The Twelve Zenati Pt. 11


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"There are worse ways to clear your head than focusing on the willing service of a beautiful woman... or man," Armando grinned. "Let's check who's available for an assessment of their training this afternoon."

"I was hoping Matija was still here," Noah suggested, not hiding his preference for the petite brunette from his father.

"You might be in luck," Armando chuckled and led the way to his office to call the Dominant who oversaw her training. He knew of his son's preference for the girl and had kept a close eye on her training. He was considering offering her a contract to serve here as a mentor and be available to his son and senior staff, though it wouldn't look good for the next High Lord to be playing favourites amongst the girls. Once the recent events, that kept them from their work, were dealt with, he would discuss the idea with Noah.


The car pulled up outside a house painted in a riot of different colours. The garden was full of things that truly shouldn't be there, and just as Vivienne had told her, Olivia saw the teapot tree standing larger than life in the front garden. She bounded out of the car to take in the multilevel house she had heard so much about. All the different coloured sections, with different shaped windows, seemed somehow right, even in its wrongness.

"Gideon says that this house and his Madrina remind him that not everything in the world has to make sense to work. That which is beautiful to one man is merely interesting to another," Vivienne said, enjoying the look of wonder on Olivia's face and refusing to acknowledge the frown and disapproval that, once again, painted Marcella's features.

"Follow the yellow brick road," she grinned, and linking arms with both of her friends, she led them through the strange garden surrounding the fantastical house. She laughed, as Marcella had to duck under a low hanging teapot that hung from the old tree in the centre of the yard. As always it seemed to be flowering teapots from every branch in various shapes and sizes, and she smiled.

"My beautiful girl!" an old woman exclaimed, making Vivienne look up at the house. "You finally come back, and without my cheeky boy forcing you this time!"

"I brought some friends for you to meet," Vivienne called back. "Gideon is forcing his brothers to come to visit you later. You will have a full house before you know it," she laughed.

"Come on then. and introduce me to your friends and we shall see whether to have tea or not," Madrina said, then slammed the window shut without another word and disappeared from view. Then Vivienne guided her two friends up the stairs, with the two bodyguards trailing along behind them.

"My beautiful girl," Madrina exclaimed again, as the door flew open and she embraced Vivienne in an all-consuming hug that had her friends each dropping the arm they held at her side.

"You are beautiful, so beautiful and such a welcome sight!" Madrina grinned and took her arm, linking it with her own as they walked into the house. "The wedding was beautiful, and soon we will have babies to lavish our love on, yes?"

"I am enjoying getting to know my husband firstly. You may have to wait a little longer for babies." Vivienne gave a soft laugh.

"I will enjoy meeting your friends for now, then." Madrina lifted an enquiring eyebrow and turned to gaze at the sisters, as they stood just behind Vivienne, having followed them into the house.

"This is Oliva and Marcella," Vivienne smiled widely. "They are good friends of mine," she stated, not mentioning Olivia's relationship with Genesis.

"Sisters." Madrina tilted her head, studying the two women. "Ah, you brought me the lost lamb," she cackled drawing Olivia into a fierce embrace. "Such a pretty girl. How is the wound on your side?" she asked, releasing Olivia with the enquiry.

"It is almost healed, although Genesis is very cautious about letting me do too much and hinder the healing process," Olivia said, guardedly.

"As he should be. Tell me, is the brace I made for you helpful?" Madrina gave Olivia a knowing smile.

"Very much," Olivia replied, as she blushed under that smile. "I didn't realise you had made it. Thank you so much."

"Of course, pretty girl. Those boys are like my own, and I would never deny them anything that is within my means to give," she said, before turning back to Vivienne. "I am sorry Tatianna wasn't more welcoming toward you, but she fights her own demons within this family. That is a conversation for another time, however. Tea everyone?"

Vivienne stood open-mouthed as the little old woman went about the business of making tea. She found it hard to process what had just occurred and how she could change directions so abruptly. She wanted to ask more, but instead decided that wasn't a conversation to have in front of the hot-tempered Marcella, who was still livid by her new mother-in-law's treatment of her.

"I'd like to hear that conversation," Marcella sneered. "That woman was awful. Not even just awful, she was cruel! I'm surprised Vivienne returned to Gideon at all after that, let alone married him without resolving that problem."

"The problem is hers, not Gideon's," Vivienne said gently. "Despite her words, he didn't know what she had done. He had planned to be a buffer between us at dinner that night. It was she that tried to scare me away, and I, we," she said pointedly, "played right into her hands and let her win round one. I, however, took control of the game, and nothing she says can affect me or how I feel about Gideon now. If I am honest, it never could. I think I fell in love with him the moment we met."

"Their mother was mean to you?" Olivia asked in a small voice. Vivienne was amazing. If Genesis' mother didn't like her, what chance did Olivia have of being accepted as part of this family, despite what Genesis wanted. The thought that his mother would judge her and realise she was broken and had betrayed the Tables, and that Genesis would be forced to end their relationship terrified her. She felt sick inside at the idea.

"You need not worry, little lamb." Madrina reached over and patted Olivia's hand where it lay on the bench. "My beautiful girl here taught Tatianna a lesson she won't soon forget about interfering in her sons' lives. Not only was she barred from the ceremony but her husband did not attend either, to ensure her punishment was complete. Luckily for Armando, he has two other sons to have big wedding feasts that he can preside over, like the doting father he is."

Olivia fell silent. She belonged to Genesis now, body and soul. She loved him and felt sure that he loved her, but they had never talked about a commitment beyond that. Never marriage. Would his family be even more disappointed by the fact that their youngest son had no intention of marrying? She stifled a sigh as her worried thoughts flew through her head. She looked up to find Madrina watching her, as if waiting for a response, and couldn't find the words to express her thoughts.

"I am glad that his brothers and my friends were able to come," Vivienne grinned. "It was all so spur of the moment. I didn't give anyone much notice, and members of my own family didn't make it either," she admitted.

"Noah doesn't seem the settling down type," Marcella shrugged. "Genesis might, in time, but not in the near future with everything else that's going on. Armando may have to wait a while yet, unless Sera is seeing anyone seriously."

"No one measures up to her brothers in Sera's mind," Madrina cackled. "She too had no inkling of her mother's agenda on that day."

"She still let it happen, without saying a word," Marcella said in hard tones.

"Every family has their flaws, do they not?" Madrina asked pointedly, knowing more about the sisters than she let on. She had a gift far beyond what she let on to anyone else, and she had spent a little time with Noah recently, as he became accustomed to his own gifts. She considered the young woman across from him and knew that she would walk a difficult and dangerous road before she accepted who she truly was and the future path her life would take.

Marcella stared at the woman for a few moments but said nothing. She had promised Vivienne that she would play nice and she had almost let herself break that promise within a few hours of making it. She took a deep breath and let it out slowly, determined to be the sweetheart she had promised her friend she could be.

"This is such an unusual house. Did you design it yourself?" Marcella asked Madrina as they took their tea and went to sit in the comfortable couches nearby.

"Much like Vivienne, I had a man who proposed the day he met me," she chuckled. "I gave him impossible tasks to prove that he truly loved me and meant it. One of them was this house," she said fondly. "He was the greatest love of my life, and I miss him each and every day. Once you have had your tea, I will give you the tour, and Vivienne can try on the dress I have made for her as a wedding gift."

"The other dress you made for her was amazing," Olivia said without reservation.

"I'm glad you think so. Perhaps we can find something for you too, little lamb," she grinned, with a twinkle in her eye. "And you," she spoke to Marcella without giving her a nickname. "I am sure my boys will dress in those stuffy suits they always wear for dinner."

"Really? You would have something that might fit me?" Olivia asked.

"Of course," Madrina cackled. "I have been expecting your visit since Genesis asked me to create the brace for you and gave me your measurements."

"That's handy then, but I doubt you were expecting me as well," Marcella said with a smile, showing she was not concerned. "Luckily, I always look fabulous, so it won't matter if I stay as I am for dinner." She winked at Vivienne, who grinned back at her, glad to see a glimmer of the humour she had always admired in her friend.

"Oh, I'm sure we can find you some little thing to wear," Madrina said with a knowing look and immediately changed the conversation again to whether Vivienne and Gideon were contemplating buying a home of their own. There was a tentative knock at the door before Vivienne could answer and Madrina looked at her with serious eyes. "Your guest is right on time," she said, then asked, "Are you sure about this?"

"Marcella, don't judge me, okay? I wanted to tell you but I... This is something I need to do, okay?" Vivienne said nervously, causing her friend to frown in confusion. "It hurt Gideon a lot, not having his parents at the wedding, and I don't want to be the cause of the rift any more and it's better for Olivia if she meets Tatianna with both of us here and Genesis on his way. It's not an ambush. I invited her here today, and I meant to tell you. I just couldn't find the words, and I was scared of how you would react. You've been so... well, it's done now, and I need you to be my friend more than ever."

Marcella was stunned. She opened and closed her mouth several times to speak, to rage at her friend, but nothing came out, as if she had her words stolen from her. For the first time in weeks, she stopped and thought about what Vivienne had just said. If she were a better friend, a better sister, they wouldn't be so scared to tell her things. She was used to having to be the bitch and fight for what she wanted. She had lost sight of the fact that she wanted her sister back and her friendship with Vivienne to grow. She hadn't meant to scare them or intimidate them. She had every intention of scaring and intimidating Tatianna if she behaved so badly again, though.

She went to sit protectively beside Olivia and took her hand, offering support as Olivia began to understand what was happening and withdrew into her shell. She watched as Vivienne stood nervously and went with Madrina to answer the door and invite Tatianna back into her life, their lives.


Grateful that his father hadn't pushed him further about his newly-discovered abilities and what that could mean for him and his future, Noah stepped into the large room that served as his private space within the recruitment and training complex. He did not use it often, preferring to use the facility training rooms along with the other Dominants who worked for his family in the human resources department, which taught the traditions and laws of his family. He had wanted them to know that he had the skills and knowledge to take over from his father and that he would be held accountable to the same code of ethics he and his father held them to.

Today, however, he just wanted to lose himself and leave the concerns he had for his brothers, their loves and the infuriatingly demanding Marcella outside the door. He was so over babysitting Marcella, but he knew that as soon as he left her to her own devices, she would bring another world of trouble their way. The fact that he admired her feisty, no bullshit, take no prisoners stance when confronted by roadblocks or people who would stand in her way was beside the point. She drove him crazy, often and seemingly without even trying. She had a knack for finding trouble, but she also had a knack for asking the right questions, to get answers he didn't even realise were there or that he needed.

He went to the armoire and shed his dark suit before dressing in the soft, comfortable work-out pants that were his preference here. He had no need to intimidate with leather and chains, as some Doms did. The men and women who served him knew he held power in their exchange, the rest was just window dressing. This change of clothes and persona was like a ritual for him. In his lawyer's suit, he was the unruffled, urbane, go to guy for his family and friends. Always there to help in whatever capacity was needed, even babysitting potential threats and troublemakers, like Marcella.

She'd crept into his thoughts again, and he shook his head. He needed this session more than he realised and acknowledged he had denied himself for far too long, as he had dealt with one crisis after another since the attack on the mothers of their Table and the discovery of Olivia Gambaro within the Suebi clan. Clearly, the woman had driven him insane if he were thinking about her here in his personal domain, the last place a woman like her would ever consent to be, though the idea of forcing her submission to him held some appeal. There was nothing quite like the rush of subduing such strong, ballsy women and making them see how freely giving up the constant control they fought for could be. He knew first-hand how it felt. He'd started learning his craft as a submissive, but as he had matured, he knew it wasn't the role for him.

"Enter," Noah commanded at the soft tap on his door. He watched as the petite brunette slipped silently into the room and padded to its centre before kneeling in the perfect pose, waiting for him to command her. He stalked toward where she knelt, feeling his arousal grow. "Remove the camisk and display," he instructed, watching her intently as she rose gracefully and pulled the soft satiny material from her body before standing, legs shoulder-width apart and her hands behind her neck, the fingers interlocked.

She was as beautiful as he remembered. At barely one hundred and sixty centimetres he towered over her, giving him that immediate sense of power. Her long dark hair hung loosely from a high ponytail, exposing her long neck, shoulders and back. His eyes dropped to her breasts, larger than usual for a girl with such a petite frame. They were well rounded, with high pink nipples that made them seem perky and begging for his attention. He reached out and gently brushed a thumb over one pink bud, smiling at her intake of breath. His eyes trailed lower to the tapered waist and the flare of her hips before taking in the well-manicured strip of pubic hair. He was pleased that her trainer had not insisted on her being shaved bare. Her legs were well shaped and muscled, as if she trained hard in the gym to sculpt her already-perfect little body to higher perfection.

"Do you know who I am?" Noah asked in a low rumble as he circled her, his fingers gliding lightly over her skin, appreciating her softness and the swell of her curves.

"Yes, Master, and it is my honour to serve you again," Matija said in a sweet melodic voice, keeping her eyes downcast.

"So willing to bend to my will when you know I will cause you pain, along with the pleasure I offer," he murmured huskily into her ear as he stood behind her. He felt the tremble in her small body before she answered.

"Yes, Master. I understand what it is to serve you, and I come here willingly," she said, the trace of a smile curling at her lip as she spoke.

"Perfect," he whispered and trailed his hands lightly up her sides and over her ribcage. He took the braided leather straps he had prepared from the nearby bench and bound her hands together before lifting them above her head to secure them to the hook that hung from the ceiling in the centre of the room. His preferred starting position in this room. Using the remote, he adjusted the tension until she stood precariously on her toes. Her body lengthened, fully on display and accessible to him.

Matija had felt her back protest for a moment as Noah pulled her to her toes, her shoulders aching slightly as she breathed to relax and take the stretching strain of being hung by her hands. He kept pulling until she felt as if she was in ballet class, perched on the tips of her toes. She was stretched, and as painful as it was, her elongated body felt oddly sensual and alive. Her every sense heightened to the man behind her, and she was aware of every movement, every sound that he made. He moved to stand again where she could see him and stepped back, studying her. It unnerved her a little as she peeked up and saw the look on his face, part hunger and part... something feral that she couldn't name.

Noah had thought Matija a desirable woman before, but hanging from the hook like this, she was a goddess who tempted every fibre of his dominant soul. Her fit, athletic body was stretched taut, hollowing her tiny waist that flared into her suggestive, womanly hips, tight ass and runner's legs. Her toes were only skimming the rich wood floor, and the strain only made her legs look more perfect. Her firm, fleshy ass cheeks were tight with the strain, and they made Noah want to run his hands over her and spank her until her reddened skin glowed with heat and pain. Her breasts stretched and pulled high on her chest, making them simply stunning to his eyes. Her hard breathing made her breasts wobble enticingly, and the hard, distended pink buds of her nipples seemed to be pleading for his attention, even more so now, and he was about to give into that silent invitation and give them the attention they deserved.

As the Master, the son of her Lord stood in front of her, looking deep into her eyes, Matija felt as though he could see her very soul and she couldn't hide from him. All of her desires, perversions and fantasies were there for him to see, and appreciate why she had chosen this life and to serve men like him. The heat in his eyes told her that he was going to make those desires and fantasies a reality. The fire in his eyes filled her with the desire to serve him, no matter what he asked of her, but also a belief and trust in him that he would never push her beyond her limits, not that she had many. This man was all power and dominance, and she could feel her insides melting under his thoughtful gaze.

It was at that moment, bound, stretched and hanging from the ceiling, that she knew she was where she was meant to be, here with him. Bound as she was, she knew she didn't have a choice; but she knew she would've given herself to him anyway, just feeling the aura that radiated from him. His deep, penetrating eyes and hard-lined mouth told her that he would leave no desire unexplored. All her life Matija had longed for a man like Noah. The man that would uncover and explore her deepest needs like no other Dominant before him. She quivered inside with both fear and anticipation of what this night with him would bring, and why it felt so different here with him than with the other trainers.