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Slowly, carefully I moved down the hallway to the door into the master bedroom. Thank God Darwin had a night light in his master bath. It gave just enough light I could see he was alone in bed. I froze when I heard him snort and saw him roll over. I started to rush back the way I came but he relaxed once again and didn't move further.

I returned to the head of the stairs and went down three steps. I turned to face upstairs and opened the bag I had left there when I went to check on Darwin. I took out a small eye bolt from a screen door hook. I carefully screwed it into the baseboard on the landing at the head of the stairs. I took some eight pound test monofilament fishing line from the bag. I fed the line through the eye of the bolt and ran it to the top stair banister spindle then back. I did the same thing again then once more. I cut the line and tied it off. Even in broad daylight it should be invisible. It would be especially difficult to see if good ole Darwin did not use his hall light when he walked out of his bedroom. I knew from experience that he normally did not. I carefully poured a slight amount of water on the wood of the top two steps.

With a grin to myself I moved back down the stairs and left the house the way I entered. I carefully locked the doors and returned the key. I went home, placed my bag back in the garage, undressed and returned to bed. I had only been gone about 12 minutes so was sure Karen had not missed me in my absence. I had a lot of trouble going to sleep and only dozed the rest of the night.

I woke early and moved to the patio with my coffee and the same book I was reading the night before. I watched Darwin's house the rest of the morning and saw no movement. He neither left nor had company. Finally I ran out of excuses to be in the back yard. I had mowed the yard and even cleaned the flower beds, a task I usually leave for Karen. After lunch Karen took off on her normal Saturday afternoon shopping trip.

I waited and worried all day about my little mission of the previous night. Every time I heard a car I jumped. Finally night came once again and Karen went to bed. I once again followed her to bed and fucked the bitch. This time instead of going to sleep I forced myself to lie quietly until she went to sleep. I got up and retraced my moves of the previous night with the exception of carrying the bag to Darwin's. This time all I took with me was a small tube of wood putty that would match the oak woodwork in his house.

Darwin's car was in his garage. I felt the hood. It was cold to the touch. Quietly, oh, so quietly and carefully I moved into the house once again. I looked around the corner of the kitchen door toward the stairs. I smiled. There was a body lying at the foot of the stairs.

I watched and listened for almost five minutes. I heard nothing and saw no movement. I moved toward Darwin and bent down to look at him. He was quiet, motionless. His chest was moving slightly. I moved up the stairs and removed the now broken fishing line and unscrewed the eye bolt. I put wood putty in the hole the eye bolt was in and looked for scratches on the spindle. I saw none.

I carefully moved back down the stairs to look at Darwin once again. I felt his carotid pulse. It was weak and feathery. There appeared to be several bruises on his torso and legs. He was wearing boxers and a T-shirt so I could see some scrapes also. It was obvious one arm and one leg were broken. I thought about kicking him for the pleasure of it then decided it would possibly be obvious the injury had occurred after the others. Before I stood from checking his pulse I asked, "Was Karen's cheating ass worth this, asshole?"

I was surprised when I saw Darwin's eyes flicker and his body jerked. I heard a moan once again. I stood and smiled down at Darwin then turned to retrace my steps to my home.

After I returned to bed I had trouble sleeping. Sunday morning I woke exhausted and scared. All night, after returning to bed, I kept asking myself 'Shit, why did I speak to the asshole? What if someone found him before he died and he remembered? FUCK, how stupid could I get?'

This time, as I was preparing to leave Karen only made a cursory attempt to talk me out of running. She just looked at me and said, "Running wins out over pussy again, huh? I hope it's worth it to you, Doug." Karen watched me as I walked out the bedroom door and disappeared.

I ran better than the last week but I still wasn't up to my normal standards. After the run I stayed and socialized with my buds for a while as I normally do then returned home. When I got there Karen seemed unsettled. She didn't seem nearly as relaxed as she normally did. Her neck was flushed as if she was horny. During the day I caught her squeezing her thighs together. Her eyes were glazed. Several times I caught her looking across the back yard toward Darwin's house. I smiled to myself, but didn't say anything.

Monday and Tuesday were normal work days. In the evenings I saw Karen watching Darwin's house occasionally, but she said nothing. Wednesday was a repeat of Monday and Tuesday. Thursday morning the daily paper had a front page article that attracted a lot of attention. An up and coming young attorney, Darwin Smith, had been found dead in his home. The article said Mr. Smith had apparently fallen down his stairs over the weekend and been severely injured. Preliminary medical evaluations showed several broken bones that apparently occurred several hours to two or three days before he died. He bled to death internally from his injuries. At present foul play was not suspected. Mr. Smith had not gone to work Monday or Tuesday. When he failed to show up at work Tuesday his managing partner went to his house to check on him. When he saw his car in the garage he obtained police help and entered the house where they found the deceased Mr. Smith.

I felt myself smiling as I read the article. It was all I could do to play the part of the shocked neighbor. For the first time in days I was happy again. My whole outlook on life soared until I realized I still had to decide how to deal with Karen. That evening when I got home Karen met me at the door. She was pale and seemed shook up. She threw herself into my arms and gave me a hug, then, instead of welcoming me home, she said, "Did you hear about poor Darwin? They found him dead in his house yesterday morning."

I was shocked at the sadness she displayed and my anger surged. It was all I could do not to begin yelling at her. I glared at her and held my anger and comments but it was difficult in the extreme. Finally, I said, "Yeah, I think that was all anyone talked about at work today. I can't believe so many people waste so much time worrying about a damn whoremonger like Darwin. Hell, as many married women as he fucked I'm surprised someone didn't do him in."

Karen gave me a rapid glance and quickly turned away. I thought I saw a flush come to her face and neck. She said, "What makes you say that? I thought you liked Darwin."

"Hell, I don't know anyone that liked the whoremonger except the married sluts he fucked. I'm sure he didn't stop when his wife caught him and divorced him. He was always seen around town with one white woman or another and most, if not all of them, wore a ring. I don't think I ever saw or heard of him going out with a black woman. He seemed to take pleasure in fucking white wives. So, no, I'm not upset he's gone. I never trusted that asshole. I warned him a couple of times about the way he looked at you and flirted with you. I don't know what I would have done if I ever caught you and him together but I guarantee it wouldn't have been pretty."

Karen gasped and ran from the room. As she left she said, "GOD, Doug, how can you be so insensitive?" I felt my heart harden even more at her comment. Apparently she felt more for Darwin than I suspected. I grimaced and walked over to pour a little taste of Glenlivet. I walked onto the patio and looked over the yard. Finally, I sat in a chair and sipped the Glenlivet while I thought about what I was going to do with Karen now that Darwin was out of the way.

I once loved Karen with all my being, but right now I was so angry all I could think about was how to hurt her, how to get my revenge for what she did. Hurting her wasn't enough, either. I wanted her to know why she was hurting. I wanted her to feel the pain I felt over the last several months and especially since I found out she and Darwin were lovers. I also wanted to keep all my assets. We lived in a no fault state. In a divorce she would get half of our assets and probably would get alimony (they called it spousal support now, but it was alimony) in the divorce. Oh, sure, she worked but her job only paid about a third what mine paid so I was probably hung there.

Hell, if I divorced her how would I justify it? Oh, I know in a no fault state just wanting a divorce and filing for one was enough, but hell, everything had been so fine until recently. We didn't argue and even after Karen began being such a bitch about me running on Sunday morning we kept the discord to ourselves. As far as documentation went she was clean as a whistle. I had a couple of pictures on my cell phone from the day I walked in on them but I couldn't use them even if they would help or I would become a suspect in Darwin's death and in any accident Karen had. Shit, I was plain fucked.

Over the course of the next three weeks I made and discarded more plans than I can count for getting even with Karen. I was still trying to come up with a way to make her hurt for what she did and know why she was hurting. The morning after Thanksgiving the final solution finally came to me and it was a gift from Karen! If it worked this would give a whole new meaning to Black Friday!

We ALWAYS put up our Christmas decorations Thanksgiving weekend. On the way home from Thanksgiving at her folks Karen said, "Doug, if it's nice out tomorrow let's put up the Christmas lights."

"I thought you and your mother and sister were going shopping like you usually do. I suppose you mean you want me to put up the lights, don't you? I suppose this is going to be another year when I have to do all the decorating for a damn holiday I could care less about? Well, I've got news for you. I'm not doing it this year. You want the damn lights up, you put them up!"

Karen looked at me in shock then her face scrunched up and she began crying. "What's wrong with you," she blubbered. "Why are you such an asshole lately?"

"I guess I'm just tired of your shit. For the last five months plus you've been a bitch to live with. You complain about me running, you complain because I don't give a damn about Darwin dying, hell, I think you're just looking for a reason to bitch me out any more. I'm sick of it."

Karen glared at me and clenched her jaw. Finally, she looked forward and said, "If you're going to be such a shit about it I WILL put up the damn lights. It's no big deal anyway. I'll do it after we get done shopping or sometime this weekend. I sure wouldn't want you to have to do something you didn't WANT to do."

Karen didn't get home until nearly four the next afternoon. She looked at the house and frowned then clenched her teeth. After she stomped into our bedroom I heard her slam the closet door. Soon she walked through the family room and out the back door. She was wearing her grubbies. I watched her bring out the lights then go back for tools and then make another trip to get the ladder.

Karen struggled to extend the ladder and get it leaned against the house. I watched her and realized with a start she was using the old wooden ladder my grandfather used when he was a carpenter. It was old and brittle and the wooden rungs were cracked and ready to break. In fact, one of them on the bottom had broken out already when I stepped on it a couple years ago. I started to tell her to take the wooden ladder back and get the new metal one from the other side of the shed when the light went off in my head. This might be my opportunity!

I walked out of the house and went into the garage. I took down a long rope and returned to the back yard where Karen had set up the ladder. I watched her struggle as she carried the large Santa to the roof. We always had Santa and his Sleigh on the roof. When she moved off the ladder she almost fell. Oh, this could be good. I intended to climb up the ladder carefully and place the rope on a weak or damaged rung. I thought I could put my weight on the rope when she stepped on the rung and perhaps break it. She would then fall from the great height and with any luck that would be the end. Then I had a better idea. I tested the rungs near the top and found two that were almost ready to break. I felt them give and heard them crack when I put most of my weight on them. I threw the rope down and returned to the shed for a hammer.

I quickly climbed back to the top of the ladder and found the two extremely weak rungs. I hit the first one with the hammer and heard it crack. I hit it again and it broke next to the wooden side rail. I carefully pushed it back into position and climbed down the ladder once again.

I watched until Karen came back to climb down for more decorations. When Karen saw me at the foot of the ladder she glared at me and said, "What, feeling guilty now? Or did you come out to be an ass about something else?"

"No, Honey. I just couldn't take it any longer. I have to know if Darwin was really worth losing your marriage over. Was his black cock really worth everything you're going to lose?"

"What? What do you mean by that? Is that why you've been such an ass lately? You're upset because I was sad when he had his accident and died? Jesus, you are an asshole aren't you?"

"No, Honey. I'm upset because I came back home one Sunday and caught you fucking him in our bed. I took care of him and now it's your turn."

Karen jumped slightly when I said that and stepped back from the edge of the roof. She looked around as if she wanted to run but she was trapped. I put my foot on the first rung of the ladder as if I was climbing up toward her. She back peddled once again and her foot landed on the end of the extension cord she left on the roof. She screamed and fell backward then slid off the roof. I heard her back break when she landed half on and half off the small wall around one of her flower beds.

I admit it. I felt sick. I guess you don't turn off love as long as I have loved Karen in an instant. I rushed to her. I watched a trickle of blood come from her mouth. She groaned and turned her head toward me. Her mouth moved and I saw a tear trickle from the corner of her eye. I watched her a moment then she gasped out, "Sorry. Never loved him. He forced me and you wouldn't stay home to protect me."

Karen looked me in the eyes for a moment. I watched her body relax. Her chest stopped moving. I couldn't help it. I began crying and rushed into the house to dial 911. When the ambulance arrived the attendants checked her out, looked up at me, and shook their heads. The police that accompanied them gently took my arm and led me to one of our chairs on the patio.

Neighbors stood around watching in shocked sorrow while I filled the policeman in on the accident. After I gave my statement the police officer looked at me and asked, "Why weren't you on the roof doing the decorations instead of your wife, Mr. Reid? Do you normally make her do that kind of thing? Or were you maybe up there with her and helped her fall?"

I surged to my feet and yelled, "NO! No, I didn't help her fall. I told you I was on the ground and she stepped on the extension cord and fell. And no, I don't usually make my wife do the lights. I didn't feel like putting them up today and she insisted they get done. I told her if she wanted them up so damn bad she could do it otherwise she could wait until I got around to doing it. And, NO. I was not on the roof so how could I have anything to do with this?"

To my great surprise my next door neighbor walked up at that time and said to the policeman, "I was walking my dog when Karen fell. I saw her stumble and fall then slide from the roof. Doug wasn't anywhere near her when she fell. I didn't even see him so there is no need for you to be berating him like that. He's lost his wife for goodness sake. Can't you leave him alone here?"

The policeman looked at Estelle, our neighbor, and said, "Yes ma'am. I'm sorry. If I could just get a statement from you I can clear this all up and leave Mr. Reid in peace." He gently guided Estelle to the table on the patio where they talked for a few minutes.

When the officer left Estelle came to me and put her hand on my shoulder. She said, "Come on, Doug. Let's get you inside. Who do we need to call?"

Even though I hated Karen for what she did with Darwin I was heartbroken she died. Stupid isn't it? Hell, I was planning on forcing an accident and when a legitimate one occurred I found myself heartbroken over it. How stupid can a man be? After Estelle left me in my nearly dark den I sat staring into space contemplating my future. I was still sitting there in the dark when Karen's parents arrived. They hadn't even much more than got the coffee started when my parents arrived.

I sat in the darkness listening to the gentle murmur of family in my house while I contemplated my now lonely future. I had my revenge but somehow I didn't think it was really worth it. I didn't feel bad at all over Darwin, but for some reason I felt guilty as hell about Karen. She was right, I hadn't protected her, but then she didn't ask me for help, she just seemed to all at once irrationally take exception to my running on Sunday, something she had been fine with for the first three years of our marriage. All it would have taken was her to tell me the first time Darwin bothered her and I would have solved the problem or at least tried harder to.

I finally convinced myself Karen had been torn by the sex with Darwin. I had heard her begging him to fuck her and I had heard her agree to him spewing his sperm into her unprotected pussy, so I knew on some level she wanted him to fuck her. I think she felt as if she had done all she could to protect her marriage by asking me to stay home. When I didn't, she decided Darwin fucking her wasn't her fault and she enjoyed it. I did wonder if he raped her the first time or just strongly coerced her like I saw him do with the unprotected sex. I will never know. All I know is I feel guilty as sin for what I caused Karen to do. I should have just divorced her skanky ass and left things be. I hurt worse now than I did when I caught her fucking asshole Darwin and I'm constantly afraid something I did will come to light and I'll be arrested for either Darwin's or Karen's death.

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FantasyTrainFantasyTrain3 months ago

Bitch burnt! Next.....................

sbrooks103xsbrooks103x6 months ago

She should have told him the first time Darwin came over, instead of her passive-aggressive bitching about the running that he had been doing forever.

OdessaLesOdessaLes6 months ago

Great story. Very well written, satisfying ending.

Darkness86Darkness8611 months ago

Good story although the revenge was abit over the top Darwin deserved what happened to him but not Karen he should've just divorced her even though she cheated on him I feel bad for Karen yes she should've said something but still he took things too far

Ocker53Ocker5312 months ago

Well worth 5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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