of a plan. She told Victoria that Captain Montague made improper advances toward her. That he was searching for her right now to have sex with her now that she was 18.

"My lady, if only you were I, then you might have the taste of your Captain that you are forbidden of." Marie smiled, her plan was going to work.

Victoria and Marie decided to switch places. Victoria had many wigs and she pulled out a blonde wig just like Marie's hair and a dark haired wig just like Victoria's. They would then change clothes. Their figures were very similar and without the white-caked make up and a false beauty mark on her cheek Victoria typically wore, she would not be recognized. Besides, no one really looked closely at a servant girl. Victoria would be Marie and as Marie she would be able to indulge her fantasy and make love to Montague. Victoria had even shaved her pussy, so the Captain would find anything amiss.

Marie dressed like Victoria. With the clothes, wig and make up, no one would know otherwise. Besides, no one other than royalty would ever look into her eyes and see her facial features. Once Victoria left looking for Montague, she would leave the castle in the Dukes farm and return to her family.

Captain Montague was about to put his guards on alert and have every room in the massive stone castle searched but suddenly down the hall he saw the chambermaid. He watched the way she sauntered down the corridor with out a care in the world. Parading like princess, her nose stuck in the air and proud shake of her backside. This enraged Montague even more so, this careless attitude after striking her lord and master.

Victoria had peaked the large muscular captain and turned walking away from him. She expected him to call out or maybe pull her hands from behind. Victoria thought his passion might be out of control and that he would push her into one of the small utility rooms and make love to her then and there.

What Victoria didn't expect was that Montague rushed her from behind quickly covering his large hands over her mouth and wrapping his arm around her mid section. He lifted the slight girl of 5'4" off the floor and grinned.

"Okay bitch…your time for your birthday present"

Victoria was startled at first and lightly kicked her feet. She felt the warmth of his body pressed upon her. As he was taking her down the corridor she felt his left hand firmly on her mouth and his right hand moving up her torso and clutching at her left breast. She also imagined she could feel his erect cock pressed upon her buttocks through his uniform. She wiggled against it and she could feel Montague taking liberties with her breast. Victoria felt the wetness in her pussy and closed her eyes.

Montague smiled as he carried the chambermaid. For an unwilling virgin this girl was making him hard. The pressing of her fine body against his made him aroused and the soft firmness of her breast gave him the idea to rape this wench himself. Alias, she was the Duke's to deflower. Afterward he might order her to the dungeon or to me killed and he would have his way with her then. Montague turned and backed into the Duke's door thrusting it open.

Victoria opened her eyes as Montague hit the door and she was spun around to see her father in his rope in front of his bed. The bed stood on a small platform and had already made his impressive 6'5" frame seem even more than a giant to her.

"Your lordship, as I promised…Marie" He then whispered to her "it was very stupid of you not only refuse him but to strike him….you will suffer now"

"Captain, gag her mouth and bind her wrists to the bedpost and strip her down. As Duke of Worstershire and lord of these lands I invoke royal privilege on Worstershire's newest 18 year old"

Victoria couldn't believe it. Her eyes widened in horror as Montague started carrying out her father's orders. She was gagged before she could utter a word and her struggling became fierce but to no avail against Montague. Her father was going to rape her. There was no way to warn him, if only she hadn't played this game with Marie. Then realization sat in. It was no game, Marie knew this would happen and took advantage of her.

Montague tied her wrists down and stripped of the chambermaid uniform. He gapped at the splendor of her perfect young body. He felt his own lust surfacing but he stepped away from the bed and turned to leave.

The Duke called him "Montague, please stay and witness the coupling, as reward you may take her after me"

"Very gracious my lord, and many thanks" said Montague as he beamed at the young girl. He then began to slowly take off his uniform.

Victoria looked up in disbelief as her father disrobed and grasped her ankles in each hand, spreading her legs before him. His 9inch cock stood erect and Victoria stared at it as he brought it closer to her virginal womanhood. She looked up into his eyes, trying to plead with him, shaking her head and crying. The Duke looked down at the blonde haired chambermaid, for an instant she didn't look like he remembered her but he looked down at his cock resting at the entrance of her shaved love canal and grinned "it could have been different Marie, but you must learn your lesson" he said strongly and he leaned forward thrusting his cock into her cunt, breaking the hymen and continued viciously stabbing his cock into her like a man possessed.

Victoria was in pain and in tears. She was finally having sex, unfortunately the man was her own father, for if it weren't her father she would have found the fucking quite…quite enjoyable. Victoria closed her eyes and felt the goose bumps along her body rise. She was flush and soon the pain dissipated and turned to pleasure. She started moving her body, arching her back and meeting each of his strokes.

The Duke recognized the change in her demeanor immediately and smiled. He slowed his thrusting and leaned into her breasts to nibble on her nipples. He had tamed this shrew and that was better to his pride that just raping and hurting her. He climaxed and kissed her gently on the forehead.

Victoria was still going through small tremors throughout her body as she felt his cock leave her. She felt like a woman and closed her eyes to drift into a wonderful sleep. But this was not to happen. She felt her self being turned over and her being lifted to her knees. Montague was behind her and grabbed her ass in his hands. Soon his cock was in her pussy. Victoria didn't know if she could take anymore but soon she was moaning in delight. She opened her eyes and saw the Duke's cock wet with cum before her face. He removed the gag and shoved his cock to her lips telling her to "lick it clean". Just then Montague withdrew his cock from her cunt and slowly entered her asshole. Victoria opened her mouth to gasp and her father placed his cock into her mouth. Victoria was getting her ass reamed and sucking her father's cock. The Duke was getting hard again and he began to fuck her mouth.

Victoria realized now that the gag was away from her mouth she could tell her father of this trickery and deception. She also realized she enjoyed this double fucking and to reveal all now would serve no purpose. In fact if word got out, how the servant girl had tricked them into depravity, her family could loose respect and power. Further all, no other royal household would allow their son to be married to her. Their royal lineage would end. As Montague groaned and she felt his hot cum seeping into her anus, she reconciled herself to keep this a secret. As her father's cum shot into her mouth and he pulled her head deep into his groin forcing her to swallow his seed, she knew she would be dressing up like Marie the chambermaid many more times. Victoria collapsed on the bed exhausted from her orgasms and smiled. "Yes" she thought to herself "Marie the chambermaid will have a very slutty reputation in this castle".

MEANWHILE…… Marie had made the finishing touches to her outfit, dressed as Victoria. She paraded in front the mirror and agreed, she looked just like her. She had found a small pouch with some gold coins, more than her family made in the last 5 years, and took them. She called for a coach and head out for a ride in the country.

The township was small and entertainment few. Anything having to do with the lives of the royal family were of interest to everyone. So it is no surprise that by the time the Duke's seed had deflowered the chambermaid, the news was spread faster than her legs. It was two of the local boys talking about it when Roy, Marie's 22 year old brother overheard them. He raced home and told his father and older brother Henry. The three of them sat at the table very solemn. Roy was the hot head in the family and spoke.

"Why do we allow this? First they take away half our land and then they tax us so we can hardly feed ourselves. Now they have taken our sweet sister, to turn her into some plaything whore"

Henry wiped his tears "there is nothing we can do. It is the law of the land."

"So they can shit on us whenever they feel the need?" yelled Roy. "We can all get together rebel against them, take all their gold and head for the New World"

Their father stood. He was a tall rugged man having worked the farm all of his life. "This kind of talk must stop. We are in the hands of God and his wisdom will guide us"

Henry and Roy sat back down. They never knew their father to be a religious man, but when he spoke of God it was usually in a dire situation. They could see the anger in his face and they both felt the helplessness of the situation. Just then destiny knocked on their door.

Marie did not want the coach driver to know to which house she was going to so she told the driver to stop at the lake, that she wanted to walk alone to do some thinking. Although he tried to persuade her differently, he was not about to disobey her wishes and wind up on the dungeon floor when they got back. Marie walked the mile and half to her family's home. She was going to play a joke on them. She would appear as Victoria and announce that her coach had broken down and she requires assistance. She would watch them bow and grovel at her feet then wisk off the wig and laugh at them. She couldn't wait to see their expressions.

The three family members sat at the table, each one getting more and more angry about the way the Duke has ruined their lives. Suddenly the door opened and like a vision stood Lady Victoria dressed in gleaming cloth of red and gold. Marie in the voice like Victoria spoke "forgive me sir, but my coach has broken down".

"A deliverance from God" muttered the father. He reached for an empty feed sack and ran to the girl covering her head with it. "Quickly sons grab her arms and legs"

The two boys leaped from the table not understanding what their father was doing. Marie was taken aback. She certainly did not expect this response. When she started to protest someone punched her in the stomach and knocked the breath out of her.

"Quickly son, tie that rope around the sack and her mouth so she can not cry out for her escort. Roy check outside where the coach and escorts are".

Roy came back into the cabin and locked the door. By then he saw Victoria gagged and bent over the table. His brother Henry was at the top of the table holding her arms, while his father had the girls dress lifted up and her underclothes pulled down and dangling off or one ankle.

"Father, what are you planning to do?"

"I am going to do to the Dukes daughter what he had done to mine"

Marie panicked and tried to struggle, but Henry's grip was strong. She realized that her father was going to rape and deflower her. All of her planning and scheming to save her virginity was for naught. To make it even worse it will be taken by her own father. The rope and sack prevented her from saying anything other than a muffled scream.

"And now my first piece of royalty" said her father. He then thrust his cock into her pussy and felt the tight barrier give way to his cock.

Marie screamed through the rope as streams of tears poured from her eyes. Her father jammed his cock in and out of her pussy as a man possessed. Both boys looked on first in horror as to the act their father dared to impose on royalty, then in lust as each of them became aroused. Their father gripped the girls ass toward him as he let out a gasp and a shudder. His sperm drained from this poor farmer. The father withdrew and looked at his Roy with a smile. Roy was stroking his cock through his trousers. His father stepped aside and said "well, go to it son…not every day ye get to screw a future princess".

Marie thought the ordeal was over but felt her brother's cock enter her pussy slowly. Her brother was now fucking her, it wasn't the hard pounding that her father had given her, Roy was slow and methodical. Despite herself she felt her body betray her and felt her clit responding. In the darkness of the sack, she closed her eyes and a small moan escaped her mouth. She didn't want any of her family to know she was starting to enjoy this depravity, only Henry heard it.

Henry smiled. He was going to get his first piece of ass, and it was going to be queen of the snobs. Henry heard her moan softly and her arms relaxed in his hands, she was now enjoying herself. He thought about the times he had seen her riding in the coach or from the balcony at the castle. Every boy in the town dreamed of being a brave knight and having a rich beautiful girl like Victoria fall in love with him. These were fanciful dreams, he was no longer a boy, he was 20 years old. Those were dreams, this was real and he was going to live his dream now. His father and brother were busy at the other end of the table. Henry lifted the rope and the sack and exposed the bottom half of her face. He then took his cock and placed it at her lips.

Marie felt the rope leaving her mouth and the light seeping in from the bottom of the sack she saw a cock at her lips. Her brother was fucking her good, she had one orgasm and was close to another. She instinctively opened her mouth and felt the smooth cock enter. She had seen the other servants in the kitchen showing off there skills on bananas and boasting how much their man enjoyed it. She found that sort of ribald talk disgusting, but it now came back to her and she tried to imitate it.

Henry stood at the head of the table getting head. His father looked at the expression on his face and looked around the side to see the girl sucking his cock. His father smiled. He had turned this bitch into their bitch. When Roy was drained, his father took Henry's place, shoving his semi-erect cock into her mouth. Henry took her from behind. It was a short fuck since her mouth had brought him close to cumming while sucking him off. Roy stood next to his father and the each took turns fucking her mouth.