The Sibling Diaries Ch. 03


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“Honestly sissy, don’t make a Federal case out of it, we stopped before we got carried away, that’s the important thing, in the future, we’ll be a little more careful.”

I worked hard to forget the incident, but…late at night I still remember. This is one thing I’ve not told Sandy about. The last thing I need is for her to feed into a tryst that almost happened and Gretta and I are doing our best to forget and not repeat.

Every time I think I’ve banished it from my mind, Greta, unknowingly does something to bring it to the forefront. She never was very concerned about how she dressed around me and now that we live together, it’s next to impossible for me not to notice her when she runs around the house getting ready for work or preparing to go out at night. She has tried to be more careful about this, but after a few weeks…well, we live together, she can’t go around dressed for church twenty-four hours a day.

Now, on a flight back home for the first time in about three weeks both Sandy and I are due to be in town together. Thoughts about my love superseded those about my sister and I felt a tingle warm me as I imagined our reunion.

A voice intruded into my private thoughts. “Ladies and Gentlemen, we’ve encountered a patch of turbulence as we start our descent. Please return to your seats and remain there until the seat belt light goes off. If you’re not already wearing seat belts, please put them back on. We should be out of this in ten minutes or so. Our estimated time to San Francisco is just under an hour”

I felt a vibrating shudder and opened my eyes. The cabin was no longer brilliant with sunlight. It looked like we had entered a bank of clouds. Glancing at the window I noticed the girl in the seat next to me eyeing me oddly. She had put away her laptop and buckled her seat belt. Now her gaze was fixed on my lap where an indelicate bulge announced, or at least hinted at the gist of my thoughts for the last 35 minutes or so.

I blushed scarlet as I struggled to return my seat to the upright position and locate my seatbelt, nearly knocking my drink of my tray-table as I did so.

“Let me help you” my neighbor said and leaning over and pulled my belt out from under me. As she pulled the belt snug, I felt her hand brush the bulge in my lap and at the same time I saw that the top three buttons on her blouse had come undone. I had an excellent view of one perfect breast, which would have been covered by the light camisole she also wore under her blouse had she not been leaning over me. She was, however leaning over me and as the blouse gaped, the camisole drooped and I enjoyed the view.

I thought that this was one of those happy situations when circumstances conspire to help a voyeur catch a glance at usually hidden treasures when I felt her hand brush my lap again as she sat back in her seat.

She favored me with a great lopsided smile and said, “It looks like you’ve been having happy thoughts.” And glanced at my lap again. Looking away from my now raging hard on and up into my eyes, she slowly buttoned up the two buttons on her blouse and said, “One good turn deserves another if you know what I mean.”

Before I even had a chance to contemplate any meaning she might have attached to those words, the airplane took a sickening lurch and started to vibrate violently. I heard silverware crash to the floor in the galley as the aircraft continued to shake like it was having an epileptic fit. Beside me, my neighbor’s face had gone stark white and outside the window had darkened to a twilight hue as drops of water started to appear on the window. The airplane continued to shudder and a flash of lightening briefly illuminated the shadowy cabin.

The pilot’s voice came over the intercom sounding vaguely apologetic “Ladies and gentlemen, I’m sorry but it seems we’ve run into a little patch of unexpected weather and…” The aircraft took a nauseating plunge, we heard the pilot shout “Oh shit!” and the intercom went dead. As our plane continued to drop, I felt like I was in a high-speed elevator going down. Someone behind us screamed. As I watched in terrified fascination, the drink that had somehow remained sitting on the tray table in front of me began to slowly rise into the air. It suddenly crashed back onto the table splattering both my neighbor and I with ice and droplets of vodka as the pilot brought the craft back into trim and the shuddering started to diminish. We leveled out and the cabin became marginally lighter. The intercom came to life again.

“Ladies and gentlemen, I really must apologize, but we received orders to make a rapid change in altitude, which I was about to inform you about when the turbulence we’ve been experiencing caused a hot cup of coffee to spill on my lap. Honestly, you should see the front of my pants.”

From the back of the cabin someone shouted, “You should see the back of mine!”

The captain continued speaking “I’m very sorry if you were frightened by the sequence of events, but I’m happy to state that we are now cruising at a 20.000 feet and should touch down in San Francisco in about half an hour. As soon as the seat belt lights go off, you are free to make any last minute trips to the bathroom before we begin our final approach.”

As soon as he stopped speaking, the seat belt light went off and I became aware that my neighbor was holding my hand so tightly her nails were digging into my palm. The weather outside had diminished and the cabin became lighter as gray mist replaced the roiling thunderheads we had been passing through.

I heard my neighbor release a massive sigh of relief and loosen her death grip on my hand as the last of the faint vibrations ceased and the cabin continued to grow lighter.

Turning to me she gave me a shaky smile and said, “Thank You, I was scared to death.”

“Not a problem, but would you mind telling me your name?”

“Susan, and you?”

“I’m David, glad to meet you.”

Although she had loosened her grip, she didn’t disengage her hand from mine and we sat holding hands without saying anything to each other for about five minutes. Finally, giving my hand a squeeze she said, “David, I think I’d better go get cleaned up while we’re still allowed to go to the bathroom.” And then looking me over, “Maybe we both need to clean up, you can come with me and that way you won’t have to get up when I come back.”

Wordlessly I unbuckled my belt and got to my feet, noting with approval how far her short skirt rode up when she did the same. She briefly flashed her panties as she struggled to her feet and then edged into the isle.

We walked to the tail of the aircraft where two bathrooms were located

I opened one of the doors and as I stepped in, I felt Susan crowding in behind me pulling the door shut behind us There was barely room for two people to stand at the same time so we were pressed together. Her arms went around me and we were kissing before I knew what was happening.

I really hadn’t expected this to happen, so I was thrown off my guard as she squirmed out of her coat and began to unbutton her blouse. She pulled her blouse off, which left her wearing only a thin cotton camisole and a very short skirt. Her implacable nipples showed through thin white cotton as clearly as if she were wearing nothing. She saw me looking and murmured, “Please touch my breasts.” I complied sliding the thin material against her stiff nipples as she ground her pelvis against my leg.

Her fingers feverishly worked on the buttons of my shirt all the while kissing my face and neck. The small compartment began to fill with the scent of her excitement as she continued sliding her pussy against my leg. She desperately fumbled with my belt and zipper roughly yanking my pants down, freeing a very erect cock.

Reaching under her skirt, she pulled her panties and pantyhose down and without another word began to slowly impale herself on my hard cock all the while kissing and licking my face and neck.

For those of you who have never had sex in the head of an airplane, I can relate that while it feels nice, it never feels comfortable. It is very difficult to move freely and this was the situation we found ourselves in. I was able to move a little and every time I slid my slick cock back and forth a little, we would both shudder in delight, but such movement was difficult. As we continued trying to fuck each other in our cramped space the voice of the pilot came over the intercom requesting all passengers to return to their seats. I prepared to withdraw in frustration but Susan hissed, “Wait a second” so I paused.

Reaching down between her legs, I could feel her as she began to rub her cunt rapidly and in a few seconds I felt her pussy convulse flooding my cock with her cream as she came in trembling gasps. She was still coming as she pulled free letting my cock slide out of her warmth and reached down to slide her hands up and down my slippery penis. “Rub my puss” she hissed, “I’m still doing it.” I started to squirt as soon as she said that and we stood looking into each other’s eyes as I poured my warm seed into her soft outstretched palm while I flicked her clit back and forth and we gently gushed cream over each others hands.

The second we finished she turned to the sink and began wiping the warm come from her hands. I pulled my pants up and washed my hands while she slipped her panties back up her legs and pulled on her blouse and coat. In under a minute, she walked out the door. I followed thirty seconds later and in a matter of moments we were both seated, the very picture of propriety.

As the plane continued its descent towards the ground, Susan turned toward my and said, “I really should apologize, I don’t know what got into me.”

“I don’t have a problem with it” I said grinning slightly.

“It’s just that” she looked down at her lap “I’ve already got a boyfriend and he would be heartbroken…”

“Don’t give it another thought.” I took her hand and gave it a squeeze.

“I think I’ll give it several thoughts” she said smiling, “I’ve always wanted to do something like that and my boyfriend would never…”

“Well, it’s important to try new things.”

“I guess you’re right…are you.?”

“With someone?”


“I am indeed, but I don’t think she’d mind our little dalliance.”

“Really? She must be an extraordinary woman.”

“She is indeed” and I launched into a glowing description of Sandy and a few of the sexual adventures we’d tried together and a few more we’d talked about.

At this point Susan began to dig around in her computer case. She finally emerged with an envelope, which she handed me saying “I hope you don’t think this was a dirty trick, but I really don’t have a boyfriend it was all Sandy’s idea for me to tell you all that crap.”

I opened the envelope and unfolded a letter written in Sandy’s familiar compact handwriting.

Happy Anniversary David!

It’s been one whole year to this very day and I’m guessing that while you remember our first date, you never wrote down the calendar date it happened on. It must be a guy thing. Well it was today you big dope!

If you are reading this you’ve already shagged my sister Susan in the airplane bathroom making you both members of the Mile High Club, a distinction I gained several years ago. That is my gift to you. Sadly for you, you didn’t have the foresight to have some well hung friend or relative get me off in your absence, so its off to the jewelers for you. I prefer platinum, but 18 carat gold will do in a pinch.

Also, today is Susan’s birthday, so I managed to avoid spending money on either of you. A penny saved is a penny earned.

I’ve been telling Susan about you and since she was planning a visit out here we hatched this plot to “break the ice” between you. Let me tell you it took some doing getting you seated next to one another in a double seat. As you know I spent some time working in the travel industry and where there’s a will, there’s a way.

I have plans for tonight and I don’t want you to start stuttering or blushing when they unfold. All I can say is that I hope your little tryst in the “john” didn’t deplete you too badly. If I were you, I’d take some vitamins.”

Come round at six and dress for dinner.

All My Love


P.S. Diamond Studs are always nice.

I folded up the letter with a grin, shaking my head as I did. Glancing over at Susan I said, “Most girls would just send a card.”

“Sandy’s never been what you call normal.”

“I’ll second that.”

“Well, Happy Birthday anyway.”


The plane cut through level after level of clouds until at last I was able to see the flash of gray water under the wings. Almost immediately the water was replaced by concrete rising to meet the aircraft as the pilot drooped us precisely onto the middle of the runway. The engines dropped neatly into reverse, or whatever it is they do to slow the plane down when it’s skimming along the landing strip.

We taxied in at a more sedate speed while the flight attendant reminded everyone to remain seated until the plane reached the concourse. Of course the second we pulled up to the gate every passenger jumped up as if the seats had become electrified or the airplane company had a policy of releasing ravenous wild beasts in the cabin to devour the last straggling passengers as they scrambled out the door.

Of course no one moved for twenty minutes as the cabin heated up and tempers grew short. Susan fanned herself with an airline magazine as the passengers jostled each other in their eagerness to depart the aircraft. I’m not a mathematician like my sister so I’ve never been able to work out what set of statistical law dictates the first person off any plane is the most disorganized and incapable traveler out of a group of two hundred people.

I used to fly first class, but I stopped mainly because I got tired of witnessing the same putrid little drama every time the flight ended. The first person on their feet always fights to be first at the cabin door. Then they stand there for the next five minutes while the gate crew lines up the jet-bridge with the plane. They fidget and sigh tapping their feet impatiently as if this will speed things along. At the precise second the door swings open this individual remembers their carry on luggage is in the compartment above their former seat and forces the groaning crowd back so they can grab their belongings. The bag is stuffed into the compartment the wrong way and as the person struggles to free it, at least a minute is wasted before at last the bag breaks loose hitting at least one other passenger on the head. They then drop the bag, which invariably pops open spewing a litter of small personal items, which skitter and bounce under seats and between feet. In two or three minutes this person has repacked his bag and is ready to let everyone else off the plane.

Never once have I seen one of these imbeciles retreat and let the rest of the crowd off the plane. Except for a garbled “sorry” muttered at some passenger he’s nearly brained flinging his luggage around, I’ve never seen one of these idiots apologize for using his thumb for a fart plug and needlessly delaying the rest of the crowd.

That’s why I sit in back and that’s why I don’t get up. At least not until I can see space between the passengers lined up and jostling one another as if they were handing out free fifty-dollar bills at the concourse doorway. After all, I pay good money for this seat and I intend to use it until I don’t need it any more.

At long last the logjam broke and I got to my feet. I extended my hand and helped Susan to her feet as well. We both pulled down the rest of our carry on from the overhead luggage rack and headed for the door.

Just as I was about to enter first class I heard Susan call my name and I turned to see what she wanted. Pulling me close she whispered “See you tonight” in my ear and kissed me on the cheek. Stepping back, she continued holding both of my hands for a moment and regarded me solemnly before breaking into that lopsided smile again and saying, “Thanks for holding my hand when it looked like we were going to crash, you’re everything Sandy said and more.”

I smiled and walked toward the terminal. I wondered idly where I could find jewelry that could somehow upstage the surprising and delightful gift Sandy had managed for our anniversary.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Wow, you are good at this!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

the electric discharge from cloud to earth is LIGHTNING. lightening is irrelevant in the context. otherwise, grammar and spelling not too bad.

KingC509KingC509over 11 years ago
Wow !!

All I can say is WOW! Thats one hell of an anniversary present. Other than a couple of spelling/editing errors I thought it was well written. Keep up the good work.

lorencinolorencinoover 16 years ago

I love the unpredictability of your story.

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