Seduction In Bunny Pyjamas Ch. 02

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An unexpected blast from the past rocks Alex’s world.
3.2k words

Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 10/26/2022
Created 05/22/2010
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Chapter 2 – Things can only get better after they've got a damn sight worse!

An unexpected blast from the past rocks Alex's world, in more ways than one...

Note from Buzzlegirl – this is part 2. Things start to heat up now and get moving. please do vote and leave comments, I'd love to hear what you think about how things are developing!

With lots of thanks to luvtaread for her superb editing skills.

"So how come I haven't seen you in here before" Justin shouted over Nicola's warbling karaoke rendition of 'Hit me baby one more time' at Bar One. Alex had begged the girls to go to some other bar in town, knowing that Rachel and Draven were meeting here, but having already been to several pubs and a rather up market bar, they were running out of places to finish the night. And, since Nicola was insistent that Bar One was a must, off they went. Besides, after that many vodkas, nobody dared argue with her! That said, Bar One was one of the most popular hang outs for locals and the best place to meet new people.

So that's how Alex found herself talking to Justin, a friend of a friend of a friend. He seemed nice enough, and in her opinion far too good looking to be interested in her, but he seemed to be paying her the right amount of attention. She hadn't seen Draven or Rachel but had heard from their other mutual friends that they were around somewhere. She kept looking around nervously, half expecting to see them going at it on one of the cosy sofas somewhere in the vast club.

"Sorry, what did you say?" she looked at Justin, realising that he was looking at her expectantly – he'd clearly asked her a question.

"I asked how come I haven't seen you in here before?"

"Oh, erm, I've been erm, I've been busy, erm, well you know" Alex trailed of lamely.

"Sure, of course. Would you like another drink?"

"Actually, I was just waiting for my..." Alex was trying to politely end the conversation with him before things got out of hand when out of the corner of her eye, she saw him. Her head started to spin, and it wasn't the vodka either, but now, in front of her was Draven, looking stunning in a jeans and a sexy 'Bench' t-shirt which hugged his chest and arms perfectly. Wrapped around him was an equally stunning Rachel, looking sultry, sexy and possessive.

"Hey Al, you ok?" Draven looked at her concernedly as she jumped up and pushed past him towards the door.

"Yeah sure Draven, why wouldn't I be, I just need some air is all" Alex said "and Justin and I were just leaving anyway to go somewhere a bit more peaceful and with a nicer atmosphere" she added cuttingly, as an afterthought directed at Rachel who was staring daggers at Alex for even daring to talk to Draven.

"Oh sure, have fun" Draven looked confused, unsure, like he was going to ask something else, but Rachel wrapped her arms tightly around his neck and drawing his attention easily. Soon, Alex was forgotten.

Alex stood outside heaving in great gasps of air as if she'd been choking. What the hell was she thinking? She knew what Dray was like, why had she reacted so badly at seeing him with Rachel? She'd spend a year wasting her life, and months pining for a man who would never feel anything remotely romantic about her. Suddenly she felt angry. At Dray, at Rachel, at herself.

Justin was at her side his hand hovering over her shoulder in an endearingly uncertain fashion. "Are you ok?" he asked her, looking concerned.

"......yeah....." her voice croaked out, no more than a whisper. She cleared her throat. "Yes" she said more clearly. "I think I'd like to go home".

"OK I'll walk with you..."

He seemed so sweet, concerned for a girl he'd only just met. Alex took the opportunity in the quite still of the night air to really looked at the guy in front of her, the one she was brushing off...he was funny, interesting, good looking, good job, his own hair and teeth! Why wouldn't a girl be overjoyed to be with him? Alex was resolute, she was not going to spend her time moping around anymore. She was going to live her life just as she planned.

"I'd, erm...well, I had a good time, I'd like to see you again sometime, you know...if you wanted to perhaps..." God that sounded so confident and convincing! Justin turned to her, looking surprised but, at least not repulsed. "You look surprised?"

"I didn't think you were that interested, that's all. But I'd like to see you again. How about dinner?"

She nodded, offering Justin a shy smile, "I'd really like that.".

"So was that an ex or something?" he enquired "I don't mean to pry of course, you don't have to tell me anything if you don't want to."

"No its fine, no, Draven's not my ex, he's my housemate actually. There is nothing going on there, honestly. I've been single for about a year."

"Oh ok" he looked like he was contemplating this. He really did seem to be a decent guy, not pushy or anything. She knew that jealousy wasn't the motivator of his questions, he wasn't Jamie. Taking her hand he pressed a kiss to the palm of her hand, just enough to feel intimate without being too full on.

"I'll call you."

Alex walked up the path to the house feeling better than she had in ages. Maybe she really could do this. No Jamie, no Draven just her on her own, meeting new people, getting out of this prison she'd built for herself. The feeling carried her forward humming as she got her keys out.

That's when she noticed the figure sitting on the little bench on the porch covering the front door. He stood up just as she froze, too frightened to move, run or do anything but stare like a deer caught in the headlights...

He was a good foot taller than her, not bulky but toned, somehow he looked familiar. "Alex".

The security light came on.

"Jamie?!" she gasped. He looked thinner than when she'd last seen him, he'd definitely lost that slight spread around his middle that he'd gained whilst living with her. His eyes were still the same stormy grey colour, his blond hair was longer. Her eyes travelled down, he was wearing the winter coat she'd given him a few years back, it looked great on him then and still did now. She was shocked she even noticed.

"What are you doing here?"

"I badgered Tasha" (she was going to kill their one last mutual friend when she next saw her) "took me ages but finally she let slip where you were living now. I've been wanting to talk to you for ages, to say I'm sorry, to try and make amends. Not that I think I can. Not that I even deserve it." His eyes dropped to the path in front of him. "You look good Alex, great in fact." his eyes met hers again "Please all I want to do is talk to you" His hand reached out for her and, as if someone else was in control of her, she stepped under the porch and placing her hand in his.

Bending slowly he moved to gently kiss her cheek following that with a gentle brush of his thumb over the same spot, his gaze holding hers, the sorrow mixed with longing clear in his eyes. Alex was shocked at the spark of desire that seemed to radiate from the path of Jamie's touch. She turned to nuzzle her face into the palm of his hand before meeting his gaze again for a second as his lips descended slowly to meet hers, giving her time to pull away if she wanted to. His tongue reached out to gently sweep over her lips, probing for entry. A shiver raced down her spine. It felt good to be kissed again, to be desired. The touch was familiar yet so different to anything that they had before.

Alex felt Jamie's tongue stroke across hers, his hands following the sweep of her back down, then up in a firm yet gentle caress. Despite the cold night air, Alex didn't seem to notice when exactly Jamie had unbuttoned her coat, his hand sliding gracefully over her hip and under her woollen jumper to touch the bare skin. Following her rib cage up he gently ran his fingers over the under-wire of her bra but made no move to push it aside. She heard a slight moan pass his lips as he nibbled his way from her mouth along her jaw line to her ear. The gasp that escaped her lips didn't sound like it even came from sounded so distant, yet she felt the insistent pull of desire in the pit of her stomach, her nipples felt deliciously sore as the rubbed against her bra. The gasps turned to a moan as Jamie worked his fingers under the lace and pinched her nipple between his index and middle finger, all the time, his mouth pillaging hers insistently.

She felt him manoeuvre her back into the alcove of the porch, away from any prying eyes on the street and at the same time bringing her into more intimate contact with his body. She felt the hardness pressing insistently against her belly through his jeans and intended to reach out to touch it just as his fingers, which had been gathering up her skirt, skimmed across the tops of her stockings and made contact with the damp lace at the juncture of her thighs. She felt the slight pain of her head lolling back against the harsh exposed brick of the wall behind her as her moan was swallowed by another insistent kiss.

"God you're so sexy. I missed you so badly. Tell me, do you want this? I never meant for this to go so far but I can't seem to stop myself." he ground out against her mouth, as his fingers slid under the elastic of her thong into the dewy softness before treating her engorged clit to the same pinching motion as her nipple before which left her teetering on the edge.

"Oh god, mmmm, please ohhh ohh." Her head was spinning, nothing mattered apart from the intense pleasure Jamie was building, his fingers insistently circling her clit, pushing her to the brink before pulling back to tease her again, his mouth nipping at her collar bone before returning to her mouth.

"Tell me."

"Please, please...oh god, I want this...yes" she begged.

She felt the small smile against her lips, his fingers continuing to dance over her clit with the lightest of touches. Just when she thought she would go mad from the pleasure, his hand moved lower to run the tip of his finger over the lips of her slit. She unconsciously shifted her legs wider in silent encouragement and was rewarded as he entered her with one firm thrust of his hand. Pulling out again to the tips, he followed this with a second finger, his thumb returning to tease her aching clit just as his fingers curled inside her. His fingers were just the exact length needed to hit the holy grail of her g- spot.

Her eyes shot open and met his intense gaze at the exact moment her whole body tensed in readiness. With one more stroke of her clit, she came violently, flooding his hand with her juices, spasming around him, her thighs clenched together holding him in place.

Alex slowly became aware of Jamie's gentle touch as he rearranged her clothes back into some semblance of order, his lips brushing her forehead. She didn't want to open her eyes, the sour feeling of guilt washing over her. Oh god, what had she done. The man who broke her heart, who left her a shell of a person for a year says all of three words to her, one touch and she let him....

Her mind was rushing. What did she want? Damn, this was all wrong.

"I'm so sorry Alex. I never meant for that to happen...not that I'm sad that it did" he hurried on. "I wanted to tell you to your face I...the things I said, I didn't mean them. I felt so guilty, so I acted like the biggest tosser...I blamed you. I only wanted to take the time to say I was sorry. To admit I was wrong and I had made the biggest mistake of my life." he looked down at her.

His finger gently lifted her chin so he could look into her eyes. "Maybe you should talk to him." he said slowly. Alex was so confused! Jamie really did appear genuine about how bad he felt, but didn't know what he meant with that last remark. She said nothing, just looking at him wide-eyed, suddenly feeling very vulnerable and stupid. Some kind of emotion must have shown in her face, because Jamie continued "You obviously have feelings for the guy, I realised before, I was always jealous of Draven, but not because I really thought you were sleeping together. I just envied the closeness you had when we were drifting apart."

"It's really not that I'm blaming you, I know that my sleeping with Tina" he took a deep breath and continued "My cheating on you was the cause of the distance between us. I couldn't cope with the guilt of my wrong-doing, but didn't want to blame myself."

"I don't understand what this has to do with Draven, Jamie" Alex whispered. All the times she'd played over in her head what she would say if she ever saw him again and here she stood, legs shaking from the most intense orgasm of her life, tongue-tied and confused.

"I suppose I just thought perhaps this would be my one last chance to touch you. God I've missed you so much but, well, its kinda obvious I'm too late. I know you Alex, or at least I used feel something for him, you gave it away when you cried out his name and not mine when you were coming."

Oh god. "Oh Jamie, oh I'm so sorry, I...I don't even know what to say" the tears that had welled up in her eyes suddenly threatened to flow over. How had she got so messed up?

"Hey, it's ok" he tried to pull her to him but she stepped away.

"No its not, it's really not, I..." she hiccupped "What must you think of me. I've never been a all the time since we've been apart there's been no one. No one...then one look at you, one touch and I'm...." a fat tear rolled down her cheek. Alex buried her face in both hands.

"What the hell did you do to her..." a menacing growl ground out from the darkness. Neither Jamie nor Alex had noticed Draven and Rachel's return. To say Draven looked angry didn't quite sum it up. He looked ready to rip Jamie apart.

"It really isn't what you are thinking Dray, nothing happened, well, what I mean is, nothing that I didn't want to happen happened" Alex stepped between the men, laying a hand on Draven's chest in an attempt to sooth him. Jamie was tall, but Draven had at least 3 or 4 inches on him and probably a good 20 lbs of solid muscle. And he didn't look like he was in a hurry to back down.

"Draven, really, it's not what it looks like, I haven't come to make trouble" Jamie held his hands up in a conciliatory gesture.

"Alex, what the fuck is going on...why are you standing on our front porch with HIM, the bastard who nearly destroyed you, who left you to sit outside my flat and nearly catch pneumonia, crying in his arms with your lips all swollen and a love bite on your neck? I thought you couldn't stand the bastard and here you are looking like you've just been mauled by him and loved it. I knew it had been a while since you were with anyone, but I didn't think you were that desperate...."

That was it. He was acting like some jealous boyfriend, despite the fact that his current play-thing was standing just behind him looking increasingly unhappy. "Draven Holmes, since when do I answer to you? Huh? You walked into the middle of something and when I tell you it's none of you damn business I expect you to back off. You're acting like you have some prior claim here, well since you've spent your whole life chasing anyone in a skirt BUT me, I don't think you've got any rights here buddy. Besides, I don't think Beauty here is too happy with the fact you're not upstairs right now fucking her brains out, after all, what else would Draven Homes be doing on a weekend?"

Alex realised it was harsh and uncalled for to drag Rachel into it, knew she was being unreasonable and unduly nasty to her best friend, but she'd had enough. All those months of watching women parade through the house, the confusion caused by the times they would sit on the sofa cuddled up together watching DVDs, it almost felt like he loved her too...and the confusion of being with Jamie again, it was all just too much.

Jamie stepped forward to grab her just as Alex burst into tears, pushed passed the stunned Draven and furious Rachel and for the second time in her life, ran away from home.

She got as far as the corner of the road. "Alex wait...where are you going" Jamie was right behind her.

"I...I..." the tears were flowing fast now. The overwhelming emotions pinging around her brain like ricocheting bullets. She half collapsed as she sank down onto the cold wet grass.

"Come on sweetheart, we'll work this out. Don't cry." He wrapped her in his arms.

"Jamie, don't please". Through the tears she looked at him. "I know what happened back there was confusing, not just for you, believe me. But we can never have what we had before, I could never trust you again. Yes I still want you physically, that's apparent" she looked down at the floor, her face flushed with the guilt and recent arousal, "and I don't think after what happened between us I can be friends with you." She sniffed, feeling stronger with every word.

"I don't hate you though, not like I did. But it took seeing you to realise I was passed this. As much as I can be anyway. We can never be together again, but, well some-day, soon I hope, I'll be able to forgive you. It's time we both moved on I think."

Jamie was studying her closely. His hand still resting on her shoulder. A small smile ghosted over his lips "I get it babe. I really am sorry."

Alex nodded, slowly getting to her feet. "Bye Jamie, be happy."

"Where are you going?"


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AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
the return of the dreaded ?!

Your words, not your punctuation, show the emotion.

"Jamie?" she gasped. is sufficient.

Having said that, there is nothing wrong with your story telling. I realy like the story so far.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago

You did a great job of making Alex look like a doormat yet again. I guess she'll suffer emotional and possibly physical abuse her whole life because she's incapable of showing some spine.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
Excellent first effort.

Interesting situation and development. Look forward to more.

fn2b1fn2b1about 14 years ago
Love it...

I really like the set-up. You've done a good job so far and I look forward to the rest. I really like the title too!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago

I like the slow build of your story. I didn't think of the sex part as foreplay necessarily. It was more of Jamie taking advantage of a confused and vulernable woman. Also, something to make Draven a little jealous and realize Alex might not be there forever for him. Better lose the playboy attitude and take what you really want! :) Can't wait to see what happens when she goes home.

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