The Doctor Is In Ch. 1

Story Info
Mixed up middle-aged woman seeks psychiatric treatment.
5.4k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 04/13/2002
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I smiled and waved goodbye to my nurse as she backed out of the parking lot. It was past time for the office to officially close and I had a little time to finish my paperwork before my last appointment for the week arrived. I glanced at the clock. It was now 6:15 and my charge would be here in a few minutes. Sitting down at my desk I opened my medical reference book and looked through it for a proper diagnosis. Insurance these days was getting reluctant to pay for my treatment, so I had to fudge a little on the paperwork.

To give you a little background, I am a practicing psychiatrist by the name of Doctor Rhymer. My practice covers a lot of different mental conditions and diseases but sometimes the psychiatric community does not recognize my diagnoses or treatments. My treatments cover every type of conditions from simple depression to what society considers sexual perversions. The money is great, but that is really a secondary consideration. The sweetest part of the job is to get paid for doing what you enjoy. This patient was a special case to say the least and it was my pleasure as it would be hers to take my treatment.

The buzzer on my door went off exactly at 6:30. A soft yet vibrant voice came over the intercom. "Doctor Rymer, this is Constance Hightower. I am here for my 6:30 appointment." I looked at the security monitor and a woman with shoulder length black hair was illuminated by the soft glow of the streetlights. Even though she appeared to be in her late 30's or early 40's, the woman was attractive by most anybody's standards. Pressing the lock release button that was installed under the desk, I heard a short buzz and she turned the handle and walked through my door.

"Good evening Ms. Hightower, I'm Dr. Rhymer," I said standing and introducing myself to the brunette for the first time.

"Good evening doctor," she said in a voice that had an edge or aristocracy in it. Her skin was soft as it touched my hand and I felt a warm tingle move directly from my fingers, up my arm and then down to the more vital parts of my body. Having never met this woman before, I held onto her hand firmly but gently and smiled. Life had taught me that first impressions were the most important. I took a long look at the beautiful creature before me. From the bottom of her feet to the top of her head she was all woman.

"My pleasure Ms. Hightower," I said in my best professional manner. The sparkle of the diamonds in the necklace that she wore around her neck glistened in the artificial electric lights as she pulled off her jacket. It must have cost a small fortune I thought to myself as she turned with her back to me and hung her coat on the rack by the door. My eyes averted to her legs as she turned. It had been years since I had seen a woman wearing black stockings with a seam that moved from the tops of her pristine white shoes, up her legs to her firm thighs and then up to the hem of her dress. Memories of my childhood came rushing in as I recalled the nights I had spent under my covers with a flashlight looking at the pinup models and masturbated like a wild monkey. As unprofessional as it would be considered, I imagined her posed on the pages of those magazines right next to Betty Page.

"Right this way Ms. Hightower," I said motioning to my office door. I watched her shapely hips sway from side to side as she walked. The pair of white 6-inch heels had pushed her ass up into a very neat package that seemed to beg to be fondled. Clad in a tight white dress that clung to her mature body like a glove, it was very obvious that she had taken very good care of herself over the years. Her demeanor did not betray her upbringing. Being a woman of means, she was used to talking down to people and myself being a doctor didn't seem to make any difference to her.

Turning around, she looked at me as if to size me up. I could almost hear the gears turning inside her head as she looked at me. "Please, call me Constance Dr. Rhymer," she said.

"Perhaps later," I said not wanting to get on a first name basis just yet. In stature not a tall man, I always let my patients know who the authority figure in this game was. I stared directly into her baby blue eyes that had just a hint of red from lack of sleep. Although she didn't turn her head, her eyes darted to the side quickly. When she sensed I wasn't going to stop my gaze, she stared directly back at me. I could see into the soul of a woman who was deeply tormented. Before I could help this poor child I would first have to show her who was in charge!

"Could we please hurry Dr. Rhymer, I have a very busy schedule this weekend."

"As have I Ms. Hightower," I said tersely. "First, we need to go over your case a little. Please, take a seat." Not used to taking orders from anyone, the frown on her face made the crowsfeet around her eyes more pronounced. The fact that she did not like the drain on her precious time came through loud and clear! Constance took a seat in front of my desk sat down and I moved behind to my chair. Adjusting herself, she crossed her shapely legs. My mind did it's best to imagine the silky skin of her thighs under her black nylon stockings. Years ago I had learned that you must always keep an air of superiority to your patients. With this in mind, I'd had my chair and desk arranged so that no matter how tall a person was, they were always looking up to me. Busying myself, I picked up her case file that had been sent over from her last psychiatrist and flipped through the pages.

Constance Hightower was her name and not only was she one of the richest women in the country but at 6 feet tall, and a well proportioned 200 pounds, she was what some men would consider amazon. Her fortune had been accumulated the old fashioned way. She inherited it. Ms. Hightower as she was known, was CEO and Chief Operating Officer for Hightower Enterprises. Her grandfather H. J. Hightower had been one of the robber barons from the turn of the century. Like he did shortly after the great depression, she became one of the people who bought up small firms in the mid to late 80's and took them under the wing of her multinational corporation. She assumed the leadership roles in these companies as well as people's lives and used them as she saw fit. Now that in itself was not necessarily a bad thing, but when she used it to pursue her vendettas against people she considered her enemies, she was destroying innocent people's lives. It had been my experience over the years that guilt can overpower a person's life and make them a very miserable being. Other members of the medical community had been unable to help her. As a last resort, they sent her to me to see if my "therapy" would make her feel better. If she cooperated, she was going to get the full treatment and maybe, just maybe she would think twice about how her actions affected other people's lives.

"So if you could give me a list numbered from one to ten, what would the number one problem be for you Ms. Hightower," I asked?

"I am having trouble sleeping at night Doctor."

"And what do you feel is causing this lack of sleep Constance?"

Eyes that were as cold as ice looked at me as she related her story. "I guess it's the stress that is associated with my business. I have been to doctor after doctor and nobody seems to be able to help me. You are my last hope."

"First a couple of questions Ms. Hightower. Are you married?"

"No," came her reply.

"Children?" I asked. Constance shook her head. "Significant other?"

"No doctor. I've never had time for that tom-foolery!" she said matter of factly.

"Tom-foolery," I asked? "Interesting indeed." I picked up her file and opened it. "I see you have quite an extensive medical background here." I thumbed through the papers. "Obsessive" read one diagnosis. "Compulsive" read another. "Controlling," read another and on and on. Page after page of medical jargon that showed that basically she was one messed up little girl. Perhaps I could add sexually frustrated to her list. "I suppose the doctors that sent you here told you a little about my treatment plan?"

"No. Not really. They only told me that you were doing some experimental therapy."

"Yes, it's highly experimental and not necessarily accepted by most of the psychiatric community. In order for me to treat you I need you to sign some 'consent for treatment' forms," I told her as I set the paper on the smooth glass top desk. I pushed the paper across to her and handed her a pen. "Sign this consent form and we will get you on the road to recovery." Constance quickly glanced over the form and I watched her thick painted lips as they moved up and down slightly as she read the document. Satisfied that she was not getting taken to the cleaners, she scrawled her signature on it and I stood up and walked to the door. "Right this way Ms. Hightower," I said as I led her into the hallway. We walked down the short corridor that led to my examination room. She followed me in and pushed the door closed behind her. Sitting down on the stool in front of the lady, I gave her ample figure the once-over with my eyes before I spoke. "Now the first thing we have to do is to have you remove your clothing."

"My clothing? Doctor, I'm in here for psychiatric treatment. I'm not in here for my annual physical!" she said gruffly. I shook my head and stood up. Walking to the door I pulled it open. "Very well Constance, if that's the way you want it. I wish you well in your search for healing."

"What?" she asked a look of confusion coming over her pretty face. "But Dr. Rhymer!"

"Well my dear, you see it's like this. I am a psychiatrist and I have the same medical background as all the other doctors that you have been to." I pointed to the degrees that were framed neatly on the wall. "I have a very extensive background in the treatment of many different types of afflictions! Now," I continued, "if you are really interested in making yourself an acceptable member of the community, you will do exactly anything and everything I say. If you wish not to do this, you are free to walk out of her now and you can go back to the so called doctors that tried to help you before!"

"But Doctor, they couldn't help me," she pleaded as a small tear moved down her cheek. Her mascara made a dark path down her face.

"That's right my good woman. They could not, but I can if you will follow my directions and do everything that I tell you to." I watched for some sign that would indicate what would come next. "Yes doctor," she said after a short pause. Her expression seemed to change from one of sadness to one of desperation and she reached behind her and pulled her long black hair up.

"Could you assist me doctor?" she asked as turned her back to me. I looked at the woman's shapely hips as I walked up behind her and placed my hand on her zipper. My nerves seemed to be on edge and the fine hairs on the back of her neck tickled my fingers lightly. The energy from this woman seemed to transfer to me as I moved closely to her. The smell of expensive perfume danced inside my nose as I slowly pulled the zipper down on her dress. I took one last deep breath to take in her fragrance and then turned and walked to the door, pushing it shut.

"Very good Constance," I said as I sat back down on my stool. "Please continue my dear."

"You're not going to watch are you Doctor?" she asked as she pulled the dress open slightly, revealing her beautiful shoulders.

"It's all part of the treatment. Now finish disrobing." Constance turned her back to me and started to pull the dress off. Picking my note pad up I opened it and set it on my lap. "Turn around girl," I said raising my voice slightly. Pausing for a moment, she turned to face me and pulled the dress down just a little more.

I tried to keep an air of professionalism about me as Constance pulled the dress from her shoulders and her tan skin came into view. Words could not express the excitement that surged through my body as I sat there watching this beautiful woman perform her private striptease for me. All of the years of medical training hadn't diminished my appreciation for the female form. The dress inched down slowly, revealing her beautiful mature body. My eyes were fixed on her shoulders as the tops of her breasts peeked over the top. I held my breath as I watched her magnificent mamories appear before my eyes. Her breasts were pulled tightly and firmly together with a lacy black bra that had obviously been custom made to accentuate her ample breasts. As if in slow motion, her white dress moved down her body and then fell to the floor in a pile and she stepped out of it. Bending over, I watched her cleavage as she picked up her dress. Uprighting herself, she neatly folded the dress and placed it on the counter top next to the wall.

Nervously she looked at me with huge blue eyes that seemed to open her very soul to me. "Everything doctor?" she asked, as she stood before me in her black bra, a pair of sheer black panties and black stockings. "You may leave the stockings and the shoes but everything else must come off," I said, commanding her with my eyes and leaving no doubt that I was the party in control. Without another word, her hand moved between her breasts and one at a time her neatly manicured nails pulled the clasps apart that held her cups together.

The room was cool but small beads of perspiration had begun to develop between the cleft of her breasts. I wondered inwardly how it would feel to have her wonderful tits pressed against the side of my face while I tasted the salty fluid that had collected there. When she put her hand on the last clasp, she looked up at me once again with those beautiful eyes and I nodded. Her slender fingers pulled the last clasp apart and the material sprung apart slightly from the pressure of her large mature breasts. "Take it off Constance," I said as sat there, my eyes fixed on her large fleshy mounds. Her hands took hold of the cups of her bra and I hoped that she could not hear my heart pounding in the silence in the room. Soon her large breasts were freed and she pulled the straps of the lacy bra from her shoulders. Constance stood naked from the waist up and I reveled in her stark beauty. Amazingly, there was hardly any sag in her full breasts. I moved my notebook around on my lap to hide my natural male reaction as her brown silver dollar sized nipples stared back at me. No tan lines were visible on her large fleshy globes but her skin was soft and well cared for.

Writing a note in my book, I nodded and she slowly began to release her stockings from the snaps of her garter. My penis was beginning to betray my education big time from the private strip show this beautiful woman was performing for me. Long slender fingers pulled the clips apart that held her stockings and then she unsnapped her garter belt and pulled it from her waist. Next, she slowly peeled her panties off and pushed them toward the floor. An indentation became visible against the slight bulge of her tummy where the elastic had pressed against her skin. I held my breath as they made their way down her hips. As if in slow motion, she pulled them down and her neatly cropped patch of pubic hair peeked over the top. She watched my reaction as she pulled them down and I did my best not to look like a dirty old man but try as I may, it was all I could do to keep from staring at her natural beauty. Her panties lying in a crumpled heap on the floor, she once again bent over to pick them up and placed them with her other clothes.

Standing naked before me, except for her stockings and shoes, her hands trembled slightly. Being the good doctor, I did not want my patient to be nervous so I stood and walked to the cabinet. Opening the door I took an alcohol swab and syringe and out pulled the wrapper off of them. "What are you going to do now doctor," she asked as she watched me.

"You seem to be extremely nervous Constance and I think that maybe a mild sedative will make you more comfortable." Constance quickly nodded in agreement as she watched me insert the needle into a small container and I drew out the clear fluid. Making sure the air bubbles were out I withdrew the needle and pointed the needle toward the ceiling. "This will sting slightly," I said as I walked behind her and my eyes zeroed in on my target. I touched the soft flesh of her buttocks and I could feel her tense slightly as my fingers pressed against her skin. I cleaned a small area and pointing the needle, I quickly pushed it into her tightly muscled ass. Constance took a deep breath as the needle pierced her perfectly tanned buttocks and as quickly as I inserted the needle, I pushed the medicine into her buttocks and then withdrew it. Cleansing the skin once more, I disposed of the needle and motioned for her to get on the examining table.

A drug induced calmness immediately started to come over her. Constance moved to the examining table and placed herself in the center. As I waited for the medicine to take full effect, I did the usual doctor stuff. Blood pressure, reflexes, pulse, temperature, ear, nose and throat exam. "Feeling a little calmer now Constance?" I asked her as I touched her thigh.

"Yes doctor," she said seeming to be much less nervous.

"Excellent," I said as I patted her leg. "Now lay across the table."

The paper on the table rustled as she moved back on her elbows and lay down. I watched intently as she positioned her body across the padded bench. Adjusting herself, I waited until she was comfortable before I moved beside her. The medication was starting to take its effect and I smiled at the thought of what was to come.

"The next part of the exam may be a little uncomfortable but it is necessary to get a good indication of your physical condition." Constance looked at me with her big blue eyes and she smiled slightly, as I stood over her.

I moved my hand to her left breast and touched the firm mound. I gently moved my fingers around on her chest. Constance closed her eyes and I watched her face for indications that I was going too far. I saw none so I moved my hand closer to the center of her breast. Her nipple was visibly becoming erect in the cool air of the examining room and it stood up slightly. My fingers moved ever so slightly up and I gently touched her large nipple. Her eyes snapped open as felt my fingers.

I pulled my hand back and touched her shoulder lightly. "I'm sorry Ms. Hightower, did that hurt?"

"No doctor. It just surprised me," she blushed slightly. Again my hand moved back to her breast and she once more closed her eyes. This time she was not startled as I touched her nipple. The softness of her skin felt good against the palms of my hands as I felt around, satisfying my need to caress this woman. I removed my hand from her left breast and proceeded my examination the same way with her right one. True to form, the nipple on that breast was erect as well. Taking my hands from her breast I picked up my notepad and made another entry.

"Now I am going to test the nerve endings in your breasts Constance," I told her.

"How are you going to do that," she asked her eyes open once more.

"Trust me Constance and I will make you so much better," I said as I touched the side of her face. Closing her eyes I sat my notepad down and my finger found their way to her nipples. She trembled slightly as I took each one between the thumb and forefinger of my hands. "Now tell me when this becomes uncomfortable," I said as I put just a slight pressure on her tender nipples. I watched her reaction as I slightly increased the pressure against them. When she made no move, I increased it slightly and then slightly again. I continued to increase the pressure until I could see her facial expression change. "Is that too much," I asked?