The Twelve Zenati Pt. 14


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Marcella had walked along the rocks below the Night cliffs, jumping from one rocky outcropping to the next until she found a flat rock that was miraculously dry despite the waves crashing around it. Then she sat and let out a huge sigh. This date tonight had given her time to come up with a plan. She needed a plan and a good one. She looked out at the horizon, the large expanse of sea meeting the pale blue cloudless sky. The sun hung midway through its downward path, and she knew she wouldn't have much time to formulate something, anything, to get her more time to do what she needed to do.

A large wave crashed against the rock she sat on spraying her with a fine mist, and she pulled her handbag closer. The gift from Noah that Vivienne had pressed upon her as she left fell out and she sighed. It had been years since anyone had given her a birthday present, and it seemed that Apollo was the only one who ever remembered the date. She sighed, Noah drove her insane with his confidence and arrogance and take charge of her life demeanour, like she was a helpless and brainless woman. Not that she should be surprised considering he was a Zenati. She remembered the look on his face as she had seethed at him before walking out of the restaurant. If she didn't know better, she could have sworn that the uber-confidence had given way to show some real emotion. He looked upset and almost sick, but why? That look bothered her and numbed the edges of her anger at him. Vivienne was right, he had a lot going on around him at the moment, and his reaction to Apollo was probably just a result of all the other stressors in his life.

"Fucking shit of a man," she muttered to the wind and the distant horizon. Why would he even care if it was her birthday. Why would he care of she had an ex-boyfriend who was still interested after all these years? More to the point why couldn't she get that look of his out of her head? She should be happy that she finally broke through that arrogant veneer except she had another equally arrogant man trying to put a claim on her that he didn't have. Not really.

The idea jolted her. Did Noah care that she might be in a relationship with Apollo? But he had rejected her, he didn't want her. He'd never wanted her, not like that. At best, they were only ever friends. She certainly didn't care that way for him. Sure there was an attraction once, but his rejection had ended that. Just like with Apollo, there had been an initial attraction, a friendship and it had ended now there was just... well, it was what it was. She wished they had never crossed that line either. She sighed heavily again and knew she would have to deal with Apollo tomorrow if only to ease the tension between herself and Noah. She needed his friendship, as tentative as it was, if she wanted to stay and help Olivia.

She and Noah had been friends since the first day they met, and it could have been something more, but she was glad he had sidestepped that complication for the both of them. She didn't do relationships, and it would have blown up in both their faces long before now if they had gone down that road. Now, aside of when he drove her insane with his overbearing attitude, the banter and teasing they had were fun for the most part. It was like what she imagined having a big brother was like. Yes, big brother, who no matter how much they annoyed each other she had no doubt that if she called him, he would come to help her.

"Fucking men," she growled out loud. Vivienne was right, he was under a lot of stress and he had probably thought she had lied to him in those early days. She had tried convinced him to pretend to date her to keep her father off her back while she traded on the family name for the first time in years. She had given up the family name and in essence the family laws and traditions he swore by in order to go to university and get her degree, her career and the life she wanted. She hadn't been one of those Gambaros for a long time until she needed that connection to come here to see Olivia.

"Why the fuck did Apollo followed me here?" she groaned as if she didn't know. She hadn't answered any of his attempts to contact her, hadn't encouraged him at all. The deal they made at eighteen when they had broken up was a childish jest. Neither of them took it seriously, and it certainly wouldn't matter anymore. Why the hell would he be trying to find her now? She knew why even if she tried to lie to herself, his messages that remained unanswered told her why but she didn't want to believe it. They'd been kids looking for something to anchor them in a world where they didn't belong, but she had gone back to the horror that was her childhood home and he had returned to the family that he never quite belonged, determined to live their own lives, not lives destined by their surnames.

Marcella sighed. She wasn't that sad, angry, eighteen-year-old girl any longer. She'd grown up and made a life for herself, a life she had loved. She'd helped Olivia get away before being forced to endure the hell that was the trial their father insisted they undergo, and she'd left her mother to endure her father alone after refusing repeated offers of help to leave him. God knows she'd tried to get her mother to leave that abusive old bastard but she wouldn't. She said she couldn't, and Marcella had gone back as often as she was allowed to check on her mother or asked her Aunts to do it for her as she continually argued against the archaic laws and traditions of the Tables that kept her mother and other women like her tied to cruel, misogynistic men.

"Fucking men and their fucking bullshit!" Marcella swore to the waves again, uncaring if the watchmen who shadowed her steps could hear her. First thing's first, she told herself trying to clear her head. She was here for Olivia. She had been the driving force behind the girl running away. She hadn't wanted her to endure the humiliation and degradation that came from being sent to undergo a trial at the hands of the Battaglia. That decision to run away had almost killed her, not once but twice, and everything she had gone through was far worse than anything the Battaglia would have done to her even at their father's insistence that they were trained as Kept as well as household servants. She owed Olivia a better life, and she would do what it took to get her all that was owed to her by the men who had used and abused her so badly and the sister who let her down so badly. Jessa was happy now, Olivia could have been too if she had not interfered.

Marcella knew that she couldn't afford to completely alienate any part of the Zenati family, and she knew she was close to doing just that with Genesis already. She had to make nice with the three brothers whether she wanted to or not. Noah had looked upset when she left. She should start by rebuilding that bridge with Noah a little. Vivienne, and thereby Gideon, would always forgive her for her outbursts but today was the first time she had seen Noah visibly shaken and that was on her for making his day more difficult. Apollo was the one who made it more difficult in actual fact, but he wouldn't be here if not for her. Picking up her phone she sent a text believing Noah would be back at the hospital by now with Dominic and unable to take phone calls. At least that was what she told herself to make up for being chicken shit and not calling him directly.

"1:44 pm Thank you for the gift. It was very thoughtful. Marcella."

Marcella deleted and retyped the short text three times before hitting send and took a deep breath. "There that wasn't so hard," she told herself. Not over friendly but without any animosity. It was a start and as much as she was willing to bend today towards the ass who hadn't even bothered to ask her about Apollo before hitting her with the accusation that she had hidden the relationship from him. She felt good about it until her phone buzzed in her lap with an answering message. Grimacing she opened the text.

"1:47 pm You're welcome. Happy birthday. Have fun tonight."

Marcella breathed a sigh of relief. They could both just ignore what happened at lunchtime and life could go back to normal where they bickered and teased and generally got on each other's nerves like normal friends.


"Change of plans," Genesis said ending his phone call. "Sorry little one, the grand homecoming will have to wait" He pulled Olivia closer to him and kissed the top of her head before turning her towards a different part of the restaurant from where they had been having lunch. "The good news is that you will get to have a second dessert," he grinned.

Olivia giggled happily up at him, but she could see the concern behind Genesis' eyes. That meant that one of his brothers was in trouble. She was sure he wouldn't change their plans today unless something was very wrong. Even with Dominic having surgery he hadn't budged on their planned moved to the apartment. She'd seen Noah picking up Marcella and Vivienne before Genesis had arrived at the spa so that left Gideon and her tummy tightened. She didn't want to break their happy bubble today by asking for details, but now she worried too. Vivienne was her friend, her only friend here.

"I just need to check on X and Em, nothing to worry about," he said too casually, making Olivia worry all the more. He'd spent the morning with Xavier, and she had been with Emma, they were fine. She hoped nothing had gone wrong with the surgery.

Genesis caught sight of his brother as he approached their table and Gideon had been right, Noah looked pale and drawn as if he were sick. He watched as Noah picked up his phone and visibly relaxed before he approached the table.

"Good news?" Xavier asked after Noah returned his phone to his jacket pocket.

"Not exactly but it wasn't bad news," Noah gave a half-hearted smile though he felt relieved that Marcella had been the one to reach out. Maybe he hadn't fucked up quite as badly as he thought. If friendship was all he could have with her now, then he would be her friend and wish her well. He wasn't even sure if that witch if a woman, Imelda, hadn't done something to him with her predictions of doom and gloom where his love was concerned. She certainly never said the name Marcella, he had just guessed, not that she had left much room for misinterpretation.

"Oh Olivia, thank God," Emma gasped waving the younger woman toward her. "Xavier is so preoccupied with this mysterious visitor, Noah looks like death warmed up, and Taino, well Taino never talks much," she sighed. "Tell me you haven't had dessert yet! I need sugar and caffeine, and they have this wonderful Mocha concoction here I wanted to try, but I hate eating dessert on my own."

"I would have had dessert," Xavier frowned, "You never said."

"You never have dessert," she clucked her tongue. "Noah looks like he couldn't keep anything down today and well. Save me, Olivia, you have to save me," Emma implored.

"Sure, what sane person doesn't like dessert," Olivia said cheerily.

"I know, right?" Emma gave Xavier a mocking look. "You know she just called you insane right?"

"Oh, I didn't mean..." Olivia immediately tried to back peddle making them all laugh.

"It's okay sweetie, we've all known for years," Emma winked at Olivia reassuringly.

Genesis watched as Emma pulled Olivia into a tittering conversation built from nervous expectation and worry for Dominic before turning his attention on Noah. He was silent and seemed to be battling within himself judging by the look on his face. He was still pale, but his pallor had lightened somewhat from when he had spied him from across the room when he first entered.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Genesis asked Noah.

"Fuck, what isn't wrong with me today? Woke up on the wrong side of the wrong bed and it's gone downhill from there," Noah grumbled quietly.

"You know what Gideon thinks," Genesis said quietly.

"Shit, he sent you?" Noah scowled. "You know how he is. It's nothing like that. I'm just off today, that's it," he waved away his brother's concerns.

"He's worried, and by the look of things, he has every right to be. What the hell happened?" Genesis asked aware that the attention on the table was falling on them now.

"We picked up the visitor who arrived this morning..." Noah began.

"Apollo Martino," Genesis nodded and turned as Olivia let out a gasp and immediately covered her mouth as both men turned to look at her in unison.

"Oh my God! I just remembered something," she seemed to search around her seat and then looked up at Genesis. "I left my bag and phone in the car can I borrow yours please?"

"Why?" Genesis frowned but was fishing his phone from his pocket as he asked the question.

"It's Marcella's birthday. I spent all morning with her and totally forgot. I feel awful. We may not be the best of friends, but I should have remembered her birthday at least," she gushed trying to explain herself and looking sad that she had totally forgotten her sister's birthday. "Thank you," she said taking the phone and moving her chair a little back from the table so she could call. She knew Genesis wouldn't let her leave his side in such a public place, so she made the best of the situation and pressed the contact to call.

"Happy birthday, Marcie. I am so sorry I forgot to say that this morning. We should have organised lunch or something! Do you want to come and have dessert with Emma and me?" Olivia paused while Marcella spoke. "Tomorrow? Yeah, tomorrow is fine just let me check with Genesis?"

"She said Vivienne is planning something for her birthday tomorrow, we can go to that can't we?" Olivia asked Genesis unsure of what their plans were for the weekend.

"Yes, I'm sure if Vivienne is organising it we won't have much choice," he chuckled and turned to Noah. "Did you know it was her birthday?"

"I found out when I met with Apollo, he's here for her. To see Marcella for her birthday," Noah said woodenly, his eyes never leaving Olivia as he listened to the strange conversation.

"The frog is here, did you know? ... Did the Troll King send him? ... Good idea, go and have fun tonight, and Viv will make plans for tomorrow. ... No, I won't do that... it's okay. I wouldn't get the chance anyway, Gen and I have plans tonight too. ... Did you hear from the Queen at all?" Olivia lowered her voice even more as she asked the question. "I'm sure she would if she could. Okay... Tomorrow... Have fun tonight... yeah, I will... bye."

"Translate," Genesis said gruffly, taking back his phone. When she looked confused, he began to hold up his fingers counting off names, "Who is the Frog, the Troll King and the Queen."

"The Queen is my mother because she always called me a little princess," Olivia smiled sadly. "Can we talk about the others at home? It's a little embarrassing to admit your sister had to tell you fairy tales to get you through panic attacks as a child," she whispered.

"No. I am assuming your father is the Troll King, but I would like to know who the Frog is, now, please," Genesis said sternly.

"Apollo Martino," she said quietly and looked down at the hands in her lap.

"You had panic attacks as a child?" Emma asked trying to diffuse the situation. "Me too, I was terrified of getting lost in big crowds. We short people have trouble like that and being a short kid was especially awful," she shuddered and took a deep breath. "I made my brothers piggyback me a lot," she laughed.

"I don't have any brothers, but that sounds like it would have been fun," Olivia was grateful for the interruption and had no intention of willingly being drawn back into a conversation about her home and growing up there in public.

"You know Apollo Martino?" Noah asked with a frown, interrupting the two women. Olivia had left home years ago. Marcella's relationship with Apollo couldn't be a new development. They had to have known each other for years if Olivia knew him too.

"I've got a great idea!" Emma suddenly exclaimed. "I'm stuck in limbo here, and Genesis obviously needs to discuss something important with Noah, so why don't we take your bodyguards and go find Marcella the best birthday present ever to make up for this morning." Holding up her hands she looked at the men around the table before settling her gaze on her husband. "We'll be less than an hour I promise, and then you can talk about whatever it is that been preoccupying all your thoughts this morning with the others and not worry about me getting involved," she laughed.

"An hour or less," Xavier narrowed his eyes and nodded then turned to Genesis. "You know what Monty Python says Gen," he said in a gruff tone making Genesis turn his attention from the two women to his cousin momentarily and then to Noah who shrugged.

"Alright, an hour," he conceded. "Stay close to Smith and Jones."

"Great, let's go shopping!" Emma stood and tugged a confused Olivia to her feet.

"I need to get my bag from the car," Olivia said quietly, walking quickly with Emma to get away from any more questions. She was grateful for the diversion, but she had promised Genesis not to leave his side today once she had left the spa. The two women walked out followed by the two bodyguards and walked arm in arm down the street towards the major shopping precinct.

"Don't worry about it, I have mine. So, tell me about Marcella. I really haven't had the opportunity to get to know her," Emma said glad for the distraction today of all days.

"She's smart," Olivia said uncertainly. They'd been close when they were young girls, but as they grew up, they grew apart, and Olivia had become cruel to the sister she thought was overbearing and judgemental and had hated Jessa as they grew older for being such a sad, aloof figure when she had returned from her graduation holiday.

"She must be to have a law degree," Emma agreed.

"No, not just smart but like uber smart. She was dux of our high school when she graduated, but they gave it to someone else so... well just because it was better that way," Olivia said lamely. "And not just book smart, she is people smart too. I didn't realise it at the time, I guess. I wasn't very nice to her when we were growing up."

"But that's different now, I mean she came all this way to help you after your ordeal and stayed to make sure you were fully recovered and is helping with your defence now," Emma prompted.

"She always looked after me... and Jessa. It's me, I was... It doesn't matter now, not really," Olivia didn't want to talk about their childhood and all the things that went wrong and had happened to them all. "That's just what she does you know, Marcella looks after all of us," Olivia shrugged.

"Your mother wasn't well?" Emma continued to prod as they walked.

"I guess you could say that. Let's look in here," Olivia said as they came to the first speciality gift shop, wanting to end the conversation before she said something she shouldn't.

"Okay," Emma agreed easily. She was slowly getting a picture of the intelligent younger version of Marcella who declined an academic award because it was better for her and her family that way and who looked after not only her sisters but her mother. There was only one person she would need to protect all the women of her family from, and Emma wanted to know more about these sisters and why their relationship had become so strained. It can't just have been because Olivia ran away.

"I don't think I ever met your father when I visited Perth, what does he do?" Emma asked conversationally.

"He's a carpenter, sort of, he works on wooden boats, restoring them and stuff. He gave me my boat. I think he called himself a shipwright, but Marcella always said carpenter when asked," Olivia said happy to be on safer territory.

"Oh, wow so you have been sailing your whole life?" Emma gushed.