Strawberries & Bubblegum


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"Oooh, perfect," she sighed and her eyes closed.

"Just like that?" I continued to brush her button right and left gently.

"Just like that."

"Cool, now do I get some boobies?"

She opened her eyes and smiled. "Absolutely." Then she moved her arms out of the way and I happily pushed my face to her chest. I pressed my tongue into the nipple of her closer breast and circled it slowly. It caught at the little dent where her nipple puckered inwards. On instinct, I centered the tip of my tongue on that dent and wormed gently downward. I felt the flesh of her firm breast compress under my drilling.

"Uh huh," Stacey cooed and her hips wiggled involuntarily. "Keep doing that... both thats... and you'll make me come."

It was my turn to chuckle. I craned my neck and switched breasts - repeating the treatment there again. Then I switched back. The entire time I was flicking her clit from side to side. Then Stacey groaned into the damp hair at the top of my head and climaxed. She pushed her chest into my face and she slipped a hand behind the back of my neck to pull me even tighter into her breast.

As she came back down, I slid away from her nipple and kissed around her breasts tenderly. I sucked, licked and nibbled all over the perfect, pale skin of her boobs. Okay, that was a little more for me than for her but at that point she didn't seem to mind.

She kissed the top of my head. "Okay, I'm all warmed up now. Go inside me a little."

I nodded and put a finger to her opening. She cooed as I eased it into her. She was hot and swollen and slick.

"Curl your finger up now. But be super careful. No nails. That would be bad."

I felt the smooth, warm walls of her insides against the pad of my fingertip.

"Go left a little?"

I moved my finger.

"No, my left, honey," she giggled.

"Errr... sorry." Did she really find this sexy? I mean, it felt kind of like I was her gynecologist. I got my answer when fingertip slipped across a rougher spongier spot.

"Whoa, right there," she gasped.

"That knot right there?" It didn't feel like anything special to me.


"Now what?

"Just push on it gently and rub it until my arms and legs fly off."

Sweet, now we were getting down to the supersecret lesbian stuff. "Ooh, yeah, I want to see that. Can I scoot down some more?" Now that I was confident that I was doing something nice for her, I desperately wanted to get my face down between her thighs like I'd been fantasizing about.

"Sweetie, when you're doing what you're doing right now I will agree to absolutely anything."

"Good to know, for the future, I mean..." I said, as I moved down and was finally face to face with Stacey's beautiful little porcelain and pink sex. It wasn't what I'd expected. We were a little different. Mine's kinda boring. My outer lips cover my stuff completely. I look like a doll, especially since I don't have any hair. Stacey's was a sweet little rose whose petals were various shades of soft pink. Stacey's sex wasn't boring. It was beautiful.

"How far in the future?" She said automatically, looking down at me as I admired her goods.

"Not far at all I think, not far at all." It had become a regular exchange. No matter how good what were doing right then felt, Stacey and I always promised even better things in the future.

I kissed the soft wispy red hair on her mound and trailed those kisses in the thinner fur that ran along her slender lips. All the while, I was caressing the soft knot inside her.

"Stace? What would happen if I licked your button at the same time I'm rubbing your G-spot?"

"I dunno, never tried it," she whispered. "I might catch on fire."

"Would that be before or after your arms and legs fly off?"

She giggled and patted my head gently. "We're about to find out aren't we, honey?"

"Yup," I flicked her nub with my tongue while I continuously rubbed the sensitive spot inside her.

"Whoa," Stacey yelped and her legs shook on either side of me.

It was hard to tell if she liked it or not. "In a good way?" I had to ask.

"Ooh, in a great way. Do it again."

So I did. Then again. Then I was smoothly alternating licks at her clit with caresses on her G-spot.

"...feels like they're connected," she gasped through clenched teeth, "my insides and my outsides."

"Mmmmm, you know how much I like connections, Berry." I went back to licking and toying with her. It wasn't long before she started rocking up and down. From her crotch, I looked up her belly to watch her large round breasts shift with her. Their perfect white skin was decorated with my little red love marks.

"...gonna... come... both... places... don't stop... don't you fuckin' stop..." she gasped, "Push harder. Push harder and... and suck."

I pressed more firmly onto her G-spot while I trapped her swollen nub between my lips. I pulled it into my mouth gently and suckled directly on her clit.

Stacey's body did catch fire and her arms and legs did fly off. Metaphorically speaking, of course. The girl pretty much went bonkers as she heaved her way through what looked like a life-altering climax. Her long red hair flew around on her pillow because she was shaking her head. Her face and throat turned bright red too. I just nursed gingerly on her clit and stroked her G-spot to keep her going. The "going" was a couple of minutes.

When she finally stopped shaking and grunting and could talk, she just looked down at me, exhausted, and smiled. "Okay, that settles it. You are some kind of natural sex genius."

I remember feeling proud that I did well my first time; that I could make her so happy; and that she let herself go that completely with me. I eased my finger slowly out of her and she shivered as it slid free. I laid my head on her thigh and kissed around the outside of her adorable little red-haired goodies. I looked up at her and popped the finger that had been inside her into my mouth. I slurped it loudly with my best evil grin. She giggled and laced her fingers into my still-damp hair then her head fell back onto the pillow heavily.

I scooched up the bed and we snuggled in together under the covers.

"Soooo...," Stacey started kissing me again as our pressed-together bodies generated more heat. "We can try the same thing on you if you're up for it. Or we could try something different and possibly even better."

"Oooh, gimme better," I nuzzled her nose with mine and smiled.

"Cool. Be right back. I need supplies for this." She came back with a glass of water, a wet washcloth, and the small bottle of conditioner from the shower. She handed me the glass of water. "Take a long drink, honey. You'll be grateful later."

I was grateful already, I was thirsty from panting and licking and hadn't realized it. While I sipped the cool tapwater, Stacey sat on the edge of the bed next to me and nudged my legs open. Then she touched the washcloth to my belly. It was warm and rough. I sighed as she drew the washcloth down and gently rubbed my crotch. It felt fantastic when she slid it up and down the front of me, rubbing me, flipping the cloth over, rubbing me further, until I was squeaky clean again.

She shut off the light and she settled herself down with her face between my legs again. I set the water glass down on the nightstand next to me. I could still see in the darkened room. There were floodlights on outside around the hotel's pool area.

She nuzzled my freshly-rinsed mound and slid one of her hands up my belly to rest on my chest between my breasts. Her little palm just barely fit between my boobs and she held it against my breastbone. She held it still for a moment and started tapping with a few fingers very slowly. It was a little weird and she wasn't saying anything but in a half-dozen taps I said, "Oh," because I realized she was tapping along with my steady heartbeat.

She looked up at me and smiled in the thin light. "Okay, this is going to take awhile. It's my favorite thing in the world and I hope it's yours too, Bubblegum. Relax into this. Relax and just let yourself drift in and out. If you like this, we'll just keep going until one of us falls asleep."

I didn't understand what she meant until she stopped tapping out my heartbeat on my chest and started licking my clit with my heartbeat instead. One single, gentle lap for each single beat. She kept her hand resting on my chest, using it to feel my pulse.

Bu-bump. Lick.


Bu-bump. Lick.


I reached down and laced my fingers into her soft, soft hair and she chuckled softly against my leg.

Bu-bump. Lick.

Long, long slow minutes went by. She never stopped. We never moved. Stacey was plugging into something deep inside of me and she was right, it did take time.

Bu-bump. Lick.

There's orgasms that come on in a rush. She'd done that to me already and I love it when they surprise you and make you gasp and you lose yourself for several moments. Then there's the ones that come slowly, teasingly, inevitably. I like those too. What Stacey was doing was bringing on the second kind. The queen of the second kind, in fact.

When she slowly drew me into the first orgasm this way, I saw it coming, felt it coming, from a mile away. It wasn't gigantic. There wasn't any gasping or seizing or flailing. It was a tiny warm wave that rolled up my body. Like when I'd laid down in the sand at the edge of the water in the Caribbean and let the small sunlit waves roll up my toes and legs and belly. It was... peaceful. I just sighed and melted into the bed.

Stacey paused her licking after I came to wait for my heart to slow down to normal. And then she went back to doing it again. It was probably another half hour maybe? I don't know. But the next orgasm was just like the one before. Warm. Soothing. Peaceful. Wonderful.

After I came that second time, Stacey stirred. She plucked the bottle of conditioner off the bed next to her and opened it. She dribbled some onto one of her tiny fingers.

"Umm... Stace, I'm not so sure that's going to feel good inside me," I whispered. I didn't want to get irritated by the perfumes and chemicals in the stuff.

She smiled a little impishly. "It's not going in your front door, sweetie."

I shifted a little uncomfortably, realizing that she was seriously planning stick her finger up my backside. "Errr... I don't think that's really my thing."

"Just try it a little? I won't go crazy on you, I promise. I want to go right back to doing what we were doing before. Just with something a little extra. It'll be even better."

I thought about it. Well, if there was anybody I could trust not to hurt me it was Stacey. "'Kay, just... just please be really, really...

"Careful? Of course." Stacey was already settling herself between my legs again. Her one hand returned to its spot between my breasts. Her other hand, the one dripping with conditioner, slid beneath her chin but she didn't touch me with it.

We started the same as before.

Bu-bump. Lick.

Bu-bump. Lick.

We kept this up for a long time again - long enough that I'd forgotten about her finger until I felt its tip just barely tap at my backdoor at the same time as her tongue flicked my clit.

Bu-bump. LickTap.

Bu-bump. LickTap.

This went on forever. She was pressing her finger against me so gently, with such tiny pushes, and for so long, that I never tensed up. I'm not even sure when it slid into my butt. It only kind of registered when her finger's motion went from a soft tap to more of a gentle wriggle inside me.

Bu-bump. LickWriggle.

Bu-bump. LickWriggle.

Eventually the little wriggle in my butt wasn't weird anymore. It fell into the background and made everything better - like how a subwoofer adds bass to music. Who knew that a little something in my butt could actually feel good? Stacey, my own personal pervert.

I drifted away again and I was back on that beach. Warm and soothing and peaceful. But the waves were bigger now. When she made me come again, it was still warm and relaxing and wonderful like before but, like I said, the waves were bigger. They rolled up past my belly, up over my breasts and lapped at my shoulders.

I finished coming and Stacey paused - holding still for awhile to let me reset - and started again.

She made me cum again. Another short rest. And then again. Rest. And again. Rest. And again.

We did this for what felt like hours because it was hours. That night, my Berry gently fed every last ounce of sexual hunger that had built up in me since she and I had started seeing each other. I'd been hungry a long, long time. And Berry filled me up. I grew fat and lazy and sleepy on an endless rolling tide of cums.

Oh boy, I realized, now I'm a pervert too. This was my favorite now.

~~~** Part V **~~~

I'm not sure which one of us fell asleep first. I only know that when I sort of regained consciousness and shifted my hips, Stacey woke up too and groggily moved between my legs again. The poor girl was on automatic pussy-pilot.

I patted her head. "Stacey? Honey? Wake up. It's 2 a.m. We've been having sex for the last five hours. You've been doing that thing to me for the last two. I don't think I can cum anymore."

"Wuss," she looked up at me. Then she winced and rubbed the back of her neck. "Okay, maybe I'm done too. Let's get some sleep." She crawled up next to me and cuddled into my side.

"I'm laying in a wet spot," I whimpered.

"Me too. I think this whole bed is a wet spot. Wanna switch over to the other bed?"

"No. Can't move. Too tired."

"Good, me too. I'm learning to love the wet spot."

She'd used the 'L' word and right then it was all I could think about. "I think I'm learning to love you," I whispered.

"What's that?"

"I'm... I'm in love with you, Berry."

She threw an arm and a leg over me, pulled me tight, kissed my neck and sighed happily. "Took you long enough. I fell in love with you when we had that first tumble down to the grass on the field."

"Oh." It was all I could say.

"Sleepytime now, Bubblegum. We have another game to win tomorrow."

At least, that's what I think she said. I had nothing left in me. I'd just had the most amazing sex of my life and I'd just coughed up the giant emotional hairball of telling my girlfriend that I loved her. I loved her with full-on, carpet-munching, screw the dumb boys, lesbian love.

I fell asleep with my face in my Berry's hair.

~~~** Part VI **~~~

I woke up first. It was 7 a.m. and someone was knocking softly on the door. I had to wriggle and roll Stacey off me. Damn, she was a heavy sleeper.

"Guys, it's me," Lauren whispered through the door, "I'm sorry, but I need to get ready and my stuff's in there."

"Coming," I said. I was completely naked. I looked around for something, anything, to put on. I ended up pulling on the nearest thing - a t-shirt. It fell just past my butt. Good enough. I quickly covered Stacey with the blanket.

I opened the door and, well, if Lauren didn't know before, she sure as hell knew now. I was wearing Stacey's shirt and the room pretty much reeked of funky, stale but very, very satisfied pussy. Too late, I realized that I probably smelled even worse.

Lauren, god bless her, didn't make an issue out of it. I think she even needled me a little, "So did you guys... make out okay?" She stepped in and went over to pick her bag.

"Yep. Thanks." I played it straight and tried to talk as little as possible, realizing my breath would be the worst. I shut the door quickly.

Stacey, for whatever reason, chose that particular moment to wake up. She sat up and the blanket I had carefully thrown over her fell down. Her big, round, ivory boobs complete with a few well-placed hickies just swung around in the open air while she rubbed her eyes.

"Oh, hi Lauren." Then her eyes went wide. "Ack! Bye!" She ducked back down under the covers.

I put my face in my hands. "Soooo.... I guess the cat is out of the bag on the whole girl-on-girl thing then."

Lauren giggled. "The cat is out of the bag. It left your house. It walked down the street. It rang my doorbell and when I answered the door it looked me right in the eye and said 'Those two are total lesbians.' "

Well that was pretty much it for me, I laughed so frickin' hard and for so frickin' long I thought I'd die.

With a wave and a huge smile, Lauren left with her bag, pulling the door quietly closed behind her. Stacey and I showered, dressed and went downstairs for breakfast with the rest of the team.

If you care about how we did at our game that day... we smoked 'em. I racked up four goals. Stacey knocked the other team's best scorer unconscious fifteen minutes in. It was an accident. Kinda.

You see, the local news on the TV at breakfast told us who won the other state semi-finals. The winners were in the western-most county in the state so the title game would be even further away. We would get to stay in a hotel two nights.

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UncertainTUncertainTabout 2 months ago

Excellent on the re-read.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Love it. Amazing series and characters.

JSA69JSA696 months ago

Sweet and cinnamon candy. Best lesbian story I've ever read. Thanks!

Insemin8Insemin8about 1 year ago

Warm, warm, warmer, HOT ...! And fun.

XactoXactoover 2 years ago

THAT was a delicious story. Thank you!

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