The Last 24 Hours Ch. 09

Story Info
Alex grants Beth's wish.
12.7k words

Part 9 of the 14 part series

Updated 11/02/2022
Created 05/07/2005
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Chapter 9

We arrived at the Hyatt Tower Two entrance in just under eleven minutes. A miraculous feat given it was Friday rush hour. I pulled up to the valet stand and got out to come around the car, pausing to get the bag from Cloud Nine from the trunk. I behaved myself and resisted the urge to peek inside. Beth again waited for me to come to her side of the car and escort her to our room. The valet again, could not take his eyes from my gorgeous companion. He was the same young man that had served us last night and was so busy looking at Beth's legs he missed reaching for my keys twice before I sat Beth's bag on his podium, grabbed his wrist and deposited the keys firmly in his hand. I looked at Beth in mock exasperation as she laughed; her voice like the sound of ringing bells inflaming my passion for her even more. The valet turned the most remarkable shade of crimson. My heart swelled with pride to know that this gorgeous woman wanted to spend the rest of her life with me.

I reached into the car, took Beth's hand and pulled her to me. Bringing her hand to my lips I lay a sweet kiss in the center of her palm and whispered, "You are so very bad, so very sexy. What did I ever do without you?" My whispered voice had grown thick with need, and I let my breath cool the moisture I had left on her skin. Shivering with need, Beth grabbed my shoulder, turned me to face her squarely and grafted herself to the front of my body starting at our mouths. Her lips were like molten metal, hot and wet pouring over mine, her hips rocked in a motion I knew I wanted to feel without my clothes on. I held on for dear life as she rubbed her mound against me and prayed I would survive until we got to our suite.

I'm sure the sight of this Amazon Goddess taking her pleasure with me would have met with the approval of the valet but I wasn't so sure about the management. As I parted from Beth, quite reluctantly I might add, I said "We need to get to the elevators before I go up in flames right here in the lobby." She quirked an eyebrow at me and licked the taste of me off of her lips. Her pink tongue running across her lips nearly overrode my good sense as I handed Beth her bag.

She smiled and said, "Let's go!" We all but ran to the bank of elevators as we raced through the lobby earning us a knowing look from the pretty concierge near the bank of elevators. As we approached, the doors of the elevator slid into their recessed housing and an elderly couple stepped out of the car. We stood aside and let them pass and all but ran into the car as the doors slid shut. I pulled the cardkey from my shirt pocket and used it to start the elevator moving towards our suite.

Beth again grabbed me and we began devouring one another. I brought my hands to the cheeks of her glorious ass. I kneaded her bottom and pulled her tighter to my body as the elevator ascended. Thank God for express elevators! I loosened my hold and brought my right hand up to cup her face. "What's in the bag?" I asked.

She batted her eyes at me in a coy manner and replied "A little of this and a little of that. When we get to the suite wait for me in the sitting room. I'll only be a few minutes, I promise and then I'll call for you. I want to do something, but I want it to be a surprise, okay?"

I looked at her and spoke without hesitation "Alright, but I may make you wait next time I get you all hot and bothered." I smiled as I spoke and began to nibble her neck which earned me a groan.

Beth spoke in a passionate whisper, "If I didn't want this so much I'd ravage you right here. But I do want this and I've waited for you to give it to me, so I'm not going to screw it up now." Beth gave me almost a violent shove and separated us. She clutched her bag tightly to her breast and moved to the other side of the car, pointing for me to stay on my side the whole time. My smile deepened.

I felt as though I could fly. At that moment I was sure I knew what it felt like to be drunk. I was most certainly intoxicated by Beth's presence. The chime signaled that we had arrived on our floor. The doors had not finished opening and Beth was out of the elevator standing in the entry hall. I sedately walked up to the door and took my time opening the way into the suite. As I opened the door Beth once more plowed into me knocking me into the wall and kissing me senseless. I wrapped my arms around her and leaned against the wall.

I don't know how long we were there. I didn't really care either. I had my Beth in my arms and she loved me and nothing else in the world mattered. Finally we came up for air and Beth said in a panting gasp, "There ought to be a law against you! Give me a little time so I can get this ready, I've never done this before and I want it so much. But I want it to be just right. Please?"

The pleading tone in her voice gave me the will to do as she asked. I kissed her nose and said "Beth I'll do anything you want but you haven't told me yet what you want. If you want time I'll wait. Just tell me what you want."

I saw a tear start to form in her eye as she turned and raced to the bedroom we had shared "I'll call for you soon!" she cried as the door closed behind her.

I took a moment to calm myself a little. I thought about my life as I waited. In two days I had gone from being a husband to divorcee', from father to childless, from single to engaged, and from being moderately well off to just plain filthy rich. It had been a busy week indeed.

I smiled as I remembered last night and I walked over to the bar and got out the ice bucket. I put several bottles of water and juices in it and then filled it with ice. The bucket was quite large so I took the bottle of white wine Beth had enjoyed the night before and placed it into the bucket as well. As I retrieved the corkscrew from the bar my smile broadened as I thought about what I might do with some of this ice. I took an extra papaya juice bottle and opened it. Taking the ice bucket I walked over to one of the couches and sat it on the end table near the phone. The clock on the handset read six thirty. I picked up the phone and ordered a late dinner to be delivered around ten o'clock. I then called the front desk to ask after messages. The only message was from Josh asking that I call him in the morning.

I hung up the phone and drank some more of my juice. I smiled again and realized that I was happy. I was shocked to discover that I had not been happy for a very long time, years in fact. When I had been happy, it had been all to brief. Now the thought of being with Beth was making me smile all the time. I deliberately avoided thinking about the twins and Lisa, I didn't want to loose my mood, but at the same time I decided that I would need to talk to Beth about them and plan how to deal with things. BUT those things could wait for Monday. Tonight I had a beautiful fiancée to take care of. Tonight I had to make certain that I left her with no doubts that she was my future.

I finished my juice and went to the guest bathroom. I took the time to freshen up a little and to relieve my bladder. As I returned to the sitting room I stopped and got a bottle of water and opened it. As I brought it to my lips I froze in place. I was so stunned I didn't even feel the cold water running down my chest. Beth stood in the doorway her hair braided and coiled atop of her head, held in place by two large chopsticks. On her body, open to the waist, was a deep cobalt blue kimono robe I had given her last year as an anniversary present. (I had given Josh and Beth anniversary presents every year since I had known them) I had given Josh a similar dressing robe in a vibrant jade color as well. I had seen them when I was in Japan on a project the previous year.

Beth's robe was shorter than I had imagined it would be. It barely came to her thighs and almost covered her sex, almost. Her magnificent breasts were bare to the edge of her nipples. Her areolae were just hinted at on the edge of the silk fabric. I finally awoke to the fact I was soaking myself when Beth asked, "Having trouble?"

The laughter in her voice broke the paralysis I had felt and I quickly began trying to brush the excess water from my body. Beth chuckled and said "Never mind that, come help me in the bath." She turned and I could see the cheeks of her astounding ass undulating back and forth as she walked back into the bedroom. The lips of her sex were just visible and I felt most of the blood in my body evacuate to the Southern regions of my anatomy. I threw the bottle in the direction of the trash can and headed at just short of a run for the bedroom door. I was nearly there when I stopped and returned for the ice bucket and corkscrew.

I picked up the bucket and entered the bedroom. As I drew a breath and walked through the door I took in a familiar odor. I was suddenly struck with the feeling of "home". All around the room scented candles were lit. I could smell jasmine and sandalwood with just a hint of cherry blossoms. I had come to associate this smell with "home" and Beth and hadn't realized it. It was the same scent she carried on her clothes and was prevalent in her apartment and on her very skin. It was the same scent as the incense she had gifted me with over the years. I felt peace flow over me and a "rightness" I had never known. In that moment I realized I had been IN love with Beth for years and had not let myself see it.

When I had a problem I went to Beth. When I needed comfort, I talked to Beth. I didn't talk to Lisa about these things. I couldn't have as she would have belittled whatever problem I had and responded with the phrase "Just handle it. Would you be a man for once please?" In a flash of hindsight I saw that Lisa had been trying to drive a wedge between us for at least the last four years. She had wanted me to file for divorce and had only filed herself when she had finally come to the conclusion that I wasn't going to.

I had been friends with Beth for fifteen years and had always talked to her, but over the last four or five years Beth had been my sole source for emotional support. She had never turned me away nor had she ever belittled me or spoke derisively when I had come to her with a problem. Like as not the problem was or involved Lisa. Seeing for the first time the sheer magnitude of Beth's caring for me in this light made my insides melt in a manner I was not accustomed to feeling.

I sat the bucket on the bedside table. I called out "Beth? Where are you Sweets?" The door to the bathroom swung open and I again could see that fabulous kimono robe draped over her body. I walked over to her, reached out a finger that brushed her nipple as I felt the fabric of the robe and said, "I know this is the robe I got for you in Japan, I recognize the pattern in the silk, but I know it wasn't this small or sexy. What happened?"

Beth blushed, bit her lower lip and looked down "You don't like it." It was more statement than question.

"I think it is hands down the sexiest thing I have ever seen. But only on you." I said softy as I raised her eyes to mine. The smile that lit her face was the highlight of my day. I pulled her into my arms and continued, "What happened to the kimono?"

Beth hugged me tighter and said "When the package arrived from Japan it was damaged. The robe you sent was torn and stained in several places. I called my friend Aoi (pronounced Owee it means brilliant blue in Japanese) and told her what had happened and that the return information was written in Japanese Kanji script. She came over and told me that she could get it exchanged on her trip to Japan the next week and bring it back with her so I said yes. When she got back she brought the robe and it fit too snugly in the chest." Beth buried her face in my chest and continued "I took it to a seamstress I know in Little Hong Kong. You know Madam Chu's? You've heard me mention her before I think."

As I nodded yes she continued, "Well I showed her the problem and she suggested that I have it made into a seduction piece. Her words not mine. I told her to go ahead when she showed me what she wanted to do with it. She asked who I was altering it for and I told her I'd only ever wear it for one person. Josh had to have told Joyce about it and where to look for it. It was in the gift box Aoi brought back from Japan in the very back of my closet. Josh is the only one who has ever seen it and he knew it was for you."

"I think I need to send Madame Chu a "Thank You" note." I said smiling.

Beth just held me tighter and asked "Do you really like it?"

I looked into her eyes and said "I love it. You look irresistible in it."

Beth began to help me out of my clothes. Her hands were slightly trembling and only that showed how much she was holding back.

I took her hands and asked "What's wrong Sweet's? Tell me and I'll make it all better if I can." As I spoke I drew her towards me again enfolding her in my arms.

At this point only my briefs, Beth's gift to me, remained. She took a deep calming breath and held it for a moment and then said, "I want…" She shook her head and asked, "You know I give myself an enema on a regular basis, right?"

I nodded. She had begun the practice about ten years ago when she ended up in the hospital with a blocked bowel. They hadn't needed to do surgery, thank God, but it had been a near thing. It was painful and scary and she did not want a repeat of it. It also scared the life out of me; I visited her everyday for several hours and took her home on her last day. Josh and I had thrown an impromptu "Welcome Home" party for her. She had changed her diet and only occasionally ate red meat and never much of it when she did. She wasn't a vegetarian or a Vegan or anything but she was scrupulous about her diet. She had also begun working out in the gym zealously, hence her gloriously muscled body.

"I don't understand what this has to do with…" Beth had placed her fingers on my lips silencing me.

"Let me finish. Please? After last night I'm hoping you won't freak on me and I'm a little afraid you might think I'm a freak or sick or something. I mean most people would be. I wouldn't blame you if you…"

It was my turn to silence her with my fingers. "You're babbling Sweets. Calm down and tell me what's wrong. I love you and I'm not going anywhere." I tried to put every ounce of love I held for her in my being into the look I gave her. Her eyes searched my face and found nothing but love for her. No uncertainty. No fear. No revulsion. Just love.

She nodded and said, "I give myself an enema as part of my daily routine. Shave my legs, trim my bush, do my enema, do my make up. Not in any specific order or ritual or anything like that. It's just something I do. You know why." She looked down again and started to blush, "After what you did last night I thought maybe you would be open to…" She paused as if afraid to ask me. Afraid I would ridicule her or something. "I have never had anything in my ass during sex aside from your tongue and Maddi's fingers once. Would you make love to me with your cock in my ass? Please?" She again dropped her eyes.

I looked at her astonished and asked, "Are you sure, really? Do you really want this?" I saw the look of hurt pass over her face as she assumed I was rejecting her offer. Silly woman! It was all I could do not to drag her to the bed and take her right away!

"Beth? Honey look at me please." She reluctantly raised her eyes to mine, "Do you have any idea how often I had fantasized about being allowed to do that when we were in college?" A look of surprise crossed her face. "I thought you were gay and therefore off limits. You were my friend but you are also the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. I told you last night I think you have the finest ass in all of creation. I've always thought you looked good but after you started working out you only improved. You were a safe fantasy. I had no expectation that you would suddenly change your orientation to be with me, or so I had thought."

I smiled at her and she blushed and swatted my arm playfully in reproach.

"There was no danger attached for me to draw me away from my girlfriend and later my marriage so it was a safe fantasy. The real fantasy turned out to be my marriage, maybe nightmare is a better choice of word for that, and now I get my most secret wish with the woman who wants me to be the one to pluck her gorgeous, ripe, little ass cherry. I would be most pleased and honored to do so. In case you missed it I'm a bit of an "ass man" and you have held me captive with yours for years."

The smile that lit Beth's face put every one I had seen to date to shame. "I told you Sweets; anything you want, I can give, is yours for the having. I will try any sexual act you want to try with one exception. I have no interest in scat. I'll try anything else you want." At the mention of scat her nose crinkled and her lip curled as she shook her head.

She looked at me and said "Good, I have no interest in that area either. I do my enemas for practical reasons and now I have a more important reason to continue doing them." At my questioning look she continued, "I want to be clean for you. I want this to always be a pleasant thing for us to do together. I liked it when you went down on my ass last night… No… No, I fucking loved it when you ate my ass last night. I want that again. But just like last night I want to be surprised when you do it. So I have to be clean back there, always, so that whenever you want my ass you can have it. However you want it."

She looked at me shyly and said "I have a favor to ask." I cocked my head and she said, "Would you give me a proper massage? The sexy one you gave me last night was very good" the look she gave me said she liked it more than a lot. At my nod she went into the bathroom and returned a plastic bag from Cloud Nine filled with a variety of high quality massage oils. They were in several sizes, but all excellent quality.

I looked through them all. She had sweet almond oil, shea butter, jojoba, macadamia nut oil, and sandalwood oil. She also had scented oils in jasmine, rosemary, lavender, cherry blossom varieties. There were also an assortment of empty bottles and instructions for mixing your own blend of oils. I smiled. I knew what Beth wanted and wanted me to do. I took the bag in through to the wet bar so I wouldn't make a mess. As I left the room Beth said "I'm going to freshen up, inside and out so don't be to long."

My hard on damned near ruptured my zipper at the thought of Beth in the bathroom getting ready for me. As I thought about it I think she came up with this to buy some time so she could "freshen up" as I hadn't given her time this morning for her normal routine.

I had seen a cup warmer pad under the counter of the bar while looking for the ice bucket earlier. I took a Scotch glass and ran the tap water hot and filled it about half full. I set up the cup warmer, turned it on high and sat the cup on it to keep the water at a good temperature. I then took the empty medium sized bottle and began to mix my own blend of oils into it.

My sophomore year in college I had taken an elective course on massage and had gotten the highest grade in the class. I had decided to take a light load of courses that semester and used it to fill in one of my required elective classes. I had shared the benefit of my learning with Beth on several occasions before.

While experimenting with oils for the class I had found a mixture that seemed to enhance the romantic mood of anyone you used it on. It seemed to energize you and make your love play a lot more intense. Even our instructor had asked for the recipe after I had given a sample to her for her to grade. She had blushed the whole time. She labeled it Palmers Aromatic Aphrodisiac Body Oil. I don't buy the aphrodisiac part but it is fragrant and it does put one in the right kind of mood. I had made gifts of the blend several times over the years to both Beth and Josh at Christmas and upon special request.