The Egg of Immorality Ch. 14

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John gets to watch two women glistening in the morning sun.
2.4k words

Part 14 of the 16 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 03/07/2022
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Two women sweating under the morning sun... While John and his girls watch.

To start at the beginning of The Egg of Immorality, find chapter 1 here. To start the Thirst for Power series fresh, please look for Enchanted. Thank you for reading and please look up my profile page if you have any questions, concerns, or wish to reach out to me.

Artesia jumped to the side to avoid the thrust of Bronetta's spear. The abrupt start of the fight had caught her off guard, but the difference between off guard and surprised was a spear in the belly.

Bronetta drew herself back into position with her shield held in front of her. She lifted her spear into the notch in the top of it, steadying it and keeping both between them and limiting Artesia's options. It was a defensive move that was bound to goad an attacker into making a mistake.

Artesia had admired the unit tactics Bronetta employed. This stance, when used with others side by side, was devastating. Alone, without support, Artesia saw the flaw in Bronetta's stance.

Artesia advanced, sword at the ready while she shifted back and forth to keep Bronetta from being able to easily line up a thrust of her spear. The Praetorian held her ground and waited, shifting only a little as Artesia moved back and forth.

Artesia raised her sword, drawing Bronetta's attention with it so she could more easily strike over the shield. Bronetta tracked her and feinted with her spear, offering short thrusts that Artesia watched and adjusted to.

Artesia lunged forward and low, dipping beneath Bronetta's limited line of sight. The Mygelan warrior dropped her shield and thrust her spear, but Artesia's sword batted it up and over her head. Artesia rose up on her lunging front leg and brought her rear leg into a kick that connected to Bronetta's shield and drove it up and into the woman's chest.

Bronetta's spear bounced off the top of the shield and went up and out of position. Her left arm was numb at the wrist and elbow and throbbed at her shoulder from the impact of Artesia's boot. Artesia grabbed the edge of the shield and pulled it even as Bronetta tried to push back against her. The unexpected force yanked the shield from her grip and the straps securing it to her forearm slipped free.

The Praetorian stumbled backwards to gain some space. Her eyes darted to her shield which rested on the ground beside her opponent. Bronetta shifted her position and took her spear in a two handed grip. The assembled citizens of Mygela gasped and whispered among themselves at the pace of combat and shifting momentum.

Artesia pushed her advantage and sidestepped to draw a powerful thrust from Bronetta's spear. She swung her sword and deflected it to her right, pulling her out of position. Bronetta bared a savage grin as she jerked her spear back into position and thrust again, certain Artesia couldn't block her this time.

She was right, Artesia didn't block her. She stepped forward and twisted so the blade of Bronetta's spear slid off her armored belly. Artesia's left hand clamped down on the shaft of the spear and she held it still for the short time it took to chop her sword back in and down on the shaft.

Bronetta jerked back at the same time and took a few steps balancing her movement. She held up the broken shaft of her spear and then looked to see Artesia tossing the remaining short length of wood and the spear's blade behind her.

Bronetta drew her short sword and held it up in a salute to Artesia.

Artesia returned it and then advanced. Now she had the advantage on the tall Praetorian.

Bronetta darted in. She swung her sword at Artesia's to foil her attack of opportunity. Artesia rolled her wrist, and twisted her sword around Bronetta's, tying it up and forcing them both out of play. Her left fist slammed into Bronetta's stomach. The hard leather held but the impact still drew a grunt and a spray of spittle from her mouth that hit Artesia's face.

Artesia followed up by driving her knee up between Bronetta's legs. The leather strips parted around her knee, doing nothing to stop her and only barely softening the blow from Artesia's knee striking her squarely.

Bronetta had no air left after the punch. She staggered back and fought to keep on her feet. Her left hand darted to her crotch out of instinct.

Artesia twisted into her and drove her shoulder into Bronetta's chin. She grabbed her arm and swatted her sword from her hand, leaving her disarmed. Bronetta struggled to pull free but Artesia wouldn't let her. Instead she slipped a foot behind Bronetta's and drove them both back.

They crashed to the ground with Artesia landing on top of the taller woman. Bronetta cried out, but it wasn't a grunt or a shriek so much as a breathy combination of the two. Artesia and those in the front row of the formation heard the dull pops of some several of Bronetta's ribs giving.

Artesia rolled off and up to her knees. She readied her sword and held it to the wincing woman's throat.

"I am beaten," Bronetta whispered.

The stunned Mygelans took a few seconds to react. When they did, it was with more whispering and muttering and shifting about. Artesia ignored them and stood and sheathed her sword. Once upright she looked down on the still grimacing woman and offered a hand.

Bronetta reached up and gasped as Artesia took it. Artesia pulled and Bronetta rose up, but it was mostly Artesia doing the work. Bronetta managed to get her feet under her and clutched her free arm across her side. She clung to Artesia's hand with the other and swayed back and forth.

Bronetta coughed and would have fallen if Artesia's hadn't seen the color drain in her face. She grabbed on to her and held her steady a moment until Bronetta began to cough. She gagged and retched, spraying blood onto Artesia and onto the ground around them.

The women closest cried out. Some in outrage and others in concern. John and Sadie ran toward them. Artesia lowered Bronetta back to the ground as gently as she could. She backed away a little as the Praetorian struggled to breathe. Blood ran from her lips down her cheeks and chin.

"Get her armor off!" Sadie ordered as she ran up and slid to her knees beside her. She took her holy symbol in one hand and used her other to position Bronetta's head and move it while she examined her.

Artesia worked the straps and buckles on Bronetta's breastplate and pulled it off of the soft leather vest she wore beneath it. The vest was all they wore for protection on their backs. Poor planning in Artesia's mind, but the Mygelan tactics prevented their enemies from flanking them in unit combat so it made sense. Saints protect them should an attacker come from behind.

Artesia tugged at the laces on the vest and yanked them out of their eyelets. She pulled Bronetta's vest apart so all she wore was a simple sash tied around her breasts. She didn't wear it to keep her small breasts in place, but to protect her nipples from chafing against the rougher leather. Artesia wore an identical one that Bronetta had given her that morning since her shirt was in dire need of being washed.

Beneath Bronetta's athletic breasts was where the problem lay. Bulges in both sides showed where her ribs had snapped when Artesia drove her to the ground. They were purple with spilled blood that was trapped inside her chest.

"The blood won't let her breathe," Artesia said. "She's drowning in it and it won't let her pull in a breath. I've seen this before."

"Give me room," Sadie said before chanting prayers to Eile and holding her holy symbol up.

"Get back!"

Artesia looked up and then reached for her sword when Sildae grabbed Sadie by the shoulders and yanked her away from Bronetta. "She's going to save--"

The Archon put a hand on Artesia's shoulder. "We tend to our own," she said. "The Oracle will use The Blessing."

"The blessing?" Artesia repeated

Sildae all but prostrated herself beside Bronetta. Her hands rested on her chest and slid to Bronetta's sides. She closed her eyes to focus while Bronetta's bloody lips parted. Tiny gurgling gasps slipped from her mouth in her struggle to keep from drowning.

Bronetta's struggles began to ease. Her eyes closed and her head tilted to the side. Blood drained from her mouth. Artesia looked up to John, certain that she'd killed the woman. John's gaze was focused on Bronetta though.

Artesia looked back and noticed the dark mottling on her sides looked better. The purple was fading before her eyes. Her skin was returning to its normal healthy shade of sun-kissed pink.

Bronetta drew in a ragged breath and then coughed some more. Blood poured from her mouth but she was breathing again, even if the sound of it caused more than a few onlookers to clutch at their own chests in sympathy. The jagged bumps in her skin smoothed out one at a time as her ribs moved and set themselves back into position. Bronetta winced with each but her breathing grew easier along the way. There was less blood staining the ground.

Close to five minutes after Artesia had given the mortal blow Bronetta shuddered and blinked her eyes open. Sildae pulled herself back and sat on her heels. She had a soft smile on her face and her eyes were unfocused. Bronetta sat up slowly and looked down at her blood-spattered chest. She touched her sides and then looked up at Artesia.

"Are you all right?" Artesia asked her.

Bronetta looked to Sildae and then back. "I will be," she said and offered Artesia her hand.

Artesia took it and helped her stand. She coughed and spat out more blood but she could stand on her own. A cheer went up from the gathered women, congratulating her miraculous recovery. After several seconds Bronetta held up a hand and they gradually fell silent. She opened her mouth and coughed before she could speak. She recovered and turned to the Archon.

In a ragged voice she asked, "Archon, will you speak for me?"

"Of course," Calista said and moved to stand at her side.

Bronetta spoke and the Archon repeated it in a loud voice for the citizens to hear. "This is why we must always train. There will always be someone with more strength or skill. We must always be ready. Artesia is my guest and, it seems, my tutor. I will learn from this and so will we all."

Bronetta, tired from the short speech, gave another wave and then backed away. She glanced at Artesia and then looked down at the ground beside her. Artesia glanced at John and received a nod. She moved to stand next to the women she'd defeated.

"The Blessing has saved Bronetta because she is willing to embrace it. She is willing to accept change and betterment, just as we all have done. This, too, we shall welcome and embrace and we shall be better for it!" the Archon continued. "In two days time we shall have a festival honoring our guests! We will have trials to determine their worthiness to join us, although I have little doubt these fine, capable people will be welcomed to partake in The Blessing of the Saints with us."

The gathered women cheered the Archon on.

Calista let them go a moment and then waved them silent. "Go to your normal day, we will forego this morning's sparring to give time for planning for the festival. For those of you hosting our guests, come and collect them."

"What should I do?" Artesia asked.

"You will stay by my side," Bronetta said. "I think I need to clean up first before my normal duties."

The Archon turned and joined them while the others disbursed. "Clean, yes," she said. "But after that, you must rest. A healing such as that will have left you tired. Artesia, I know you are a warrior and not a healer, but would you be adverse to tending on Bronetta today?"

"Not at all," Artesia said.

Bronetta bowed her head to the Archon. She turned her attention back to Artesia and said, "Then we can discuss how you so soundly kicked my ass. Oh! And had it not been for the Blessing I'd be unable to walk or sit for a week!"

The Archon turned her attention from then to where John was gathered with his remaining companions. She watched them while Artesia and Bronetta continued to talk.

Artesia blushed. "I fight to win, always. The combatant that chooses a fair fight is the combatant that chooses death."

Bronetta gawked and then let out a weak laugh. "I underestimated you again, I think. Not that I ever thought poorly of you, only that you are more impressive than I imagined."

Artesia offered a soft smile and a bow of her head.

Meanwhile John didn't take note of the Archon's interest. He was focused on Sadie and her experience with the Oracle. "What was that?" he asked her. "Could you tell? I knew there was magic at work, but it did not feel like your magic."

"She's no priestess of Eile," Sadie said.

"I meant priestly magic at all," John said. "Nor was it infernal, exactly. It was... something."

"Yes, it was," Sadie agreed. "This Blessing-- or Blessing of the Saints-- I've never heard of it before. Not as more than a phrase."

"Nor have I," John admitted. He turned to Arika and asked, "Has she shared it with you?"

"The phrase, yes," Arika said. "She promised I would learn more about it today."

John nodded. "Good."

Calista walked up behind him and spoke. "Lord John, I have much planned today, are you prepared to begin?"

John looked his friends over and got encouraging smiles in return. He turned to Calista and said, "Yes, I am. Quite the display this morning, you may color me impressed."

"It was, I agree," Calista said. "All the more so with Artesia's show of prowess. I hope all of your women are as capable."

"Oh, they have many talents. Some hidden and some not," John said.

She smiled and bowed her head to acknowledge his words. She gestured and said, "Come, I have a schedule to attend to and someone I would like you to meet."

"Of course," John said. "Lead the way, Archon."

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AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

John is proving to be an arse, not a single thought about his lost girl

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