The Warlock


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Once we were settled back in the car I slipped my hand inside my jacket and pulled out her contract.

"What are you doing with that?" She seemed to become slightly uneasy at seeing such a potent reminder of what I really was.

"I want to try something." I handed her the roll of parchment and removed a cigarette lighter from my pocket.

"Well, don't get any weird ideas."

"Remember who you're talking to." I winked at her and felt somewhat gladdened when the corners of her mouth lifted into an amused smile. "Here, take this and try to burn the contract."

"I could set the car on fire."

"If you do then I can put it out easily enough."

She didn't seem too reassured by that but took the lighter from me and quickly flicked it open to reveal the red and blue flame. With an almost eager anticipation, she placed the flame over the parchment and awaited it to set alight.

It didn't.

I watched as she waved the lighter over the contract, trying to get the thing to light but it never did. The paper didn't even grow warm. Eventually she seemed to get the point and killed the lighter before turning to look at me. Her eyes weren't friendly.

"I'm sorry, I just wanted to test that out. You can only destroy a contract if you're the holder. Pretty cool, eh?" I plucked it out of her hand and then took back my lighter.

"You trying to prove a point?" She folded her arms across those pert breasts and her expression darkened.

"No, that was just to see if it was true. Now I'm making a point." I lifted the lighter to the contract and watched as the flame turned green and enveloped the whole thing in a split second. My hand was left empty and there were no remains except the very faint smell of sulphur that vanished within a few seconds.

"So... so that's it?" The burning of the contract had made her flinch and scoot that cute behind a few inches across the seat.

"It is, if you want." I slipped the lighter back inside my pocket. "You're right. I shouldn't make you do all this if you don't want to. It wouldn't really help me with what I want from this. So, we can tell Vince to take you back to your apartment or we can go to the club. It's up to you."

She certainly hadn't seen this coming. I almost winced when she started to speak immediately, fully expecting her to want to turn back. Then she stopped and her mouth closed as she looked into my eyes. I don't know what it was that made her change her mind, but I was incredibly glad when she let out a long slow breath before speaking again.

"Well, you've already spent more on me than all the other men in my life combined. I guess I could go to a club with you. Just don't get any ideas. You seem like a decent kid. Even if you have some really fuckin' warped ways of thinking." She settled back down in her seat.

It didn't take us long to get to the club from the restaurant. The place was your typical overly-loud haven for douchebags despite being the trendiest club in the city. Maybe I just have an innate dislike of crowds but nightclubs generally just make me uncomfortable. The reason I'd picked this one was simply because it was known to have a number of special rooms in which the rich and famous could avoid the rabble.

We slipped out of the car to a number of disappointed faces waiting outside who had been under the impression they were going to see someone famous. When we walked past the half-mile long queue and approached the VIP entrance, I felt the eyes of the bouncers sizing me up.

"We should wait in line." Olivia whispered into my ear.

"Not tonight." I turned to look at her and offered a reassuring wink before turning to look at the bouncer.

"Queue's over there," he grunted whilst inclining his fat neck toward the line.

"We'd like one of the VIP rooms, please." I removed another fat stash of bills from my wallet.

This didn't seem to compute with the big man. He frowned at me whilst his face crinkled into a confused mess. Like the restaurant, you normally had to book in advance and also like the restaurant, they kept rooms free for big spenders.

"Hello, sir! Right this way..." A twenty something blonde girl suddenly appeared out of nowhere. She must have seen the money I was sweeping around and honed in like a fat kid on a chocolate bar.

I turned to Olivia and lifted my eyebrows to silently convey my own relief at not having to deal with a shaven ape with delusions of grandeur. We slipped in the VIP entrance and paid up front before the woman introduced herself as Lizzie and took us up some stairs to our room.

The rooms themselves were built for small parties of about ten people. There was a small dance floor and open bar which added to your bill as you pulled the beers, wines, and spirits from their places. The wonders of modern technology. Then, in the corner, I spotted something that I didn't know you could get in a nightclub until Olivia confirmed it with a single shocked expletive.

"A fuckin' hot tub!? Sweet."

There was indeed a still pool of bright blue water that was illuminated from beneath, set into the corner of the room with space enough for four people. Lizzie asked us if there was anything we needed there was a line direct to reception in the room and then quietly departed.

"So are you getting in?" I teased Olivia as she moved over to check out the hot tub.

"You wish. Although I do kinda wish I had a bathing suit on me." She ran her fingers through the water idly whilst I moved over to the bar and poured us two glasses of whiskey. They had the good stuff.

"See, now you're just trying to get me drunk." She took the glass and tentatively sipped the dark liquid before licking her lips and taking a bigger gulp.

"I don't think you need any encouragement," I countered as I slipped down onto the seat beside her.

The small dance floor in the room was bordered by a sheet of one way glass that looked down on the revellers below. The place was nicely quiet, soundproofed to allow us to play whatever music we liked. For the moment I appreciated the quiet.

"You know, if I was ten years younger..." She chuckled and sipped her whiskey again.

"You'd what?"

"Well, I think we'd both be in the tub by now. I was a fuckin' wild child." She grinned and looked over the rest of the room. "I don't think two people are supposed to have places like this to themselves."

"I know, but fuck it. Plus, the privacy allows me to get away with things I wouldn't normally manage." I smoothly slipped closer to her and settled my hands upon her sides.

"Now you're really pressing your luck, kid," she warned as her body did quite the opposite and settled itself against mine.

"Well, I didn't mean that. I meant this." I looked away from her smoky gaze toward the sound system in the room. A quick glance over the CD's made my choice clear and Olivia watched as the case slowly emerged from the rack to float in mid air. The shiny disc was soon popped from the plastic as the stereo burst into life and opened its decks for the CD to smoothly float into. Shortly after that the room was filled with the sounds of smooth jazz music and I turned back to Olivia who was still wide eyed and enamoured with the display.

"Alright, magic man. Show me your moves." The drinks were obviously getting to her and she quickly slipped from beneath my arm to grab my hands and pull me to my feet.

As we stepped over onto the dance floor, Olivia pulled my hands to her hips and settled her arms around my shoulders.

"Now, slowly step back, like that... watch my feet." She began to explain how to go about dancing and I was nothing if not a quick learner.

As we moved together I felt her body brush against mine. The steps of the dance became more complicated as we advanced. I think she was trying to get me to slip up in some way. Thankfully the alcohol wasn't having so much influence on my footwork and I managed to keep the pace.

"You've done this before," I observed.

"Guilty." She slipped her hands over my shoulders and down along my arms to grasp my own and slowly ease herself back. Then, in a move so smooth she made it look easy, she spun around before crossing our arms together and settling herself within them. Her back settled against my chest as her silk covered bum pressed back against my crotch in a way that couldn't have been entirely unintentional.

"You're very good." The compliment was certainly an honest one.

"Thanks. I've had lessons. I also need to powder my nose or something." She released my hands and let her own fall to her sides. "I'll be back in a few."

She looked over her shoulder at me with a teasing smirk. I definitely liked where things were going.

As it turned out, the ladies rooms were a little ways away and I was left alone in the private lounge. I slipped my hands into my pockets whilst thinking some very naughty thoughts whilst looking out over the ocean of writhing bodies below. It couldn't have been more than 30 seconds before I saw that someone down there was thinking naughty thoughts of an entirely different sort.

Looking back toward the door, I almost didn't bother to intervene. I had a very beautiful date who liked to dance and seemed to grow more adventurous with every drink. I was having a good time.

Then again the young woman who I'd just witnessed having her drink spiked probably wasn't going to have nearly as good an evening if I didn't intervene. I saw the guy. White shirt that glowed under the neon lights, greasy brown hair, mid 30s. The girl, a platinum blonde who didn't look much older than me, seemed quite taken with him. I saw another group of girls nearby in almost matching outfits with a few other older men intermingling in amongst them. It was like watching a pack of lions go after the weakest gazelle.

I walked over to where we'd been sat and took another drink of whiskey before glancing at my watch. I didn't want to waste more than five minutes on it. I slipped my jacket from my shoulders and dropped it on the seat to let Olivia know I hadn't left without her. Then I spun around to strike open the doors and descend the stairs, making my way to the main dance floor.

I gave the bouncer standing at the entrance to the VIP area a small nod so he recognised me when I wanted to return. Shortly after that I set about weaving a magical aura designed to intimidate the hell out of anyone looking at me. It isn't like mind control. Like I informed you before, mind control requires me to make a link between myself and my target. Do you remember me telling you about how your soul performs a number of functions around your body? Well one of those functions is an ability to sense danger. You've probably done it yourself. Like when you walk into a room and think I really need to get out of here without any real reason for it?

Now don't go getting ahead of yourself. You can't really use this ability for anything worthwhile. Don't try. You'll make yourself paranoid. Nevertheless, the soul constantly projects a small field around its owner that warns of certain dangers. I simply have to attune my own aura to project those dangers and I get enough space to swing a cat in a crowded room.

So the mass of flailing limbs parted before me and I made my way toward my mark. I saw him talking with the girl. Her friends were now nowhere to be seen. Her eyes were beginning to grow unfocused and I saw her sway a little on her pink high heeled sandals.

"Where's...? I should... I should find my friends." She tried to look around and almost dropped onto her ass. I guessed she was already pretty damn wasted before she'd taken the spiked drink. Either that or it wasn't the first time he'd done it to her that night.

"Don't worry about them. I'll look after you." The man moved to "kindly" wrap his arm around her waist.

They both noticed me before I spoke.

"Good evening," I introduced myself to the girl, ignoring the creep. "This man has just slipped something into your drink."

"Hey, why don't you fuck off." Obviously the words were meant for me but he wasn't facing me as he spoke. He was making eye contact with his companions out on the dance floor.

I checked the mirror set along the back of the bar and saw two of the men who had distracted the girl's friends. They approached with intent looks on their faces and I had a feeling I was about to be taken care of. In a crowded room people don't notice a punch in the gut and by the time they do the victim is usually curled up on the floor and assumed to be drunk.

It didn't take much effort on my part to correct the problem. I made the first lose his balance by sending a sudden, powerful and compact gust of air against his legs when he broke free of the crowd. The other man was still weaving his way between the dancing horde and I was inspired to be somewhat more creative. A girl yelped when her drink leapt out of her glass and splashed over my would-be aggressor's shoulder. From then on it only took the smallest spark to ignite the alcohol and make his shirt burst into flames.

I turned back to a considerably more nervous looking date-rapist.

"Bad luck," I commiserated.

"Dunno what the fuck you're talking about." He pulled the girl a little closer against him.

"Try looking in that mirror," I advised.

He obviously didn't know what to make of this suggestion but I saw curiosity eventually get the better of him and he glanced over his shoulder to look behind the bar. What he saw there made him cry out and stumble backwards. The girl was flung out of his arms at an awkward angle. I quickly stepped into her path and played catch. She was wearing way too much perfume.

The man's cry of terror was drowned out in amongst the deafening music. All colour had faded from his face as he stared at the mirror and then turned to try and look behind him.

"You won't see it out here. Just in the mirror." I cheerfully explained. "It's a Vrenlash. Nasty things, aren't they? Know what they like? They like to sneak into your dreams and create the worst nightmares you've ever known. This one is very partial to nightmares about being savagely beaten. I thought it was appropriate. Sweet dreams." With that I turned and moved the girl to a chair.

"Wu-wussat?" I quickly translated her mumbling to 'what was that?'

"Nothing you'll remember tomorrow." I sat her down on a comfy chair and turned away.

The men were gone. Of the two who had moved to intercept me, one was awaiting an ambulance, whilst the other was being thrown out for excessive drinking. I just caught sight of the white shirted man whom I'd summoned the Vrenlash for as he bolted out of the door as far away from me as humanly possible.

Summoning demons and wilfully letting them loose upon unsuspecting humans isn't usually a good idea. The Vrenlash is a lesser demonic creature without a great deal in the way of sentience. Like a parasite, it simply latches its tentacles onto the mind of its victim and feeds on the fear and pain caused in the horrific dreams it manifests.

In other words, don't piss me off. I know where these things live, and there's plenty to go around.

I settled the girl down and found one of her friends to briefly let her know the story before taking my leave and ascending the stairs back up to the private lounge.

When I stepped inside, I glanced around and found the place to be empty with the exception of my jacket. I immediately figured that Olivia had left. She had her soul back, she had a job to go to and apparently she'd come to her senses and cut the date with a teenage warlock short. I found myself disturbingly disappointed at the situation and moved over to where I'd left my drink. The glass beside it was now empty. She must have taken one last swig before she left. That woman could really put away her liquor.

I remember feeling my shoulders slump as I carried my drink over to the curved row of seating in the corner of the room and sat down to finish off the outrageously priced scotch. I leaned back and closed my eyes, the sounds of that classic jazz still filling the room.

That was when two very wet hands descended over my eyes and a very familiar voice whispered in my ear.


I jolted upright and turned around with wide eyes and my mouth hung open in a surprised yelp. That initial shock soon turned into borderline disbelief when I saw Olivia settled inside the hot tub, still wearing her little silk dress. The thing clung to every contour of her body like a second skin leaving very little to the imagination. She'd hidden under the water when I'd walked in.

That auburn hair was smoothly matted against her head and most of her make-up had washed away. It didn't matter. She didn't need it. I watched as she reached over and pressed the button that turned the water from a still pool to a frothing mass of bubbles. She was grinning at me like the cat that caught the canary.

"Gotcha." She wiggled her brows.

"Damn right you did. In other news: you're a crazy person." I stepped forward and settled back into the seat, shifting my body sideways to look back at where she'd folded her arms across the edge of the tub.

She flashed a brilliant and thoroughly mischievous grin my way.

I figured it was my turn to be shocking and so I casually leaned over the back of the seat and caught her lips against mine. She definitely wasn't expecting it. I think that was for the best. The initial moment of stunned stillness gave me time to work and by the time she fully realised what I'd done she'd realised she was enjoying it. I felt the first twinge of her lips moving against mine. She was reluctant at first, only returning my touch hesitantly until she felt the tip of my tongue slowly caress her lips. That was the moment her mouth opened and welcomed me whilst her eyes fell shut and she let her body enjoy the bubbles and my kiss.

As I said before, I was a quick learner. I teased her as she grew more ravenous, my hand slowly caressed up along her neck until my fingers interwove themselves in her wet hair. That was when the heat escalated and she became the aggressor. I felt her kiss me with unrelenting passion. She'd bottled herself up for far too long and I was only too happy to be the one to relieve all that built up pressure inside of this incredible woman.

I was beginning to lose myself in her delicious taste when her hands grasped the cuffs of my shirt and pulled hard. For a woman of such a slim build, she sure had a hell of a lot of strength stashed away somewhere. Our kiss broke and we found ourselves cheek to cheek as she hauled me over the back of the seat and into the hot tub. I fell in head first, the water bubbles shot up my nose and I came up spluttering for air.

Yep, I was definitely on a date with a crazy person.

I found the seat in amidst the frothing tub and took a moment to collect myself. My vision was unclear as the chemical infused water stung my eyes. I did notice a sudden pleasant weight in my lap and my vision soon cleared to let me see Olivia comfortably straddling my lap.

Then I looked into her eyes and saw it wasn't Olivia at all.

Abyssal slits at the centre of blood-red pools looked upon me as the facial structure around them shifted into something else entirely. The skin tone shifted to a pure snowy white, her jaw-line narrowed, and her lips matched the colour of rubies. Black horns sprouted from her upper brow and curved back over her head and I found myself looking upon the unforgettable form of Channa.

Channa. Unchained. Free of the dark realms and sitting in my damn lap wearing Olivia's dress. I was a dead man.

She expected my sudden attempt to stand and scramble out of the tub, quickly putting a stop to it by setting her hands on my shoulders and shoving me back down into place. Then her lips were quickly upon mine again and I felt her power beginning to affect me. She'd been subtly making me more and more aroused ever since she emerged from the tub but right then she dialled it up to a hundred. I felt my hands lock upon her sweet bubble butt and I was returning the kiss before I knew it. My fingers moved to peel her dress upwards as our tongues duelled. Soft round breasts cushioned themselves against my chest and a low growl of unrestrained lust escaped my throat for her lips to quickly devour.
