The Twelve Tables Ch. 08


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Joseph was seated in a tall-backed armchair that gave her the impression of a throne at the far end of the room, and she couldn't contain her nervousness as she approached him. The whole family seemed to love and respect this man as well as fear him. She knew he ruled this family with a tight grip, and she wasn't sure what would happen if he decided he didn't like her or if she wasn't good enough for one of his sons.

"Josh has just gone to collect something Peri brought to show you, so I volunteered to show her the way," Dante said in answer to his father's raised eyebrow.

"Have a seat, girl," Joseph said pleasantly. "Dante tells me you are doing a wonderful job in the family repository."

"I love it there. I feel so lucky that they let me work for them; it's like my dream job. It's a big job but I am making some headway and discovering all sorts of interesting things I'd never thought to see outside of a museum," she said enthusiastically. "I am so grateful they gave me a chance after losing my last job." She stopped realising that probably wasn't a wise thing to say.

"Joshua told me that his relationship with you was not viewed well by the management there," Joseph nodded. "How is it they found out about the relationship?"

"We were seen outside work together and rumours began," she said telling a half truth. "When I was confronted with the question, I couldn't deny how I felt about Joshua, and I didn't want to deny it. So it was agreed that it would be better if I found other employment. I am glad now that it happened; working with Dante and Emilio is wonderful."

"I am happy things worked out so well for you then," he said with a half-smile. He wondered whether she would still be as happy to work for the family if her relationship with Joshua did not progress. Time would tell on all things he knew. He could see why his wife had liked the girl, she was thoughtful in her answers and loyal to Joshua. She had not mentioned Veronica's involvement in her leaving her former employment nor the girl who had engineered it.

"You can go, Dante. I am sure Joshua is on his way. I won't harm the girl if she is not chaperoned for a few minutes," he chortled.

Dante drew himself up as if he would say something but instead touched her shoulder affectionately and walked away.

"It seems you have enchanted my family," Joseph turned his attention back to Peri. "Each of my sons has told me of your good qualities and my wife believes your love for my son is deep and abiding."

"I am afraid you have me at a disadvantage," Peri said softly. "Despite my work on family projects I know very little about you and your home here on the farm."

"Do not worry about that, it is our way until we are sure of the people we would welcome into our home and family. I do not seem like an ogre to you, do I?" He asked with another chortle.

"I think that the man who raised Josh must be a wonderful role model" she answered in a roundabout way.

"Very diplomatic," he said acknowledging that he too was beginning to like the girl.

"Ah and here he is, with his head in a book as always," Joseph announced as Josh walked toward them.

"These are fabulous I had no idea you were this advanced," he looked up seeing her anxiousness as he pursued the books she had created.

"You left me with an excessive amount of free time over the last week," she said with a grin. "It was a bit of a rush to do the printing, and it's not perfect. I am sure your new company will be able to make them look better, but they have the general feel I was thinking would work and give your father an idea of what we were doing with all of that information." She had emphasised the word "We" giving Josh his share of credit for the books he held in his hands.

"Here Papa, look at this," he passed the volume that had the history of the table from most recent back to the original table.

Peri stayed silent as both men poured over the two volumes at length murmuring amongst themselves about the graphics and the idea of a volume for each table throughout history to tell a little more about more than just the head of the table. She held her breath each time they glanced up at her wishing they would say something directly to her so she could explain her work to them.

"This is very impressive Joshua," Joseph finally put the books down.

"I had very little to do with it except to approve her suggestions," he admitted. "I had no idea that this was coming. I am as impressed as you are with the idea of the volumes. I had only seen the research for the table history," he tapped a book. "I had not seen the graphics as yet though she mentioned to me on the phone and I gave her the go ahead to do what she thought best. We can discuss any changes and editing that need to happen, but I like what she had done so far."

"I did try to explain my vision and in your absence I showed them to Dante and Emilio to get their opinions before I brought them here to show you both," her anxiousness for their approval showed in her voice and face.

Joseph considered her again. She had gone ahead on the project alone but had sought out the approval of the Donati men despite obviously having a keen eye for detail and a very clever idea of how to present so much information in an easy to read streamlined manner. He was impressed by her on many levels at that moment, but she would still need to undergo the trial. It was family law, and he would adhere to tradition. She would learn that this family had one Master and they each served him for the common good.

"Do you plan one of these extra volumes for each table?" Joseph asked, "Or just the first out of respect for Giambattista Donati?"

"I had thought to do each table," she said quietly. "It will take some time though as the family becomes obscure from time to time, particularly during the world wars."

"I understand. I would like you to continue despite the hardship of finding information. I can give you some names of older family archivists to contact in Italy and see if they have any new information," he seemed to consider her. "First though we must discuss Joshua's request to make you a Donati through marriage."

"A Donati?" Peri squeaked and looked wide-eyed at Josh.

"I have told you more than once that I planned to marry you, and you seemed quite happy about the prospect. This is how we do it in my family, I will explain everything once I have Papa's blessing to do so, I am bound by tradition until he gives us his blessing," he took her hand and smiled softly. "I love you Peri, and I want a future with you as part of my family."

"I love you too," she whispered unsure of why she was speaking so quietly. "As long as you are in my future I will be happy." Josh looked at his father expectantly as she finished speaking.

"Are you sure Joshua?" He asked solemnly. "If you are both are determined to marry, she must endure the trial as all others have before her but it will be harder for her because she is not from a table and doesn't understand our ways."

"I am sure and confident of her answer," Josh said equally solemnly as Peri's mind raced around the word trial.

"Any person joining our family whether as a slave, plebeian or patrician must sign a contract and will be put to a trial to show their loyalty and love of the family. Each family member also must endure a trial at the age of eighteen to better understand the humble beginnings of our family and why we embrace the traditional life that surrounds us here," Joseph lectured. "Those who seek us out and our children expect to endure the trial, women like you who come here with one of our sons do not understand this expectation."

Peri had a million questions but she stayed silent looking between Josh and his father in curiosity touched with fear.

"You have the choice now that Joshua has made his intention known and once I have given my blessing to agree to stay here in this place and endure the trial or to leave not only this place but the family and Joshua. No one would stop you or blame you for such a decision. It is yours to make of your own free-will and no one would force you to change that decision." The lecturing tone returned. "If you love Joshua as much as he claims to love you I would hope that you would choose to endure the trial and be a better woman for it."

"Will I know what is involved in the trial before I consent to it?" Peri asked into the silence as he took another long pause.

"You would be asked to sign a contract and become a slave to the family for a determined period, usually three or six months," Joseph answered seriously. "You would serve the family without hesitation in a variety of assignations including but not limited to that of a kept woman, a maid, a cook."

Her mind reeled at the thought of being a kept woman and having sex with anyone other than Josh, but she also considered the man she loved who looked at her expectantly. She went over her options at this point. The time frame might be an issue she didn't like having to leave Andie for so long when it was only the two of them. She also hated to leave the work that remained undone at the auction house not to mention the family history she had begun. Her mind worked quickly, and she looked into Josephs cool blue eyes as he studied her reaction.

"May I ask questions?" She asked tentatively.

"You may," he tilted his head curiously. This had not been the reaction he had expected after the girl Dante had brought here had run away like a scared rabbit.

"I know the family is very important to you and is at the core of your world here," she paused and swallowed loudly. "My family is beyond small. It's just my mother and me. I would hate to leave her alone for such a long amount of time. Could I perhaps spend some time here each month serving the way you wish in any capacity you wish and a small amount of time in the city serving by working on the family history and the family artefacts as I have been?"

Joseph said nothing but rather just stared at her unbelievingly. He had never considered this would become a negotiation but he liked that she had a commitment to her mother and their relationship.

"I would obey all of the rules set out in the contract. I love Josh and I would without hesitation endure anything if he asked me to but I was just wondering if seeing my mother for a few days each month would possibly be an option," Peri smiled at Josh as she proclaimed her love and commitment to him.

"So you would agree to the trial even if there was no option to see your mother though we would possibly allow you contact through Skype or phone," Joseph pressed her then adding the digital contact with her mother as an option without seeming like he was negotiating with the girl.

"When would the contract begin? Would I be able to return home and explain to her that I have to be here on the farm for work or research or something?" she tried to think of how she would explain such a lengthy absence to Andie.

Josh looked at his father and saw the tell-tale creases forming around his eyes that told of his rising impatience. He was sure no other girl had dared to ask questions of him or try to negotiate a contract, and he worried that Peri was pushing his father too far.

"It seems that enduring anything for Joshua comes with some hesitation and stipulations," Joseph said slowly his voice dropping to a low rumble. "Despite that, I am willing to give you the benefit of the doubt. If I send Joshua away for," he looked at his watch, "two hours while we discuss these hesitations would you consent to serve me as a slave in that time? You would need to speak to me with only truth in your words and heart, and you would be required to obey every command I gave. If you can do this, I will give my blessing and give you from the twenty-seventh to the thirty-first to return home and see your mother before returning to the farm for no less than three and as much as six months."

"I consent," she said after a quick look at Josh's worried expression.

"Joshua, leave us," He commanded in a loud hard voice. When Josh hesitated momentarily, he raised it further, "Do you wish to marry this girl or not?"

"Of course, I do," Josh responded without thinking.

"Then leave us, go and help Carlo with the festival preparations," he said darkly a frown forming on his face. "She has consented. It is no longer up to you. Close the doors when you go."

"Yes, Papa," Josh gave Peri a long look and walked away. She heard rather than saw the heavy wooden doors at the top of the staircase close essentially locking her in the room with this man.

"Count to twenty-five loudly and slowly," he commanded staring at Peri. His hand on a small console beside his chair she hadn't noticed before.


Josh stared at the door hearing his father's command to Peri. He knew he had seconds to descend the twenty steps and make it out of the door downstairs before it was locked from the inside. It was how all their punishments began and he worried for Peri. He almost ran into Dante as he hurried out the door pushing it closed behind him and heard the click of the deadbolts inside.

"That sounds ominous," Dante stared at the door.

"They're negotiating," Josh said woodenly not sure exactly what had happened back up there.

"Papa doesn't negotiate with anyone," he patted Josh's shoulder. "He must like her," he tried to ease his brothers worry.

"I dunno about that I've never seen anyone question him before," Josh rubbed his chin.

"Tell me what happened and I'll tell you if you need to worry," Dante started walking keeping his hand on Josh's shoulder to guide him away from the door.

Josh went through the whole conversation and his impressions at Dante's prompting. He was more confused than ever when he had finished telling his brother his concerns.

"Okay here is what I know, first we better find Carlo because Papa will check. Second that girl has already said yes, she was just asking about the details which is fair enough. She loves you Josh, enough to consent to two hours of serving father or possibly apologising for questioning him," he chuckled. "Most importantly of all, she said yes! Stop worrying and start celebrating. In six months' time, you will be married to the girl of your dreams."

"Yeah there is gonna have to be a lot of dreaming with her stuck here on the farm and me in the city, starting a new business," Josh grumbled.

They walked back through to the front of the house where a cherry picker hoisted up its occupants to decorate the enormous fir tree that grew there. Tradition dictated all of the holidays on the farm but this was one tradition they all enjoyed and Josh ran and picked up BJ from behind hoisting the little boy on his shoulders as he watched his father and two of his sister hanging decorations on the upper branches of the tree.

"It'll be good to have everyone home for the holidays," Carlo smiled as he came to stand next to Josh. "Well almost everyone," he regretted the words as soon as he had said then. "Where's Peri?"

"Dad's got her locked in the athenaeum. I'm supposed to help you for a couple of hours," Josh said not keeping the concern from his voice.

"Shit I owe Ben twenty bucks," Carlo grumbled making Josh turn to look at him. "What? It was a compliment, she seemed so sweet I didn't think slavery would be her thing. You should see some of the sluts that are in training at the moment. Then you'd know it was a compliment."

"We all did it," Josh shrugged, "Even the girls."

"Do you really think she will get the same treatment as the Donati princesses?" Carlo said seriously. "If anything, I think she will get a harder time because she is a commoner about to marry a Donati." Josh scowled at him, and he held up his hands, "Don't shoot the messenger and if you think about it, you know I'm right."

"Zio," a little voice from above his head asked, "What's a slut?"

"A word that if Papa or Nonno hear you say will get you a spanking," Josh said seriously pulling the little boy off his shoulders and squatting down beside him to talk to him man to man. "Promise quick that you will never say it again before Santa finds out."

"But he said it," BJ pointed a finger at Carlo.

"That's why he never gets anything but coal in his stocking. He's a very naughty Zio," Josh explained seriously. "If Nonno heard him say it he would get out his whip!" BJ looked up at Carlo, who nodded and rubbed his ass.

"Alright, I promise," BJ agreed.

"How'd it go?" Ben came down off the cherry picker, letting Pete go up with two more of his girls. He walked over to where Josh was talking with BJ.

"I dunno," Josh shrugged, "It started okay and then went sideways, ask me again in a couple of hours."

"Papa, is it true Zio Carlo only ever gets coal in his stocking from Santa?" BJ interrupted loudly.

"Yes he is a very naughty boy, he is on Santa's naughty list permanently," Ben nodded. "What did you do?" He narrowed his eyes at Carlo.

"Nothing, I've been a goddamn saint since you all arrived," Carlo huffed.

"He says bad words," BJ announced with a giggle.


Joseph looked a Peri with a hard stare for a long moment after she finished counting making her feel uneasy. She fidgeted under his scrutiny and opened her mouth to speak and break the silence, but he held up his hand to stop her.

"Tell me what you know of our family and our traditions from all of your research and what Josh has told you," he commanded.

"In modern day terms, I believe that your family are one of twelve families that network and aide each other in business and family matters. The head of each family has the rights similar to that of the Roman Pater Familias, which gives you ownership rights over the people related to you by blood and those that work for you and with you and you have certain rights to their property as well. I know each of your sons who has a family business including Josh, who is in the process of acquiring a business with the help of the family will pay a certain percentage of its profits back to you, or into the family coffers so to speak.

"You respect and help those you work with and employ, but they too must respect the ideals of the family and serve to better it. You hold to the laws of the ancient twelve tables and the rights of even the lowest classes to exist and be happy in their work and life. So I know that even as a slave for this family that I would be treated fairly and my wishes taken into account." She took a deep breath. I understand that you hold great power and wealth, and you are to be respected and obeyed, but I also know that you have a great love for your family because that shows in each of your children and how they treat others."

"Go on," Joseph said. She was an intelligent girl who had understood the research she had done and had obviously looked into how their modern day households ran.

"Originally I misunderstood and got caught up in the word slavery. I know now that rather than being coerced into such a lowly position you offer paid employment with good benefits for those willing to undertake that type of work for a set period. The only difference between a house slave and a housekeeper in an average family are the hours of work, which I understand the girls are duly compensated for," she considered what she had said so far.

"I am not sure I understand the rules or laws around kept women and consenting slaves or what the differences between them are. But I have only been working on the book for a short time, and I am sure it will become clear in time, especially as I get to know family life here on the farm," she said assuming she still had his blessing to submit to a trial so she could marry Josh.

"We just refer to them as Kept, men are also Kept from time to time though those that would take on that life are harder to find in modern times," he added she stopped. "It does not surprise me that this part would confuse you it is a difficult concept for most women. Women believe that sex and love should be intertwined and inseparable. It is not so. Love is about the heart, romance and strong emotions. Sex is merely a pleasurable act of lust and hormones, there is no emotion tied to it, the emotions are tied to the person without whom you cannot live," he explained further. "I know some desperately in love people who have never had sex and others who have sex but share a loveless marriage."