The War Continues for Nurse Jenny Ch. 02


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The last nurse from second shift was Rose. She had developed a friendship with Thelma, as they both were North Carolinians with heavy southern accents. Rose was about Jenny's height, not as tall as May, but taller than Bea. She had bigger breasts than Jenny did, close in size to Bea's huge mounds, but couldn't compete with Jenny in the looks department. Jenny was still the overall favorite of the Marines and sailors, but her attachment to the Colonel meant she was off limits to everyone else.

In addition to the usual focus on Bea, Viv, and Dorrie, the new attentions of the enlisted men were lavished mostly on Jackie, Bonnie, and Thelma. None of the nurses were left without a dance-partner for much longer than it took to have a sip of punch or smoke a cigarette, but the size of the waiting lines for dances with Bonnie, Thelma, and Jackie told which girls were being given the highest priorities, by the men.

"It's good to see everyone relaxing," May said. "Especially you, Jenny. We've been worried about you, working in that OR. It's got to be tough, in there."

"I'll tell you, May, I thought I was going to go crazy, this week. I don't know how much longer I can keep up with the pressure, when we are inundated with wounded."

"This week was terrible, even for us in post-op," May agreed.

"I don't know how Charlotte does it, without it getting to her."

"I think it does get to her, but she's learned how to cope. You should talk with her, Jenny. Maybe she has some advice on how to handle it," May allowed.

Jenny noticed Russ and Phil, who were walking toward them with four glasses of punch. "I think I'll get drunk and ravage the good Colonel, tonight," Jenny stated, jokingly, before they arrived.

"After this week, I may just let Phil get to another base," May said with a giggle.

They both were still laughing when the two men arrived back at the table.

"What's so fun?" Russ asked, looking at Jenny.

"Oh, we're just happy you both found us more to drink," Jenny claimed, but still giggling.

"Using the punch to take the edge off?" Phil observed.

"You could say that," May replied.

"I think it's good for all of us," Phil added. "Thanks, Colonel, for allowing us to have these parties."

"Well, Corporal Green, they are a great way to keep moral up. Everyone needs some time to themselves and time to relax. Other commanding officers might not feel that way, but I do," the Colonel stated.

The two couples drank their punch and talked. Afterwards, they danced a few more dances. Jenny noticed Viv giving her a sign, at one point, as she danced with the Colonel. Jenny knew what Viv wanted and, when the song ended she suggested to the Colonel they leave and go for a walk.

As they were walking back to the base Russ asked, "Why'd you want to leave?"

"I just wanted to be alone with the most handsome man there," Jenny commented with a smile.

"Well, I was enjoying dancing with the prettiest girl there," Russ responded.

"Flattery will get you everywhere, Colonel," Jenny claimed with a giggle.

"I'm hoping so," Russ replied.

They walked, hand in hand, down towards the beach. The base commander stopped at the guard shack to check the duty rooster and sign off on his inspection. He made it a practice to do random checks on the sentries, to keep them on their toes. His staff was supposed to do likewise, and sign off on the detail rosters. This time though, he had an ulterior motive.

"Everything in order?" Jenny asked.

"Yes, fine. I do that from time to time, but actually I was checking the watch patterns. We should be safe for a half hour after the next patrol passes," Russ concluded.

"Oh, smart thinking," Jenny said and laughed at his deviousness. He laughed too.

They walked along the beach for a while, back to the rock they had sat on nearly a week earlier. When they got there, they sat down and gazed out over the water of Sealark Sound, commonly referred to now as Iron Bottom Sound because of all the ships from both navies that had been sunk, there.

They talked a little, but mostly just sat there with Russ' arm around her shoulders. It was a beautiful night, with a light breeze off the water. It felt good, after the dampness and heat of the jungle. Their clothes were still damp from dancing.

The Colonel saluted the patrol as they went by and they watched the two guards continue on down the beach. When they were out of sight in the darkness, Jenny got an idea and looked at Russ with a mischievous grin.

"You said we would be alone now for a half hour?"

"Yeah, the next patrol is due ..." his words catching in his throat.

Jenny had jumped up and in one motion pulled her dress over her head. She stood before him in her bra and panties, kicking off her shoes.

"Last one in is a rotten egg," Jenny said giggling.

"Oh, yeah," Russ shot back, standing and working his shirt buttons.

Russ nearly stopped dead in his tracks though when Jenny pushed down her panties and threw them on her dress on the rock. He was thankful for the nearly-full moon, as he watched her unfasten her bra and add it to the pile of clothing. His eyes were riveted to the luscious female body before him. Jenny's body nearly took his breath away and he slowed his disrobing to stare at her in rapt admiration.

"Hurry up, silly," Jenny shouted with a laugh and headed off down to the water's edge.

Russ watched her cute rear run away from him, and sped up his undressing. He tossed clothes anywhere, as soon as they were off, and set off after her. Jenny had paused briefly to test the water, but had turned to beckon him on as she proceeded in. He hit the surf at full stride and caught up with her before the water level rose to the middle of his thighs. The waves were small, with the low tide, making them both sway gently. He came up behind her and grabbed her around the waist.

"Hey," she shrieked, but giggled as he spun her around.

"You wild thing," Russ scolded her playfully.

"What's the matter, Colonel? Never go skinny dipping with a girl, before?" Jenny asked him, amused.

"No," Russ admitted. "Have you, with a guy?"

"Truthfully, no," Jenny allowed but laughed. "I guess there's a first time for everything."

"I'm glad of that," Russ agreed laughing and dragging her into deeper water.

The water was delightful. It cooled their skin, and washed away the perspiration from their dancing. Russ released her and Jenny turned to face him. Her arms went around his neck which brought her body close to his. Her nipples were distended from the coolness of the water, or was it the excitement, or both? She leaned in to kiss him, and her breasts pressed deliciously against his chest. She could feel him below the water, touching her belly.

"Ah declare, Colonel, does skinny dippin' with a girl get y'all excited?" Jenny chided with her southern belle accent again.

"With one as beautiful as you it does, Miss Wells," Russ shot back with a smile.

"It feels like you're saluting me in a different way, Colonel," Jenny said, laughing.

"I could say the same of you, PO2," Russ replied, nodding down towards her breasts.

Jenny looked down, "Oh, I guess you're right at that, Colonel," Jenny mused.

They kissed again and Jenny could feel the increasing hardness in the prodding appendage below the water's surface. Her hand snuck between them and encircled it. Russ moaned into their kiss as her hand moved on his shaft playfully.

"Oh, god, Jenny. You drive me mad," Russ groaned, her hand still caressing him.

He leaned down and kissed her neck, then along her slim shoulder, and down her left arm. When he reached near her breast, he moved over across the soft tissue of her mound to the crinkled nipple. Jenny moaned when he took the little bud into his mouth. The wet warmness felt delightful and his little licks sent flashes of pleasure to her pussy.

"Oh, geez," Jenny groaned.

"You're so beautiful," Russ exclaimed. "I love every part of you."

Jenny pushed down on his cock and straddled it with her legs. His cock nestled between her labia as she let go and put both arms around his neck as they kissed. Russ' cock put delicious upward pressure on her clit as they moved together slightly in the waves. They stayed like that for a time that was agonizingly long for each of them. Russ was unsure of the next move she might allow, and Jenny was wrestling with her emotions, as well.

Their kisses told of their passion, however. They were deep, long kisses, and their tongues tangled in a wonderful dance. Both their passions soared as they barely moved.

Finally, Jenny pushed away from his chest slightly. She looked deeply into his eyes as she reached between them. He felt her hand grasp him again but this time she guided him to her entrance. They looked deeply at each other as the spongy head of his cock battered around her opening before parting her lips. They both gasped with the exquisite contact as his cockhead forced open her pussy and slipped inside.

She was tight, incredibly tight given the month or so since she had last had sex. Russ' cock felt huge inside her. He was barely in and already she could feel the wonderful fullness. Jenny wrapped her legs around Russ, which helped force more of his beautiful cock deep inside her sex. They hugged each other when his cock was fully nestled in her cunt.

"Oh, god, you feel so good inside me," Jenny proclaimed in a low, throaty moan.

"You feel incredible, too," Russ growled.

"Do it, Russ! Make love to me, please!" Jenny groaned.

Russ started slowly moving inside her. He held her firm ass with his strong hands, and worked his cock back and forth. Jenny encouraged him with her legs as they helped pull her into him. Russ went as slowly as his over-excited body would allow. He wanted this first coupling of theirs to be the best it could be. He had been with several women in high school and met more in Maryland while going to the naval academy, but Jenny was special to him and he wanted this first mating to be perfect for both of them.

Jenny wasn't as reserved. She had abstained from sex for too long for her body's liking. Her sexual frustrations were pouring out as she rode Russ' cock like she couldn't get enough. It didn't take long for her to feel those incredible twangs of bliss simmering below the surface of her body.

"Oh, my god! Do it, Russ! Do it harder!" Jenny pleaded desperately.

Russ did as she wanted, but fought hard against his own rising passions. His orgasm was stirring deliciously in his balls, but he wanted desperately to make her climax first. He fortunately didn't have long to wait. The added stimulation to her clit, from his harder thrusts, threw Jenny over the precipice of her orgasm. She clung to him as her body shuddered through waves of pleasure.

"Oh, Russ!" Jenny groaned loudly.

Russ waited until his mind was about to blow, along with the pressure in his balls, before pulling out of her. He barely made it out before his cock erupted, depositing ropes of sperm into the sea. Some of it hit Jenny in the stomach before washing away in the tide. They moaned together as they rode the crest of their orgasms. As their climaxes waned, Jenny's legs dropped exhausted from his hips and she stood again in the water before him. They kissed despite still fighting for breath.

Eventually, they parted and Jenny looked into his eyes and said, "That was wonderful."

"You're incredible," Russ said.

"You're not so bad yourself," Jenny weakly said, smiling and panting.

Russ held her and they kissed again. His cock was now softer between them.

"We better get dressed before the guards come," Jenny suggested.

"Do we have to? I could hold you like this forever," Russ replied.

"I wouldn't mind that, either, but the guards might have a great story to tell if they found their commander in the surf with a nurse," Jenny stated reluctantly.

"They might, at that, but who cares?" Russ responded.

"You might, in the morning," Jenny expressed with a smile.

"I doubt it, but you're probably right," Russ sighed in agreement.

He picked her up and carried her from the water, back to their clothes. They didn't have towels, so they sat on the rock and waited for the breeze to dry them somewhat. Russ couldn't keep his hands off her body between tickling her and caressing her breasts. Jenny fought off his attacks, but only playfully, and occasional got in a feel of his recovering cock as well. Before they were dry, he was hard again. Their passionate kisses had her excited as well.

"We'd better dress," Jenny said, playfully pushing him away.

"Hey, I'm supposed to be the boss around here," Russ complained.

"Not this time, buster," Jenny said jokingly.

Russ grabbed her teasingly but then let her go and they dressed. His eyes never left her body and he seemed disappointed every time a new article of clothing hid parts of her.

"You're so gorgeous. I'm the luckiest guy in the whole bloody world," Russ commented.

She leaned into his arms and said, "I like you, too, my handsome prince."

Russ hugged her and they kissed. The tender-at-first kiss turned into a deeply passionate one as they stood locked in their embrace. When they finally stopped, Russ looked at her longingly.

"Jenny, I'm falling in love with you," he said.

"Russ, I ... "

"You don't have to say anything. I don't expect you to, but I just wanted to tell you my feelings. I know, from what you've told me that you've had some relationships back on Midway that still weigh on you. I can appreciate that you might not be over those, but I just wanted you to know that I feel like I'm falling in love with you."

"Oh, Russ ... I don't know ..."

"Shhh ... You don't have to say anything. I don't want you to say anything, now. I just wanted to tell you this because I have other news too."


"Jenny, the Admiralty thinks another Japanese offensive is being planned for Guadalcanal. The Japs are pulling back in New Guinea and that can only mean one thing - they are planning to strengthen their attacks on us here. I haven't exactly received orders yet but I believe my brigade is going to be called up for action. I have some friends in General Vandergrift's headquarters and the word is out he is looking for reinforcements in anticipation of the offensive.

"Oh, Russ, no! Please don't say that! You're needed here on Tulagi!" Jenny exclaimed.

"I hoped I could stay here too, so I could be close to you, but that was only wishful thinking I guess. I knew in my heart of hearts that eventually they would get around to me.

"No, please don't go, Russ! Tell them you can't. Tell them there is too much work to be done here," Jenny pleaded.

"I can't, Jenny. Besides, what kind of man would you think me to be if I hid from my duty," Russ countered.

"I don't care about that! I want you safe, with me. Please don't go," Jenny exclaimed.

"Jenny, I'd never leave you if there was a choice. I have to do this."

Tears started rolling down Jenny's face. She stared at him in disbelief. She pushed him away and stared at the ground, crying.

"Jenny, please. I need you to be with me, on this. I need you to be here for me," Russ pleaded.

She turned to him with tears streaking down her face. She went to him and hugged him.

"Two seconds ago, I was the happiest girl on the island. Now, I'm the saddest," Jenny said.

"It'll be alright. Nothing's going to happen to me," Russ claimed.

"I wish I could believe that," Jenny professed.

They walked slowly back to camp. They were walking so slowly the guard detail passed them and saluted. Russ hugged Jenny to him as they walked in silence. Even with the long, slow walk, she had barely stopped sniffling before they reached camp. Russ walked her back to her barracks. They kissed ardently outside for several minutes. To Jenny, it felt like their last possible kiss. She held herself together until she got through the door and out of sight. As so as she started down the hall toward their room, she started bawling like crazy.

May heard her coming and met her at the door. Jenny managed to get out the gist of the problem through her tears. May stood in shocked disbelief. This meant Phil would probably be going too. They had left the party soon after Russ and Jenny. They found a parked truck, crawled inside the back, and kissed for a long time. Before they left the truck she had given him a blowjob, their first real sex together. May felt tears of her own coming on. 'Damn this war,' she thought.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
excellent setting

This story is unusual for what is a love story, set as it is in the time of World War II. In spite of some flaws (such as the mysterious character "Will") it has a good story line with interesting characters and a growing romantic aura that is quite compelling. The author is to be commended for choosing something other than a contemporary setting to tell this story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Who was Will ??

I have reread all the preceding Chapters, but can't find a reference to Will, or William !!

See Chapter 2 on page 2 above, that is as follows:-

" His cock didn't feel as long as Jerry's, maybe more like Will's, but it was thick and his balls huge."

So who is Will ?? Is it an errant reference to Brad ??

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
I agree

with the previous poster. There has been no Will in this story or in Book 1. Perhaps you were referring to Brad? But still, a good chapter. I hope you include updates on Jerry & Brad next time. Update soon please!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
Who was Will?

You are not being careful. You are mixing characters who were never in this story line. Jenny was comparing the size of one Russ's cock with someone named Will who was never in this story.....

Powertool79Powertool79about 16 years ago
Nurses are...

and were officers

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