The Producer: Harder Than It Looks

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First time producer finds perfect model for his site.
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***Have you ever wondered about those guys that run your favorite porn site? How did they get started? It all starts with a good plan***

I should start out by telling you a little bit about myself. I am your average, everyday guy, who up until a year ago had a Nine to Five job in a large company. I had been at the company for almost ten years and had not even seen it coming. I came into work one morning to find the locks changed on my office, and a termination notice taped to the door. I look back on it now and realize how surreal it was. The day actually happened to be my ten-year anniversary, but instead of a gold watch, I got a pink slip.

To say that I was bummed out would have been an understatement, but luckily that depression soon changed to anger. Who the fuck did they think they were? Did they think they could just dump me like a bag of garbage and get away with it? I must tell you that I was so pissed off that I was seeing red, and do you know what I did about it? Nothing. That's right, I didn't do a thing. I'm not a crazy former employee with visions of mutilated executives dancing in my head. I'm just that average guy who just got fucked over by the system we've come to loathe.

I won't go into any more about what happened. Let's just say it was a very unhappy time for me. I did all of the things I could in order to minimize the damage. I cut down on my living expenses, sold a few useless items that were lying around my condo and filed for unemployment benefits. Now of course I was also looking for a job, I was not too enthused about a market that wasn't enthused about me.

It was within those months of unemployed limbo that I found out just how faithful my girlfriend was. Beth and I had planned on getting married, which I thought meant that we were somewhat committed to each other. Boy was I wrong. I wasn't out of work for two months when she dumped me on my ass. It probably had something to do with me suggesting that she cut down on all of the lavish wedding plans that I would be paying for. Did I really need to pay almost two thousand dollars for white doves? She thought so, but I didn't. Either way, it worked out for the best. After canceling all of the wedding plans, I received a nice amount in refunds on what I had already paid. Of course I lost some of the money in service charges, which is something I will never understand. How the fuck should you get anything, you didn't actually provide a service?

Anyway, I was surfing the Internet for porn one day and came across a website that I found quite tasty. The girls were cute, but natural and I quickly downloaded everything I could before the Webmaster found me using a hacked password. Needless to say, I leeched the site pretty quickly. It was while I was watching a young hottie wrestle with some monster cock that I had an epiphany. I saw the answer to all of my problems between the cuties greasy cunt flaps. If these guys could do this then why couldn't I? I decided right there that I was going to make porn.

I wanted to do things right. I compiled a profitability study, created a business model and researched my targeted audience. The task was difficult but well worth it. After a lot of sweating and drinking, I managed to finish everything in just under an hour. I scoured the web and found a few modeling agencies that handled adult models. I called a few, and their prices almost derailed my train. I sat back and drank a glass of iced tea, since I think better that way. Of course I kept cruising the Internet for porn while I was thinking, and of course it helped me come up with a new plan.

I came across a few reality sites and decided that was the course of action that I would take. After all, one must be flexible in the business world. After a few more teas, and a few more hours of porn, I was ready.

My first stop was the local hardware store, where I picked up enough lighting equipment to handle anywhere I wanted to shoot. The next stop was the local rental shop. I had never used such a place before, but knew it would be better to rent the cameras than buy them. I wanted to reduce how much money I would be out if my little plan failed. I've seen enough pictures and behind the scenes vignettes in movies to know that I needed a few items to spice up my condo. I stopped at a fabric store and picked up a few yards of colored fabric, as well as white to help alter the décor if needed. I finally stopped at a sex shop to pick up a few toys, and this stop was the most expensive. There were too many cool gadgets to choose from, so I bought as many as possible.

I set up everything I needed at the condo and headed out to find some talent. I will admit that the first evening was pretty rough. There really is no set way how to ask a gal if she wants to get naked and fuck. I started off by hitting the bars, but a few drinks were the only things I was picking up. The lure of easy money didn't mean anything to these gals. It was apparent that most of them were more interested in getting their hooks into a guy who would be a full time sucker. Hello Beth! Are you reading this? Bitch.

So, I was just about ready to give up when I spotted this girl in the corner of the bar. She was dressed casually, but not expensive like the other barflies. Her jeans didn't have a designer label and her hair didn't look like she had it done at a salon. Further inspection showed that her nails were unpainted and uneven, further lending proof that she was different than the rest of the crowd. She was staring out of the window while drinking a beer as I approached the table.

"Hi, I'm Jim. Can I join you?" I asked her. Looking back, I realize that it was my honest approach that hooked her. I was tired of searching and wasn't in the mood for playing games.

"Sure." She said. Her voice was pleasant and genuine. She introduced herself as Taylor and somehow the name fit. I was about ready to launch into my routine when she stopped me.

"Are you some guy looking for a one night stand, or are you trying to find a girl to star in our latest production?" She asked bluntly between sips of her beer.

Fuck. This looked like it was going to turn into another dead end. I hoped I could still return the sex toys. After all, I had made sure to keep them sealed in the packages. I shrugged and laughed at how screwed up this had turned out. Maybe I should have spent two hours in planning.

"It's not my latest feature but my first, and from the looks of things it will be my last." I said honestly.

I was prepared for the brush off that I had received all night, but Taylor began to laugh. "Your in the wrong neighborhood if your searching for a girl looking to make a quick buck. Most of these corporate bitches only fuck a guy to get him on the hook or to keep him on it." She said.

I was put at ease by her manner, but I was still unsure whether I had found my girl. Taylor was an average brunette, but I could definitely see fucking her until her box ached. Her tits were about the size of large oranges, and had enough sag to prove that they were the real deal.

"I hope you don't mind me asking, but have you ever done any model work?" I asked. I was digging her, but I wasn't going to spend the rest of the night trying to get her.

It turned out that Taylor had done a few pictures and videos before, but nothing that had seen the light of day. They had all been done with a few former boyfriends, who she said lacked enough motivation to do anything with the material. There was also the fact that her past lovers had been far from good at photography. Most of what they did was blurry and out of focus. With this knowledge, I got down to business.

"I'm looking for a girl to shoot a couple of scenes. No real stories, just a bit of solo sex with toys and some posing. I'm just starting out, so the fee is not that big, but I can work something out to give you money after the website is up." I told her. I wanted to lay the whole package on the table.

Taylor mulled over what I said before answering. "What kind of toys, and how much up front?" she asked.

This was the farthest I had gotten all night, and I was getting stoked. "I can pay three hundred up front. I bought a variety of toys, so you can choose which ones you want to use." I explained.

"What about contact? What are you expecting?"

I hadn't really thought about it before. I had always assumed that I would get a shot at the girls I was filming, but now that I realized how that could affect the financial side of things.

"That's totally up to you." I said with my hands out in front of me. I must have looked pretty comical, because Taylor started to laugh again.

"We'll see how I feel about things once we get going. You've been pretty honest with me." She said. "Where do you want to do this?"

I explained that I had a condo not too far away and had set it up for the shoot. I didn't know whether she needed a chance to go home, so I wrote my address and telephone number on a napkin. She took it and called a friend on her cell phone. She told whomever it was where she was going and that she would be home late. It turned out to be her roommate, and I was glad because I really didn't want to be on some jealous husbands hit list.

Taylor was chatty as we drove to my place, and I learned quite a bit about her. She was a senior in college, and had been so for the past four years. She did temp work to pay the bills and was up front in explaining that the extra money from my video-shoot would come in handy.

"It seems like we can really help each other out. I lost my job and my fiancée all in one month, and this website is my shot at creating my own business. I'll pay you five hundred dollars for tonight, and ten percent from the profit of the video for a year." I offered. The amount of money was much lower than what I would have paid an agency, but I did think that the money from the sales could make up for that. Taylor turned out to be better at sorting things out than I was.

"That's not bad, but I think we will need to have more material than just tonight in order to produce a tape that people will want. We'll definitely need more footage in order for you to start a website." She explained. I was quickly seeing the potholes in my plan. This was once again turning into something more difficult than I had planned.

"Why don't we shoot enough material for two videos? We'll need at least four hours of video. We can also supplement the site with pictures. If we start the site with the pictures, and a few video clips, you can update it twice a week and still have enough material to allow you time to get other models." She explained. Taylor amazed me. It was my idea, but she had quickly and professionally laid out a blueprint for my business.

"Of course, I'll need one thousand up front instead of five hundred. We can keep the back end just as it is." She added nonchalantly.

This girl knew her stuff. After a pitch like that, there was no way that I could turn her down. One thousand dollars up front was still better than what I would have to pay an agency, and her counsel was priceless. We had agreed to the terms of the deal by the time we reached the condo, and I was once again excited about the project.

I have to admit that I was thrilled to be getting the project started, but I was also excited to see what Taylor had to offer. Business is business as the saying goes, but I'm still a guy. Taylor had become more attractive as we talked, and I was beginning to believe that there might be something to this philosophy I had heard about women. A friend once told me that a woman with a great personality was more attractive than a pretty woman with a bitch complex. It seemed to be proving true with Taylor. I wished I had come to the realization a few years ago. Are you still here Beth?

I fixed a pitcher of Iced Tea and arranged the lights while Taylor worked on her make up in the bathroom. I didn't want to shoot the usual bedroom scene, and opted instead for filming in the living room. I had nice leather couch that was perfect. I drew the curtains to block out the streetlights and set the toys I had purchased on an end table.

"Okay, where do you want me to be?" Taylor asked as she came from the bathroom.

"Let's start out with you sitting on the couch." I replied. I was in the process of setting up the cameras, and didn't even look up at her. I didn't get a look at her until I tested the focus on one of the cameras. To say that I was pleasantly surprised would be an understatement. Taylor was sitting on the couch with her legs drawn beneath her and an award-winning smile on her face. My earlier assessment had been right on target. Her skin was pale, and her perfect-sized breasts were capped with large, bright pink nipples. As happy as I was with the situation, the twitching of my cock proved that it was even more so.

"Wow, you look great." I said as I finished aligning the other cameras. I was shooting with five cameras, and I didn't find one bad angle. I have to admit that my website was the furthest thing from my mind. I was hoping, or better yet, praying that I would get to do more than film her.

"I put the toys on the table, so you can decide which ones you want to use." I told her. I tried not to stare as she hopped off of the sofa and rummaged through the things I had bought. She picked a few items and put them aside, but kept looking as if expecting something else.

"Did you get any lube?" she asked. I cringed. I had not thought about lubrication. Don't all the women in the porn industry getting wet as a river when their ready to shoot? I'm not an idiot, just forgetful. My mind quickly ran through the options. I knew I had cooking oil and butter in the kitchen, but I didn't think that Taylor would appreciate it. Luckily, I remembered the time that Beth had given me permission to try and fuck her in the ass. It was a disaster to say the least, but I had bought a tube of KY-Jelly for the occasion. I went to the bathroom and searched the medicine cabinet. I came back to the room, brandishing the tube in triumphant glory.

"I hope this will do." I said as I handed her the tube.

"This is fine, but we'll need a cup of warm water as well. This stuff dries up quickly and the water will help dilute it. I think we'll also need a few hand towels for clean up." Taylor instructed. I retrieved a cup of water from the kitchen and the towels from the linen closet as she opened her toys of choice. Taylor repositioned herself on the sofa and we were ready to begin. "I was thinking that this would be a masturbation scene. I'll start out sitting and after a while, I'll change positions. I'll give you time between each position f you want to adjust the cameras." She said. Hey, it all made since to me.

I wasn't having a problem with things, but she stopped and let out a deep breath. "I'm sorry if I'm being bossy. This is your shoot." She said, apologizing.

"Hey, you're helping me out here. Don't worry about it. I wouldn't have thought of half of the things you've told me." I told her.

Taylor's smile returned. "Okay, but let me know what you want me to do while I'm playing. It really gets me going when someone tells me what to do." She said.

I agreed, and switch on the cameras. Taylor started off by lubing her pussy. She made a long show of opening the tube, and lining one of her fingers with the slippery grease. I was so involved with watching her that I almost forgot to grab the digital camera. Luckily, I was in time to get a few close shots of her spreading the lube between her lips. She slowly rubbed the cream into her slit and her lips gradually spread like a flower. Taylor eventually began working her finger deeper, and I found myself holding my breath as she delved further into that pink treasure.

I had never seen a pussy as pink or as smooth as that. Wait a minute. Did I forget to mention that she was clean-shaven? Her pussy was free of any hair, which only helped to magnify its bright color. I was glad that I hadn't skimped on the equipment, and had purchased as much memory for the cameras that I could. I quickly filled an entire card as I watched her worked her pussy open.

Taylor smiled the entire time stretched herself open. She was eventually sliding three fingers into her slit all the way up to her knuckles. At one point, she pulled her fingers out and I could have shot my load. Her cunt splayed open like a pink flower, and I could see deep into her chute. I snapped picture after picture while she spoke for the camera and I.

"Look at how wet my pussy is. Do you like open it is? Don't you want to slide your stiff cock deep inside? Don't you want to fuck me?" she crooned.

"Hell yeah." I said in a whisper and without thinking. Taylor broke into a fit of giggles.

"If everyone responds to this video like you, then I think we'll make a lot of money." She said.

I smiled to try and hide my embarrassment. It wasn't like this kind of thing was an everyday occurrence for me. I have had my share of women, but I have never seen such an intimate view so soon after meeting them. Taylor waited for me to take a few more pictures and take some close up video before reaching for the toys. The first thing she selected was a clear glass dildo. My eye had been immediately attracted to it in the store. It had a small but powerful light inside that not only made the shaft glow, but also beamed out of the thick head like a flashlight. I got back to work as she turned on the light. She ran her hand up and down the smooth shaft and then slowly licked the head.

The light from the dildo lit up her face and highlighted her tongue as it swiped across the surface. At that time, I had never wanted to be an inanimate object as much as I wanted to be that dildo. I didn't care about having light shooting out of my head, but to be licked by that tongue would be heaven. I was having a hell of a time trying to hold everything together. I really didn't care about the guys who would be watching the video. This girl was driving me crazy like no other ever had. No Beth, not even you.

I was almost relieved when she stopped licking the glass. She slid it slowly past her breasts and down her stomach, finally coming to rest against her clit. A second cameraman would have come in handy, but I was lucky that she was taking things slowly. I shuffled back and forth between the still and the video camera trying to get everything. Taylor toyed with her clit for a while, and gave me time for some excellent shots. These shots were priceless, and I was already getting a thought on how to use them.

"So what do you want me to do next?" Taylor asked, and the question caught me off guard.

"I guess...whatever you want." I replied. I was so wrapped up in what was going on that I had no clue what to do.

Taylor kept toying with her clit, but didn't do anything else. "I think I've made enough of the decisions until now. It's your turn." She said with that sweet smile.

It had come to my attention that instead of just having the cameras filming from different angles, I could set them to be zoomed in on different zones of her body. I was hurriedly making the adjustments as I tried to decide what she should do.

"Why don't you slide the dildo inside?" I finally decided.

"I could." she said as she started rubbing the head between her slick lips.

"Do you want me to push this into my cunt? Do you want to see me pussy swallow the whole thing?" She asked, and I could tell from her tone that she was getting excited.

"Yeah. Play with your hole first, I want to see inside that sweet pussy." I told her. I was so glad that I had figured out a solution for the cameras, as it gave me more time to concentrate on Taylor. I moved as close as I could without coming into view of the cameras and knelt with the digital camera.