The Twins in San Francisco Ch. 03


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We all got dressed and rode the elevator uneventfully down to my floor. Before I left, Kiana gave me a big hug and a wet sloppy kiss. The doors actually opened before we were finished, and when I sucked the last bit of saliva off of Kiana's tongue, I turned around to get back to work. Todd was standing not two feet in front of me with his jaw on the floor again. Kiana gave him a little wave, and then the doors clicked shut.


The next week became busy once again. Work had picked up, and we had a new project to get on the move. Quyen and I unfortunately had precious little time together. We played chess again one night, Trinh retired to the bedroom to watch a movie and dismissing the game as a waste of time. We also went out to watch a scary movie. I swear Quyen would jump completely into my lap whenever an alien would poke its scary claws under a door. But somehow, in the back of our heads, we knew our living arrangement would end once we hit the end of the month.

Sunday, August 31. Tonight was the last day, and of course Trinh wanted to go out and Party! We agreed and the three of us hit one of Trinh's favorite bars. She was a regular and everyone knew her, and we were ushered into a comfortable booth. The twins spent the whole night teasing the guys who were hitting on them while they sized up the crowd. A few of the twins' friends joined us, and in a big group we all laughed and told raunchy jokes and generally got wasted. Fortunately, the bar was only a few blocks away from the house (although those blocks were all uphill), so I didn't have to worry about anyone driving tonight. Trinh, knowing full well this was the last day she could order me around as a slave, of course had me pay for our drinks.

Midway through the evening, Trinh announced that she had to go to bathroom. She tugged on my arm and said, "Let's go!"

Why would a woman need my help to go to the bathroom? Then it hit. Oh, yeah. Sheepishly, I got up and followed Trinh back towards the restrooms. I looked back to the table for a moment to check on Quyen. She just winked at me and gave me a little wave. "Have fun!"

Sure enough, when Trinh popped open the door to the ladies room, she grabbed my wrist and pulled me in with her. We ignored another girl freshening up at the sink and she tugged me into the handicapped stall. Once inside, Trinh slammed me back against the wall, her lips descending to mine and her hands already at the fastenings of my slacks. Through all of Trinh's exhibition-crazed ideas, we had never done it in a bathroom before. We continued to make out while her hand ducked underneath the waistband of my boxers. My hand slipped under the back of Trinh's blouse, caressing the soft flesh of her back and working my way up to the clasp of her bra.

Before I could unclasp her, she dropped to her knees, tugging my pants down with me. My mostly erect tool now bobbed freely in front of her face. Reaching out her tongue, she took a long lick from the base of my balls and trailed all the way up to the tip. That definitely got me hard all the way. Her hands clutched my buttcheeks and held me tightly before she closed her mouth around my mast. Stretching herself, she kept sucking and sucking and sucking until she had deep throated me all the way inside of her. She inhaled sharply at the base of my cock, and her throat contractions played out like miniature fingers squeezing my rod.

My eyes were bursting with the pleasure running through my head, which then was suddenly replaced by an intense pain. All thoughts of sex flew out of my mind as I instinctively stopped moving in an attempt to prevent further pain. Trinh was suddenly standing beside me, her eyes coldly staring deep into mine. Her hand was still in my crotch, and I could feel the razor edges of her nails prickling my balls, unmoving, but far too close to puncturing me for my taste.

"Now that I have your complete and undivided attention, listen closely." Her voice was cool, confident. I dared not interrupt. I nodded quickly, like a desperate man who was millimeters away from losing a testicle.

"Tonight is your last night in our house. As we agreed, you packed up this morning. Our contract will soon be over, and you will be asked to leave. We've held up our end of the bargain. You are a fantastic lover and I'm sure you could now get any woman you want. Your slavery will also over. But the deal was until August 31. Sweetie, you've been a great lay and I wouldn't mind fucking you again in the future. But after tonight, your 'relationship' with Quyen will be over. You've shown her a great time, but you're just another piece of meat to her. She likes to be treated well, to make guys fall in love with her. By next week, she'll have another young stud eating out of the palm of her hand. I just wanted to warn you before you got your hopes up too far. Sorry, stud."

And with that, she turned and left.

I didn't move from my spot against the wall for a long time. I didn't even make a move to pick up my pants. My mind was racing, and then it settled down onto one discouraging thought: I should have known better. Even with new sexual skills, social skills, and street smarts, I was still a lowly computer nerd. I was an outcast from the socially acceptable world. How could a gorgeous, popular woman like Quyen ever love someone like me? She was simply too good for me. She could get someone better. My head hung low, I gathered my shorts and returned back to the table.

When I returned, Quyen seemed to immediately sense something was up. "What's wrong?" she asked sweetly.

"Nothing. I'm fine." I gave her the cold shoulder, and she left me alone for the rest of the night. Gradually I got back into the game, made the small talk, and practiced how to interact with the "In-Crowd." Maybe someday, with practice, I could be good enough for Quyen to love me.

By 10PM we were all finished and ready to get home. Trinh had also apparently selected one lucky guy, Sung, to join us for a nightcap. He was a tall and strong, muscular Korean who had been in the U.S. only since college. Slightly older than our trio, his English was still rough around the edges, although he had apparently charmed Trinh quite well.

Our foursome trekked up the hill to the girls' pad, and we all stumbled inside onto the shag carpet and plush couch. We kept up an animated chatter and nursed one last round of drinks Trinh and I mixed up, and of course the conversation quickly became rather sexual. Trinh had dimmed the lights and put on some music, and after a few minutes no one was speaking any longer.

Trinh was in Sung's lap on the couch and they were making out furiously, the drinks now all but forgotten. Quyen meanwhile was cradled in my arms as I reclined against a wall, kissing me softly like there would be no tomorrow. I knew that there wouldn't be a tomorrow for us. I had tried several times in the last week to breach the subject of us continuing our relationship past the end of the month, but Quyen had deftly changed the subject at every turn. Now I knew why. When the arrangement was over, so were we. I realized that our relationship had brought about because of our special arrangement, but I used to truly believe that our feelings for each other extended beyond the Mistress/Slave month.

I had seen her for the vulnerable little girl she hid so carefully behind the cold seductress veneer. She could be vibrant and even playful, and that was the person I had fallen in love with over the past few weeks. I loved every second I had alone with her, when she let me see who she really was and felt free to be open with her thoughts and ideas. Even now, her large eyes glowed luminously at me, enrapturing my very soul.

Quyen sat up and turned back to kiss me more passionately. She pressed me downwards until I was flat on my back, snug in the plush carpet. In one smooth motion she lifted up her top and whipped it off her body, followed quickly by her bra. Her motions were languid, slow and deliberate. We were in no rush. She grabbed my hands and pressed them to her chest, my palms delicately tracing every inch of her glorious globes. As I continued to fondle her chest, she dropped her arms down to undo my pants. After a few casual minutes, we were both fully naked, with Quyen laying atop me, her head pillowed on my chest as she listened to my heartbeat.

We were not the only ones in a state of undress. Trinh had apparently performed a slow striptease to the soft music, an event which had gotten Sung to the painful state of rigidity. She stripped him as well still sitting on the couch, and as I watched, Trinh lowered herself onto his stiff rod while pressing her large tits into his face. Having personally experienced the Trinh lap-fuck, I knew he could not last long.

Meanwhile, Quyen had taken a hold of my own cock sandwiched between our bodies. Before I realized it, she had slipped me inside of her, and then lay back down to rest on my chest. We didn't move for a long time, the eroticism of the moment and the exquisite feeling of Quyen's pussy more than enough to keep me hard. Then gently, we began to rock together. I held her body close to mine, never letting any part of her skin break contact with mine. We rolled side to side and she undulated her hips atop me. Rather than little bolts of pleasure, we seemed to share a mutual glow of ecstasy that flowed through our unified body. For the first time in my life, I felt completely as One with a person.

Soon, I heard the telltale moaning of Trinh's orgasm spilling over. She was done only a second before she slipped off of Sung just in time as he began to spurt into the open air, low male grunting signifying the end of Sung's first fuck with Trinh. She quickly covered his spasming rod with her mouth, catching the rest of him in her mouth. Then kneeling between his legs, she tilted her head back and opened her mouth, showing him the pool of his come she had collected there, then swallowed it all down in one gulp. She smiled for a moment, then bent down to take a long lick at his deflating cock. "I'm going to have to get you back up for Quyen now."

That thought reverberated through my head for a moment, but quickly exited as Quyen's hips began to jerk uncontrollably. She was riding me slowly and savoring the friction of our joining before she tumbled down the slope towards orgasm. I felt the pleasure washing through her body and she reached up to join her lips to mine. When she kissed me, she crested over into her climax, and as I felt the energy of her release washing through her it washed over me, and suddenly I was coming. I felt no buildup or tightening in my balls. It just flowed out of me in an endless stream as if I were pissing pure ecstasy. The constant bliss of the orgasm instead of the short bursts of normal ejaculation was almost more than I could handle, and for a moment I blacked out.

I awoke to find Quyen kissing me gently awake, a bemused expression on her face. "Don't you fall asleep on me, yet. I'm not done with you!"

I smiled back at her, then behind her I saw Sung and Trinh standing by, Sung with a decidedly hungry look on his face while staring at Quyen's cute backside. I realized then that it was Sung's turn with Quyen. My mind rebelled at the thought, and I wanted to lift my head and protest. But Quyen wasn't mine. I did not have the right. Maybe Sung would just become her next boy-toy.

Then Quyen's melodious voice was filling the air. "I'm sorry, but I'm not going to fuck Sung."

Sung looked momentarily confused, then looked to Trinh. Trinh stared at us for a moment, a questioning look to the both of us. I looked to Quyen, and she was positively beaming at me. Her eyes held that light that I loved so dearly. I stared straight at Trinh as I gathered my nerve. "He's not going to have Quyen. I won't allow it."

That sparked something in Trinh. "You don't allow it? You don't get to make the rules here."

"But I do," Quyen piped up, more forcefully than I'd ever seen her before. She had that cold glare back in her eyes, her arms protectively still clutching my body. "I'm sorry, but I'm not in the mood. I don't want to screw him."

Trinh looked taken aback for a moment, then shrugged. She gently pushed Sung back to the couch. "Sorry, baby, but you'll have to settle for little me tonight. But I'll relieve you of this pressure at least." With that she pushed Sung deeper into the couch and proceeded to give him an expert blow job. With Trinh's hot mouth, I guess Sung quickly forgot about Quyen.


When Sung had left and we had all gotten redressed, Trinh closed the door and marched back into the living room, where Quyen was sitting very close to me, nestling her head against my shoulder as I held her protectively in my arms.

"Quyen's never turned down one of the guys I brought home before."

"I never cared before." Quyen's eyes had returned to their hardened state. She finally knew what, and who, she wanted, and she wasn't about to give that up. "Now I only want one man."

"You're just going to get bored of him. So he treats you well for now. He's your slave, so of course he treats you well. Three months from now the honeymoon will be over and he'll just be another jerk watching his football instead of talking to you. You'd be much happier just grabbing another guy to treat you like a queen for another month!"

Quyen shook her head. "That's how you see guys. You're happiest for that first few weeks when a guy is eating out of the palm of your hand. But this one makes me happy, and I want to keep him."

Trinh sighed resignedly. "Your loss. I think fifteen men are far better than one. More variety. More flavors. Less downtime." Then Trinh fixed her gaze on me. "But after tonight, you still have to leave; and Quyen isn't going to go with you."

"You said that by the August 31 I could get any woman I want. I want Quyen."

Trinh chuckled. "I meant any woman not already taken."

"Quyen's not taken."

"Yes she is. She's in love with me."

"Yeah. But she's in love with me, too." I then turned my gaze to Quyen, staring deep into those luminous eyes I loved so much. Eyes that were brightly looking back into mine. "And I love her."

"Quyen's still a little girl." Trinh gave her almost-twin a mothering look. "She's grown up physically but she's still shy and afraid of dealing with the outside world. Who's going to teach her? You?"

Quyen decided to pipe up at this point. She beckoned Trinh over to her side, pulling her close and tightly so that she was happily sandwiched between the two of us. She looked at me first. "I do think I love you. You make me feel so happy, so intelligent, like I'm a real person. You've been the sweetest guy I've ever met, and treated me so much better than all the guys I thought would care about me if only I would fuck them. But I'm not ready to leave here. Trinh has always been there for me and I love her dearly. I wasn't sure that I was ready to try a real relationship with you after our "arrangement" was over. I was afraid that you'd just become another guy who was using me for sex. But now, hearing you tell me that you love me, I think I can trust that. You know where I live and you've got my number. Let's try dating for real and just see where it goes."

Quyen kissed me sweetly, and then turned and planted an equally sweet kiss on Trinh's lips. "Trinh, I love you. And I'll always love you. You might just have to get used to me sharing my attention with someone else, but it won't mean that I care about you any less. Just because I'm dating a guy doesn't mean we're history."

She returned her gaze back to me. "Now remember, after today the arrangement is over. You're no longer our slave. You also have to remember that I love Trinh, very much. I want to see her happy, so I'm fine if you fuck her whenever you want. But after tonight, you'll only fuck Trinh when YOU want to fuck Trinh. She can't order you to fuck her!"

Both Trinh and I smiled at this. I knew I wouldn't mind banging another hot babe, and Trinh apparently did not want to lose her greatest sexual accomplishment completely. Quyen was also basking in her newfound confidence.

Trinh giggled and then jumped into my lap. She hiked her skirt up to her waist and lifted her shirt up and above her pendulous tits, showing off her very hard nipples. Her hands were immediately tugging down my shorts. "Well, if I've only got fifteen minutes left to order you around. I'd better make the best of it."

Quyen was right by Trinh's side, and even held my new erection in her hands and guided my way into Trinh's cunt. Trinh and I sighed as we felt the wonderful feeling of my dick buried inside of her. Quyen leaned over and gave me a huge kiss even as Trinh rubbed her tits into my chest and started to ride me, her pussy muscles going to work.

When Quyen broke away she gave me a dead serious look. "And if I can only give you orders for the next, uh, fourteen minutes. I'm ordering you to promise you'll fuck me good once Trinh's done with you!"

I just smiled. "Baby, I'll let you give me orders for the rest of our lives!"

EPILOGUE: One year later, I'm still treating my Quyen like a queen. Trinh still shows up at the most unexpected times for little quickies, and I always oblige her. She's still an amazing fuck. Trinh has extended her net of influence across the entire city by now, and has trained two more young studs (and one girl!) in her One Month Sexual Academy, with help from both myself and Quyen of course. The three of us all fill needs for each other. Trinh needs both a guy and a girl to wait on her every whim and satisfy her every sexual craving. Quyen and I both enjoy being ordered around by and being taught by a dominating personality. And Quyen and I have found the love of our lives. Sometimes happily ever after takes more than two people.


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UncertainTUncertainTabout 2 years ago

Absolutely fulfilled it's initial promise!

RasmatRasmatover 9 years ago
What a story!!!!

WILD? Yes. Definitely.

IMPROBABLE? Not by a long shot!

I am awed by your ability to give your characters, each, so much fully believable emotion. It (for me) makes them more realistic, even familiar on occasion.

This is what sets you apart from the other fine writers I have read in my short eight months on Lit.

arrowglassarrowglassover 10 years ago
AWESOME AUTHOR...great story!!!

Love ALL of your stories!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Good story

Good story sexy with a hint of romance

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
Great Series!

This was a very nice compliment to "The Sorority House". I really enjoyed how the characters grew and Quyen found her own voice. Interesting dynamic with her being in love with two characters.

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