Stormfeather Ch. 13


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Arn winced a little as a drop of it landed in one of his eyes.

Ximena sat back and watched as Arn smiled at her.

Nothing happened.

"Would it help anything if I were to drink it?" he asked after a moment.

Ximena shrugged and held it out to him. He poured a little into his hand, "I do not understand this custom, but ..." he flicked his fingers at her with a grin.

He shrugged then and tipped the bottle back down his throat before setting it down before Maeve again.

"I would like to point something out to you, Ximena," Amy said, "You've forgotten something that I think is a little important. His religion is different from our own. It's different from Maeve's and it's different from mine. His is the only one that's different in that respect from among all of us in this room. The rest of us all share the same beliefs, myself included. I think that you've just conveniently forgotten, that's all. I really don't know what you were trying to prove with all of this, Aunt Maeve. If it's on Ximena's behalf, I hope it's working for her.

I've changed a lot in the last little while," she said, "so much that you might wonder if I'm still even human at all -- since you said that you can see us as we are. But I don't feel any different inside, and I'm still the same person. I've never been any good at it," she smiled, "well, at least not as good at it as you are, Ximena, but I still believe in the same things as I always used to. I'm just quiet about it, that's all.

I don't know much at all about Arn's gods, though I'd like to learn. That probably won't change what I believe in one bit. What I want to know is, can you accept my husband, Ximena, or do you think that he's something out of a nightmare?"

"I don't think that you understand, Amy," the housekeeper said, finally, "I accepted your husband yesterday. I assumed that he is a nahual -- or someone with magical ability. The biggest problem for me is not Arn. It is you, if you have been changed. You tell me that it is so, but I see nothing different about you."

Amy looked at Ximena sadly, "But, ... I have a strong feeling that if I show you, then it would be too much for you to accept."

"I remember many times when we went to mass together," Ximena said, "The differences are only between the races of the people here. You have taken me to mass in the Cathedral of Saint Francis of Assisi, and I have brought you along with me to San Miguel Mission. I do not wish for our friendship to even be strained over this any longer. I see what has been shown to me about him, Amy. Now show me about you, so that I can believe in my friend again."

"Alright," Amy said, nodding, "I'll show you on one condition because I want to see your own sincerity."

"Name it," Ximena said.

"I want you to put your hand on my arm and hold it there. No matter what happens -- no matter what you see, Ximena, I want you to keep your hand on me. If you lift your hand, then I'll know that your convictions are less than my own."

The other woman didn't even blink. Her hand shot out and grasped Amy's forearm.

"You ready?" Amy smiled, "I'll do this as slowly as I think that I can so that you're not too shocked."

"Begin, my friend," Ximena nodded.

Amy sat still and though Maeve, Sabrina and Ximena gasped, they were all still sitting in their seats three minutes later after Amy's eyes had gone from green to amber and her ears had grown to stand straight up as her pale skin disappeared under the dark and slightly reddish fur that grew over it. She felt Ximena's hand tremble as it gripped her arm, but she could see that Ximena made an effort to suppress the tremors by gripping a little tighter, knowing what was at stake.

Amy spoke slowly at first as she turned her head to include Sabrina in her gaze, "I would think that something evil and satanic might have just a little trouble praying to God and offering the Apostle's Creed. Would it be worth anything to you to hear that?"

They both nodded, and Amy suppressed her own grin as she saw Maeve nod a little as well.

With that, Amy folded her hands and bowed her head. Maeve smiled, and the other two women gaped, but Amy began to recite in Latin.

"Credo in Deum Patrem omnipotentem, Creatorem caeli et terrae,

et in Iesum Christum, Filium Eius unicum, Dominum nostrum,

qui conceptus est de Spiritu Sancto, natus ex Maria Virgine,

passus sub Pontio Pilato, crucifixus, mortuus, et sepultus,

descendit ad ínferos, tertia die resurrexit a mortuis,

ascendit ad caelos, sedet ad dexteram Patris omnipotentis,

inde venturus est iudicare vivos et mortuos.

Credo in Spiritum Sanctum,

sanctam Ecclesiam catholicam, sanctorum communionem,

remissionem peccatorum,

carnis resurrectionem,

vitam aeternam."

Amy's motions carried Ximena's hand along as she crossed herself slowly.

"In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritūs Sancti. Amen."

She looked up, "There you go, Ximena. Now you've seen everything, including a werewolf who's got religion. I doubt it'll ever happen, but I think that if I ever got to Heaven, they'd have a hell of a time trying to figure out what to do with me. Do you want me to change back now?"

The others shook their heads, staring. "No, please don't," Sabrina said in a bit of a whisper, "You're beautiful like this." She shook her head a little, "I mean, you were always, ... it's just that, ... "

"I understand, Sabrina," Amy smiled.

"Please, I'd like to see -" Ximena began as she turned to Arn.

But her words failed her as she saw him sitting there as comfortable and unfathomable as before, a seven foot tall creature with a strangely peaceful and benign expression.

It took Maeve a long minute before she found her voice. "This is the way that I saw you sitting there next to my bed yesterday," she smiled, "It's a little strange. To see you like this would have caused me to lose my bladder only days ago at the sight. Now I just feel comfort that you are here."

She looked a little sad for a moment, "I know that my Amy is no longer really a human being, but it doesn't really bother me too much -- at least not as much as I thought that it might."

"I can also see that the legends are all wrong -- or perhaps they concern a different sort of creature. You have abilities that most don't? Is that correct?"

"I am as I was when I was bitten," he said, "What I have is just what I had before that day." His attention was drawn to Winky who chose that instant to yawn, and deciding to give up her hope for something else to eat for the moment, lay down in the corner. He placed his pendant around his own neck again.

"I can feel that I might be trusted a little among you," he said, "It is something rare for one such has me."

"I trust you," Maeve nodded, "I have no doubts whatsoever."

"I am happy then," Stormfeather replied, holding out his other hand. Maeve reached out and felt something fall into her palm.

"It means that I can show my trust in you as well."

Maeve opened her hand and stared at the two silver-tipped .41 calibre cartridges which lay there.

"Why do they have little crosses on the tips?" he asked.

"I asked that they be put there," Maeve said sadly, "I didn't know then, Stormfeather, please --"

"There is nothing to forgive," he smiled.

Ximena had been thinking about having one of her cigarillos. Up to that point, she even had one between her lips, but cast her eyes around looking for the matches -- which Sabrina had neglected to bring from the sideboard.

Maeve was still astounded. "I'm sure that the pistol was loaded when it was in my pocket. How did you, ...?"

"I suppose that I have abilities that others of my kind do not," he grinned, "Amy herself has a few."

"She does?" Sabrina asked as she looked at her friend.

"Relax, they're nothing like his," Amy said, "I'm only learning a little."

Her hand moved and a tiny flame grew there after a second. "Want a little help there, Ximena?" she asked, as the quarter-inch tall sprout of fire left Amy's palm to drift slowly through the air until it stopped about a foot away from the housekeeper's face.

Ximena nodded, and a few seconds later, she sat back with her cigarillo lit. The little flame winked out immediately afterward. She puffed once and then she took it from her lips to shake her head a little, "I thought at first that it was only some trick, but, ..."

"So if we're done here proving things to each other, "Amy said, "I think that we ought to do something useful and figure out what we're going to be doing today. I was going to take Sabrina into town for another dress and some clothes."

"I have another idea," Ximena said, "I wish to purchase some things for her training anyway. I can get her the clothing at the same time."

Amy looked at them both, "Training?"

"She needs to be taught to carry herself better, and at the same time, I will teach her to have confidence," Ximena said, "She has agreed to it. I only have a problem with the dinner for tonight. If Maeve is to have a full meal this evening, then I want to make something very tender for her. The javelina that you brought put me in mind of cochinita pibil, but with a pork roast as I always make it and I even have the roast for it, but for that, I need the time to prepare it. The cooking is easy -- all that is needed is the time, but, ..."

"Go and take Sabrina wherever you need," Amy smiled, "I'll make the roast, and I'll throw some beans and rice on the side, maybe with a loaf of bread, too, or I'll just make some tortillas. I'll have the time to bake some, I'm sure of it. I just want to see Sabrina show off the new clothes later on. Do you need money?"

"No," Ximena said, "I'll just keep to stores that Maeve has an account with. I'm known at all of them. If that is alright with you, Maeve."

The old woman nodded and Ximena blew out the candles and opened the drapes before she called out the door for the stable boy. When he'd come to her at a trot, he received his instructions and ran back to saddle Ruby and Sabrina's mule.


"It is a strange name with which to burden such an animal, "Ximena said of her friend's mule as they rode through the streets together. Who would name a mule 'Lucius'?"

"Well he's too old to change it now," Sabrina chuckled, "and anyway, it tells me that whoever was in charge of naming him for the army had a sense of humor and was at least a little bit of a Roman scholar. Look at his coloring, Ximena. I'm sure that's where his name came from. He's named after a character in an old story by Ovid. He's named after a man who wanted to learn magic and accidentally turned himself into a golden ass."

"Aside from the coloring and the failed magic, " Ximena observed with a grin, "a lot of men do just that."


He watched as Amy began to set out the things that she would need. From what he saw, he tried to guess more about the meal, but she preferred to keep it a mystery. Arn grew a little confused as lemons began to appear on the counter, next to the jug of vinegar. Amy began to measure the small ingredients, mostly spices to a nicety almost as though she were a chemist. When she was done with them, she poured them into a bowl and handed him a pestle.

"Here," she said, "Grind all of this up into fine powder, as fine as dust. Then set it aside while we make the tortillas."

"Can we have bread tonight instead, Amy?" Maeve asked, "I love soft tortillas, but I'm in the mood for some fresh bread today."

"Sure, Aunt Maeve, it doesn't matter much to me. Either way, I've got my assistant handy," she grinned.


"This is a little strange-looking for a dressmaker's shop," Sabrina said, looking around. They'd gotten everything that Ximena had wanted, and Sabrina now had more than a thin wardrobe of clothing to wear. She sighed, "I'll never be able to pay Maeve back for everything."

"Do not trouble yourself over it," Ximena said, "Maeve has mountains of money, and once she sees what I've bought you on her behalf, I'm sure that she'd tell you the same thing."

An older man approached them, and Ximena passed a few pleasantries with him for a moment before turning to Sabrina.

"This is a rather odd dressmaker's shop," she said, "You'll find that it's that and so much more besides. We need to get you the things that you need to begin with me, and this is the place for that."

They were shown through a door which was closed behind them. Sabrina looked around, taking in all of the dress patterns and other accoutrements of the tailor and the dressmaker's trade. It was the other things and tools that seemed far out of place there, things which Sabrina had seen many times before - in a saddlemaker's shop.

"Please remove all of your clothing, Senorita de la Cruz," the man said, "I need to gather very exact measurements of your body for what is requested of me."


"Alright, Arn, wash your hands, honey, and cut this roast up into pieces like this," Amy said, indicating the desired size with her hands. He nodded and began, but Maeve stared a little at what he was using to cut up the meat. "What in the world, ..."

"That's his knife," Amy said, "you just watch him with it. It moves like it's a part of him."

Maeve nodded after a moment and by then, he was rinsing the blade off again so that he could work on the habanero peppers.


Sabrina's mouth fell open.

"Just do it," Ximena smiled, "You'll be pleased with the results, you may trust me. Cesar will only measure where he needs to. This shop has some rather famous and well-known men and women among its clientele, and it wouldn't have gotten to any sort of the kind of stature that it has risen to if there was a thing to fear here."

Sabrina trusted her friend, and grew a little more comfortable after a time. The first measurement was the circumference of her throat. Next, that of her waist and her hips. She was asked to stand with her feet as far apart as she could manage without falling, and Cesar's measuring tape was passed between her legs from her navel to the small of her back. Her breasts were measured in several ways. All in all, Sabrina doubted if there was a single feature on her which hadn't been gauged and quantified in all respects.

Ximena stood before a glass case, looking at some things which Sabrina couldn't see for the moment. The man stood behind the case, offering suggestions after he elicited some answers to his questions.

"That one," she said, and he praised her choice as he drew it out of the case.

"What's that?" Sabrina asked as the housekeeper walked over with the thing in her hand.

"This is your collar," Ximena said, as though it was something of a sacred object, "This is the basis for all of what we will do to straighten you out. This is the single, most important piece. Hold up your hair."

The girl's jaw dropped. "My what?"

"Sabrina," the woman said, as though she was growing tired of explaining things, "do as I tell you and hold up your lovely hair for me. I wish to see how this looks on you, since I'm the one who must look at it the most. I assure you that watching me slap your face so that you fall down will hardly be the most startling thing that Cesar sees in here on any given day. If you wish, you can ride home with your cheeks glowing pink and the sides of your breasts itching and tingling from the slaps that they are about to receive if you can't learn to do as you are told fairly quickly."

Sabrina held up her hair and Ximena fastened the clasp.

While Ximena admired it on Sabrina, Cesar selected a piece of finished leather with felt stitched to the back of it. He placed it against Sabrina's belly and checked the length. Not satisfied with what he saw, he took it to his bench and cut some of it off at the ends. Another quick trip to hold it against Sabrina and he was at his stitching machine. After that, he smiled in a pleased way as he handed it to Ximena.

"Very nice," she said as she stepped back a little after fastening it onto Sabrina's hips. "The second-most important piece."

A few minutes later, Sabrina felt the chill of the thin chains which passed from collar to belt as they warmed against her skin, and twenty-three minutes after that, the bands which passed in loops under her armpits were on her with the crossbar that ran from one to the other through a fitting on the chain running up her back. Another leather-covered steel rod ran from her collar to her belt on the back side, and before she was even allowed to take a single step, there were two carefully measured straps passed from the front of the belt through her legs to the back and fastened there.

"Those straps keep the belt from riding up," Ximena explained, as she walked slowly around Sabrina. "The long rod keeps your back straight, and the crossbar will urge you to keep your shoulders back. This will be uncomfortable to you to wear at first, but it will get easier after a time. You are to wear none of it, other than the belt under your clothes at the school. After the first week, you will be permitted to wear the collar as well, under garments which hide its presence. At home, you will put all of this on as soon after arriving home as possible. You will wear none of it to bed when you retire, though after a time -- if I am pleased -- you will be allowed to wear the collar and the belt."

"What would I want to --"

"Trust me, Sabrina, "the other one smiled, "by then you will want to be allowed to wear it. You will ache to be allowed to wear it for me."

She turned to Cesar, who, if he had been listening in, showed nothing in his face that indicated that he had, or even cared to. "How long for the rest?"

"About a week, Senorita Sanchez," he said, "come back in a week. It will be waiting for you then."

She smiled and opened her purse.

Sabrina stood docilely as Cesar showed Ximena how to unfasten everything and in what order to do it. Finally, the purchases went into a brown paper package. As Sabrina began to put her clothes on again, she pointed to her collar, "You forgot to take this off."

"No I didn't, "Ximena smiled, "you will wear that home. Your blouse will hide it."


"That's it," Amy smiled, "Now all it needs is time," she said as she sat down at the table with some paper and a pencil.

"Are you going to draw now?" Maeve asked.

"Nope," Amy shook her head, "I am about to begin a rather important undertaking," she said as she turned to Stormfeather and beckoned to him with her finger.

"It never occurred to me until today," she said, "but I've just learned that my husband can't read. So I'll have to fix that, I guess."


As they rode toward Maeve's home together, Sabrina looked at Ximena a little guardedly. Ximena said nothing for a time, but finally turned to glance toward her pupil. "Spit it out, Sabrina. Say it."

"I thought that you were going to tell them to put it on Maeve's account."

"Maeve does not have an account there. No one does. The trade there is by cash alone. The cash in this case was mine. The things which I bought for you are gifts from the teacher to her pupil, the same things which were purchased on my behalf for me by my aunt when I came here to learn the job.

Other than her light touch on my backside in passing if she was pleased with what I learned from her about the house and how it was to be run, my aunt never touched me as she trained me. Maeve liked to watch me anyway, just as I am sure that she will like to watch you, though I will not likely be able to keep my hands off you."

Sabrina felt a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach beginning. Ximena smiled as she read the girl's thoughts.

"Long before dinner every night -- unless there is company at the house, you will put these things on with my help. There are some outer clothes to wear with this, but they aren't ready yet. We'll have them next week. You will wear these things and help me with the dinner. Once it is done, and all of the servants have gone home, you will serve me just as I serve Maeve, though you will do that with less clothes on. No matter what is said, you will not look away, and you will learn not to blush or otherwise show discomfiture. You will keep your thoughts from showing on your lovely face always and behave as though nothing affects you.