The Twelve Tables Ch. 18


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Peri's heels dug into his back lifting her hips further as her climax rose within her rapidly. His talented hands spilled her over the edge of sanity into a blissful wave of sensation. She was still riding the wave when she felt his insistent hands turning her onto her belly and raising her hips. She struggled with shaky legs as she came up on her elbows and knees presenting him with her hot open cunt that begged him to fuck her. Moving between her legs, his hands grasped her hips, and he rammed his cock into her. Then as if remembering himself he bent over her body and ran his hands over her belly and up to her breasts gripping them hard as he began to move without the force of the first thrust.

She felt him holding back again and groaned in frustration. She understood his concern, but she wanted more, more of him and his brute force. His fingertips found her nipples and pinched them giving her some of what she craved but it wasn't enough, and as he came she felt deflated as she didn't quite make it to that high that she used to ride with him.

Josh groaned and flopped onto the bed beside her allowing her to relax. Peri was still on edge though and came up to her hands rather than elbows crawling around and kissing down his body to his semi hard cock. Licking out she began to clean it, willing it to stiffen again and satisfy her need but after a few minutes, he pulled her up to him and kissed her.

"Aren't you a greedy girl this morning," he grinned and kissed her again. "We can come back to bed after breakfast, but we need nourishment if we are going to play all day," he chuckled lightly.

Peri decided not to tell him she was unsatisfied and silently nodding her agreement. She considered how she could tell him that she didn't like that he was holding back so much. She understood why he was of course, but the doctors had assured them more than once that they did not have to change their sex life for the sake of the babies.

Rather than just pulling on her robe Peri showered quickly got dressed knowing that Joseph would probably be at the breakfast table. By the time she got there, Joseph had asked Josh to drive him to the airport to pick up Antonia. She was welcome to go with them, but Josh had thought she might not be comfortable sitting in the back of the car for so long.

"That's okay I will call Andie and see if she wants to come and help me prepare for the dinner tonight," Peri said despite her disappointment.

"Dante and Emilio have it all under control, and I have already spoken with Bridgette," Joseph informed her. "You just rest little mama and help those babies grow big and strong."

"In that case, maybe I will see if Andie wants to go shopping, so I don't have to wear a tent to dinner tonight," she said her disappointment growing. This would have been the first family dinner she and Josh would have hosted, and she was looking forward to planning it this morning.

"Just don't overdo it," Josh warned placing and arm around her waist and looking at her with concern.

"It will do me good to get out and get some fresh air," Peri said in return.

They finished breakfast and left her to wait for Andie to pick her up for the day. She convinced herself that things had worked out for the best, and it had been way too long since she had spent time with her mother whose business was flourishing.

Andie had been doing her research and had found some wonderful outlets and designers who catered for maternity as well as their normal range. Peri spent a small fortune on several outfits for both casual and dressier occasions. She felt guilty about the amount of money and knew that she would only be pregnant for another month or two, but the clothes were so comfortable and managed to make her look like a woman instead of a blimp.

When she got home, she put on one of the dressier outfits and went to see if she could help with any of the preparations. Instead, Dante offered her a fruit punch and sat to talk to her while the family arrived.

"You're looking lovely tonight. It was a successful shopping trip I assume?" Dante said as he relaxed his long limbs into the chair opposite her.

"It was. I spent way too much money but it was nice to find something that fit," she laughed. Josh came to join her as the family began to arrive. Peri shook her head at the crowd that was the Donati family. Even though the other brothers had not brought their partners there seemed to be people everywhere she looked. Josh looked happy and relaxed as he talked and joked with his siblings and she was suddenly grateful to Joseph for the enforced break he had made Josh take from the house build.

After dinner, Peri sat on the couch with Antonia, Lucia, and Andie. The crowd in the spacious apartment made her realise just why Dante and Emilio had built apartments on the scale that they had. Izabella and Maryanne joined the women on the comfortable couches while the men remained clustered around the large table.

"I feel like a bit of an intruder here without the other wives," Peri gave her mother-in-law a lop-sided smile. Once again Peri had found it hard to keep up with conversations at the table as they spoke about growing up on the farm.

"Don't be silly. Timo needs Emily close right now, and Carmen can't resist any excuse to go and fuss over them. And Bianca is still feeding her baby. They could have come if they wanted but it wasn't good timing," Antonia explained.

"We're heading back to Italy tomorrow, but I have left three gifts with Lucia for each of your baby showers," Izabella said with a smile. "I'm glad I got to know you a little while we were here."

"Gosh I hadn't even thought about baby showers," Peri blinked in astonishment, wondering how it had slipped her mind. "I guess I should do something about that."

"You don't throw your own baby shower silly, we do," Lucia said waving around her glass of wine indicated the other women sitting with her. "It's a bit tricky with you not being in your house yet, but I am going to hold the one for your little girl, and we can keep the gifts at my house until the nursery is ready."

"Antonia and I are going to divide up the rest of the family and friends and host one for each of the boys," Andie said. "It would be so much easier if you had chosen names for them. I don't like calling them A, B, and C."

"Just as well she is not having four or we would get confused with baby D.," Maryanne laughed loudly. "D. would think he was in trouble all the time if we all started calling him Dante."

"You don't have to throw three showers," Peri said between giggles at Maryanne. "Josh and I were talking about names this morning, but we haven't decided anything definite yet."

"The twins could have a joint shower if you want but I am having one for the little princess," Lucia said. "It will be all pink perfection."

"Just leave it all to us, we were thinking we could start them next weekend," Antonia nodded at Andie.

"Could we maybe combine the boys then? I'm getting bigger by the day, and I would hate to think what I will look like in three weeks' time," Peri tried to compromise seeing that she had little choice in the matter.

"I would be happy to combine my efforts with Antonia's if you and Josh can come up with suitable names by then," Andie said with a sly smile.

"Well I think we have decided two out of three I'll talk to him tomorrow. I don't want to say anything just yet in case we change our minds again," Peri gave them a small, secretive smile.


"Baby Diary – Week 28 (7 months) – The Donati Triplets.

Dante rushed me to the hospital. It's so nice to know he's close by when Josh is at work or the house build and seems busier than ever. I was so relieved and embarrassed when Dr. Bellino told me I was having Braxton Hicks contractions. Josh wasn't happy after racing to the hospital only to find it was a false alarm. He says he doesn't blame me and that it's better to be safe than sorry, but I could tell he was angry. Still there was some good news; I passed my glucose test; my blood pressure is great, and I have no protein in my pee, so the worries about pre-eclampsia and other conditions seem to have been unfounded. So far at least.

I think I will have to give up going out anywhere until the angels arrive. They are jesters just like their father and uncles I think. I need to pee about every fifteen minutes so they must be using my bladder as a trampoline or something. I was considering going to a chiropractor or at least a masseuse to ease the pain I feel in my back now, but I'm not sure I wouldn't disgrace myself if I tried.

I have a lot of energy once I get up in the morning, and I feel like I should be putting together all the nursery things but as with everything else in my life lately someone else is organising that for me until we get to the new house. It gets me down a little but I am trying to blame my moods on pregnancy hormones rather than wishing Josh's family would back off and let me do something for my babies rather than just be an incubator.

I've had two baby showers, and I can't believe all of the stuff people gave me as gifts even though most of them attended both showers. I know I have more than enough clothes and nappies to begin with, but I wish I could sort it out myself and be sure. Josh has organised a van and driver for the babies and me after the birth. It hadn't even occurred to me that a regular car would not be the best for us anymore. Though I am sure, we could have had my car modified with the safety straps to hold three carriers it would have been difficult to get the middle one in and out. Especially after the surgery.

The babies have grown so much that now I don't feel the run-up and kick of little feet but more the graceful movements of synchronised swimmers as the fight for room in that tight little space. I don't know how much more my belly can stretch over the next six weeks or so. I am still using the vitamin E cream a few times a day to try and help the tight skin of my belly stretch that little bit further without too many marks.

Thank goodness I bought all those maternity clothes when I went shopping with Andie, or I would have nothing to wear now, not even Josh's shirts can cover my belly fully. I am starting to feel that time is against me and while I say another six weeks I lie awake and worry despite being so tired my eyes ache. I want a completed nursery, and if the house isn't complete soon, I will be asking Dante if I can convert the spare room here into a nursery. I might do it regardless for when I visit here or my team at work. I still visit if only for a little while each day and only under Dante's supervision. My team is amazing, and I am very proud of their progress. Darius runs a tight ship and keeps me constantly informed. I have no qualms about leaving them to carry on when I have the babies.

Peri had decided to visit Lucia to try and work out if there was anything at all she needed for the nursery. She felt she just needed to do something to appease her nesting instinct and had organised the visit the night before. She was preparing to go down to Emilio's apartment and meet Dante the following morning when Josh came back through the front door and wrapped his arms around her.

"Josh, you left hours ago, what are you doing back?" Confusion laced her voice as she returned his embrace.

"Come and sit down," he led her across the room to the couch without looking at her. Once seated he finally turned to face her, and she could see his eyes were red and swollen as if he had been crying.

"Josh what's wrong?" she placed a hand on his cheek and looked up into his eyes.

"I need you to listen calmly and not panic," he placed a hand on her belly as if to reinforce his words. He saw her eyes widen and spewed out the words like ripping a band-aid off a fresh wound. "There's been an accident, Lio's dead," his voice cracked as he spoke and a tear ran down his cheek.

"Oh, Josh," Peri whispered and hugged him. She felt her heart fall into the pit of her stomach, and her eyes fill with tears. She shared his grief. She loved Emilio he had become her true brother along with Dante, and she was devastated. Taking a deep breath, she knew she needed to be strong right now and look after herself and her babies while supporting Josh but the thought of Dante brought a fresh wave of horror. "Oh my God, Dante!" she exclaimed. "He must be a mess right now."

Josh released her taking a shuddering breath and dashing away the tears from his cheeks. He took a few moments to compose himself taking both of her hands in his. "He's at the hospital. The doctors say he's in shock. He's refusing to leave or talk to anyone," again his voice cracked as he spoke. Peri opened her mouth to speak but shut it again as he looked at her with worried eyes. "The only thing he has said is that he needs to see you. You don't have to go, but..."

"Of course, I have to go, Josh, it's Dante," Peri's sad voice cut over his attempted explanations of why she should go. "It's fine. I'm fine. Josh, we will be okay," she said placing her hand on her belly. "We can do this together, for Emilio and for Dante." She said sounding much stronger than she felt. "He has been there for us through everything. He kept you from killing people in Canberra. He has been looking after me like gold while you work on the house. I am beyond devastated about Lio, I loved him as if he was my own brother, but we have to look after the living, don't we?"

Her words were like a slap in the face for Josh, who immediately sobered and blinked his eyes at her. He nodded clearing his throat and rubbing his hands over his face. "Yes," he said softly looking at her once again. "We need to go, I'll call Ben from the car, Mama and Papa should be there by the time we get there."

"I can't imagine what they're going through," Peri's eyes welled again as she struggled up from the couch and took Josh's hand. "I just can't imagine what any of you are going through right now," she said quietly.

Aside from the red swollen eyes Josh's face was calm as he turned to look at her. He wrapped an arm around her waist as they stepped into the elevator and then pulled her to him. They stood in silence for the long moments of decent before the doors opened again and they stepped out into the carpark. He sped to the hospital, and they walked quickly through the emergency ward to a quieter back area where the family all sat each lost in their grief.

"This way," Ben said. He had been leaning against the wall waiting for them. "Their waiting for a psych consult," he murmured to Josh. They walked into a room where Dante sat on a chair beside the bed staring straight ahead at a spot on the wall. His face was pinched, but he showed no sign of having been crying or any other real emotion. Joseph and Antonia stood nearby, Joseph comforting the sobbing Antonia.

"Peri?" Dante said as they entered the room and gave her a sad smile.

"I'm here," she went to him and hugged him. "You've been there so much for me, how could I not come when you needed me." She felt his arms wrap around her returning his hug and as if the floodgates opened he began to cry.

"Lio's gone," he pulled back slightly tears running down his cheeks.

"I know," she said gently tears stinging her eyes, "It's not fair, I know." She went to move to the chair Josh had pushed close to where Dante sat, but he wouldn't let go of her. "Dante, I need to sit down. I'm not going anywhere I'm staying right here, for as long as you need me." He looked at her with a blank expression and pulled her onto his lap.

"Hey D. we should probably take Peri home now where we can keep her safe," Josh stepped forward in concern for both his brother and his wife. Dante turned his head to look at Josh and furrowed his brow.

"She is safe. I'd never hurt her Josh. I love her. The one person who makes me genuinely happy when I am around them, and she belongs to my brother," he sighed. "Lio loved that about you, you know?" He asked Peri. "That you could make me laugh when no one else could."

"I didn't know that," Peri smiled. "He could always find something good to say about everyone. Even when he fired that awful assistant you hired for me he praised her commitment to her desk," he smiled remembering the conversation she had had with him after he had said it.

"He was the good twin, the better half of our dynamic duo," Dante gave her a teary smile and broke down again as he said, "What am I supposed to do without him acting as my conscience?"

"You have Josh and me," Peri's heart broke for him. "We are already so close that we will be there for you." She held the sobbing man who could no longer speak. She tilted her head and looked at Josh, who watched on in concern.

"At least he is doing something now rather than looking catatonic," Ben murmured to his father.

"See what's holding up the doctor and take your mother out to Lucia," Joseph said. "Please Mama," Joseph said sadly when Antonia started to protest. Then he moved towards Josh hearing them leave behind him. "I know you don't like this, but you need to suck it up and let him into your life with Peri until he can cope on his own again."

Josh looked at his father unbelievingly and then back at the strange portrait of his pregnant wife sitting on his brother's lap while he bawled like a baby.

"Dante," Peri said after a while of just sitting and letting him cry. "Dante I have to go for a few minutes, but I will be back and Josh will be right here. Talk to him he loves you as much as I do. He wouldn't have trusted you to fill in for him so much lately at home if he didn't."

"No, don't leave me," Dante said almost desperately.

"I will be back, I promise, but these babies make sure I have to visit the bathroom every half hour or else disgrace myself. Please let me go, I will come back," she said softly.

"Let her go," Joseph said calmly but in a stern voice. Peri felt Dante's hands relax, and she stood with a sad smile. "I will come back and then maybe you will let Josh, and I take you home. Okay?"

Dante turned his head to Josh as if seeing him for the first time and nodded. Then he slumped in the chair his hands covering his face as he breathed heavily. Peri left the room quietly and hurried passed the family in search of a bathroom.

"Peri wait!" Lucia called after her, but her bladder was bursting, and she needed the relief so badly she didn't slow down. She could see the lit signs in the ceiling directing her, and she practically ran through the door and into a stall. She heard Lucia come in after her. "Peri?" she called again.

"I made it," Peri called out, "But only just, I was about to burst,"

"The way you hurried through I thought you were upset. I thought Dante had said something to upset you," Lucia said relief evident in her voice.

Peri came out and looked at her reflection. She could understand why Lucia had chased her now. She looked dishevelled and upset with her eyes red and the little amount of makeup that she wore ruined.

"No wonder you came to look for me I look frightful. I'm sorry to add to your worries," Peri said sadly, trying to repair her makeup and hair. "I promised I'd go right back," she said turning from the mirror. "I'm so sorry, Lucia. The whole situation's awful I don't know what to say."

"Is D still catatonic?" Lucia asked worriedly her voice tremulous.

"No, he cried mostly," Peri said. "He hasn't said much of anything," she was careful with her words. "I'm hoping he will let Josh, and I take him home once he's seen the doctor."

"He should come back to my place I don't think going back to the apartment he built with Lio is a good idea," Lucia shook her head. "He's better off at my place with Mama and Papa."

"I'm sure he'd appreciate that," Peri said with a sad smile walking back to the waiting with Lucia. "I'll tell him when I go in." She walked to the door with Lucia at her side.