Sara's Abduction


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My God, he has an erection!

He looks at my night stand again. This is an animal about to run. Bang the pots a little louder!! I begin to drop my knee one more . . .

“Uh, We can work this out, honey . . .uh. I better go. We can talk about it later.”

The room is empty. That went well I think to myself.

Note to self, Banging-of-the-Pots stops the yelling. But . . .can I get him to understand, to know the Truth.


I turn out the lights and imagine the super human powers I will possess once I have been abducted. I think about the devices that might be installed into my body. I think about Josh, that asshole. But he had made a good point. They do things with your brain. And they do install devices. I remember that too, X Files makes it very plain. I maybe will have X ray vision, be able to read thoughts.

Wonder what dad was thinking tonight. I think I knew.

All men are the same, like deers in the headlights when a pussy is staring at their mug. Like dogs sticking their head out the car window with their tongues hanging out. It’s pure instinct. Men like pussies like dogs like to run fast.

I think about my naked body on a plate of glass, I think about the smooth metals that will be sticking from my orifices, and feel myself getting wet all over again.

I can picture the one that would run up my anus. It would be long and black, smooth just like the obelisks on 2001 Space Odyssey. But the one that runs up into my vagina. That one will be warm, it will be like a glassy substance, like quartz, and a light will glow through it, vibrate. It will cause my pussy lips to give off a rosy glow, and even shine up through my tummy. Then a thin strand like a hair goes into my urethra, drawing fluids. They go off in all directions, and you can’t see where they go. What device they are hooked to, what they are reading, what is going out what is going in. There’s also the tube that runs into my mouth, its large, hollow, almost like the end of a hair dryer that goes on and on, and there is a round tip on the end of it that sets right at the back of my throat feeding me; my eyes closed feeling the security. I can feel the security of laying on the glass table being filled. Full Filled.

Maybe I could control peoples movements, sort of the opposite of telepathy. Like in 2001 Space Odyssey where the obelisk controls the movement of the pre-humans, making them dance around. I could make Josh fall on his ass and then open his pants, pull his penis out, masturbate himself in the hall in front of everybody. His eyes would bulge out of his head, and he’d be yelling, “It’s not me. I’m not doing this!” Everyone would be laughing.

Thank God I’m out of high school, it’s so immature.

That asshole.

I fall asleep.

Everything makes sense now though, but I had to go through blindness to understand.


So it all started when I got home from a long bike ride.

I had gone down to the river to get the most open view of the City, I scanned the skies looking for anything unusual, ships. It was a clear day and a good day to do it. I got home and It all started.

Dad told me that mom was going to Florida with my brother so they could check out colleges, and then he asked me what colleges I was interested in. Here we go. He said to me that money was no object.

I rolled my eyes at him and walked past him as he sat there in the kitchen sipping on his stupid cup of coffee, that was too cold, that he drank anyway.

He followed me to my room, saying that THAT was just the kind of attitude we don’t need around here, and why can’t I be more like my brother. In fact I am smarter than my brother and . . .

“When are they leaving?” I was staring now at that stupid cup of coffee.


“Mom and . . . Putz. When are they leaving?”

He paused, “Tomorrow morning. Don’t call your brother Putz.”

I started to close the door on my dad as he stood there and thought better of it. I let him into my room and he stood there confused again, glancing around, we were alone in the house. He looked more like a little dog this time. He was scared of this room. Waiting, maybe for the pots to start banging that had chased him out the other day.

“Honey, what’s going on. You were saying something about my not understanding. About the truth. About an abduction.”

I looked at him. Understand. Please. I just want you to . . .understand.

I pulled my hair out from beneath my bike helmet and let it fall around my shoulders. I was sweaty and hot and needed to get out of my things. Hmmmm.

“You need to promise me,” I said. Pausing for effect, “This is entirely true. The truth. I know it. I’ve Seen it!” [which was a slight exaggeration]

He nodded, watching me as I reached back and undid the back of my top, pulled it over my head. I was standing there in a red sports bra, kicked off my shoes and pulled off my socks. Just tight little lycra biker pants with flowers on it and my sports bra, I Sat on the bed looking at him. My tummy was shiny with sweat. My cheeks were red. Wheew! My heart began to beat in my throat. Here goes . . .

“I promise.”

“I will . . . someday be abducted.”

He jumped in, obviously not listening, “Sweety no. We keep you safe. Is someone following you?”

“By Aliens dad. THE aliens. The ones with long fingers. You see them in the Scientific Journals.”

“You mean the internet.”


And I began to peel off my shorts.

“What are you doing?”

“I need to take a shower dad.” I sort of wanted to confuse him a bit. It was pretty awesome how docile he was. He said not a word and sat silently at my desk, just sitting. he looked funny cause he was too big for my chair.

Now I was standing there in my sports bra and panties. Nice panties too. I bought them at Jeans West, on sale, three for one. Three for one! Who does that? They had just the right cut for my body, the elastic sat right at my hip bone, and they dipped way low in front, showing off the tiny bulge of my tummy. They were light yellow, with a red trim.

I faced him, “Look at me dad.”

He already was, believe you me.

“I have a perfect body. I mean MATHEMATICALLY perfect.” I could tell he was confused even though he was nodding, eyeing me up and down, but I pressed on. “Let me show you.” I walked over to him and reached over his shoulder.

He jumped, what did he think I was going to do? I took my tape measure and handed it to him.

“Here measure how tall I am.” I turned my back to him. He held it at my head, I could feel his hand brushing the hairs at the back of my head and bent sideways stretching his arm to my feet. He was tall, he could do that. I thought wow he’s tall. I was picturing him standing like that, his nose would be practically at my ass.

Anyway, he croaked out - “Sixty-Four inches.”

“Yes, I am five foot four.”

I swiveled around and faced him, “Now measure from my navel to the floor.”

He did, “Be precise dad.” He was trembling, holding the measure, pressing it to my navel with his hand. His palm covered almost the whole of my abdomen. The line of his thumb ran right along my panty line which was set right at the top of my pussy mound. He was breathing hard. He looked like he had been running.

“Thirty Nine and a half inches.”

I handed him a calculator. “Divide 64 by 39.5.”


“Close enough.”

"Now." I looked down at myself and crossed my arms, grasping the fabric pulled my sports bra up over my head. My hair falling all around me, I stood topless. His eyes went wide.

“Now measure from my navel to my chin.” I did not turn around this time. I held my gaze straight ahead.

He again held his big hands at my navel, holding the tape measure softly against me. He brought the line up between my breasts, eyeing their puffy little nipples. I could feel his warm breath on my skin as he held his other hand up touching my chin with his fingers. He had a soft touch, it tickled.

I was watching a new erection form in his pants as I stood there in only my yellow panties.

Would I let him measure my . . . No!! *But he would be amazed*

“Uh, Fifteen Inches.”

“Ok,” I added a little purr in my voice. “Now from my navel to my nipple. AND it has to be with my breasts sitting natural, just as they are." He looked at them. "They can’t be stretched or pulled. AND straight up, so sort of eye where my navel is.”

And I set his hand where I thought it should go.

I held my arms out away from myself. He put his fingers against me even with navel, held the tape to its right, curling his fingers around my hip as he held it there. I thought he was going to pass out, he was doing this with such intensity. He brought the tape up slowly carefully, eyeing my perfect little breasts. My nipples were these little points, marking the spot. The aureoles were these perfect little puffs.

I was biting my lip, smiling at him, “Careful.”

He nodded his head, touched me *there* lightly, my breasts collapsing beneath the pressure of his touch, folding around his fingers. He held his hand there, “Nine and a Quarter.”

“In sixteenths dad.” He was blinking madly, put his head close trying to see, eyeing me just inches from my nipple. I was getting really hard - so was he.

“A little more than a Quarter. Nine and Five Sixteenths.”

“9.27 Inches” I knew the number.

“Now divide that, 15.0 inches by 9.27 inches.”

He did. “1.618.”

I smiled. “Exactly!”

We did my nose on my face. We did the measurement of my waist to my hip. We did from my hip to my feet and from my knees to my feet. 1.618. He was becoming amazed.

“How do you do this?” He asked at one point.

I smiled and settled onto the end of my bed, facing him and holding my legs apart. He had a perfect view of the yellow fabric running between my legs, “That is the same number which predicts how all life on earth is designed. The Golden Number. 1.618."

I paused for effect.

"Plants, insects, even the orbits of the planets. It represents beauty, the mathematical representation of beauty in DNA. Not every person fully expresses the Golden, the God Number though. In fact, very few do.”

I said in satisfaction, “See I am perfect. So I am what the aliens want - they visit here all the time and they are waiting . . .waiting to abduct me."

And I finally got to the point of the whole thing, "I believe in alien abduction.”

My dad sat in a chair. Staring at me. There was a long pause, “Honey, I . . .”

“Just hear me out. Have an open mind.”

He took my hand, he softened. Gone was the fight, the yelling. “Honey, I just want you to go to college, get a job.”

I rolled my eyes, “I know. AND I will! But dad. I have much greater responsibilities here on this planet.” I stood in close and leaned down, gave him a hug. My breasts brushed into his shirt.

"And I need you, I need you to understand."

He just nodded.

I stood up and left him there in my room.


I was in a fantastic mood that day. Next morning mom and putz left and I went to my dad and asked him if the two of us could have a movie marathon. Watch movies all night long. He agreed, I leapt up and kissed him on the lips.

I was going to get every movie that I KNEW would explain it all to him. I asked to borrow the car and went to Hollywood Video and got, Matrix, X Files the last two seasons, cause that’s when they were closest to the true reality. I already knew that. I thought about Close Encounters but knew that everyone knows that one. I checked out Independence Day because that had the most scientifically accurate portrayal of what they looked like, but I don’t think it was accurate about what the ships looked like, because I knew they would be cleaner.

I also hope they are not as violent as that, Hollywood makes everything violent though. How do you become an advanced species and remain violent. I would be asking Will Smith that one if I ever saw him.

I also got some factual information. I got Ultimate UFO: The Complete Evidence. I liked this one a lot because there were excellent explanations, and actual video footage. The movie is also arranged chronologically and it is presented very open minded. You can draw your own conclusions. The NASA clips are the most remarkable. NASA has much explaining to do.

Then, I went to Sam’s Club and bought a case of reeses pieces, like in ET for fun, and some Juicy Fruits - my favorite. I also bought a fifth of Blue Vodka, a pack of vegetarian lasagne, a case of Red Bull (for the Vodka), a five gallon pail of ice cream, a half gallon of chocolate syrup (it was the smallest they had), some sprinkles, whipping cream and some other stuff I don’t remember right now, to sustain us all night long.

This was so great!! I couldn’t stand how excited I was.

Before the movies were to begin I explained to dad how abductions occur, that they are not necessarily in remote places and that there is nothing you can do. I explained that near as anyone could tell they were conducting research, same as we do when we go to other planets, and that there are certain things unique about humans that really fascinates them. And that they are looking for the most complete expressions of DNA, and that on Earth it is tied to beauty.

I handed him a book called, The Contact Has Begun: A True Story of a Journalists Encounter with Alien Beings, by Phillip Krapf; and Alien Abductions, UFO’s and Bible Prophecies by C. Harrison Smith, because I knew he was sort of religious.

He was pretty interested and held the books in his hands as I asked him to keep an open mind. I was wearing this little pair of boy shorts and a half top, no socks and no shoes. It was hot and the house, and I still was not comfortable.

“I have to go change. You should too.”

I went into my room and was pulling on my pyjamas but thought better of it. I wanted understanding, and I seemed to get it from boys when my *perfect* body was before their eyes. It communicated something that was difficult to explain with words. I wanted the car to be driving fast and I was going to push his head out the window, so he could catch the wind. I grabbed my little dragon robe, and when he saw me I know I made the right decision.

I spent just a little while explaining the order of the movies and what parts were true and what parts were pure fantasy. I explained how the violence any time they appeared tended not to be real, just Hollywood. He was sitting in his pyjamas nodding his head, agreement entirely. I was so happy, and threw myself next to him as we settled into the sofa.

He asked me, “Why do you think the aliens want to abduct you.”

Good question.

“The other day, when you were measuring me.” I took his hand. “I told you, the God number. The aliens want complete samples of human DNA. They take humans on the ship to examine and probe them." And I told him in complete detail how they lay you on a glass table naked and fill all your openings with special probes - the black probe, the glass probe, the mouth probe, and he was listening to every word. I explained the glowing light, the vibrations. He was nodding his head, silent drinking it all in. I was soooo happy.

We finished our vegetarian lasagna, and I pulled out the fifth of vodka and Red Bull walking into the room holding the blue bottle in one hand and a six pack of Red Bull in the other, my little dragon robe tied tight around myself hanging down around my waist right at the top of my thighs. When I sat on the sofa you could see the curve of my ass under the hem.

I said, “This will help us concentrate and stay up for all the movies.”

He didn’t even question that, just said, “I haven’t had so much fun since . . .I can’t remember.” I loved the sparkle in his eyes, and he put his arm around me. We drank two shots of Blue Vodka mixed with Red Bull almost one right after the other.

I actually think they might have been like two shots each, and wheew that went right to my head!

The standout episode in X Files is the one where the little boy goes into the cave and touches something and the black ooze starts coming out his eyes. I explained to dad that this is based on the theory that aliens have actually implanted their DNA in with ours as a virus and that once triggered they simply use us for their progeneration. We are sort of alien wombs and in fact WE are the aliens. Because they were the original inhabitants of Earth. But there are problems with this. For example . . . if this is true then how come they are still trying to abduct us, study us, etc. IF they created us for their own use, there would be no need. A very good point. So this theory is definitely out there, but highly questionable.

“No there is another reason. That is that in the whole universe, evolution is at work. It is the true universal force of Life! And different areas of the universe have specialized in different directions. Just like here."

"That is fact. On Earth, the specialization of evolution is especitally interesting to aliens. Unique. There are those that think humans are the most advanced creature in terms of BEAUTY and SENSUALITY. This truth is very fascinating to other creatures who evolved other abilities. The movie Star Trek: First Contact has the part where the Borg capture Data and put real human skin on him just a little patch. And they blow on it, you see the hairs on the little patch move, and the pleasure ripple through. Watch how it rocks his world!"

"AND you can see that every other alien out there from all the movies, tend to not be as beautiful. And arousal is definitely one of the things they study, all interviews of abductees indicate that one very recurring theme is how aroused they became. Three-quarters cum. ”

I was sitting cross legged now facing dad and my robe was sitting pretty wide open.

“Especially women. Women are especially sensual. That is why women were worshiped for millions of years. Even by aliens. Religion in fact could have been started by aliens, for example 2001 Space Odyssey has that theory.”

And I let him look at my body while I talked, at my wide hips, my long legs, my blonde hair falling down around my shoulders and the robe pulling open at my breasts, joining only where the tie wrapped around my waist. It was part of my point I was trying to make. I was sort of a case in point.

“How does this make you feel?”

Dad was very embarrassed at this and he started to move away. “Honey, we shouldn’t. That’s not a fair question.”

“I MEANT my abduction. What I am SAYING.” I looked down at myself, not realizing I had basically come open. “But yes,” I smiled up at him not bothering to cover myself. “Yes. You just answered me. You think I am beautiful. You can feel how aroused you get.”

He flushed. “You have an erection.”

He covered his crotch, with his hand. It was so funny. He was so embarrassed.

“No no!” I pulled his hand away. “That is the reason. The whole point of what I am saying.”

He took his hand away. He was understanding!!

Then, I put in the movie where Scully herself is frozen beneath the Antarctic. You can see the tube that runs into her mouth. I explained she is being probed every other way that I had explained earlier, but that they can’t show that on TV.

Dad says, “Tell me again about the probes.”

It was midnight already.

I figured it was a great time for some more Blue Vodka. We took two shots each straight and then I cracked open a Red Bull for each of us. And tore open a bag of the Reeses Pieces and filled a bowl with juicy fruits. We had a little more vodka, and I got tired of pouring the little shots so I just filled about half a glass each after that.

“The anal probe is black, and pretty long. It is slid into the anus oh about five six inches, maybe more. It is warm, and it vibrates.” My dads eyes were getting glassy as he nodded his head, his cheeks were red.