The Overlook Ch. 02


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"Well, holy shit, Romeo!! This may be your lucky day after all!" exclaimed Katie. She sped up to get to her house.

"Bonjour," Henri said when he answered his cell.

"Henri, this is Seth!"


"Seth!" he shouted as if increased volume was the key to international communication.

"Oh ... Monsieur Seth! Bonjour!"

"Uhm ... uhm ..." he stammered as he looked at Katie with his hand over the phone. "How do you say ..."

"Parlez-vous anglais," she said, completing his thought.

"Par-lay view English?" he asked with a shrug.

"No, Monsieur. Pardon!"

"Yeah ... O ... I'll call ..." and he hung up the phone. "Dammit! Who the hell do we know that speaks French?"

Katie racked her brain for a minute and brightened up. "Miss Ellie!"

Seth wrinkled his brow. "From middle school? Is she still alive? She was like 114 years old when I went there."

"She's still alive and kickin'. She goes to my church. She just lives over on Luna Street. Let's go!"

When the door opened, Ellie Baker greeted her surprise visitors with a welcoming smile. "Well, hello. What can I do for you?"

"Maybe save my life, Miss Ellie. May we come in?" Seth asked.

"Oh ..." she said as she stood aside and invited them to enter.

Though Seth was eager to get right to the point, Katie held him at bay and helped Miss Ellie bring in lemonade and cookies before getting down to business. After a few more excruciating pleasantries, Seth explained his need.

Miss Ellie chuckled with delight at being able to use her French to help a young man in love.


"Bonjour, genre monsieur," Miss Ellie said in flawless French. (Hello, kind sir.) "I am here with Seth Majors, and he would like to ask you a question."

"Yes ... Master Seth ... of course. How may I help?" Henri asked.

"He wants to know if you know where Molly might be."

"She was supposed to go to her father's home in Paris, but I would not be surprised if she was with her mother in Nice."

Miss Ellie relayed the information to Seth, who was taking the phrase edge-of-his-seat to the extreme. "Ask if he has a phone number."

"Do you have a telephone number for the young lady?"

Henri said he needed to check his Blackberry, and Miss Ellie's eyes widened. She told Seth and Katie that he was looking for some fruit at the moment and that he would be right back on the phone. They looked at each other in utter confusion.

"Non, je suis désolé. Je n'ai que son ancien numéro de téléphone." (No, I'm sorry. I only have her old number.)

Seth figured he'd be persona non grata at her dad's house, so he asked for her mother's phone number. Henri looked it up and gave it to Seth.

"Seth dit je vous remercie beaucoup." (Seth, says thank you very much.)

"Mon plaisir. Dites jeune capitaine Seth bonne chance." (My pleasure. Tell young Master Seth good luck.)

It was 2:30 pm their time, and Seth determined it would be 9:30 pm in Nice.

"Bonjour," came a female voice on the other line.

"Bonjour, Mademoiselle. Je suis en train de parvenir à Molly Fournier." (Hello, miss. I am trying to reach Molly Fournier.)

"Je suis désolé, mais Mlle Fournier est encore à un dîner avec M. Moretti." (I'm sorry, but Miss Fournier is still out to dinner with Mr. Moretti.)

"Savez-vous quand il sera de retour?" (Do you know when they will return?)

"Non, madame, probablement en retard. Puis-je prendre un message?" (No, madam, probably late. Can I take a message?) Seth said no message.

"No. Merci." (No. Thank you.)

"Vous êtes les bienvenus." (You're welcome.)

Miss Ellie hung up the phone and was eager to relay the information. When she told Seth that Molly was out to dinner with her old, almost fiancée and would be home late, his whole body collapsed. Seth suddenly got up and ran out the door, and he kept on running.

"I'm sorry. Did I say the wrong thing?" Miss Ellie asked.

"No, Miss Ellie. You did great. It's just ... thank you," said Katie as she patted Miss Ellie's hand, gave her a $20 bill and ran out to find Seth, but he was nowhere in sight.


Molly sat on the opposite side of the limo seat with her arms crossed fuming. She had as much interest in going to dinner with Federico as she had in dining with a scorpion. When her father and mother both ganged up on her, she figured it was easier to have an obligatory dinner than to listen to any more nonsense.

At the table, Federico tried to break the ice by saying, "Molly, I know mere words can't heal the wounds I inflicted upon you, but you have to know the fling with Annabella was a huge mistake. I was drunk. She was throwing herself at me ... I, eh, just responded."

She glared at him with smoldering eyes. "Responded? That's your explanation for fucking my whorish cousin?"

"We weren't technically ..." The fire in her eyes increased, and he decided it was best to belay the rest of his comment. "How can I make it up to you?"

"By setting yourself on fire," she shot back with her arms folded tighter.

Federico ordered champagne and sat back. "You really are exquisitely beautiful." Her glare deepened. He knew any chance of reconciliation was lost, so he asked, "So, how did you meet this cowboy?"

She looked at him like a second head just sprouted and asked, "Why do you want to know?"

He leaned into the table and offered her his hand. "Because I know we will never be lovers, but I do hope we can be friends. I mean that, Molly. So, I want to know about this stranger who has touched your heart."

She studied him for a long time trying to determine if this was a ruse to regain her trust. She decided that the best answer was an honest one. "I met him at the ranch in Colorado. It was a chance meeting, and I didn't think anything of it at first." Her body relaxed and a smile began inching its way across her face as she talked about Seth.

"The more he talked and the more I looked at him on that first day, the more I tingled in a way that was wholly new. When our hands touched, it was like touching fire; when we kissed, he made me immortal."

As Federico watched her face and listened to her words he actually felt a sense of shame that he was there, ostensibly, to lure her back to him. He could sense that the flame that smoldered inside her was not going to be extinguished by another man.

"Why did you leave him?"

"Because of my father's insufferable meddling."

"Why didn't you tell Pierre to go to Hell?"

"Because Henri told me Daddy was sending some hired goons to kidnap me, and I was terribly afraid that Seth would try to be a hero and would get hurt," she answered as a tear fell from her eye.

Federico now began feeling angry at Pierre himself. Most of the people in Federico's world were as shallow as paper. They worried much more about power than about other humans. He found the purity of Molly's feelings humbling.

"You need to tell your father how you feel, Molly."

"He won't listen. He's too much focused on the synergy of a Fournier-Moretti merger," she snapped.

Federico offered his hand again. "Then, make him listen. Make him hear you. If he refuses, I will berate him myself until he wakes up." Molly looked at Federico and realized he meant what he said. She took his hand.

"Thank you, Federico."

"Shakespeare said, 'Love is a smoke made with the fumes of sighs.'"

Molly thought of Seth and sighed.


Seth was in a complete tailspin now. The grizzled ache of wanting her had been replaced by the catatonia of losing her. As hard as it was to have her torn from him, the thought that she had rushed back to her old almost fiancée the moment she returned to France was utterly destructive.

"Honey, you can't keep doing this to yourself," Cathy said as he lay on the couch. "You've got to keep up your strength. Come into the kitchen and have some stew." He didn't move. "Seth, don't make me get the switch!"

Seth slowly rose from the sofa and padded into the kitchen. Mentally, he wasn't hungry, but he knew his body needed energy, so he ate his mom's ranch stew and cornbread.

They ate in silence until Cathy said, "School starts in a couple of weeks. That should at least provide some distractions."

"No, it won't," he said, looking down. "I can't pry her out of my mind, Mom. She's like the SA node in my heart. If she's not there, my heart'll stop beating."

"I'm not exactly sure what an SA node is, but I get the picture. What else can you do, Honey?"

He dropped his head and shook it no. "I've run out of ideas. I've run out of options. And, she's running back to her old boyfriend."

"I don't believe that for one second. Son, I saw how she looked at you. The last time I saw a woman look at a man like that was when I said, 'I do' to your father. I'd stake my place in Heaven on the fact that she's in love with you."

"I wish I felt the same."


When Federico and Molly returned to her mother's house, Pierre had been relegated to the back seat of the limo. Federico nodded his head to indicate that Molly should go talk to him. He went inside the house to have a brandy.

Pierre saw Molly coming toward the car and braced himself for the onslaught. When she opened the door, he saw her chin quiver and her eyes flooded. "Daddy!" she cried and shot across the seat to throw her arms around his neck and bury her face on his shoulder sobbing. He had been prepared for an obstinate Molly, who could sling invectives that sizzled on the skin. He was ready for a petulant Molly, who would probably sling additional rocks at his head with much greater accuracy than D'Arcy. He was completely unprepared for a vulnerable Molly.

The great Pierre Fournier had a reputation for unparalleled ruthlessness. He could outmaneuver an opponent with his quick mind and decisive action. He could decimate an underling with his acid tongue. He was a complete master of his domain ... with one exception. His beloved Molly was the one person who could level him with her eyes. She, alone, had the ability to cut straight through his bluster to peer directly into his soul. When he saw the misery in her eyes, his resolve and his heart quickly dissolved. He no longer had the will to deny her what she so fervently wanted.

Pierre struggled for words and grappled even harder to deliver them through his constricted throat. "Molly, my sweet, talk to me. Why are you so distraught?"

She fought to regain some measure of composure. "Daddy, I left part of my heart at a small ranch in America, and I'll never be whole again until I retrieve it."

"But, Molly, this young man is not part of your world. He ..."

"Yes, he is very much the center of my world. He's just not part of your world, Daddy. "

He searched for the right words. "How can you be so sure, Molly? You've know this young man for the blink of an eye."

"The beat of heart. Daddy, when you decided to go after Regency Distillery even after your board, the stock analysts, and your own advisors were telling you it was a huge mistake, why did you make that decision?"

"When you studied the cost structure and realized the subsidiary potential ..."

"Daddy?" she said with a cut-the-bullshit tone in her voice.

"I – I knew in my gut, and it turned out to be one of our best acquisitions." She stared at him; he understood why. His shoulders slumped, and he really looked at her for the first time. "What if I told you this young man of yours scares me?"

She wrinkled her forehead. "Scares you?"

"You're the most precious thing in my life, Molly. I love your brother, of course, but you've always occupied a place in my heart that is unique." She smiled and touched his face with her hand. "Your feelings for this young man are so powerful; I guess I'm afraid of losing you."

"How could you ever lose me? You're my father. I'll always love you ... even when you exasperate me to the point of apoplexy. But, Seth now resides in a special place in my heart, and I need you to understand and to honor that. I can no more cut him out of my life than I you can cut me out of yours. You need to meet him to understand."

"You're really this sure?"

"It's the truest thing in my life, other than my assurance that your love for me will never fade."

That statement cut directly to his core. He sighed. "Then, go find your smile, Molly, and bring this young man back so we can meet him."

Pierre was startled by the intensity of the sudden embrace. "Thank you, Daddy!"


Seth woke up the next morning and lay in bed for a long time, staring at the ceiling and thinking. If he was going to have to move past Molly, he was going to have to find a way to deal with the pain. He came downstairs dressed in his running gear. He guzzled two large glasses of orange juice and chowed down two raisin bran muffins. He threw a couple of big water bottles in his knapsack and went outside. Cathy was working in the garden and turned when she heard the back door slam. She smiled broadly when she saw Seth in his familiar outfit. He kissed her forehead and winked as he strode to the truck.

The drive to the Overlook gave him more time to think. At least, his encounter with Molly showed him what true love was all about. It taught him what he needed to look for in future relationships. He decided he would hold onto the magic and try to let the pain go.

A brutal September Sun scorched the Colorado hills. Seth struggled to adjust to the heat for much of the run before settling into a rhythm. As Seth rounded the curve to Cactus Pass he stared up at the three-quarter mile thirty percent grade path to the peak. It was his test ... his Heartbreak Hill. He looked at his watch and was surprised to see that he was ten seconds ahead of his personal best. Tom Petty's "Learning to Fly" was starting on his iPod. He cranked it up.

"Well I started out down a dirty road."

"I started out ... all alone."

"And, the Sun went down as I crossed the hill,"

"The town lit up, and the world got still."

(Seth saw Molly's face ... smiling at him ... glaring at him ... enveloping him.)

"I'm learning to fly, but I ain't got wings."

"Comin' down is the hardest thing."

(He saw Molly's gleaming hair fly behind her as she galloped ahead of him.)

"Well the good old days may not return,"

"And, the rocks might melt, and the sea may burn."

(He saw Molly lying in the grass looking up at him.)

"I'm learning to fly, but I ain't got wings."

"Comin' down is the hardest thing."

(He felt Molly's lips press against his.)

"Well some say life will beat you down,"

"Break your heart, steal your crown."

"So, I started out for God knows where,"

"But, I guess I'll know when I get there."

(He saw her eyes smolder as she looked at him.)

"I'm learning to fly around the clouds,"

"But what goes up must come down."

Seth's legs felt like lead bars, and he could taste copper as his lungs burned in the desert heat. But, his heart pumped and drove him harder and harder up the relentless hill.

"I'm learning to fly, but I ain't got wings."

"Comin' down is the hardest thing."

(He felt her body press against his.)

"I'm learning to fly around the clouds."

"But, what goes up must come down."

He felt the crest of the hill beneath his ragged legs as he reached the pinnacle.

"I'm learning to fly."

"I'm learning to fly."

Seth's hands were on his knees as he fought frantically for air at the top of the pass.

"You know, the first thing we have to do is buy you fucking cell phone. Okay ... maybe the second thing."

Seth raised his head and opened his eyes as he tried to determine if he was hallucinating. He saw Molly leaning against a tree in the shade with the world's biggest smile on her face. He was too stunned to move or to speak or to think. She tossed him a bottle of water, which he gulped in a couple of swallows. Then, she leapt into his arms so hard he staggered backwards, and she wrapped her legs around his waist. She kissed him with volcanic intensity, devouring him. The heat didn't matter. The salt didn't matter. As they consumed each other, she felt for the remaining bottle of water from his backpack and poured it over their heads as they laughed and kissed in the simmering sunlight.

He took her face in his hands as tears washed down his face. It all seemed like a beautiful dream. "How did you ... where ..."

"We'll have time to talk about all of that, my dearest love, but not now." She led him by the hand to the shady spot where he first spied on her. A thick horse blanket was laid out. She stripped off her shirt and tore off her tiny denim shorts. It took Seth a moment to catch up.

Molly lay down and was breathing desperately when she pulled Set between her thighs. There was no foreplay, no escalation of emotion. They were both already soaring. Seth plunged into her hungrily. They both wrenched their eyes closed as their bodies met. Seth pushed as deeply as possible into Molly, and she met his every downward stroke, grinding her scalding clit on his unbreakable cock. Their tongues gripped each other as they invaded the other's mouth. When their orgasm hit, Molly screamed so loudly it echoed around the small canyon. Seth's entire body tensed in cataclysmic pleasure as he poured semen into her innermost crevices. In that ultimate moment, they had become one.

They lay in each other's embrace for a long time, both desperate to hold onto this feeling. When, with a contented sigh, Molly smiled through her tears and looked at Seth, she said, "I'm so glad I'm home." Seth and Molly made love two more times with his dick never leaving the heat of her pussy, shrinking and growing each time within her vaginal grasp. After their third trip to Nirvana, they lay on their backs with the arms intertwined.

"I thought I'd lost you forever. I still wonder if I'm going to wake up from the best dream ever," he said.

Molly rose up on one elbow and looked at him with absolute love. "You'll never lose me, Seth. You're part of me now ... forever," she said as she held his hand to her heart.

They brought each other up-to-date on everything that had happened, and Seth's eyes kept sweeping over her sensuous body. He was fully erect again and reached to kiss her and to pull her into another embrace.

Molly stopped him with her hands and a huge smile. "This was just the appetizer. For the main course, I have something else in mind." She told Seth that he needed to go home and pack for an overnight stay but that he would also need a tuxedo. She told him she'd take care of that. He was to meet her in two hours at her ranch. He looked over the side of the cliff and saw Ami grazing contentedly by the water.

Seth was five minutes early. He broke his own downhill record by almost a minute as he raced for his truck and flew home to shower, change and pack. He was so fast that Cathy, who had been in the barn, only knew he was home because of the screeching tires. As he raced down the stairs three at a time, he stopped long enough to tell her, "Molly's back! Don't wait up!" Then, he kissed his mother, spun her around in a dance move, and bolted out the door.

A helicopter was waiting for the couple when he arrived. Molly ran up and jumped into his arms again ... a habit that was quickly becoming a favorite of his. She kissed him deeply, then grabbed his hand and dragged him to the aircraft. The pilot tossed in their bags, and they were off. They held each other tightly during the flight with Molly resting her head on his shoulder and him kissing her head every three seconds.

They landed at a heliport high in the Colorado mountains at a resort that was little known outside the inner circles of the world's über rich. Each suite was independent and supported by giant wooden poles, which made it appear like you were part of the world's largest tree house. Covered walkways connected the suites. Each master bedroom was encased in glass and was situated so you could leave all blinds open and retain total privacy. The round beds floated on cushions of air, which gave its occupants the feeling of floating on a cloud.
