The Education of Jasmine Ch. 02

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An Evening to Remember.
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Part 2 of the 10 part series

Updated 11/01/2022
Created 01/07/2007
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Chapter Two – An Evening to Remember

The next morning when she saw her neighbor's son through the window, he smiled knowingly at her. It was then she realized they had not shut the curtains or windows last night. Jim had been watching her fuck George, and he had gotten one hell of a show. She smiled back, a naughty little smile letting him know that she knew what he had seen. He winked at her and turned from his window.

'Let him look,' she thought, 'It turns me on.'

Jim was a good-looking twenty-three year old young man. He had nice golden brown hair, golden eyes and a trim body with muscular arms and chest. She would not mind a piece of that she thought.

The doorbell rang bringing her out of her thoughts. She went to answer it and found her new neighbor there.

"Hello, my name is Rick and I just moved in next door. Would you happen to have a extra extension cord I could borrow?" He was a handsome man in his early fifties. She could see that Jim had gotten his good looks from his father.

"I'm Jasmine and yes, we have some cords in the garage. Follow me," she said and turned and walked towards the garage. Rick watched her ass move as he followed. It moved with a sensual rhythm. He thought that her husband was a very lucky man.

"So, have you lived here long?"

Rick was trying to keep his mind off her fine ass, but it had been a long time since he had even thought about a woman's ass and he found his eyes kept going back to it. "A few years, it's a nice neighborhood. You should bring your family over later and we can have a few drinks after dinner and you can meet my husband George."

'What the heck?' she thought, 'We should meet the new neighbors and maybe after what I told George the night before, it might turn him on knowing what I am thinking about.'

"Sounds great! But I am widower, my wife passed away five years ago, afraid it's just me and my boys."

"Oh, I am sorry to hear that," Jasmine said, "Do you have a girlfriend? Or is that a nosey question?" She laughed, hoping not to come across as the nosey neighbor, but deep in her mind she hoped he did not have a woman in his life.

"No, I have not found anyone yet, I have been busy raising the boys." Rick liked Jasmine a lot and knew that they would get along just fine.

"How old are your sons?" Jasmine asked. The one she saw this morning didn't look like a boy, but a young man, a very good-looking, but very young man.

"Jim is twenty-three, Ty is twenty-one and Eric is eighteen. I guess they are not really boys any more," Rick said, "Jim is just finishing up his college classes, Ty is working on his certifications in computer sciences, and Eric is in his last year of High School." She handed him a long yellow extension cord.

"Wow, that must keep you busy. They are more than welcome to join us tonight."

Jasmine wondered if the other two looked as good as their father and brother. Sheesh she was being a pervert today!

"Is that long enough?" she asked. 'O god that sounded weird.'

"Ummm, yes I think it will be long enough, See you about seven?" Rick asked.

"Yes seven is fine, see you then."

She watched as he turned and walked away. He was tall with dark hair. It had a sprinkle of gray running through it. His shoulders were still strong and he had a muscular chest and narrow waist. His ass looked great in his jeans. Mmm he was hot. She was getting turned on just looking at him. 'My god, what is wrong with me today? First checking out a man almost young enough to be my son and then his father?'

She just hoped George would not be angry with her for inviting them over, especially when she had admitted to him she had the hots for all of them. She almost wished she had never told George that, it was a bit embarrassing. Well it was a bit late now wasn't it? She was going to have to live with it.

When she told George about inviting the neighbors over that evening she worried what he would think, but he didn't think a darn thing except, 'It will be nice to have a few more guys around don't you think?'

George knew that Jasmine was worried about what he would say and although he felt a little bit of jealousy, he never let her know. "Watch a few ball games, do some golfing, you know guy stuff?"

Relieved Jasmine said, "Yes, I think you will enjoy having more guys around. I hope you can find something in common with each other."

That evening Jasmine went upstairs to change out of her grungy housework clothes. She was a bit nervous but it would be fine. She wondered how she should dress, she wanted to look good, but not be obvious. Jasmine was forty-five, but she didn't look it. She still had a nice figure and had never cut her long hair like a lot of women her age did. Her blonde hair did have the odd silver hair, but it didn't make her look old, just added a few highlights naturally. Her green eyes were clear, as was her flawless complexion.

Jasmine ran a nice hot shower the day had been hot and she felt sweaty and gross. The hot water felt wonderful on her tanned skin. She got her favorite scented soap and ran the bar of soap over her body, the shower filled with the smell of the soap. She decided a shave was in order. She shaved her legs and they felt smooth and silky; her armpits were next, can't have hair there. Jasmine wondered if she should shave her pussy, she never had in her life, she had always kept it neatly trimmed, but hell she was going to surprise George and shave it bare. It would be her little secret all evening she grinned just thinking of it.

Next she towel dried and applied lotion with the same scent as the soap to her entire body. She always did this, and the result was evident for all to see because Jasmine looked ten years younger than she really was. Her clean skin glowed from the attention she had given it. She let down her long blonde hair and shook it free. She ran the brush through it and then shook it again to give it a slightly tousled look. Jasmine went to the mirror and looked at her body. It was not bad, she thought, not young any more, but still attractive. She had curves in all the right spots, her hips flared perfectly, her waist was still fairly small, her breasts were heavier than they once were, but they did not sag. She turned towards the closet.

'What to wear?' she thought.

She grabbed a cotton camisole with a built in bra. She pulled the shirt over her head, thinking, 'No bra tonight.' She moved to her panty drawer and opened it. She reached for a pair of pink bikini cotton panties, but saw the black silk thong hiding at the bottom of the drawer.

'Which pair? Pink cotton bikini or black silk thong?'

Nobody would know except her and maybe George later. 'Oh what the heck?' she thought, 'I am not wearing a bra so I won't wear panties either!' She grabbed a pair of denim shorts that were fairly short but didn't look slutty. They fit snugly against her hips and showed her ass to perfection, but she didn't realize it. The feeling of the denim rubbing so gently against her newly shaven pussy gave Jasmine a thrill and she felt very excited and very naughty. The feeling made her nipples strain against the soft cotton shirt.

She went over to the mirror and put just a bit of clear lip-gloss on and a bit of black mascara. She looked in the mirror and decided she looked pretty darn good. The doorbell was ringing. They were here!

George said, "I'll get it honey."

'Boy, wait till he sees me tonight!'

It was not too late to put underwear on. Maybe she should. This was out of her league; it was one thing to do this in privacy of her own bedroom and totally another to actually follow it though. She went over to the dresser intending to put her underwear on when the bedroom door opened.

"There you are. Good you are ready," George said.

She turned towards him and he looked at her. Whoa she didn't have a bra on and he could see her erect nipples. "You look great honey, come on, let's go downstairs." He liked how she looked and was not about to give her a chance to back down now. She was caught in her own trap and it was too late to get out now.

She took a deep breath and said, "Ok let's go meet our new neighbors. Did they all show up?" she asked nervously.

"Yes, all four of them. They seem nice," George said.

He smiled to himself thinking of how he had made her dress a bit on the trashy side. He was tired of her looking like a dowdy old housewife. He liked this new look much better. So what if all four of these men would be staring at her all night. She was his. He loved it. She walked out onto the deck and all head turned towards her. She felt a little bit embarrassed by the attention, but she also felt a bit of a thrill. Maybe she was not an old woman after all.

"Hello. Did everyone get a drink?"

"Yes thanks for inviting us all over," Rick said.

Jasmine grabbed a cold corona with a lime wedge from the bar and sat across from the men. She crossed her tanned legs and worried they would know she had no panties on beneath her shorts. She took a breath and decided to get the awkward introductions over.

"My name is Jasmine, I have met Rick but not any of the boys."

She felt funny calling them boys cause they sure didn't look like boys! They way they were looking at her proved it; they were men, all three of them. She kind of enjoyed the looks they were giving her.

"I'm Jim, I saw you this morning through the window, remember I waved?" He had not waved but winked.

"Yes I do remember, nice to meet you Jim." She hoped she didn't blush.

A shorter blonde haired young man introduced himself. "I'm Ty and the family nerd."

He didn't look very nerdy to Jasmine. He was nicely built with broad shoulders. He had clear sky blue eyes. "Why do you say you are the family nerd? You don't look any different than anyone else."

"I am a computer geek," he smiled, "Computers fascinate me."

"Ahhh. I see, well next time George has a problem with our computer we'll be sure to ask you for help."

Ty would not mind helping her with hard drive he thought. Damn she was the hottest woman he had ever seen.

"I'm Eric, glad to meet you Mrs. C."

"You may call me Jasmine, Mrs. C is George's Mom."

Jasmine laughed. She sure didn't feel forty-five any more she felt twenty something! The beer was making her a bit tipsy too. 'What the heck?' she thought, 'I might as well have some fun.'

She rose to get another beer to find that the beer cooler was empty. She frowned. Now she would have to go to the garage and get some more.

"Jasmine," Jim said, "Could you tell me where to find the washroom?"

Damn Jim would like to get his hands on her, especially after he had saw her fucking her husband last night.

"Sure down the hall, second door on the left."


He walked to the bathroom and waited for her to pass by. He knew she was going to get some more beer and he was going to follow her. He was hot for her. She walked down the hall to the garage and went inside not bothering with the light. She knew where everything was. Jim followed staying out of sight. He watched as she went into the dark garage and he slipped in behind her, but he could not follow, he did not want to bump something and make his presence known. She opened the fridge door, the light inside giving him just enough light to see the way. He quietly walked toward her. He was right behind her now.

Very quietly he said, "Do you need a hand with that?"

She jumped. He had scared her. "Oh, Jim! I didn't know you were there! But yes you can help."

He reached around her with one arm to grab the beer from the fridge, but changed his mind. This chance would not happen again. He pulled her to him and closed the fridge door, plunging them into darkness.

"I saw you last night, with your husband. And I saw you tonight getting dressed," he said, "I want to touch you, I want to do everything he did to you and I want you to do everything you did to him to me."

His voice was husky and she could feel his erection.

"Jim, I find you extremely attractive," she began but she could not continue because he was kissing her. She kissed him for a minute then realized what she was doing and it was not right. She pushed against his chest and pulled her lips from his.

"Jim, we can't. Even if we both want to."

"Why not? You know we both want it."

His hand slowly crept beneath her shirt up to her breast. He squeezed it gently rubbing the nipple.

"Can't you see how much I need you?"

His other hand fell from her waist to her ass and pulled her against him.

"Everyone will wonder why we both disappeared for so long, we can't and you know it. Please let me go. Even if we do the deed, it can't be tonight and you know it." Maybe he would let her go if she hinted that something might happen.

"You are right. But be warned, I am going to try my best to get into your hot pants. I can feel you right though those shorts." He was not giving up, no way. He was going to have some of that no matter how long it took.

"I can't go in there with this hard-on"

"Go back to the bathroom then, and look after it. I have to take the beer out."

She grabbed the beer and quickly left before she could not get away. She hoped nobody would know Jim had kissed her. She could still taste him on her mouth; the young man had an incredibly sexy tasting mouth. She walked into the room and placed the beer in the cooler. Nobody seemed to know what had happened, she had to play it cool. She grabbed another beer and sat down and joined in the conversation.

Jim joined the group a few minutes later.

"I took a wrong turn on the way back, sorry I ended up with a tour of the house," he said, "You have a very nice home."

In fact he had gone up to the bedroom and remembered what he had seen last night. He had gone into her bathroom and masturbated to the scent that still lingered from her shower. It smelled just like she did. He was determined to have her.

Rick looked at his son and knew exactly what he wanted, because he wanted the same thing. 'Jim is a fool' Rick thought. He doubted if Jim would get lucky enough to get close to Jasmine. Women like her didn't fool around and if they did it was with someone who would not give the game away. He hoped he might get a chance in time; he was going to try his best to be with Jasmine.

Ty looked at Jasmine; he tried not to, but the girls he knew didn't look like that. He was used to geeky girls whom he liked for their brains, but none of them were what you could call hot. Some of them were fairly good-looking, but not hot. He could not help it, Jasmine was hot, and the way she smelled and walked gave him a raging hard-on. Ty had had three girlfriends in his entire life, so his experience was very little when it came to the opposite sex. He was no virgin, but he knew he had a lot to learn. He sat thinking and hoping that maybe Jasmine was the type to want to teach him how to fuck. He had no idea how to find out the answer to that though.

Eric sat and hardly said a word all night. His eyes followed Jasmine everywhere. He would never tell his friends, but he was still a virgin. He was sitting thinking that he would like Jasmine to be his first. He didn't know how to get her to agree, but he had to try. He hoped nobody knew what he was thinking about. This would take some thinking about.

Rick looked at all three of his sons; it was then he knew they all wanted her too.

'Shit I am going to have to compete against my own sons, and her husband.'

This was not going to be easy. They sure could have some fun if George and Jasmine had an open marriage, but he wasn't sure if they did. He was more determined than ever to find out.

The rest of the evening went by without incident and they all had fun. George had seen what happened with Rick and his sons. He knew they all wanted to fuck Jasmines brains out. He had even seen Jim basically follow Jasmine to the garage, but she was back long before he was. He thought maybe Jim was looking for her, but could not find her. He wondered what would have happened if he had found her.

They went upstairs to the bedroom and the sexual tension all evening had made them both hot. Jasmine lit some candles giving the room a warm glow. She was going to strip for George and in the back of her mind she hoped Jim was watching.

She pushed George down on the bed and said, "Stay there."

She lifted her shirt over her head and caressed her breasts on the way down to her waistband.

"I have a surprise for you."

She looked at him with heavy lidded eyes. Her hands went to the waist of her shorts and slowly undid the button. She slipped her hand inside where he could not see it and caressed herself. She withdrew her finger and put it in her mouth. Her hands went back down to her shorts and unzipped the zipper and turned her back towards George and her front was toward the window where she knew Jim was watching. She slipped the shorts over her hips and looked through the window and then turned toward George with a smile.

"Do you like what you see?"

He saw her newly shaven pussy.

"Yeeesssss," he dared not move, "Did you do that just for me?"

He drew in his breath when she came close and put her leg up on the edge of the bed. She lowered her hand to her clean-shaven pussy and he could see it was wet. Her fingers slipped inside. She slowly teased herself in front of him. He could take no more and grabbed her hips in his hands. He brought his face to her sweet smelling pussy and licked.

"Mmmmm, sweet."

His tongue found her hard little clit and sucked on it; she came immediately. He sucked all of her juices into his mouth until they quit coming.

He unzipped his pants and threw her on the bed. He didn't even bother to get undressed. His mind was wild; all he wanted was to put his cock deep inside her. She wanted the same and opened herself to him as he drove himself into her waiting warmth. He grunted his pleasure and she yelled his name as they both came.

They slept like that; she naked and he dressed with his pants undone on top of the covers. Jim had watched the entire thing and he knew that she knew he was watching her. He had never saw a woman like her; he thought they only existed within the pages of penthouse letters. It made him want her even more. He wished he were the one sleeping there with her naked beside him.

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drksideofthemoondrksideofthemoonover 17 years ago

Very hot, and very nicely done.

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