The Chosen One

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Paulos must serve Helios with the Daughters of Helios
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Soon after his birth Paulos was exposed upon the mountainside as are all the babies in our land. After two days lying naked and unfed in the cold of the mountain he was still alive, and therefore fit to be brought back to the village to live among us.

When he was one moon old the elders of the village came to appraise Paulos. They felt his limbs, looked into his eyes and scrutinised his little penis.

“Yes,” said the senior elder, when they had finished their examination, “He is the Chosen One.”

At these words his father seemed to swell with pride and his mother burst into tears of joy. There would be no more struggling to scrape a living from the poor soil of our country, no more fear of hunger in the dark time, and instead of the harsh red wine of the common people, they would now drink nothing but the finest vintages and eat the most delicious fruits and tender meats.

Paulos’ mother was told she must keep the boy at the breast until he was two, “So he may be nourished as the Chosen One should be,” commanded the senior elder. This was burdensome for her, but since she now no longer needed to toil in the field or tend the animals, her own well-being was sustained.

Until the child was weaned Paulos’ father Darius could no longer come upon his wife,”For,” said the senior elder, “she must remain inviolable during her nourishing of the Chosen One.” Instead Darius was given one of the younger widows of our village for his comfort. We have many widows in our village most of their men having been slain in the wars against those who seek to invade our Polis and its surrounding villages.

As the light of understanding grew upon Paulos he came to see that he was different from the other boys in the village.

Great men from the Polis came to visit him and bent the knee before him. As the seasons came and went the village elders grew ever more respectful of his person. Two among them had special care of him, one to inculcate in him the ancient ways of our people and our gods, and most especially the Sun god Helios. The other elder gave him exercise instruction.

All the boys and young men in our Polis and the villages engaged in exercises, but some of these exercises were forbidden to Paulos. He was not permitted to engage in any game or sport that might mar or injure him. He might not box or wrestle, or play in team sports that might cause him to be damaged. Running, jumping, throwing the javelin or discus and similar exercises were permitted so his body might grow and flourish in all the aspects of male beauty.

Paulos along with his parents and older brothers and sisters ate and drank finer victuals than any others in the village; they even enjoyed better fare than the village elders, and in the dark time of the year they never went hungry as the others did.

If Paulos asked of his parents or instructors why he was treated so differently, they would say only, “You are the Chosen One.” For what he was chosen they would not say, and became silent and guarded.

When he approached manhood he was daily given a drink to consume. It tasted bitter and he did not like it, but he was told, “It is the juice of the herb sent to you by the Daughters of Helios who alone know the secret of its place of flourishing and its power to enlarge the phallus and make potent the male seed.”

Indeed, Paulos developed a might phallus, and it being the custom of our young men to exercise naked, the village maidens came to watch Paulos, to see his beautiful body and mighty organ and all desired him, but they were forbidden his penetration and even the touch of his phallus.

Nor was Paulos allowed to relieve himself of his seed, and he was watched night and day to ensure that he yielded not to the temptation to emit his seed, except by nature. “Only by the will of Helios can you emit your seed,” he was told, “for to do otherwise is to weaken its power.”

Thus, if the other young men of the village were angry and jealous of his mighty phallus and superb body, so was Paulos envious of their coupling with the village maidens and their self relieving. He suffered agonies of desire for the maidens but he was constantly reminded, “You are the Chosen One of Helios and must remain pure until the time of your fulfilment.”

“When will be the time of my fulfilment?” he would ask in the torment of his carnal hunger, but none would answer him.

Once, when his instructor lapsed briefly in his oversight, Paulos, finding himself alone and with a maiden nearby, indulged his desire to touch her breasts. She caressed his phallus telling him, “I desire you to enter me.” But one of the elders came upon them and the instructor and the maiden were put to death.

Paulos wept for the instructor and the maiden and he was admonished by the senior elder; “Had you entered the maiden or emitted your seed at her hand, you too would have joined them in the abyss of despair.”

After that, an even sterner watch was kept upon Paulos.

When he was full grown and the dark of the year was upon the land and Helios did not show his face to our people, the elders came to him. “Now is the time of the Chosen One,” the senior elder said.

Against the cold of the dark of the year they clothed Paulos in rare furs and they began a journey of one day into the mountains. Reaching a wide plateau they were met by a group of women clad like Paulos, in furs.

One tall and exquisitely beautiful woman stepped forward to meet them.

“I am the High Priestess of The Daughters of Helios and am come to claim the Chosen One,” she said.

The senior elder bowed low to her and responded, “We give unto you the Chosen One,” and then turning to Paulos he went on, “Now is the time of your fulfilment. You must go with the Daughters of Helios, and begin your service to the god. Farewell Chosen One, and may the sacred signs of Helios be upon you.”

The elders turned away and began their descent of the mountain. A bewildered Paulos watched them as their figures diminished until he could see them no more.

A hand touched his arm. “Come, Chosen One and have the joy of the Daughters of Helios.” It was the beautiful woman who had greeted them. She took his hand and drew him away in the opposite direction from the elders.

They began to descend from the plateau and within a short space of time they entered a valley, the entrance of which was hardly visible to the uninitiated eye. A short distance further on and they came upon a large building clad in white marble and gracefully made. Paulos had never seen such a fine building even among the beautiful structures he had seen on his only visit to the Polis.

“What is this place? “he asked in an awestruck voice.

“It is the temple of Helios,” the lady replied. “It is where you will now live among us to serve the god Helios.”

Entering the temple Paulos found it to be warm after the bitter cold of the mountains, yet he could not see any fires like those in the village huts. He asked about this and the lady replied, “The fire is beneath the building and is tended by the slaves of Helios throughout the dark time of the year. The fire warms air that flows through stone channels to reach all the rooms of the temple.

The lady clapped her hands, and two lovely naked young girls hastened forward. “Conduct the Chosen One to his apartments,” she said, the turning to Paulos she went on, “I shall come to you later to instruct you in how you shall serve Helios.”

The girls led Paulos along passages soft with wool carpets beneath his feet. Everywhere naked women of all ages and great beauty came and went. Shortly they came upon bronze doors that swung open at the touch of one of the girl’s hands.

“Here are your apartments, Chosen One,” the other girl said.

Paulos entered and was amazed at the luxury he saw. Rich hangings of silk and wool embellished with figures entwined in the many acts of love between men and women, many depicting bodily contacts that even in the most feverish moments of his frustrated desires he had never imagine.

Not only was it men and women who embraced and coupled, but also strange creatures half man and half horse of which Paulos had heard in his instruction. He struggled to recall their name; “Ah, yes, Satyrs.” They were said to live in the deep woodlands from whence they came storming out to ravish young women. The young women and girls of the villages lived half fearful half desirous for their coming. On the hangings the girls coupling with the satyrs were depicted as lost in the mists of ecstatic delight.

There were statues around the room also depicting lascivious unions, and one, the most sportive and wanton of them all, a bull headed Minotaur, his giant phallus about to enter a rapturous young women.

The girls led Paulos to an immense couch festooned with soft cushions, and one said to him, “Come Chosen One,” let us divest you of your furs and garments, for all go unclothed here.”

His garments were taken from him and so stimulated was he by the female nakedness with which he was surrounded and the voluptuous decorations, that he was seen to have a mighty erection.

His phallus stood like a massive tower he had seen on his visit to the Polis. It had been the city watch tower from where guards scoured with their eyes the surrounding countryside for the approach of enemy forces.

Only once had Paulos been alone with a young girl, and she not naked, but she had died for the touch of his organ.

The two girls, seeing his huge phallus giggled and one said, “The High Priestess will be with you soon,” and still giggling they left him alone.

Paulos wandered the other rooms, finding in one a massive marble lined sunken area with spouts depicting open mouthed leopards. He had seen nothing like it before, not even in the Polis.

A voice behind him said, “This is for your cleansing.”

Paulos whirled round, and before him stood the High Priestess, no longer clad in her furs, but naked.”

“Come,” she said, “enter and bathe.”

Paulos was puzzled because he could not understand how he might bathe without water.

The High Priestess clapped her hands, and simultaneously two girls, different from those who had conducted him to his rooms, entered. At the same time perfumed water began to pour from the leopard’s mouths discharging into the sunken marble area.

“These are your maidens of cleansing,” the High Priestess said, “The will tend you, and then bring you to me.”

The girls took Paulos by his hands and led him down steps into what was now clearly a pool of sweet and fragrant warm water.

He laid chest deep in the water while the girls stroked and massaged his body, paying special attention to his phallus. This so aroused his desire he sought to touch and hold the girls, but they broke from his embrace saying, “Not yet, Chosen One.”

When he had risen out of the water the girls dried him with soft towels and bade him lie on a nearby couch where they massaged him with exotic oils, again paying particular attention to his phallus that now was throbbing with almost uncontrollable desire.

Finished, they took him by the hands again, and led him to the room with the huge couch, and there, reclining, lay the High Priestess.

Led up to her, she extended her hand and said, “Come, lie with me, Chosen One. Now is the time for you to implant your seed in me.”

“But it is death for both of us if I enter you,” Paulos cried out.

“The High Priestess smiled upon him and said, “Not so, Chosen One. That is now past. This is the time of your fulfilment. You shall serve me once in the implantation of your seed, and from then on, every need, every delight of your imaging and beyond shall be yours. Young acolyte virgins shall be at your command; mature priestesses shall instruct you in the ways of love as you see them depicted all around you. Whatever you desire, is yours to command. Your service to Helios is to make many Daughters of Helios fruitful.”

She paused for a moment, then went on, “There is but one charge I lay upon you, no matter what acts of love you desire, always your seed must be poured into the womb. It is for you to give us daughters to be the acolytes, priestesses and even the High Priestess in the future.”

“But what if they bring forth boys?” Paulos asked.

The High Priestess replied, “Helios has other uses for them.” She said no more.

With those words the High Priestess lay back upon the couch, and spreading her long lovely legs apart, revealed her pudendum to the fascinated gaze of Paulos, who had never seen female genitalia so exposed before.

The High Priestess placed her hands on the outer lips of her organ and opened them to reveal other pink lips beneath and a narrow entrance.

“I see you are ready, Chosen One,” she whispered hoarsely, “Enter and fertilise me; you shall find it sweet and warm inside.”

For all his long frustrated desire to know a woman Paulos was bewildered and uncertain how he should proceed. But guided by the High Priestess, he lay between her open legs and she guided his phallus to her entrance.

“Now push gently in,” she gasped.

Paulos entered and gasped as once inside he felt his phallus gripped as if by a tender vice, and at the same time was sucked into her. He felt her warm moistness engulf his organ and he cried out, “Helios be praised, this is a wonder beyond all wonders.”

The High Priestess began to raise and lower her hips so as to make him slid back and forth inside her organ, and soon he was able to match his rhythm to hers.

The High Priestess began to shudder and cry out as she clasped Paulos to her, her legs wound round him. Paulos felt his emission approaching and as the High Priestess cried out, “Ah…ah…ah…aaaah, he gave a loud groan and for the first time his seed was released into a woman. The High Priestess ended with a piercing cry of ecstasy, then began to calm, and as Paulos ended his discharge into her they both became tranquil.

The peace that followed was unlike any Paulos had felt before. He was filled with joy at the loveliness of their union and having for so long been denied access to women, he was soon ready to discharge into the High Priestess again, but she cast him from her.

“However much you may desire to do so,” the High Priestess admonished him, “You may only come upon me once.” There are sufficient and more to satisfy your ardour, but it will death for any that you couple with twice. If you are ready I shall choose another for you to fertilise, but thereafter you shall choose for yourself.”

Once more she clapped her hands and two acolytes appeared.

“Cleanse the Chosen One,” she commanded them, “and when he has fertilised the one whom I shall send, take him among the acolytes and priestesses that he may choose whom he hungers for.”

Paulos was bathed again, and upon his return to the couch room a woman awaited him. She did not lie back ready to receive him, but lay beside him and said in a slow alluring voice, “You have expelled your seed once in haste, and now let me teach how to play.”

Her lips closed over his, opening them with her tongue. Paulos felt her tongue exploring the recesses of his mouth, tasting him as she aroused him to fresh heights of desire.

She drew his hand to her breast, closing his fingers over its rounded plumpness. Paulos needed no further instruction and he proceeded to caress her and feeling her sweet nipple he desired to suck upon it.

He broke from the kiss and laid the woman on her back and proceeded to suckle her as a hungry child might.

“You learn quickly Chosen One,” the woman murmured, and taking his hand she placed it between her thighs, drawing it up to her pudendum to insert a finger.

“Move you finger over me, Chosen One,” she pleaded.

Paulos commenced his exploration of the female organ by touch and was amazed at its softness and complexity. He released the nipple he was suckling and said, “I desire to look upon your womanhood.”

The woman smiled and replied, “Let that be for another, Chosen One. There is much time and many whom you must fertilise. Now lie upon your back that I may give you joy.”

Paulos lay on his back and the woman sat astride him, lowering herself upon him until his phallus was touching her entrance, then she dropped quickly, making him cry out with pleasure at the sudden penetration.

Having caused him to enter her, the woman then became still and said, “You have a mighty organ, Chosen One, you will give pleasure to many.” She gazed into his eyes for a little longer then began slow exquisite movements along his shaft, pausing at the end of each withdrawal and penetration.

After a while her movements became more rapid and intense, and Paulos saw her close her eyes and begin little cries that were unlike those of the High Priestess. At first the words sounded like a rejection of what they were doing; “No…no…no…I cannot bear it,” yet she did not stop. Then like the High priestess she started to shake and her cries changed to triumphant, “Yes, oh yes, spear me to the heart.” Then came a moment when she gave a fierce cry of, “Oh by Helios, by Helios, slay me now.”

At this cry Paulos felt the first thrust of seed along his shaft, and he poured into her with mighty plunges at each jolt of his emission.

When they had finished the woman lay with Paulos still inside her and said, “Praise be to Helios for such a coupling. I would that I could take you to my bed and keep you there for ever, Chosen One, but it is forbidden.”

“That I know full well,” sighed Paulos. “I too wish to join you in your bed for ever.”

The woman withdrew from him and in a voice that hinted of tears said, “The acolytes shall tend you now.” With that, she left him.

The acolytes did not bathe him this time; instead they brought a bronze bowl of water and cleansed his phallus. Then taking him by the hands they led him from his apartments to see other rooms.

He was taken first to what was called, “The House of the Acolytes.” Here he saw young women engaged in various activities ranging from the singing of the sacred songs of Helios, the practising of flute and lyre to which some danced and yet others engaged the repair and making of the sacred vestments for the priestesses.

Paulos was fascinated by the music and dancers, so different from the rough peasant music and dances of his village.

“I would that they could play and dance for me,” he sighed.

“Chosen One,” said one of the acolytes escorting him, “they shall play and dance for you whenever you wish. Where you not told that your every desire shall be fulfilled?”

“Let them dance for me,” replied Paulos, “but now I hunger and would eat.”

“Come then, Chosen One; tomorrow you shall see the House of the Priestesses, but now let us return to your rooms where food and wine shall be brought to you whule the acolytes play and dance.”

The food and wine surpassed anything he had experienced in his village, and at first he became a glutton stuffing himself with every delicacy. After he realised that he might eat of the finest whenever he wished he partook more moderately. As he ate hidden musicians played and four acolytes danced for him. This he found distracting because they were very beautiful and their dances enticing.

When he had finished eating he pointed to one of the dancers and said, “I desire you, come to me.” She approached him, swaying her hips, and Paulos seized and hurled her to the couch and took her in the presence of the other girls, and all the time his desired one whispered, “Yes, fill me with your seed that I may be fruitful.”

When he had finished with her he seized upon another dancer and enjoyed her.

If he ate more abstemiously, in one respect Paulos did not become moderate. Where female flesh was concerned he remained a glutton until his seed and energy was too depleted for him to continue impregnating further women.