The Twins Take Over Ch. 02


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"I get it Dani, and don't worry, I feel the same way. But we have to be safe first. So we just have to deal with it."

Both black wolves growled again. And both women answered, "Sorry."


The mousy brown colored wolf was salivating as he walked into the hospital. His nails click clacked on the linoleum as he made his way to the room. His Betas followed him but not too closely. He had sated his lusts for the moment on the females of the pack, but he wanted to have energy left for his new mates. He would kill the males with them and have them both for himself.

They reached the door and he howled to be let in. He waited. Nothing. He shifted and stood at the door, listening closely. No sound. "Anneke, let me in." Nothing. "Anneke, this is your Alpha. Let me in!" Still no sound. He pounded his fist on the door. He'd break it down if he had to. He would have those women. He tried the door and it opened right up. His nostrils flared as he knew what he would find. Empty beds.

The Betas backed up when the Alpha turned. They could see the rage in his pale blue eyes.

"ANNEKEEEEEEEEEE!" The Alpha screamed and his voice reverberated through the empty halls. He looked at his Betas. "Find them! Bring the females to me, and if you have to kill the males and Anneke, do it!" He turned and left the hallway.

The four males looked at each other and figured they'd better get some more help. Two males who were protecting their mates would be deadly.

Rolf ran out of the hospital, seething, furious, almost but not quite out of control. If Anneke was brought to him alive he would make her suffer. She would wish she'd never been born. He went back to the clearing to find another female. She would bear the brunt of his anger at his sister. Maybe it would make him feel better.


Anneke stopped. Her head came up. She waited a moment, and then shifted. "He knows. He's sending the Betas after us. We're more than an hour ahead of them, and if they don't' figure out where we went, we may be even farther ahead." She stopped speaking and started sniffing the air. She looked at the women. "Sorry, more ointment."

There was just enough light in this part of the tunnel for the humans to be able to make out the shapes of the wolves and the Omega who had shifted. There were small beams of light coming through the roof of the tunnel, here and there, and at one point, Anneke was able to see the full moon through one of the small holes. She held back the instinct to howl.

Rebecca and Danielle reluctantly climbed off the wolves and pulled the hated jar out of the bag. They both wrinkled their noses and held their breath as they used more of the disgusting stuff. Even the slimy feel of it made them feel disgusting. At least they got to stretch their legs for a moment.

The black wolves took the chance to lay down for a bit. Trey took a moment to lick at his foot. Something was bugging him and he couldn't get to it. He whined as he bit at the pad. Rebecca came over and sat down next to him, putting out her hand. He put out his paw and she spread his toes carefully, finding the offending sliver by touch and pulling it out. He let out a quick yip but thanked her with a long lick along her face.

She giggled in response. "Just call me Androcles. Do we need to disinfect it?"

Trey shook his head and snorted in response.

"I'll take that as a no." She smiled and suddenly was overcome by a feeling of extreme heat. Her breathing became deeper as she looked at her wolf. She wondered what his tongue would feel like on her hot pussy. She was petting his silky coat and slid her hand down until she was stroking his growing cock. He jumped away from her and shook his head.

All Trey could think was "twenty times a cat in heat." He growled and walked over to her, positioning himself so she could climb back on. They needed to keep going. He felt her climb onto his back and heard her long frustrated sigh. He looked at his brother and Danielle.

Danielle reluctantly climbed onto Troy's back when what she really wanted was to be underneath him. All she could think about was having sex, becoming his mate for real, and she guessed, a panther. But as much as she didn't want to admit it, they needed to get to somewhere safe before she went on with her present line of thinking.

"Are we ready now?" Anneke had to stifle a laugh. She could tell the Wolf Moon was affecting the women. Doctor Majors had filled her in on the need for the sedation, and she'd hoped it wouldn't interfere with their escape. She shifted again and the three wolves began their journey through the dark tunnel again.


The Betas had shifted and were trying to figure out their course of action. They had scoured the entire hospital. They weren't here.

"Geez, how did they get out of the hospital? We had the doors bolted and there were no broken windows or doors or locks." Axel couldn't believe this was happening. They were so screwed.

"The Alpha will skin us alive if we don't find them. Maybe we should just run as far as we can and never come back?" Kent looked hopeful the others would agree. But they stared at him with horrified looks on their faces. "It's not like any of us are bonded to him. He couldn't find us if we did leave. And he wouldn't know til we were long gone. We could maybe find another pack that would take us in."

"Are you crazy? There aren't many packs that will take in rogues, most of them would kill us on sight. Our only choice is to find Anneke and the others. They obviously got out some way we don't know about. So lets go outside and see if we can pick up their scent outside the building." Axel opened the door and shifted. He waited for the others to join him in the search for a lead.

Rolf was back at the clearing and looking for some distraction. Ah, there's what he needed. He approached the black she-wolf and grabbed her neck, pulling her away from the male who was about to mount her. He looked up at the male and growled loudly. The smaller male immediately dropped to his elbows, backing up slowly, his eyes closed, head down in submission.

Delilah had never been chosen by the Alpha before. She forced herself to calm down. She had been prepared to take her mate, but the Alpha wanted her, so she was his for however long he wanted her. She should be honored. Instead she was petrified. The look in his pale blue eyes scared her. She would be sure to comply with anything he wanted. He could be deadly when angered. She heard him growl at her and she dropped to the ground, rolling on her back, baring her belly and her neck to her Alpha. He could kill her anytime he wanted.

He grabbed her neck tightly, loving the sounds she made of fear and pain. He probably was too tight around her trachea but he didn't care. He needed to take out his rage on someone and she would do. He could hear her raspy breathing and when he thought she couldn't take much more, he let go and moved down her body. He heard her coughs and gasps and laughed to himself.

Delilah prayed he would be pleased with her and let her live. Many of her friends had disappeared after a full moon with the Alpha. Her body shook as he sniffed her belly and moved his way to her pussy. Luckily her mate had readied her and she was wet and swollen, ready to be entered. If not for that, she doubted she would have been able to respond to the Alpha as fearful as she was right now.

His tongue lapped at her folds, tasting her for the first time. He wasn't sure why he'd never used her before. She was a beautiful wolf as well as a beautiful woman. If she pleased him maybe he would keep her around. There were very few females that did please him anymore. And if her mate didn't like it, he'd kill him. He pushed her to stand and present herself to her Alpha.

She got up on shaky legs and turned away from him, dropping her front end to her elbows and chest, moving her tail out of his way. She felt him move behind her and felt his tongue again. She whined in anticipation mixed with fear. She braced herself as he mounted. He was a much bigger wolf than her mate, or any other wolf she had fucked. She'd seen his cock and hoped she would be able to take him and give him pleasure. If not, she knew she was dead.

He held her around the hips and pushed the tip of his cock to her opening and thrust hard, burying himself in one movement. Oh yes, she was tight, but she fit him beautifully. She yelped in pain as he bottomed out. But she didn't try to pull away, good girl. He started to thrust in and out, losing himself in the feel of her tight sheath around his pulsating cock. Yes, she was perfect, she would do until he found his mate. He pounded into her again and again. He didn't listen to her howls of pain. He ground his huge cock into her over and over, never noticing or caring about the pain she was in as he stretched her. He looked over at her mate who cowered near a down tree, watching his mate being plundered by the Alpha.

To add to her defilement, he shifted to his human form to finish fucking her. It was considered humiliating for a bitch to be fucked by the male in his human form when she was still in wolf form. He wanted to be sure she knew she was nothing, worth nothing, except as a fuck toy for the Alpha.

She knew he shifted to demean her, but his cock was smaller in his human form so it made it easier for her to take. In fact, she was starting to take pleasure in his cock now, and she began bucking against him and howled as her orgasm overtook her. She didn't see the wicked smile on his face as he pulled out and shot his cum over her back, again, meant as a way to disgrace her by not deeming her worthy of his seed.

After he had cum he looked at Delilah's mate. "Move her things to my quarters. I'll be using her for a while. Until I'm done with her you will not touch her."

Viktor looked at Delilah with sad eyes. He nodded to the Alpha and moved away slowly. He would move her things quickly. If she pleased the Alpha maybe he would let her live and return her to him. If he let him live.

Rolf returned his attention to Delilah. "Now, where were we? Ah yes, I think you need to clean me up, don't you?" He looked down at his cock, streaked with her blood and fluids. "You will need to keep me occupied until they find my bitch of a sister and the Vlkolak. Then I'll let you rest for a while." He watched as she shifted and came to him on hands and knees. Her pussy was raw and stretched, and there was some obvious bleeding. He walked around her, enjoying seeing what his cock had done to her. But she was able to take it. She would be fun for a while.

She waited for him to finish his inspection of his handy work and when he stopped in front of her, she approached slowly. She looked up at him and licked her plump red lips. She'd been told she was an excellent cock sucker. She hoped that was true, she needed to please him at everything. She licked at the head of his cock. She could taste the metallic taste of her blood mixed with her own cum. She closed her eyes and sucked him into her mouth. She felt his fingers digging into her jaw and she looked up.

"Keep your eyes open little bitch. I like to see your eyes watching me." He smiled, a horrible, evil smile.


Anneke stopped again at a large door. She shifted and waited for the two males to shift as well. "We're at the end of the tunnel." She turned to Rebecca and held out a hand for the bag. She rummaged through until she found her clothes and dug into a pocket, pulling out a very old key. "My father gave me this key a century ago." She slid it into the lock and turned it slowly. It hadn't been used in who knows how long and seemed to catch, but then they heard a click and the door popped open.

Anneke held a hand up for them to wait. She slipped out and shut the door quietly. A moment later she was back. "It's safe. There's no one in scent distance." She pulled her clothing out of the bag and put it on.

Trey and Troy got dressed as they looked around at their surroundings.

Rebecca and Danielle stretched their muscles but both had their mates on their minds. They were safe now, right?

"How far are we from the compound?" Trey thought it felt like about ten miles but he could be wrong.

"Eleven miles. We're inside Mt. Diablo State Park." She was trying to get her bearings.

"Anywhere we can rent a car out this way? Probably not, huh?" Trey pulled out his phone. No service.

"No cell towers in the park. And I doubt there's a car rental place anywhere out here. We'll have to make our way north, to Clayton. We should be able to rent a car there. It's maybe three more miles." Anneke was looking up at the moon, full, bright. Her eyes were fixated on it. She heard a noise and turned around.

"Dani, stop, we don't have time." Troy was peeling himself away from Danielle. She was practically glued to him.

"Don't you want me Troy? I need you. I need to feel you inside me." She had stripped off her clothes and was rubbing her body on him.

Anneke looked over at Trey and Rebecca who were locked in a tight embrace as they kissed. Rebecca had her leg twined around Trey's and was sliding her body along his. "The moon has control of them now. You can't stop them. I'll keep an eye out. You do what you have to do. I'll let you know if we need to leave." She jogged away through the forest leaving the two couples alone.

Trey and Troy exchanged looks. "She's right, we can't stop them. They should get control back after we mate." Trey pulled off his clothes and watched as Rebecca threw her clothes into a heap on top of his. He chuckled. This was not the usual Rebecca. Guillame hadn't been kidding about the affect of the Wolf Moon on them. He pulled her to him and kissed her again, his hands traveling over her body. He knew they couldn't take their time which was too bad. But they'd make the best of it.

He pulled Rebecca away from Troy and Danielle. He at least wanted to have a little privacy. Rebecca moaned loudly as he kissed her neck, licking her skin. "Baby, you have to try to keep it down, in case the wolves looking for us are close."

"uh huh." Rebecca couldn't even think of words, her whole brain was focused on the immense pleasure she was getting from his lips and tongue. She'd never felt anything like this before. She needed to feel him against her skin. She was so hot. So needy. She needed him. She flicked her tongue along his neck and felt him shiver against her.

Trey held her breasts in his hands and marveled at the perfection of them. He bent down to take a nipple into his mouth and pulled it hard into his mouth, listening to her gasp. He immediately smelled her arousal and her heat. Thank goodness the ointment had worn off. His body immediately responded to her scent and his cock was hard as a rock in seconds. He had never responded this quickly to any female before. But then again, he'd never been with his mate, or with a bitch in heat. "Baby, I need to fuck you, get on your hands and knees."

Rebecca dropped to the ground, turning away from him. She looked over her shoulder at his muscled body. He looked like Adonis standing behind her. She was shaking with lust. The moon was high and bright and she was mesmerized by it for a moment as she saw it over his shoulder. But then she saw him shift and felt his body behind hers, his tongue licking her slowly, making her shiver and cum immediately. Her whole body jerked and spasmed as he licked more and more of her fluids as they flowed from her. "Please Trey, hurry, I need to feel you." She could barely get the words out.

He couldn't believe how good she tasted. He'd always loved the taste of a female, but this was so far beyond anything he'd tasted before. He felt dizzy as he drank from her. But he didn't have time to linger. He needed to mate. He had to mate, now. He lifted himself over her and held her tight as he pushed his hard cock into his mate for the first time. He growled as he felt her tight around him like a glove. He heard her moans and plunged into her over and over. His knot had grown and he pushed it in deep, stretching her open, and seated himself tightly inside her. She groaned loudly when he pushed the knot but she pushed back into him instead of pulling away.

She'd never felt anything like what she felt right now. His cock was hitting places inside her never touched before. She had several small orgasms as he fucked her and then he pushed his knot in. It hurt like hell as he stretched her around it, but at the same time, there was a certain pleasure that came with it. She needed it. She knew she needed it. She hovered on the brink but couldn't seem to cum again. She needed something else. Something was missing. She felt him behind her, his mouth close to her neck. She turned her head to give him room.

He flicked his tongue along the side of her neck, feeling her pulse, smelling vanilla and apple. He opened his mouth and bit down, sinking his teeth deep, tearing her flesh, tasting her blood as it flowed into his mouth. She exploded under him, screaming as she bucked underneath him. When he felt her pussy squeezing his cock he shot his seed deep inside her, howling in triumph after taking his mate for the first time.

He growled when he heard running behind him. He held his mate tight to his body as Troy came running towards them, pulling his clothes on. He had Trey and Rebecca's in his hands and threw them at them.

"C'mon, we gotta go. Anneke heard wolves howling and they probably heard you. Damn you guys are loud. At least you made it farther than we did though." Danielle was practically attached to Troy's body. She wouldn't let go of him and insisted on rubbing all over him. She was fighting putting her clothes on as he was pleading with her. "Dani, we have to get going. I promise, we'll stop as soon as we can." She pouted but put on her clothes.

"Can you at least move away for a bit? Until my knot goes down we're not going anywhere. We'll catch up with you." He held onto Rebecca, feeling her heart pounding in her chest. How were they going to keep moving? Her panther was going to want to mate. He hoped he could reason with her long enough to find a hiding place.

He heard the howls in the distance. Still miles away, but too close for comfort.

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maxd01maxd01about 11 years ago

Damn it but can someone please break out a major shot gun? I keep thinking of someone walking and going 'oh, the counsel decided you are going to die...' Bang...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
very gripping...

Love it...

sluttyblakgurl87sluttyblakgurl87almost 12 years ago
Nervous and anxious...

I am freaking out rite now!! I don't like the way things are looking...I really hope the twins and their mates make it out safely. Especially since they're practically alone out there. Well on to ch. 3. (Fingers crossed)

Archangel_MArchangel_Mabout 12 years ago

I still say the best antidote to the dire wolf condition is a couple rounds of silver buckshot. Or a high-caliber silver JHP round to the head.

The "alpha's" sex scene with Delilah made me physically ill. Good writing. :P

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
bloody dire wolf

really luved the two chapters and hope there's a third

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