The Pilots Ch. 01


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I was properly chivalrous to her when I had held the car door then offered my arm and she took it. A while later we held hands then she held my arm again. Then she wanted my arm around her shoulders and next she put her arm around me too. On the roller coaster she held on to me for dear life; I closed my eyes and figured I could live through anything for ninety seconds.

We shared some snacks and then on a park bench she just snuggled up against me and held my arm around her. We just sat in silence and watched the people go by. At about six o'clock, I asked, "Is it wine time yet?" She laughed and said, "Oh yes, but we can't go back to the hotel just yet. I'll be mobbed and we'll never get to spend the evening together. Let's go somewhere else. Someplace no one knows us."

We ended up in the very dark and very empty cocktail lounge of a steak restaurant just off the Interstate. Kim cuddled up to me as we sat and pulled my arm around her again. We ordered our chardonnays and a couple of hors d'oeuvres. She kissed my cheek again.

"I am very grateful that you are so thankful or affectionate or both," I said. "I had fun this afternoon. More fun than I've had in a long time, a very long time. Are you sure you don't mind hanging out with guy old enough to be your father?"

"I had fun too," Kim said. "And I don't think you too old. We should do this more often. And it was a both – I'm thankful and affectionate with you. I'm not normally openly affectionate but you've inspired me, and thank you for rescuing me from a potentially boring afternoon.

"So it is 'both,' I said with a grin, "and I'm slightly better than being bored at a conference."

Kim started, "Oh no, that's not at all what I meant. You …"

I interrupted with a laugh, "I've had a wonderful afternoon too and you made it that way. Now you're going to make it a wonderful evening too." She grinned at my tease and pecked my cheek again.

Our wine and appetizers arrived, so we diverted our attention from each other for a few minutes. Then Kim asked, "Ron, last night you talked about unselfish and unconditional love and I kept thinking about that term today, even this afternoon, but I'm not even sure what questions to ask."

"Let me start by telling you that I love you," I said. I pulled her to me and kissed her on the lips. She kissed back and then went "Wow! You do?"

"Yes, I do," I said. "I am especially glad you are the person you are, and I would find a way to love you if you were some other way too. You make it easy though; you return my affection with your own. What goes around comes around."

"But I felt I initiated things," she said. "Plus you probably look at me like a kid based on your earlier comment. You are so much more experienced and 'have arrived' compared to little old me."

I started, "Well, I don't see you as a 'kid.' You are a talented woman in her prime, and you have jumpstart on a fantastic career. And to your question, you might have felt my love for you and then responded by returning that love in your own affectionate way. In a relationship unconditional love means I love you and I support your quest to develop and grow, even when that quest takes you to other places with other people. I sometimes use the term 'unselfish love' too; by that I mean I don't withhold my love if you do something I don't approve of or if you don't follow my rules, even if there are others involved."

"Do you mean even if there is intimacy involved with someone else?" she asked.

"Yes," I said, "but then I'd have unselfish and unconditional love for that someone else too. I'd want to see them grow and develop too. They'd become part of the relationship we share and we'd welcome them into it."

"That's mind blowing," Kim said. "So if I was your wife I could sleep around?"

"I would hope that wouldn't be the goal. I don't see much love or growth from a move like that. But if you felt that was an important step for you, then so be it. You're an adult and you know by now that you are responsible for your own life and your own happiness. I don't think you see yourself as a 'victim' of life; you're molding it to your own needs. Sleeping around usually seems to bring more regrets than happiness in the people I hear talk about it; it's sort of a hollow way to build relationships and not my cup of tea, I might add."

"But what if I fell in love with someone? Suppose I had an affair?" She posited.

"If you have to sneak around to do it I would guess that it wouldn't take too long before you wouldn't respect yourself. You would label yourself a 'cheater' or worse. If you build a relationship in the daylight so to speak then you can feel proud to be supportive and loving to this someone, even sharing them with your spouse or vice versa as you all grow together. I know this sounds radical, but when you consider the alternatives and how much pain and sorrow most of them bring I wonder why so few other people think this way."

Our conversation went on and on; eventually we went into the restaurant and had a regular dinner. Even though the restaurant was pretty upscale no one seemed to mind our casual clothes. We held hands between courses and while we were waiting. I don't think either of us particularly cared what we ate; our focus was on the other person. We left the restaurant at eleven o'clock and snuck back into the hotel without anyone noticing our arrival. We rode up in the elevator alone holding hands and standing very close.

As we got to my door she wouldn't release my hand. "Come with me," Kim said quietly. We went to her room and she opened the door with her key card and pulled me inside. Kim's arms went around my neck and she pulled me into a passionate kiss. "Oh, you've made me so happy today," she said. "Now come and make love to me. I have fallen unselfishly and unconditionally in love with you."

"Are you really sure you want an old guy like me?" I asked but still following her into the room.

"Oh, more than you know," Kim said. "Your age doesn't matter to me but your philosophy does. I feel loved and cared for when I am with you; no one ever made me feel this way. I know you'll still love me tomorrow too – and I'll love you too. Now come." She pulled me to the king-sized bed.

I lay down and Kim fell into my arms and we really kissed passionately for the first time. We had kissed a few times before but this kiss stopped me in my tracks. We started by just rubbing our lips together. I whispered to Kim that I loved her as our lips we touching; it was a sensuous uttering. She whispered back that she loved me too.

Then I took my tongue and gently traced the outline of her lips over and over again. We were pliant to the other's touch. She would occasionally bring her tongue out to greet mine. This was not a French kiss; our contact was outside the mouth. I extended my focus to include her neck, ears and face, particularly using my tongue in her ear and blowing warm moist air too. She kept trying to get closer to me.

Then I shifted to a quiet loving of her mouth extending my tongue inside her as far as I could reach. We traded positions and in so doing really tasted each other for the first time. I liked her taste; she told me she liked what I was doing. My heart skipped three beats.

Kim reached over and started to unbutton my sport shirt. I simultaneously worked on her blouse. Together we shed our tops at the same time. She had a delicate bra on that she immediately shed too. Her breasts were perfectly shaped handfuls of taut flesh with large areolas and significant nipples.

I put my mouth to first one and then the other breast sucking on the nipples and feeling them extend in excitement at my attention. Kim moaned and put her head back to savor my attention to her chest. She stroked my head and hair as I attended to her.

Then she surprised me and lowered her head to my chest, licking and sucking on my nipples. No one had ever done that before. I could feel the electric charge reach my groin as she did this, and blood surged into my penis like never before.

I fussed with her belt and the zipper to her shorts. Kim became impatient and did it herself, raising her hips off the bed to lower her shorts and her bikini underwear. She kicked both across the room. She lay next to me nude.

I made a motion to reach for her pubic area but she stopped me and said "No you strip too." I removed the rest of my clothes and tossed them aside. Our two bodies merged in another kiss of epic dimensions for now we were fully honoring each other through our nakedness, fully loving each other as never before.

We both reached for each other at the same time. She fondled my cock and started a slow up and down motion masturbating me; she was enjoying the feeling of me in her hands. I traced the outline of her entire pubic area with one finger, avoiding contact with her sex at first. My finger ran around the edge of her trimmed pubic hair and down the inside of the depression in her thighs; I jumped to the other leg and retraced a similar route along her thigh, around her hair and over her flat stomach. She writhed under my hand, not because she was ticklish but because she wanted me to touch her sex.

I gently stroked into her pubic hair from her stomach, occasionally using my entire palm to remove any hint of tickling. This was not playtime; this was time for love. Gradually my finger found her slit and only tentatively at first made short and shallow forays into the front of her sex, then deeper, and then deeper and more pronounced. She rose to meet my hand, forcing me to her. She whispered, "You tease," in a tender voice and gently bit my lip.

I shifted myself down the bed, rolling between her legs. I took my tongue and started behind her right knee and traced a gentle line from there almost to her labia. I repeated the process on the other leg. I then rose and used my tongue across her lower abdomen, just above her pubic area. She pushed my head down with her hands.

I lightly ran my tongue down her moist slit; she was generating wetness rapidly. I savored the taste of her. Her fluid was a musky aromatic juice that was erotic and sexy beyond description. If I could bottle it, I would have saved it forever to remind me of that first moment at her threshold. I used my tongue to explore further and deeper into her pussy. She was tenderly stroking my head and guiding me with gentle motions: up, down, slightly to this side, pushing me into her.

I found her clitoris. I knew I'd located it because it was carefully cloaked in a small circle of skin and rose in her excitement to greet my assault; more obvious though was her twitching and jerking motions as I ran my tongue over that part of her love nest.

I started to stoke her thighs with my hands as I focused on her pussy with my tongue. Gradually I brought my hands up and started to involve them in loving Kim and in particularly loving her pussy. I started to finger and lick at the same time, using tongue and then fingers. I inserted a finger into her cunt and she rose to meet me. I searched for her G-spot, exploring the areas I knew it was supposed to be. Then Kim's body arched towards me as I ran two fingers over a patch of internal tissue that had a slightly different texture from adjacent walls; I'd found it.

I moved away and came back, over and over again. I combined my oral loving of her clit with my fingers on her G-spot and internal loving. Kim started to moan. I increased my stroking and sucking. She whispered, "Oh dear God, I'm cuming. Oh. Oh. Oh." I then accelerated my sucking and thrusting of my fingers into her cunt.

Kim came. She was magnificent in her climax. Her back arched. She clutched my head to her nether region, squeezing my head with her legs that had been held back to afford me maximum availability. She squealed and moaned. Her entire body shook with several tremors than ran from head to toe. A small bit of womanly fluid appeared. "Oh fuck. Oh fuck. Oh fuck. Oh that was wonderful. Oh dear God, thank you, thank you, thank you."

Finally the peak of pleasure passed. She was still languishing in the afterglow of the moment I'd provided her. She reached down and pulled me up, "Come here. Kiss me." I moved up and gently kissed her. She pulled me to her in a hard and passionate kiss. When we parted she said, "Is that me I'm tasting? I don't mind that. I never tasted myself before." I chuckled and said I loved the taste so I'm not surprised that she wouldn't too. She considered that and said, "I think I'm being kinky."

She reached down and took hold of my cock again and started to pump it. I had been so focused on her it had deflated slightly, however, she returned it to readiness in seconds. She then lowered her head and kissed the mushroomed top. Then I felt her mouth slide over the end and she started to slide up and down my cock taking me progressively deeper and deeper into her mouth with each down thrust. "Ummm," she said, "I really like tasting myself this way."

I lay back and basked in the enjoyment of the sensations she was giving me. I talked to her. Telling her what I liked: "This not that"; "Try that"; "Good"; "Deeper now". She occasionally took me all the way to the back of her throat, and then I felt myself go even deeper as she brought her lips all the way to my body. Then I was released again. I moaned and twitched. She was bringing me to the edge.

I whispered to her, "I want to be inside you, not in your mouth right now. Come over me." Kim carefully moved to straddle my hips as she held my rod in her hand. When she was positioned well she touched the end of my penis to her moist lips. She slowly lowered herself an inch and then rose again, then lowered herself a little move then pulled up again, then lower still and up again. I was being teased. My penetration was progressing very slowly and very sensuously in the hands of this vixen. She was intensely watching my face as she maneuvered.

Finally, Kim dropped her entire cunt onto my cock, allowing the last inch to finally penetrate her. We both groaned. Our loins pressed together in our bliss. She came forward to me and we kissed; I could feel her erect nipples dragging across my chest. I reached up and fondled her breasts, twisting and turning the erect ends; as I did this I could feel the muscles along her vaginal walls convulse.

We jointly started a slow thrusting, my up meeting her down. She was in control and would rise to a point where I was almost going to fall out of her warm sheath; then she would slowly reconnect us, sliding me past her labia and taking me deep inside her. We did this repeatedly. We kissed repeatedly. I moaned repeatedly. We both panted.

I finally got the signals from deep inside that said there's no turning back, that my orgasm was imminent. I whispered to her, "I'm near, very near."

"Me too," she panted back and me. We French kissed again, our tongues dancing in each other's mouths.

A few seconds passed and I said "Now!" I made four or five extended thrusts up off the bed into her pussy. She returned the gesture. I felt her cuntal walls squeezing my cock with a ripple of electric muscle movements. I exploded. I sent wash after wash of jism deep into her pussy. Kim rotated her hips into me in a move of maximum receptivity. I felt a flood of fluid at our joining. Our backs arched forcing my cock and her pussy together to the maximum extent possible.

"Oh dear God," Kim uttered. "I can't believe that that one was better than the other one you gave me. I like having you inside me."

"I agree. I can't think of anywhere else in the Universe I would want to be than right here, right now, with you. I'll even stay here forever if you want." We remained coupled as we petted, smoothed and kissed some more. Kim finally cuddled into my chest and we just snuggled together with her still atop my body.

When I deflated and fell out, I pulled Kim up next to me so I could kiss her again. She was still cuddly yet passionate. I administered to her breasts and nipples some more, and then I took my right hand and started to finger her moist pussy again. She responded well.

I lowered my head to her cunt and much to her surprise licked and sucked at the juices coming from her. "Oh," she said, "I've NEVER thought of anyone doing that. Are you sure?"

I took a large sample of our combined juices into my mouth and rose up to her, nodding for her to open her mouth. I gently kissed her, allowing a little of the joint fluid to flow into her mouth. I could feel her tasting the sample. I gave her a little more; then she pulled my head to her and opened her mouth wide. I shared all I had with her.

"We taste good," she finally said after we'd finished our wet kiss. "Can I have some more?" I went back to her well as she described the taste. She said, "I can taste both of us on different areas of my tongue. I am muskier than you are right now. You have a slightly sweet and oak like flavor." I gave her another deposit and savored some myself.

"You sound like you are grading a fine wine," I said to her finally.

"Yes," Kim said, "I think I am. We'll make gallons of this stuff and bottle it up and sell it as a rare and exotic perfume. Haute women all over the world will dab our fluids behind their ears and over their breasts to have that just right odor and to attract just the right guy."

"Pheromones," I said. "My wife used to tell me I had a lot of pheromones. I know it's something that moths have to attract other moths. People are supposed to have them too, in varying degrees. She always thought I had a lot of them. I always seemed to attract women. Maybe that's why you're here with me now. You succumbed to my pheromones."

"Whatever it is, I've fallen in love with you," Kim said, kissing me deeply.

"I hate to bring up a sensitive subject," I said suddenly, "but we didn't use birth control. Was that alright?"

"Yes," she said, "I'm on the pill. My instincts tell me you haven't been sleeping around very much. When was the last time you did this, if I may be so bold as to ask?"

"About four years ago with my wife, before she got really sick," I responded quietly. "Just her for the decade before that. Sometime I'll tell you about what our life was like the decade or so before that one, but not tonight." Kim looked curious but let the comment pass; I reached over and turned off the bedside light, leaving the only light coming from the partially closed curtains.

We both made bathroom trips. I asked, "Do you want me here or should I go?" Kim pulled me into the bed, kissed me tenderly, cuddled into me and pulled the sheet up over us. I was in heaven, an unbelievable heaven. Sleep overtook us quickly.


I awoke but didn't move; the room was lit by sunlight coming through the curtains that were only open about a foot. I opened my eyes and Kim's sleeping form was next to me, sheet askew so that her breasts were exposed. I just starred at the beauty of her face and form. What a perfect individual. I sent love thoughts to her. After a few moments her eyes fluttered open and she smiled at me; be still my heart. "I love you," she whispered.

"And I love you," I said as I leaned in a kissed her several times. "Hate to be bore, but what's your schedule for today?"

"I have appointments all morning and a lunch. I'm probably free after one or two o'clock," she replied with a yawn and seductive stretch. "What time is it?"

"Seven thirty. I'm your devoted slave for the rest of my life," I said and kissed her some more paying particular attention to her breasts. She kissed back and hugged me to her naked form. I hardened.

"I should start getting dressed now if I'm going to make my day on time. How about a rain check on what seems to be developing here?" She asked teasingly.

"OK, but no reneging. I'll make good use of the time." I jotted my cell phone number on a slip of paper by her phone. "Call me when you're done and I'll come running." I slipped my shorts and sport shirt on, stuffing my underwear and sox into my pockets, kissed her once more, and slipped down the hall to my own room to shave, shower and dress.