To Ease The Need Ch. 02

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Vampire meets her true love.
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Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 04/22/2002
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A slow smile spreads across my face as I feel your presence. I know that you're just outside the front gate to my home. It seems like only yesterday when I first felt your life enter this world. Now to finally have you here fills me with a pleasure like I have not known in centuries.

From the first breath you've drawn I've watched over you. With help of my trusted slaves protecting you at any cost when I may not be near. Many a night I have come to you through dreams. At times of stress I've always been with you, letting you feel my presence just enough to give you comfort. And now to finally have you here, to have the baby that I've watched grow up into a handsome, strong and confident young man, the man who I have come to love with all my heart.

Since the day that I was brought over into this darkness that I've become I was told that I would never love again. That love would never fill what once use to be my heart. Though I know God has turned his back to me I have only him to thank for bringing you into my life.

Lost deep in my thoughts as I stand in front of the fireplace in my study, my servant enters the room.

"My lady, you have a guest. Says you are expecting him."

Turning slowly I look at her. "Please show him in."

My excitement growing. I feel the slight pinch of my incisors as they try to extend. Whispering to myself. "Stay calm. You'll only scare him away if you don't." Closing my eyes for just a moment, trying to bank the red glow that is filling them.

Then suddenly like the lick of a flame, my skin tingles with heat as he steps into the room. My eyes snapping open. The heat flaring for just a moment in them as I take in the site of him.

"Hello Michael, welcome to my home."

As I make my way over to him I feel his eyes looking up and down taking in the sight of me. I almost feel the touch of his gaze as it moves over my face and along my throat. Feeling my nipples harden as his eyes move over the almost blood red blouse that covers my breasts. Watching as he looks lower, heat filling my gut when I see his eyes flare as they settle on the black leather skirt that stops at mid thigh. I tremble, watching his tongue lick at his lips as his gaze takes in the length of my legs.

Slowly I extend my hand toward him, hoping that he can't see my fingers tremble. I watch as he reaches out taking my hand into his. Seeing his lids begin to lower over his eyes as he bends down, bringing my hand to his mouth. I gasp softly as I feel the caress of his lips against my skin.

Michael slowly raises his head to look up at me. "Thank you my lady for having me in your home." Finally rising to his full height still holding my hand in his. "I must say you have a beautiful home. But it's nowhere near as beautiful as you are."

I hold his gaze for a moment, letting him see just a glimpse of what I feel for him. "Thank you very much Michael, I can see that you have good taste." I smile at him and laugh softly, gently pulling my hand from his.

Seeing that my servant is still at the door. "Would you care for something to drink maybe to eat? I know it was kind of a long trip here."

"No thank you. I'm fine with just your company to keep me satisfied."

My smile growing bigger as I look up into his wonderful blue eyes, I turn to look over at my servant. Sending a message with my eyes that he may go.

"Won't you have a seat please?" I ask.

As I move over toward a couple of chairs near the fireplace I watch as he moves across the room. Moving with such ease for a man of his size. As he takes his seat I can't help but stare for just a moment at him. Taking in the fit of his dark suit, cut to show what a powerful build he has. His dark hair tossed slightly from the wind of the night making a lock fall across his forehead. Every muscle inside me wanting to reach over and comb it back into place with my fingers.

"So Michael did they tell you the reason for your visit with me this week?" As I cross my legs I sense a shot of desire shoot through him as he watches.

"No my lady they didn't. All I was told is that you requested me to come here and that I was to plan on staying at least a week if not more."

I send out a message to my servant to put on some soft music in the room for us. Smiling as the music begins to fill the room.

"Well Michael the reason I asked you here is that I'm thinking of selling some of my beloved treasures. I'm working on a project right now and depending on how it works out I may be leaving this country. Even though everything that I love with all my being is here."

"Must be very important project to make you move away from the things you love. May I ask what kind of project it is?"

My eyes fill with a deep longing and sadness. "It's of a very personal and very dear nature to me. Something that I can't discuss with you, I hope you understand."

"Of course my lady. I'm sorry if it seemed I was prying."

I give you a weak smile. "It is forgiven."

"Now I won't be able to work with you during the day. I'm usually out from dawn till dusk, but my servants all know what I'm looking to sell and what I'm keeping. I'm also sorry to say that business will keep me from having dinner with you most nights as well. But If you're willing and able to stay up late into the night I can answer any questions you might have for me."

"Oh that is not a problem for me my lady." His smile crosses his face, feeling his eyes. "I'm kind of a night owl myself. Have been for as long as I can remember."

I try to keep the knowing out of my smile as the reasons fill my head for your late night habits. "Well then we should get along just fine then."

I come to my feet watching you rise from your chair as I do. "Are you up for a tour then Michael, or has the journey here tired you?"

"I'm not the least bit tired my lady, so please lead on." He said as he took my hand and placed it inside the crook of his arm.

So I showed him around my home. Leading Michael from room to room. Feeling some of the joy that came from inside him as he looked at the many treasures I have collected over the centuries.

I stop in front of a closed door and turn to look up at him. "Now this door stays locked at all times. It only leads down to the cellar and there is nothing of any importance there. You must never go down in this part of the cellar Michael. If you think of some reason you might need to then please go to one of my servants and they will help you with whatever it is. Can I trust you on this Michael? I don't want any harm to come to you during your stay."

"Of course you have my promise that I will not venture into the cellar. I can tell from what I've seen that any treasures are sure to be out and about in your home for people to see and enjoy." He places his other hand atop mine at his elbow. I can see the warmth in his eyes and the comfort that he is trying to give me to trust him.

"Thank you Michael. I'm sorry to sound so dark and dire about this. I know we've only known each other a couple of hours now but something deep inside me tells me we are going to be close friends, if not more." I say the last few words almost in a whisper as I stare into his eyes.

As his eyes fill with longing I watch as he slowly bends his head toward mine. Whispering softly he says. "I believe we will me a whole lot more then friends my lady."

A deep sigh comes from inside me as his warm lips touch upon mine. The soft feel of them almost to much pleasure for me to withstand after so many years of going to him, kissing him like this in his dreams.

I feel his arms circle around me pulling me close to his hard body. My hands move up along his arms and up to his shoulders. Sliding my fingers into the hair at the nape of his neck. Moaning as his tongue licks at my lips. My mouth opening up for the hot stroke of his tongue, feeling him stepping forward, pushing me back against the wall.

With a deep groan from him I feel him pressing his crotch into my lower body. His hands moving down to the edge of my skirt pulling it up my thighs. Slowly, so slowly the material drags upward against my skin. My insides going hot and tight when at last he presses the ridge of his swollen cock against my naked pussy. Hearing him almost growl as he feels the wet heat of me against the front of his trousers.

My hands fisting in his hair, pulling his mouth harder and tighter to mine. Pushing my tongue deep into his mouth as my desire starts to climb. Feeling the sexual desire starting to spark another hunger, my hunger for blood. The two desires run so close together. One always feeds from the other. Both always need to be filled at the same time.

His hands begin to push at his suit jacket letting it drop to the floor. My hands moving down grabbing at his shirt and pulling it apart sending buttons flying in all directions as I rip it open. Hearing him groan against my mouth. "Yesssss." As he tears the shirt down his arms my hands move over his chest. Feeling the light coating of hair over the hard muscles. My fingertips finding his nipples and teasing them, making them hard pebbles with my touch. "Ummmm." I moan into his mouth as his hands come to my breasts. He begins to cup them with his hands. Squeezing them and rubbing his thumbs over the hard tips. Lost in the hungry need of lust, I lose myself and send his mind a hot flash. "Tear off my blouse." My voice echoes in his mind as his hands come to the top of my blouse ripping it open from top to bottom.

With a touch of his hard chest against my breasts I cry out into his mouth. "Ahhhhh." He presses me hard into the wall. Sliding his body against mine as he rubs his warm chest against my nipples, the hair scrapping against them making them ache.

His hands move down the outside of my thighs. Lifting, making my legs come up around his waist, making my pussy open wider as he grinds his bulging cock into me. Tearing my mouth from his. "Inside me, need you inside me now." I growl out.

Feeling him lean his body back away from me I slide my hands down between us. His hands holding me up by my thighs as I all but rip the button off his pants. Pulling the zipper down which seems to echo inside my head from my heighten senses. Giving a shove with my hands they slide down around his ankles. I feel the waistband of his boxers. I grip them tight tearing the elastic and cotton. Smiling against his mouth as his cock springs up into my hands. "Finally." I moan against his mouth as my hands stroke his cock, feeling the head slick with pre cum.

He steps closer to me making the head of his cock rub up against my slit. I work the thick head between the wet lips of my pussy. I can hear the slick sound of his cockhead sliding between the juicy lips. Finally I place the head at the tight opening of me. I already feel the tight hole trying to suck at the tip of his cock. I pull my legs tighter around him and make him come closer. The tight hole stretching as the head moves in a little more.

Pulling my head back against the wall I stare at his eyes. Seeing the shock begin to fill them as he sees the red glow coming from my eyes and my incisors fully extended. I crawl into his mind feeling the hint of fear and unknowing, mixing with the heat and lust of need. I make him close his eyes so that when he opens them again the picture he sees is normal to him. I feel the fear leave him as I push his lust higher in his mind.

"Fuck me." I moan as I pull my legs tighter still. My mind still linked with his I feel the pleasure coursing through his body. Hear him moaning in his mind at how tight my pussy is around the head of his cock as he pushes it in. I give him a taste of what my body is feeling, but only a taste. The pleasure is so much more intense for a vampire then it is a human. I let him feel how tight my pussy is stretch. Let him feel how much pleasure I get when my muscles clench the head of his cock. I hear him moan out loud. "Oh fuck yesss."

I slide my hands up his chest. Moving one hand to the back of his head and sliding my fingers into his hair. I tilt his head to the side as my eyes find the pulse pounding under his skin. Licking my lips as my hearing latches onto the sound of his blood pumping through his jugular. Feeling my hunger rise up even higher swearing I can almost taste the life force running through his veins.

"Nowwwww." I cry out as my legs pull him all the way toward me making his cock fill my cunt deep and hard. The walls of my pussy stretching as his cock fills me beyond anything I've ever felt. "Yesssss Michael." I groan as my ankles lock behind him. "Fuck me. Fuck me." I chant a few times letting my voice keep echoing the words in his head. Feeling his hips begin to pump as he works his cock in and out of me. The head plowing through my cunt deep and hard as he begins to pound into my hungry hole.

With my muscles sucking at his cock, feeling like my insides are being pulled from me as he withdrawals only to stuff me full of thick meat again and again. I pull his head close to me. Placing my mouth over his and driving my tongue deep inside. Matching my tongue's strokes to the pump of his cock into my pussy. Then I lick my way along his jaw knowing where my mouth is heading. I taste the sweat on his skin as my lips skim over his throat, stopping when my mouth finds the pounding of his blood. I groan hard and my cunt squeezes tight as his pulse throbs under my lips. I lick at the sweetest spot that a vampire could ever want. My mouth latching on and sucking the skin into my mouth. Not yet biting him. Not wanting to bite him for fear I may not be able to stop once the sweet warmth of his blood fills my mouth.

Unable to pull my mouth away I try to keep sucking only at his skin. The action makes my hunger grow higher and hotter. "Faster." I cry out in his mind feeling his cock starting to swell even bigger inside me. All the sounds start to mix together in my head. The sound of my mouth sucking at his throat, the sound of his cock pumping me harder as my tight cunt sucks around him. His moans filling my ears and my head as I feel everything he feels. "Grrrrrrr." I growl out as my cunt clamps down hard and tight. His cock keeps hammering in and out of me making me even tighter as he forces his cock between the clenching muscles of my pussy. My hand grips his head tight and I lose control of my ability to keep him from seeing what I really am. Feeling the fear spike inside him feeds my hunger. Losing control I bite down feeling my incisors pop into his jugular. As soon as I suck and his blood filled my mouth my orgasm tears through me. "Gggrrrrrr." I growl deep and hard as the life in his blood shoots through me. My mind not blocking my pleasure shoots into his head, making him drive his cock like a piston inside me. Then I feel it in my head, as his orgasm slams hard through him. Hearing him groan as the first jet of cum shoots from his cock. The groan turning to a growl as he keeps pumping, pushing his cum deep inside me, filling me full.

Something inside me, deep inside me tells me to let go that I need to stop taking his blood. With everything inside me I loosen my jaw, trying not to tear his vein as my teeth withdraw. Licking with my tongue again and again coating the holes my incisors made with my saliva. I feel his body tremble then his legs buckle, dropping us down to the floor. My hearing latching onto his heartbeat hearing it still beating hard from the almost violent orgasm he had. My hand sliding through his hair, coming to the front and combing that lock of hair back from his forehead. Feeling him shiver against me and hearing him say. "Oh my god. Oh my god."

I smile as I sense that he is going to be ok and that I didn't take more then he could give. I slowly start to ease from his mind, my voice softly whispering to him. "Sleep Michael, sleep." Over and over till I feel his breathing slow and feel his body relax.

Then I shift his body from mine and very gently pick him up. Walking quietly up the stairs and entering the room that I had fixed just for him I lay him on the bed. Knowing that I will have to leave him shortly I lay beside him for only a few minutes. Laying his head upon my breast and lightly combing my fingers through his hair.

I rise up from the bed and gentle pull the covers over him. Looking down I softly whisper. "This is only the beginning Michael. You have so much to learn about me. And I Michael, I have to be able to give you my trust. That won't be easy for me. Cause giving that trust to you is really giving you my life. I love you with everything inside me my beloved. But when you learn the truth about me will you return that my love Michael?"

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago

Impressively moving - I can't think of a better way to put it.

Beautiful personalities you've animated - I look forward to seeing what grows, if more chapters are posted someday.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
An Improvement

Salutations, the "undiscovered gem", sapphire, is back again. Yes I have big enough of an ego to say that =) This is definately better than the rape story. I'm sorry to say that, but Come On! She pratically put the lust and deire in his head through his mind. There wasn't much description about his natural arousal. What? Does he have a low livedo? Ain't that a boring bitch! A noble vampire gives the victim a choice of wanting to do the deed. If she was in such a hurry to calm her bloodlust why didn't she just have her servant provide her fluids? Why make a corpse out of that poor man? She isn't very organized in her killings, just random. Makes her skill seem amateur. If she also wanted to make a dead man that day she should have chose someone vulgar, and not have sex... She CAN DO IT LATER WITH HER OWN LOVER! Your bitch, yes I'll degrade her, I hate her with all of my bloody heart! She has a lover. But she only spent one day associated with him while he was mortal!!!! They have many lifetimes in darkness to live out! She should have given him time and not be so rash about her desicion! This was an emotional piece of crap! The Sex was yuuuummmmyyy... mmmmmmm.... But this didn't pull my heart strings. In the first installment you degraded her ruthless killer inscint with the anticipation of her new lover. You gave us him, but he should have been a suprise not known about in order to ensure that the change in her character would have been more apparent. Forming a better contrast from a killing whore drone from the first one to a tender, passionate Queen of Love in the sequel. And no God has not forsaken her, the world will end some day so even vampires don't have enternity. That's just a poetic phrase. And when the vampires die they get their souls back... I hope... Even so, coulda been their choice to embrace darkness, their own fault, or forced upon them like Michael's was. Either way if they were good in a former life God will welcome them back. God doesn't just dissapear completely. If you took the time to read my two rants all the better for you. I really feel like being a bitch right now, since I usually write sweet comments for stories, but unless that Spawn of Satan gets her act together, I will fume about that disgrace and waste of dead vampire flesh! She's not noble, or that intelligant, just a normal boring vampire with a twist, she's a complete bitch! Convince me she is or that she's not. Either way, I NEED MORE DRAMA! More tragic romance into your stories. You may see my other comments, in each one I mention I'm a virgin, try to match my comments if your bored. It pays to be anonymous. Here I give to you my deepest apologies on insulting your character, and grieve for her lack of sparkle. She holds poitential for growth as you have shown me in this piece. I do however love Micheal already cuz of her appreaction, he must be quite the catch, except for the fact he cut right to the chase, typical male. Then again it is a short story so it makes sense. Keep up this saga, I'm overeager to see what becomes of it. Apologies for the lengthly rambling critic. If only I could be a lady of the night. *sigh* A girl can only dream... But I would be a NOBLE vampire. But elves are cool too. Okay I must go indulge in my fanatical fantasies. *whoosh* I just flew out my window, so Adios Amigos, the bitch inspired me to do some hunting ;)

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